a small game i wrote as a gift for my girlfriend. written in pure javascript.

Updated 5 years ago

An "add-a-gram" is a sequence of words formed by starting with a 3-letter word, adding a letter and rearranging to form a 4-letter word, and so on. (http://www.nsl.com/papers/addagram.htm)

Updated 4 years ago

ansible role to install backports apt source

Updated 4 years ago

ansible role to install the cacert ca

Updated 7 months ago

ansible role to enable dnf-automatic on fedora systems

Updated 4 years ago

ansible role to install etckeeper on debian/fedora/centos

Updated 9 months ago

ansible role to install and enable a fstrim timer

Updated 5 years ago

ansible role to enable jessie backports

Updated 5 years ago

ansible role to install terminfo for kitty (TERM=xterm-kitty)

Updated 7 months ago

ansible role that sets up a systemd timer to periodically touch a file

Updated 5 years ago

git repo der anonymen arduinisten

Updated 5 years ago

some exercises in c

Updated 5 years ago

nagios plugin: check that the directories given are empty

Updated 3 years ago

nagios plugin for checking size of directories and files – by wob (at) swobspace (dot) net

Updated 5 years ago

nagios plugin to check that we’re running the latest installed kernel

Updated 9 months ago

nagios plugin to check lvm thin pools for data and metadata usage

Updated 5 years ago

nagios plugin to check the system state according to systemd

Updated 3 years ago

nagios plugin to monitor status of zfs pool – by several authors

Updated 5 years ago