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<title>Deprecated Options - GNU gprof</title>
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This file documents the gprof profiler of the GNU system.
Copyright (C) 1988, 92, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
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<h3 class="section">4.4 Deprecated Options</h3>
These options have been replaced with newer versions that use symspecs.
<dt><code>-e </code><var>function_name</var><dd>The <span class="samp">-e </span><var>function</var> option tells <code>gprof</code> to not print
information about the function <var>function_name</var> (and its
children<small class="dots">...</small>) in the call graph. The function will still be listed
as a child of any functions that call it, but its index number will be
shown as <span class="samp">[not printed]</span>. More than one <span class="samp">-e</span> option may be
given; only one <var>function_name</var> may be indicated with each <span class="samp">-e</span>
<br><dt><code>-E </code><var>function_name</var><dd>The <code>-E </code><var>function</var> option works like the <code>-e</code> option, but
time spent in the function (and children who were not called from
anywhere else), will not be used to compute the percentages-of-time for
the call graph. More than one <span class="samp">-E</span> option may be given; only one
<var>function_name</var> may be indicated with each <span class="samp">-E</span> option.
<br><dt><code>-f </code><var>function_name</var><dd>The <span class="samp">-f </span><var>function</var> option causes <code>gprof</code> to limit the
call graph to the function <var>function_name</var> and its children (and
their children<small class="dots">...</small>). More than one <span class="samp">-f</span> option may be given;
only one <var>function_name</var> may be indicated with each <span class="samp">-f</span>
<br><dt><code>-F </code><var>function_name</var><dd>The <span class="samp">-F </span><var>function</var> option works like the <code>-f</code> option, but
only time spent in the function and its children (and their
children<small class="dots">...</small>) will be used to determine total-time and
percentages-of-time for the call graph. More than one <span class="samp">-F</span> option
may be given; only one <var>function_name</var> may be indicated with each
<span class="samp">-F</span> option. The <span class="samp">-F</span> option overrides the <span class="samp">-E</span> option.
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<p>Note that only one function can be specified with each <code>-e</code>,
<code>-E</code>, <code>-f</code> or <code>-F</code> option. To specify more than one
function, use multiple options. For example, this command:
<pre class="example"> gprof -e boring -f foo -f bar myprogram &gt; gprof.output
<p class="noindent">lists in the call graph all functions that were reached from either
<code>foo</code> or <code>bar</code> and were not reachable from <code>boring</code>.