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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Special Characters</h5>
<p><a name="index-line-comment-character_002c-D10V-731"></a><a name="index-D10V-line-comment-character-732"></a><span class="samp">;</span> and <span class="samp">#</span> are the line comment characters.
<a name="index-sub_002dinstruction-ordering_002c-D10V-733"></a><a name="index-D10V-sub_002dinstruction-ordering-734"></a>Sub-instructions may be executed in order, in reverse-order, or in parallel.
Instructions listed in the standard one-per-line format will be executed sequentially.
To specify the executing order, use the following symbols:
<dt><span class="samp">-></span><dd>Sequential with instruction on the left first.
<br><dt><span class="samp"><-</span><dd>Sequential with instruction on the right first.
<br><dt><span class="samp">||</span><dd>Parallel
The D10V syntax allows either one instruction per line, one instruction per line with
the execution symbol, or two instructions per line. For example
<dt><code>abs a1 -> abs r0</code><dd>Execute these sequentially. The instruction on the right is in the right
container and is executed second.
<br><dt><code>abs r0 <- abs a1</code><dd>Execute these reverse-sequentially. The instruction on the right is in the right
container, and is executed first.
<br><dt><code>ld2w r2,@r8+ || mac a0,r0,r7</code><dd>Execute these in parallel.
<br><dt><code>ld2w r2,@r8+ ||</code><dt><code>mac a0,r0,r7</code><dd>Two-line format. Execute these in parallel.
<br><dt><code>ld2w r2,@r8+</code><dt><code>mac a0,r0,r7</code><dd>Two-line format. Execute these sequentially. Assembler will
put them in the proper containers.
<br><dt><code>ld2w r2,@r8+ -></code><dt><code>mac a0,r0,r7</code><dd>Two-line format. Execute these sequentially. Same as above but
second instruction will always go into right container.
<a name="index-symbol-names_002c-_0040samp_007b_0024_007d-in-735"></a><a name="index-_0040code_007b_0024_007d-in-symbol-names-736"></a>Since <span class="samp">$</span> has no special meaning, you may use it in symbol names.