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94 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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after append array auto_execok auto_import auto_load
auto_load_index auto_qualify beep binary break case catch cd clock
close concat continue dde default echo else elseif encoding eof
error eval exec exit expr fblocked fconfigure fcopy file
fileevent flush for foreach format gets glob global history if
incr info interp join lappend lindex linsert list llength load
lrange lreplace lsearch lsort namespace open package pid
pkg_mkIndex proc puts pwd read regexp regsub rename resource
return scan seek set socket source split string subst switch
tclLog tclMacPkgSearch tclPkgSetup tclPkgUnknown tell time
trace unknown unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while
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bell bind bindtags button canvas checkbutton console
destroy entry event focus font frame grab grid image label listbox menu
menubutton message pack place radiobutton raise scale scrollbar
text tk tkwait toplevel winfo wm
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@scope body class code common component configbody
constructor define destructor hull import inherit itcl itk itk_component
itk_initialize itk_interior itk_option iwidgets keep method
private protected public
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tkButtonDown tkButtonEnter tkButtonInvoke
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tkEntryTranspose tkEventMotifBindings tkFDGetFileTypes tkFirstMenu
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tkMenuRightArrow tkMenuUnpost tkMenuUpArrow tkMessageBox
tkPostOverPoint tkRecolorTree tkRestoreOldGrab tkSaveGrabInfo
tkScaleActivate tkScaleButton2Down tkScaleButtonDown
tkScaleControlPress tkScaleDrag tkScaleEndDrag tkScaleIncrement
tkScreenChanged tkScrollButton2Down tkScrollButtonDown
tkScrollButtonUp tkScrollByPages tkScrollByUnits tkScrollDrag
tkScrollEndDrag tkScrollSelect tkScrollStartDrag tkScrollToPos
tkScrollTopBottom tkTabToWindow tkTearOffMenu tkTextAutoScan
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tkTextPaste tkTextPrevPara tkTextPrevPos tkTextResetAnchor
tkTextScrollPages tkTextSelectTo tkTextSetCursor tkTextTranspose
tkTextUpDownLine tkTraverseToMenu tkTraverseWithinMenu tk_bisque
tk_chooseColor tk_dialog tk_focusFollowsMouse tk_focusNext
tk_focusPrev tk_getOpenFile tk_getSaveFile tk_messageBox
tk_optionMenu tk_popup tk_setPalette tk_textCopy tk_textCut
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<!-- base scheme for C++ style languages -->
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