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# Debug window for GDBtk.
# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::constructor
# SYNOPSIS: constructor::args
# DESC: Creates the debug window
# ARGS: None are used yet.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::constructor {args} {
debug $args
window_name "Insight Debug" "Debug"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::destructor
# SYNOPSIS: Not called by hand
# DESC: Destroys the debug window
# ARGS: None
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::destructor {} {
# notify debug code that window is going away
::debug::debugwin ""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::reconfig
# SYNOPSIS: Reconfigure callback
# DESC: Fixes up window colors
# ARGS: None
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::reconfig {} {
# This keeps the Debug window using its unique black background.
# Otherwise, a reconfigure event will color it to match the other windows
$itk_interior.s configure -textbackground black
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::build_win
# SYNOPSIS: build_win
# DESC: Creates the Debug Window. Reads the contents of the debug log
# file, if it exists. Notifies the debug functions in ::debug
# to send output here.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::build_win {} {
global gdb_ImageDir GDBTK_LIBRARY
set top [winfo toplevel $itk_interior]
# initialize the gdbtk_de array
if {![info exists ::gdbtk_de]} {
set ::gdbtk_de(ALL) 1
set ::gdbtk_de(ERRORS_ONLY) 0
set ::gdbtk_de(others) 0
set ::gdbtk_de(filter_var) ALL
# create menubar
set menu [menu $itk_interior.m -tearoff 0]
$menu add cascade -menu $menu.file -label "File" -underline 0
set m [menu $menu.file]
$m add command -label "Clear" -underline 1 \
-command [code $this _clear]
$m add command -label "Mark Old" -underline 1 \
-command [code $this _mark_old]
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Save" -underline 0 \
-command [code $this _save_contents]
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Close" -underline 0 \
-command "::debug::debugwin {};delete object $this"
$menu add cascade -menu $menu.trace -label "Trace"
set m [menu $menu.trace]
$m add radiobutton -label Start -variable ::debug::tracing -value 1
$m add radiobutton -label Stop -variable ::debug::tracing -value 0
$menu add cascade -menu $ -label "ReSource"
set m [menu $]
foreach f [lsort [glob [file join $GDBTK_LIBRARY *.itb]]] {
$m add command -label "Source [file tail $f]"\
-command [list source $f]
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Source ALL" -command [code $this _source_all]
$menu add cascade -menu $menu.opt -label "Options"
set m [menu $menu.opt]
$m add command -label "Display" -underline 0 \
-command [list ManagedWin::open DebugWinDOpts -over $this]
if {!$::debug::initialized} {
$menu entryconfigure 1 -state disabled
$menu add cascade -label " Tracing Not Initialized" -foreground red \
-activeforeground red
$menu add cascade -menu $ -label "Help" -underline 0
set m [menu $]
$m add command -label "Debugging Functions" -underline 0 \
-command {open_help debug.html}
$top configure -menu $menu
iwidgets::scrolledtext $itk_interior.s -hscrollmode static \
-vscrollmode static -wrap none -textbackground black -foreground white
set _t [$itk_interior.s component text]
pack $itk_interior.s -expand 1 -fill both
# define tags
foreach color $_colors {
$_t tag configure [lindex $color 0] -foreground [lindex $color 1]
$_t tag configure trace -foreground gray
$_t tag configure args -foreground blue
$_t tag configure marked -background grey20
# now notify the debug functions to use this window
::debug::debugwin $this
# override the window delete procedure so the messages are
# turned off first.
wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "::debug::debugwin {};destroy $top"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::puts
# SYNOPSIS: puts {level cls func msg}
# DESC: Writes debugging information into the DebugWin. A filter
# will be applied to determine if the message should be
# displayed or not.
# ARGS: level - priority level. See debug::dbug for details.
# cls - class name of caller, for example "SrcWin"
# func - function name of caller
# msg - message to display
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::puts {level cls func msg} {
# filter. check if we should display this message
# for now we always let high-level messages through
if {$level == "I"} {
# errors and warnings only
if {$::gdbtk_de(ERRORS_ONLY)} { return }
# ALL classes except those set
if {$::gdbtk_de(ALL)} {
if {[info exists ::gdbtk_de($cls)]} {
if {$::gdbtk_de($cls)} {
} elseif {$::gdbtk_de(others)} {
# ONLY the classes set
if {!$::gdbtk_de(ALL)} {
if {[info exists ::gdbtk_de($cls)]} {
if {!$::gdbtk_de($cls)} {
} elseif {!$::gdbtk_de(others)} {
if {$func != ""} {
append cls ::$func
$_t insert end "($cls) " {} "$msg\n" $level
$_t see insert
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::put_trace
# SYNOPSIS: put_trace {enter level func ar}
# DESC: Writes trace information into the DebugWin. A filter
# will be applied to determine if the message should be
# displayed or not.
# ARGS: enter - 1 if this is a function entry, 0 otherwise.
# level - stack level
# func - function name
# ar - function arguments
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::put_trace {enter level func ar} {
set x [expr {$level * 2 - 2}]
if {$enter} {
$_t insert end "[string range $_bigstr 0 $x]$func " trace "$ar\n" args
} else {
$_t insert end "[string range $_bigstr 0 $x]<- $func " trace "$ar\n" args
$_t see insert
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::loadlog
# SYNOPSIS: loadlog
# DESC: Reads the contents of the debug log file, if it exists, into
# the DebugWin.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::loadlog {} {
$_t delete 0.0 end
# Now load in log file, if possible.
# this is rather rude, using the logfile variable in the debug namespace
if {$::debug::logfile != "" && $::debug::logfile != "stdout"} {
flush $::debug::logfile
seek $::debug::logfile 0 start
while {[gets $::debug::logfile line] >= 0} {
while {[catch {set f [lindex $line 0]} f]} {
# If the lindex failed its because the remainder of the
# list is on the next line. Get it.
if {[gets $::debug::logfile line2] < 0} {
append line \n $line2
if {$f == "T"} {
put_trace [lindex $line 1] [lindex $line 2] [lindex $line 3] \
[lindex $line 4]
} else {
puts $f [lindex $line 1] [lindex $line 2] [lindex $line 3]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::_source_all
# SYNOPSIS: _source_all
# DESC: Re-sources all the .itb files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::_source_all {} {
foreach f [glob [file join $::GDBTK_LIBRARY *.itb]] {
source $f
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::_clear
# SYNOPSIS: _clear
# DESC: Clears out the content of the debug window.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::_clear {} {
$_t delete 1.0 end
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::_mark_old
# SYNOPSIS: _mark_old
# DESC: Changes the background of the current contents of the window.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::_mark_old {} {
$_t tag add marked 1.0 "end - 1c"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWin::_save_contents
# SYNOPSIS: _save_contents
# DESC: Changes the background of the current contents of the window.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWin::_save_contents {} {
set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Choose debug window dump file" \
-parent [winfo toplevel $itk_interior]]
if {$file == ""} {
if {[catch {::open $file w} fileH]} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message \
"Can't open file: \"$file\". \n\nThe error was:\n\n\"$fileH\""
::puts $fileH [$_t get 1.0 end]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWinDOpts::constructor
# SYNOPSIS: constructor
# DESC: Creates the Debug Window Options Dialog.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWinDOpts::constructor {args} {
window_name "Debug Window Options"
eval itk_initialize $args
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWinDOpts::destructor
# SYNOPSIS: Not called by hand
# DESC: Destroys the Debug Window Options Dialog.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWinDOpts::destructor {} {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWinDOpts::build_win
# SYNOPSIS: build_win
# DESC: Creates the Debug Window Options Dialog. This dialog allows the
# user to select which information is displayed in the debug
# window and (eventually) how it looks.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWinDOpts::build_win {} {
wm title [winfo toplevel $itk_interior] "Debug Display Options"
# initialize here so we can resource this file and update the list
set _classes {DebugWin RegWin SrcBar SrcWin ToolBar WatchWin EmbeddedWin \
ManagedWin GDBWin StackWin SrcTextWin global \
BpWin TargetSelection ModalDialog ProcessWin \
GDBEventHandler MemWin VarTree}
set _classes [concat [lsort $_classes] others]
set f [frame $itk_interior.f]
set btns [frame $itk_interior.buttons]
iwidgets::Labeledframe $f.display -labelpos nw -labeltext {Classes}
set fr [$f.display childsite]
radiobutton $fr.0 -text "Messages from ALL classes EXCEPT those selected below" \
-variable ::gdbtk_de(filter_var) -value ALL -command [code $this _all]
radiobutton $fr.1 -text "Messages from ONLY those classes selected below" \
-variable ::gdbtk_de(filter_var) -value ONLY -command [code $this _all]
radiobutton $fr.2 -text "Only WARNINGS and ERRORS" \
-variable ::gdbtk_de(filter_var) -value ERRORS -command [code $this _all]
grid $fr.0 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $fr.1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $fr.2 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
iwidgets::Labeledframe $f.classes
set fr [$f.classes childsite]
set i 0
foreach cls $_classes {
if {![info exists ::gdbtk_de($cls)]} {
set ::gdbtk_de($cls) 0
checkbutton $fr.$i -text $cls -variable ::gdbtk_de($cls)
incr i
set k [expr 3*(int($i/3))]
set more [expr $i - $k]
set j 0
while {$j < $k} {
grid $fr.$j $fr.[expr $j+1] $fr.[expr $j+2] -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
incr j 3
switch $more {
1 { grid $fr.$j x x -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5}
2 { grid $fr.$j $fr.[expr $j+1] x -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5}
pack $f.display -side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack $f.classes -side top -expand 1 -fill both
button $btns.ok -text [gettext OK] -width 7 -command [code $this _apply 1] \
-default active
button $btns.apply -text "Apply to All" -width 7 \
-command [code $this _apply 0]
if {$::debug::logfile == "" || $::debug::logfile == "stdout"} {
$btns.apply configure -state disabled
button $ -text [gettext Help] -width 10 -command [code $this help] \
-state disabled
standard_button_box $btns
bind $btns.ok <Return> "$btns.ok flash; $btns.ok invoke"
bind $btns.apply <Return> "$btns.apply flash; $btns.apply invoke"
bind $ <Return> "$ flash; $ invoke"
pack $btns $f -side bottom -expand 1 -fill both -anchor e
focus $btns.ok
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWinDOpts::_all
# SYNOPSIS: _all
# DESC: Callback for selecting ALL classes. If the user selects ALL,
# deselect all the individual class checkbuttons.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWinDOpts::_all {} {
switch $::gdbtk_de(filter_var) {
set ::gdbtk_de(ALL) 1
set ::gdbtk_de(ERRORS_ONLY) 0
#enable class buttons
set num 0
foreach class $_classes {
[$itk_interior.f.classes childsite].$num configure -state normal
incr num
set ::gdbtk_de(ALL) 0
set ::gdbtk_de(ERRORS_ONLY) 0
#enable class buttons
set num 0
foreach class $_classes {
[$itk_interior.f.classes childsite].$num configure -state normal
incr num
set ::gdbtk_de(ALL) 0
set ::gdbtk_de(ERRORS_ONLY) 1
# disable class buttons
set num 0
foreach class $_classes {
[$itk_interior.f.classes childsite].$num configure -state disabled
incr num
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: DebugWinDOpts::_apply
# SYNOPSIS: _apply
# DESC: Callback for the "Apply" button. Loads the contents of the
# log file through the new filter into the debug window. The
# button is disabled if there is no log file.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body DebugWinDOpts::_apply { done } {
set dw [ManagedWin::find DebugWin]
debug $dw
if {$dw != ""} {
$dw loadlog
if {$done} {
delete object $this