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# panedwindow.tcl --
# This file defines the default bindings for Tk panedwindow widgets and
# provides procedures that help in implementing those bindings.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: panedwindow.tcl,v 1.3 2003/01/21 20:24:46 hunt Exp $
bind Panedwindow <Button-1> { ::tk::panedwindow::MarkSash %W %x %y 1 }
bind Panedwindow <Button-2> { ::tk::panedwindow::MarkSash %W %x %y 0 }
bind Panedwindow <B1-Motion> { ::tk::panedwindow::DragSash %W %x %y 1 }
bind Panedwindow <B2-Motion> { ::tk::panedwindow::DragSash %W %x %y 0 }
bind Panedwindow <ButtonRelease-1> {::tk::panedwindow::ReleaseSash %W 1}
bind Panedwindow <ButtonRelease-2> {::tk::panedwindow::ReleaseSash %W 0}
bind Panedwindow <Motion> { ::tk::panedwindow::Motion %W %x %y }
bind Panedwindow <Leave> { ::tk::panedwindow::Leave %W }
# Initialize namespace
namespace eval ::tk::panedwindow {}
# ::tk::panedwindow::MarkSash --
# Handle marking the correct sash for possible dragging
# Arguments:
# w the widget
# x widget local x coord
# y widget local y coord
# proxy whether this should be a proxy sash
# Results:
# None
proc ::tk::panedwindow::MarkSash {w x y proxy} {
set what [$w identify $x $y]
if { [llength $what] == 2 } {
foreach {index which} $what break
if { !$::tk_strictMotif || [string equal $which "handle"] } {
if {!$proxy} { $w sash mark $index $x $y }
set ::tk::Priv(sash) $index
foreach {sx sy} [$w sash coord $index] break
set ::tk::Priv(dx) [expr {$sx-$x}]
set ::tk::Priv(dy) [expr {$sy-$y}]
# ::tk::panedwindow::DragSash --
# Handle dragging of the correct sash
# Arguments:
# w the widget
# x widget local x coord
# y widget local y coord
# proxy whether this should be a proxy sash
# Results:
# Moves sash
proc ::tk::panedwindow::DragSash {w x y proxy} {
if { [info exists ::tk::Priv(sash)] } {
if {$proxy} {
$w proxy place \
[expr {$x+$::tk::Priv(dx)}] [expr {$y+$::tk::Priv(dy)}]
} else {
$w sash place $::tk::Priv(sash) \
[expr {$x+$::tk::Priv(dx)}] [expr {$y+$::tk::Priv(dy)}]
# ::tk::panedwindow::ReleaseSash --
# Handle releasing of the sash
# Arguments:
# w the widget
# proxy whether this should be a proxy sash
# Results:
# Returns ...
proc ::tk::panedwindow::ReleaseSash {w proxy} {
if { [info exists ::tk::Priv(sash)] } {
if {$proxy} {
foreach {x y} [$w proxy coord] break
$w sash place $::tk::Priv(sash) $x $y
$w proxy forget
unset ::tk::Priv(sash) ::tk::Priv(dx) ::tk::Priv(dy)
# ::tk::panedwindow::Motion --
# Handle motion on the widget. This is used to change the cursor
# when the user moves over the sash area.
# Arguments:
# w the widget
# x widget local x coord
# y widget local y coord
# Results:
# May change the cursor. Sets up a timer to verify that we are still
# over the widget.
proc ::tk::panedwindow::Motion {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
set id [$w identify $x $y]
if {([llength $id] == 2) && \
(!$::tk_strictMotif || [string equal [lindex $id 1] "handle"])} {
if { ![info exists Priv(panecursor)] } {
set Priv(panecursor) [$w cget -cursor]
if { [string equal [$w cget -sashcursor] ""] } {
if { [string equal [$w cget -orient] "horizontal"] } {
$w configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow
} else {
$w configure -cursor sb_v_double_arrow
} else {
$w configure -cursor [$w cget -sashcursor]
if {[info exists Priv(pwAfterId)]} {
after cancel $Priv(pwAfterId)
set Priv(pwAfterId) [after 150 \
[list ::tk::panedwindow::Cursor $w]]
if { [info exists Priv(panecursor)] } {
$w configure -cursor $Priv(panecursor)
unset Priv(panecursor)
# ::tk::panedwindow::Cursor --
# Handles returning the normal cursor when we are no longer over the
# sash area. This needs to be done this way, because the panedwindow
# won't see Leave events when the mouse moves from the sash to a
# paned child, although the child does receive an Enter event.
# Arguments:
# w the widget
# Results:
# May restore the default cursor, or schedule a timer to do it.
proc ::tk::panedwindow::Cursor {w} {
variable ::tk::Priv
if {[info exists Priv(panecursor)]} {
if {[winfo containing [winfo pointerx $w] [winfo pointery $w]] == $w} {
set Priv(pwAfterId) [after 150 [list ::tk::panedwindow::Cursor $w]]
} else {
$w configure -cursor $Priv(panecursor)
unset Priv(panecursor)
if {[info exists Priv(pwAfterId)]} {
after cancel $Priv(pwAfterId)
unset Priv(pwAfterId)
# ::tk::panedwindow::Leave --
# Return to default cursor when leaving the pw widget.
# Arguments:
# w the widget
# Results:
# Restores the default cursor
proc ::tk::panedwindow::Leave {w} {
if {[info exists ::tk::Priv(panecursor)]} {
$w configure -cursor $::tk::Priv(panecursor)
unset ::tk::Priv(panecursor)