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588 lines
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15 years ago
#usage "<qt><nobr>This ULP calculates and place a coil with and with out ferrit kernel.<p>"
"Depending from where you are starting the ULP, places pads (library) or vias (board).<p>"
"The calculation of coils or inductivities depends on a lot of "
"different factors, like<br>"
" -- basic material of the board<br>"
" -- thickness of the board<br>"
" -- number of layers<br>"
" -- thickness of the layers<br>"
" -- distances between elements<br>"
" -- tracks<br>"
" -- copper areas / ground plains<br>"
" -- thickness of the copper layers<br>"
" -- track width<br>"
" -- distances between tracks<br>"
" -- surface of tracks (tin?)<br>"
" -- the signal's frequency<br>"
" -- ...<br>"
"All these factors should be taken into consideration for the formula !<br>"
"used below to calculate an exact value for a coil. Nevertheless it !<br>"
"is necessary to check the result by a practical measurement. It is !<br>"
"very difficult to generate coils with exact values this way.<br>"
"Generally one can say that printed coils can be used in the MHz range only.<br>"
"<author>Author:, </author></nobr></qt>";
// **************----- german description -------------***************
string deHelp =
"<qt><nobr>Dieses ULP berechnet eine Spiralspule mit oder ohne Ferritkern.<p>" +
"Dieses ULP kann in der Libary ebenso wie im Board benutzt werden.<br>" +
"Je nachdem ob Sie es von einer Library oder von einem Borad aus "
"starten, werden Pads bzw. Vias plaziert.<br>" +
"<br>" +
"Die Berechnung der Windungen bzw. der Induktivität hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, wie z.B.:<br>" +
" - Basismaterial<br>" +
" - Stärke der Leiterplatte<br>" +
" - Anzahl der Lagen<br>" +
" - Dicke der Lagen<br>" +
" - Abstand zu benachbarten Bauteilen, Leitungen, Kupferflächen, Masseflächen etc.<br>" +
" - Dicke der Kupferbeschichtung<br>" +
" - Breite der Leiterbahn (unterätzen)<br>" +
" - Abstand zwischen den Leiterbahnen (Spiralkreise / Ätzgenauigkeit)<br>" +
" - Oberfläche der Leiterbahn (Verzinnt)<br>" +
" - Signal-Frequenz<br>" +
" - ...<br>" +
"Um daraus einen einigermassen genauen Wert zu berechnen, müßten alle oben genannten Faktoren<br>" +
"als Korrekturwerte in die Formel einfliessen.<br>" +
"Was aber in jedem Fall durch entspechende Messungen nachgeprüft werden müßte.<br>" +
"In der Praxis sind Printspulen mit genau definierten Werten und in engen Toleranzen " +
"nur sehr schwer herzustellen.<br>" +
"Im Allgemeinen kann man davon ausgehen, dass Printspulen nur im MHz Bereich " +
"einigermassen Nutzbar sind.<br>" +
"<author>Author:, </author></nobr></qt>";
string Help = usage;
if (language() == "de") Help = deHelp;
// 05.06.2002
// 24.01.2005
// *** all Parameter generated in MM ***
// parameter section
real n = 9.0; // turns
real wireWidth_mm = 0.2; // track width
real wireDistance_mm = 0.3; // min. distance between tracks
real distance_e = 0.3; // distance first wound to Ferrit
real PVdiameter = 0.5; // pad/via diameter
real PVdrill = 0.4; // drill diameter
real ferrit_length_L = 5.5;
real ferrit_length_K = 2.0;
real ferrit_length_K1 = 2.0;
real distance_h = 5.3;
real offx = 0.0;
real offy = 0.0;
int Layer = 1;
string Shape = "ROUND"; // Pad/Via shape do not change !!!
string solderpoint = "";
string dimlayer = ";\nChange Layer 20;\n";
int undo_off_on = 1;
string file;
real ferrit_old_L = ferrit_length_L;
real ferrit_old_K = ferrit_length_K;
real ferrit_old_K1 = ferrit_length_K1; // with of outher ferrit kernel
int arcresolution = 10; // Arc resolution
real turn_degree = 90;
int degree_resol = turn_degree / arcresolution; // *** Degree<65> resolution
string Spiral_H = "<img src=\"print-inductor-ulp.bmp\">";
string cmd = "";
string s;
int cflag = 0;
int fullturn = 0; // Flag
// ********* functions *******************************
void show(string s) {
dlgDialog("Show CMD") {
dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(0); }
// *** calculate arc coordinate ***
string xyArc(real angle, real radiusx, real radiusy, real offsetx, real offsety) {
string tmp;
real rad = PI / 180 * angle;
sprintf(tmp, "(%.4f %.4f)\n",
cos(rad) * radiusx + offsetx,
sin(rad) * radiusy + offsety );
return tmp;
// *** interpolate arc coodinates from startarc to endarc ***
string spiral(real sRadius, real eRadius, real startArc, real endArc, real aresolution, real ox, real oy ) {
string e = "";
if (startArc > endArc) { dlgMessageBox("Start ARC > End ARC", "OK"); return ""; }
real stepangle = aresolution; // (endArc - startArc) / aresolution;
real ellips = 0;
if (aresolution) ellips = (eRadius - sRadius) / ((endArc - startArc) / aresolution);
int step = 0;
for (real angle = startArc; angle <= endArc; angle += stepangle) {
e += xyArc(angle, sRadius + ellips * step, sRadius + ellips * step, ox, oy);
if (angle != endArc) {
e += xyArc(endArc, sRadius + ellips * step, sRadius + ellips * step, ox, oy);
return e + "\n";
// place a Pad (Via) on startpoint
string PadViaS(string command, real x1, real y1, real angle, real g, real ox, real oy) {
real p = x1 + (wireWidth_mm / 2) - (PVdiameter / 2); //
sprintf( s, "%s %s", command, xyArc(angle, p, 0.0, ox, oy) );
return s;
// place a Pad (Via) on endpoint
string PadViaE(string command, real x1, real y1, real angle, real g, real ox, real oy) {
real pRadius = y1 + ((x1 - y1) / 180 * g) + (PVdiameter / 2) - (wireWidth_mm / 2) ;
sprintf( s, "%s %s", solderpoint, xyArc(angle, pRadius, pRadius, ox, oy) );
return s;
void doit(void) {
real Ndist = (wireDistance_mm + wireWidth_mm ) ; // distance ARC to ARC
int fullwind = trunc(n); // count of full turns
real lastwind = n - fullwind; // reminder Turn
real startarc = 0;
real endarc = 360;
real startRadius = distance_e + Ndist;
real endRadius = startRadius + Ndist;
real sArc;
real eArc;
// script header
if (!undo_off_on) cmd += "SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n";
sprintf( s, "GRID mm;\n");
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "Change dia %.4f;\n", PVdiameter);
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "Change shape %s;\n", Shape);
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "Change drill %.4f;\n", PVdrill);
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "change width %.4f;\n", wireWidth_mm);
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "Change layer %d;\n", Layer);
cmd += s;
cmd += "SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n";
// **** Long coil with Ferrit kernel **********
if (PVdiameter < wireWidth_mm) PVdiameter = wireWidth_mm;
real startradius = distance_e + wireWidth_mm/2;
real radius = startradius;
real ky = ferrit_length_K/2;
real kx1 = ferrit_length_L/2 + (distance_e + PVdiameter - wireWidth_mm/2 - startradius);
real kx2 = -ferrit_length_L/2;
if (ferrit_length_L || ferrit_length_K) {
// *** place PAD/VIA ***************************
cmd += PadViaS( solderpoint, kx1 + radius, 0.0, kx1 + radius, ky, offx, offy);
cmd += PadViaS( ";WIRE ", kx1 + radius, 0.0, kx1 + radius, ky, offx, offy);
sprintf( s, " (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n",
kx1 + radius + offx, 0.0 + offy, kx1 + radius + offx, ky + offy); // rechts anfang
cmd += s;
for (int q = 1; q <= fullwind; q++) {
sprintf( s, ";WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", // right start
kx1 + radius + offx, 0.0 + offy, kx1 + radius + offx, ky + offy);
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, 0.0, 90.0, degree_resol, kx1 + offx, ky + offy );
sprintf( s, ";WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", // top
kx1 + offx, ky + radius + offy, kx2 + offx, ky + radius + offy);
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, 90.0, 180.0, degree_resol, kx2 + offx, ky + offy );
sprintf( s, ";WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", // left
kx2 - radius + offx, ky + offy, kx2 - radius + offx, -ky + offy);
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, 180.0, 270.0, degree_resol, kx2 + offx, -ky + offy );
sprintf( s, ";WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", // bottom
kx2 + offx, -ky - radius + offy, kx1 + Ndist + offx, -ky - radius + offy);
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, 270.0, 360.0, degree_resol, kx1 + Ndist + offx, -ky + offy );
sprintf( s, ";WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", // right end
kx1 + radius + Ndist + offx, -ky + offy, kx1 + radius + Ndist + offx, 0.0 + offy );
cmd += s;
radius += Ndist;
// ****************************************
// **** if last wound < 360 degree ********
eArc = 360 * lastwind;
real lastStartArc = 0;;
real lastEndArc = 90.0;
real lastPadViaX = kx1;
real lastPadViaY = ky;
if (eArc) {
// *** 0 - 90 degree ********************************************************
if (eArc < 90) {
lastEndArc = eArc;
sprintf( s, ";\nWIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n",
kx1 + radius + offx, 0.0 + offy, kx1 + radius + offx, ky + offy); // rechts anfang
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, lastStartArc, lastEndArc, degree_resol, kx1 + offx, ky + offy );
// *** 90 - 180 degree ********************************************************
if (eArc > 90 ) {
lastStartArc = 90;;
lastEndArc = 180;
lastPadViaX = kx2;
lastPadViaY = ky;
if (eArc < 180) {
lastEndArc = eArc;
sprintf( s, ";\nWIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n",
kx1 + offx, ky + radius + offy, kx2 + offx, ky + radius + offy); // oben
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, lastStartArc, lastEndArc, degree_resol, kx2 + offx, ky + offy );
// *** 180 - 270 degree ********************************************************
if (eArc > 180) {
lastStartArc = 180;;
lastEndArc = 270;
lastPadViaX = kx2;
lastPadViaY = -ky;
sprintf( s, ";\nWIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n",
kx2 - radius + offx, ky + offy, kx2 - radius + offx, -ky + offy); // links
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, lastStartArc, lastEndArc, degree_resol, kx2 + offx, -ky + offy );
sprintf( s, ";\nWIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n",
kx2 + offx, -ky - radius + offy, kx1 + Ndist + offx, -ky - radius + offy); // unten
// *** 270 - 359.9 degree ********************************************************
if (eArc > 270) {
lastStartArc = 270;
lastEndArc = eArc;
lastPadViaX = kx1 + Ndist;
lastPadViaY = -ky;
cmd += s;
cmd += ";\nWIRE " + spiral(radius, radius, lastStartArc, lastEndArc, degree_resol, kx1 + Ndist + offx, -ky + offy );
// *** set PAD/VIA to end of coil ***
cmd += xyArc(lastEndArc, radius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, radius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, lastPadViaX + offx, lastPadViaY + offy);
cmd += solderpoint + xyArc(lastEndArc, radius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, radius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, lastPadViaX + offx, lastPadViaY + offy);
// ***********************************************
// *** place PAD/VIA to end of full turn coil ****
else {
sprintf( s, "\n(%.4f %.4f)\n",
kx1 + radius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2 + offx, 0.0 + offy ); // rechts ende
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, ";\n%s (%.4f %.4f)\n", solderpoint,
kx1 + radius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2 + offx, 0.0 + offy ); // rechts ende
cmd += s;
// **** Ferrit kernel dimesion ****
cmd += dimlayer;
cmd += "SET WIRE_BEND 0;\n";
sprintf( s, "WIRE 0 (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n",
-ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, -ferrit_length_K/2 + offy,
ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, -ferrit_length_K/2 + offy,
ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, ferrit_length_K/2 + offy,
-ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, ferrit_length_K/2 + offy,
-ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, -ferrit_length_K/2 + offy );
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n",
-ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, -ferrit_length_K/2 - distance_h + offy,
ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, -ferrit_length_K/2 - distance_h + offy - ferrit_length_K1,
-ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, -ferrit_length_K/2 - distance_h + offy );
cmd += s;
sprintf( s, "WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n",
ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, ferrit_length_K/2 + distance_h + offy,
-ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, ferrit_length_K/2 + distance_h + offy + ferrit_length_K1,
ferrit_length_L/2 + offx, ferrit_length_K/2 + distance_h + offy );
cmd += s;
cmd += "WINDOW FIT;\n";
// **************************************
// **** Rounded coil without Ferrit ****
else {
cmd += PadViaS( solderpoint, distance_e + Ndist, Ndist, 0, 0, offx, offy);
if (wireWidth_mm < PVdiameter) {
cmd += PadViaS( ";WIRE ", distance_e + Ndist, Ndist, 0, 0, offx, offy);
else cmd += ";WIRE ";
// *** full turns ***
sArc = startarc;
eArc = endarc;
degree_resol = 90 / arcresolution ; // *** <20> angle-resolution
for (int x = 1; x <= fullwind; x++) {
cmd += spiral( startRadius, endRadius, sArc, eArc, degree_resol, offx, offy ) + ";WIRE ";
startRadius = endRadius;
endRadius = startRadius + Ndist;
// *** last turn < 360 degtee ***
eArc = 360 * lastwind;
if (eArc) {
endRadius = startRadius + Ndist * lastwind;
cmd += spiral( startRadius, endRadius, sArc, eArc, degree_resol, offx, offy );
if (!lastwind) endRadius -= Ndist;
cmd += ";WIRE " + xyArc(eArc, endRadius, endRadius, offx, offy);
cmd += xyArc(eArc, endRadius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, endRadius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, offx, offy);
cmd += solderpoint + xyArc(eArc, endRadius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, endRadius + PVdiameter / 2 - wireWidth_mm / 2, offx, offy);
sprintf( s, ";\nWIN (%.3f %.3f);\n", offx, offy);
cmd += s;
output(file, "wtD") printf("%s", cmd);
sprintf(cmd, "SCRIPT '%s';", file);
exit (cmd);
// *** calculate turns ***
real calcturn(int sw) {
real turn = (distance_h - 2*distance_e - wireWidth_mm) / (wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm) + 1;
real full = trunc(turn);
real partial = turn - full;
if(sw) {
if (partial > 0.0001) {
turn = full + 1;
return turn;
// **** calculatings ***********************
void calculates(int cf) {
switch (cf) {
case 0 : n = calcturn(fullturn);
case 1 : wireWidth_mm = (distance_h - 2 * distance_e - wireDistance_mm * (n-1)) / n;
case 2 : wireDistance_mm = (distance_h - 2 * distance_e - wireWidth_mm * n) / (n-1);
case 3 : distance_h = 2 * distance_e + wireWidth_mm + ((wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm) * (n-1));
real check_calculates(int cf) {
real cw;
switch (cf) {
case 0 : cw = calcturn(fullturn);
case 1 : cw = (distance_h - 2 * distance_e - wireDistance_mm * (n-1)) / n;
case 2 : cw = (distance_h - 2 * distance_e - wireWidth_mm * n) / (n-1);
case 3 : cw = 2 * distance_e + wireWidth_mm + ((wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm) * (n-1));
return cw;
void set_spiral(void) {
ferrit_old_L = ferrit_length_L;
ferrit_old_K = ferrit_length_K;
ferrit_old_K1 = ferrit_length_K1;
ferrit_length_K1 = ferrit_length_K = ferrit_length_L = 0;
Spiral_H = "<img src=\"print-spiral.bmp\">";
void set_inductor(void) {
ferrit_length_L = ferrit_old_L;
ferrit_length_K = ferrit_old_K;
ferrit_length_K1 = ferrit_old_K1;
Spiral_H = "<img src=\"print-inductor-ulp.bmp\">";
// *** main ***
if (board) {
board(B) file = filesetext(, ".scr");
solderpoint = ";\nVIA ";
else if (package) {
library(L) file = filesetext(, ".scr");
solderpoint = ";\nPAD ";
else {
dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in a Board- or Package-Editor!", "OK");
if (!ferrit_length_K && !ferrit_length_L) set_spiral();
// ************ DIALOG ********************************
dlgDialog(filename(argv[0])) {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgLabel("<nobr> All measures in <b>mm</b> </nobr>");
dlgLabel(Spiral_H, 1);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("with Fe&rrit") set_inductor();
dlgPushButton("only S&piral") set_spiral();
dlgGroup("UNDO Buffer") {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgRadioButton(" Off", undo_off_on); // UNDO Buffer off/on
dlgRadioButton(" On", undo_off_on); // UNDO Buffer off/on
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgGridLayout {
dlgCell(1, 2) dlgLabel("Arc resolution");
dlgCell(2, 1) dlgLabel("Steps at &90<39>"); // Step at 90 Degree
dlgCell(2, 2) dlgIntEdit(arcresolution, 1, 90);
dlgCell(3, 1) dlgSpacing(10);
dlgCell(4, 1) dlgLabel("Tur&ns"); // number of turns (Wound)
dlgCell(4, 2) dlgRealEdit(n, 1.0, 100.0);
dlgCell(5, 1) dlgLabel("Width '&w'"); // track width
dlgCell(5, 2) dlgRealEdit(wireWidth_mm, 0.01, 25.0);
dlgCell(6, 1) dlgLabel("Distance '&d'"); // track distance
dlgCell(6, 2) dlgRealEdit(wireDistance_mm, 0.0, 25.0);
dlgCell(7, 1) dlgSpacing(10);
dlgCell(8, 1) dlgLabel("Distance '&e'"); // distance between ferrit kernel an wound
dlgCell(8, 2) dlgRealEdit(distance_e, 0.0, 25.0);
dlgCell(9, 1) dlgLabel("Via/Pad Dia&meter"); // pad/via diameter
dlgCell(9, 2) dlgRealEdit(PVdiameter, 0.01, 10.0);
dlgCell(10, 1) dlgLabel("&Via/Pad Drill"); // drill diameter
dlgCell(10, 2) dlgRealEdit(PVdrill, 0.05, 10.0);
dlgCell(11, 1) dlgLabel("L&ayer"); // Layer number
dlgCell(11, 2) dlgIntEdit(Layer, 1, 255);
dlgCell(13, 1) dlgSpacing(8);
dlgCell(14, 2) dlgLabel("Ferrit");
dlgCell(15, 1) dlgLabel("Distance '&h'"); // distance between ferrit kernel
dlgCell(15, 2) dlgRealEdit(distance_h, 0.0, 25.0);
dlgCell(16, 1) dlgLabel("Length '&L'"); // Ferrit lenth
dlgCell(16, 2) dlgRealEdit(ferrit_length_L, 0.0, 200.0);
dlgCell(17, 1) dlgLabel("Width '&K'"); // Ferrit width
dlgCell(17, 2) dlgRealEdit(ferrit_length_K, 0.0, 200.0);
dlgCell(18, 1) dlgLabel("Width 'K&1'"); // Ferrit width
dlgCell(18, 2) dlgRealEdit(ferrit_length_K1, 0.0, 200.0);
dlgCell(19, 2) dlgLabel("Center/offset");
dlgCell(20, 1) dlgLabel("&X"); // place with offset X
dlgCell(20, 2) dlgRealEdit( offx, -800.0, 800.0 );
dlgCell(21, 1) dlgLabel("&Y"); // place with offset Y
dlgCell(21, 2) dlgRealEdit( offy, -800.0, 800.0 );
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("Calculate") {
// dlgSpacing(2);
dlgCheckBox("&Full turns", fullturn); // calculate full turns
// dlgSpacing(2);
dlgRadioButton("T&urns", cflag);
dlgRadioButton("W&idth", cflag);
dlgRadioButton("Di&st. d", cflag);
dlgRadioButton("Dis&t. h", cflag);
dlgPushButton("&Calculate") calculates(cflag);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("OK") {
int ok = 1;
if (PVdiameter > wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm + distance_e) {
sprintf(s, "<qt><nobr>Invalid Parameter: <img src=statistic_attention_min_value.bmp><p>Pad/Via-Diameter %.f mm > Distance '<b>e</b>' + '<b>w</b>' + '<b>d</b>' %.f mm</qt>",
PVdiameter, wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm + distance_e);
dlgMessageBox(s, "OK");
ok = 0;
if (PVdrill > wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm + distance_e) {
sprintf(s, "<qt><nobr>Invalid Parameter: <img src=statistic_attention_min_value.bmp><p>Pad/Via-Drill %.f mm > Distance '<b>e</b>' + '<b>w</b>' + '<b>d</b>' %.f mm</qt>",
PVdrill, wireWidth_mm + wireDistance_mm + distance_e);
dlgMessageBox(s, "OK");
ok = 0;
if (ferrit_length_L && ferrit_length_K) {
ok = 0;
if (distance_h) {
real check_h = (distance_e * 2 + wireWidth_mm * calcturn(1) + wireDistance_mm * (calcturn(1)-1) );
real check_diff = distance_h - check_h;
if (check_diff < -0.0001) {
sprintf(s, "<qt><nobr><img src=statistic_attention_min_value.bmp> Invalid Parameter: <p><hr >%.4f mm 'e' + ('d'+'w'*n)<br>%.4f mm distance 'h'<p><b>%.4f</b> mm difference at <b>%.f full turns</b> (%.1f turns)</qt>",
check_h, distance_h, check_diff, calcturn(1), n );
if (dlgMessageBox(s, "Cancel", "Accept" ) == 0);
else ok = 1;
else {
ok = 1;
if (distance_h < check_calculates(3)) {
sprintf(s, "<qt><nobr>Invalid Parameter: <img src=statistic_attention_min_value.bmp><p>More turns as distance h, (check Calculate)/qt>");
dlgMessageBox(s, "OK");
ok = 0;
if (ok) {
if (!ferrit_length_L || !ferrit_length_K) ferrit_length_L = ferrit_length_K = 0;
degree_resol = turn_degree / arcresolution;
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(0); }
dlgPushButton("Inf&o") dlgMessageBox(Help, "Ok");