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15 years ago
; Device definitions for EAGLE version 5.7.0:
; [NAME] device name (as in command line option "-d" or menu)
; @NAME inherits data from [NAME] (max. nesting level is 10!)
; Type basic device type (must immediately follow [NAME]):
; PenPlotter pen plotter
; PhotoPlotter photoplotter
; DrillStation drill station
; Generic generic device (used for e.g. PostScript)
; Calcomp Calcomp pen plotter
; CalcompE CalComp electrostatic plotter
; Common parameters for all types of devices:
; Long long name (description) of device
; Init string to initialize device before printing
; Reset string to reset device after printing
; ResX/Y resolution in X/Y direction (dots or steps per inch, default = 1000)
; CorrectX/Y used to correct hardware tolerances (default = 1.0)
; OffsetX/Y defines an offset from the machine's origin (default = 0.0)
; Width page width (inch) (default = 8.0)
; Height page height (inch) (default = 12.0)
; Output name of the output file or port
; Color.NN color number to use for layer NN, e.g.
; Color.120 = 3 ; will use color '3' for layer '120'
; Parameters for drawing devices (PenPlotter, PhotoPlotter):
; Draw draw a line to (x, y)
; Move move the pen to (x, y)
; PenDown lower the pen
; PenUp lift the pen
; AreaBegin begin of a polygon area definition (edges are drawn with Move/Draw
; and are considered to have zero width)
; AreaEnd end of polygon area definition
; Parameters for pen plotters (PenPlotter):
; PenArcCxCyAd draw an arc from CP with center (Cx, Cy) and angle Ad
; PenCircleCxCyRxCxCyRx draw a circle at (Cx, Cy) with radius Rx
; PenCircleCxCyRxRy draw a circle at (Cx, Cy) with radius Rx and Ry
; PenCircleRxCxCy draw a circle at (Cx, Cy) with radius Rx
; PenCircleRxn draw a circle at CP with radius Rx (negtive!)
; PenCircleRxRx draw a circle ar CP with radius Rx
; PenSelect select pen
; PenSpeed string to set pen speed
; PenDiameter pen diameter (mm)
; PenVelocity pen velocity (device dependent value)
; Parameters for drill stations (DrillStation):
; DrillSize string for drill size definition in output file
; AutoDrill string for automatic drill generation
; FirstDrill number of the first drill to use with AutoDrill
; BeginData string to mark the beginning of the actual drill data
; Select string to select a tool
; Divide divides coordinates (default = 1.0)
; Drill string to drill a hole at (x, y) [with tool]
; Info string that is copied into the drill info file
; Rack name of the drill rack file
; Parameters for photo plotters (PhotoPlotter):
; AutoAperture string for automatic aperture generation
; Aperture string to select an aperture
; Flash string to flash an aperture
; Info string that is copied into the photo plotter info file
; Wheel name of the aperture wheel file name
; FirstAperture number of the first aperture to use with AutoAperture
; ToleranceDrawM negative draw tolerance
; ToleranceDrawP positive draw tolerance
; ToleranceFlashM negative flash tolerance
; ToleranceFlashP positive flash tolerance
; EmulateApertures turns aperture emulation on (YES) or off (NO)
; EmulateAnnulus turns annulus emulation on (YES) or off (NO)
; EmulateThermal turns thermal emulation on (YES) or off (NO)
; Circle defines embedded circle aperture
; Rectangle defines embedded rectangle aperture
; Octagon defines embedded octagon aperture
; Oval defines embedded oval aperture
; Annulus defines embedded annulus aperture
; Thermal defines embedded thermal aperture
; MaxApertureSize maximum physical aperture size (inch)
; Parameters for DrillStation and PhotoPlotter;
; Units the units used in *.GPI and *.DRI files
; valid units are Inch, MM and Auto[default] (automatically
; chooses the unit with the least decimal digits)
; Decimals the number of decimals to use when Units is set to Inch
; or MM (default = 4). Values are rounded to this number of
; decimals.
; Parameters for generic devices:
; Header1 header string used for PostScript
; Header2 header string used for PostScript
; Header3 header string used for PostScript
; StartPage string that starts a new page
; EndPage string that ends a page
; ArcCxCyRWSaEaC string that draws an arc at (Cx, Cy) with Radius, Width, Start angle, End angle and line Cap
; Bar string that draws a bar
; Circle string that draws a circle
; Line string that draws a line
; Octagon string that draws an octagon
; Pie string that draws a pie
; Hole string that draws a hole
; HwArcX1Y1CxCyA string that draws an arc with hardware coordinates
; HwArc string that draws an arc with hardware coordinates
; HwCircle string that draws a circle with hardware coordinates
; HwColor string that sets the color
; HwLine string that draws a line with hardware coordinates
; HwPie string that draws a pie with hardware coordinates
; HwPoly1 string that start a polygon with hardware coordinates
; HwPoly2 string that draws a polygon edge with hardware coordinates
; HwPoly3 string that ends a polygon with hardware coordinates
; HwStartPage string that starts a page
; HwWidth string that sets line width with hardware units
; MaxHwWidth maximum hardware line width
; Strings have to be enclosed in double quotes ("...").
; If a double quote has to be part of the string, it must be escaped with
; a backslash, e.g. "abc\"def".
; If a backslash has to appear in the string, it has to be doubled,
; e.g. "abc\\def" would result in abc\def.
; Non-printable characters inside strings are written as "\xhh" with 2
; hex digits, e.g. "\x1B" would mean ESCape; the digits may be upper- or
; lowercase, but it has to be exactly two of them!
; The following characters have special meanings when escaped with
; a backslash:
; \0 NUL integer 0 \x00
; \a BEL alert \x07
; \b BS backspace \x08
; \f FF form feed \x0C
; \n NL (LF) newline \x0D\x0A
; \r CR carriage return \x0D
; \t HT horizontal tab \x09
; \v VT vertical tab \x0B
; \xhh hh hex number \xhh
; If a string parameter is too long to fit into one line it can be continued
; on the next line by escaping the end of line with a backslash, e.g.
; Parameter = "A very long string " \
; "which takes several " \ some comment
; "lines.\n"
; Note that the backslash terminates the line, so everything after the '\'
; character is discarded (this may be used for additional comments).
Long = "HP PaintJet XL300 (150 dpi, 16.8M colors)"
; The HP PaintJet XL300 can print up to 16.8M colors. However, these are
; always created by mixing the basic colors cyan, magenta, and yellow.
; Thus non-basic colors (especially light tones) will appear rastered when
; closely viewed.
; The default INIT string of the HPGL2 driver sets the printer up for
; 'NP14' 14 pens
; 'CR0,15,0,15,0,15' a color range from 0 to 15 for each bacic color,
; which results in a maximum of 4096 different colors
; 'MC1' transparent printing (overlapping colors mix!)
; 'PC 1,15, 0,15' pen 1: magenta
; 'PC 2, 0,15,15' pen 2: cyan
; 'PC 3, 0, 0,15' pen 3: blue
; 'PC 4,15,15, 0' pen 4: yellow
; 'PC 5,15, 0, 0' pen 5: red
; 'PC 6, 0,15, 0' pen 6: green
; 'PC 7, 0, 0, 0' pen 7: black
; 'PC 8,15,12,15' pen 8: light magenta
; 'PC 9,12,15,15' pen 9: light cyan
; 'PC10,12,12,15' pen 10: light blue
; 'PC11,15,15,12' pen 11: light yellow
; 'PC12,15,12, 0' pen 12: light red
; 'PC13,12,15, 0' pen 13: light green
; 'PC14,11,11,11' pen 14: grey
; You can modify the colors by changing the 'PCn,r,g,b' commands, where
; n = pen number
; r = red component
; g = green component
; b = blue component
; Note that although the printer has cyan, magenta and yellow as basic
; colors, the 'PC' commands use RGB (red-green-blue) values, according to
; the NTSC specification!
Long = "HP DesignJet 220, HPGL2-Mode"
Init = "\x1B%%1BIN;IP0,0,100,100SC0,100,0,100"\
Reset = "PG;\x1B%%0A\f"
HwColor = "SP%u" ; (Pen-Number) precede this line with ';' for b/w
;Use the following as first line of the Init string for A3 sized paper:
;Init = "\x1B&l27A\x1B%%-1BIN;IP0,0,100,100SC0,100,0,100"\
Type = Generic
Long = "HP DesigJet 650C, HPGL2"
Init = "\x1B%%-12345X@@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = HPGL2\n"\
Reset = "PUSP0PG;"
ResX = 1016
ResY = 1016
HwArcX1Y1CxCyA = "PU%d,%dPDAA%d,%d,%d\n" ; (x1, y1, xc, yc, ArcAngle)
HwColor = "SP%u" ; (Pen-Number)
HwLine = "PU%d,%dPD%d,%d\n"
HwPoly1 = "PU%d,%dPM0PA%d,%d" ; first edge
HwPoly2 = ",%d,%d" ; other points
HwPoly3 = "PM2FP;\n" ; end of polygon
HwWidth = "PW%u" ; (Pen-Width)
MaxHwWidth = 5
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "HP-GL plotter"
Init = "IN; IP 0,0,100,100; SC 0,100,0,100;\n"
Reset = "PU; SP 0; PA 0,0;\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 1016
ResY = 1016
PenSelect = "SP %u;\n" ;; Pens numbered 1..n
PenSpeed = "VS %1.0f;\n"
PenUp = "PU;\n"
PenDown = "PD;\n"
Move = "PA %d,%d;\n"
Draw = "PA %d,%d;\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxRy = "AA %d,%d,360;\n" ; (assumes CP is left?!)
PenArcCxCyAd = "AA %d,%d,%1.2f;\n" ; (assumes CP is at start of arc)
; Cx/y Center X/Y (long)
; Rx/y Radius X/Y (long)
; Ad Angle in degrees (double)
Long = "HP-GL plotter (serial, with Xon/Xoff handshake)"
Init = "\x1B.I;;17:\x1B.N;19:"\
"IN; IP 0,0,100,100; SC 0,100,0,100;\n"
Long = "Sekonic SPL 10 plotter"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "C.Itoh CX6000 plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "M0,0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "C%u\n" ;; Pens numbered 0..n-1
Move = "M%d,%d\n"
Draw = "D%d,%d\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Roland DXY-800 plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "J0\nH\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "J %u\n"
Move = "M %d,%d\n"
Draw = "D %d,%d\n"
PenCircleRxRx = "E %d,180,360\nE %d,0,180\n"
Long = "Roland DPX-2200 plotter"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "ADCOMP X 100 plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "M0,0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "C%u\n" ;; Pens numbered 1..n
Move = "M%d,%d\n"
Draw = "D%d,%d\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxCxCyRx = "W%d,%d,%d,180,360,1\nW%d,%d,%d,0,180,1\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Watanabe WX4671 plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "M0,0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
Move = "M%d,%d\n"
Draw = "D%d,%d\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "HPX-84 plotter"
Init = "SH\n"
Reset = "SH\nAP 0 0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenUp = "SH\n"
PenDown = "SS\n"
Move = "AP %d %d\n"
Draw = "AP %d %d\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxRy = "SH\nAK %d %d %d\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Yokogawa PL 1000 plotter"
Init = "IP 0;IW 0,0,380,250; IP 1;\n"
Reset = "MA 0,0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "PS %u\n"
PenSpeed = "PV %1.0f\n"
Move = "MA %d,%d\n"
Draw = "DA %d,%d\n"
PenCircleRxCxCy = "AC %d,%d,%d,1800,5400\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "ADCOMP X 300 plotter"
Init = "H\n"
Reset = "J0\nH\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "J%u\n"
PenSpeed = "T%1.0f\n" ;;max(min(sround(PenVelocity / 2), 10), 1)
Move = "M%d,%d\n"
Draw = "D%d,%d\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxRy = "W%d,%d,%d,%d,1800,5400\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Watanabe MP1000 plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "J0\nH\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "J%u\n"
PenSpeed = "T%1.0f\n"
Move = "M%d,%d\n"
Draw = "D%d,%d\n"
Long = "EPSON HI-80 plotter (Plot-Mode 1)"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "SWEET-P 100 plotter"
Init = "RE;\n"
Reset = "HO;\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSpeed = "VS %1.0f;\n" ;;max(15, sround((PenVelocity * 15) / 75))
Move = "MA %d,%d;\n"
Draw = "DA %d,%d;\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "tewidata P 281 plotter"
Init = "H\n"
Reset = "HF0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "F%u\n"
PenUp = "H"
PenDown = "I"
Move = "%d/%dK\n"
Draw = "%d/%dK\n"
PenCircleRxn = "O%d,180,540\n" ; Rxn = Radius X (long, negative)
Long = "Goerz Servogor SE 281 plotter"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Rikadenki RY-10 MZ plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "H\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "K%u\n"
PenSpeed = "T%1.0f\n"
Move = "M%d,%d\n"
Draw = "D%d,%d\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxRy = "W%d,%d C%d,180,360\n"
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Houston Instrument DMP plotter"
Init = ";:H A EC1 \n"
Reset = "P0 @\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 1000
ResY = 1000
PenSelect = "P%u\n"
PenSpeed = "V%1.0f\n"
Move = "U %d,%d\n"
Draw = "D %d,%d\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxRy = "CA %d,%d 360\n"
Type = Generic
Long = "Encapsulated PostScript"
ResX = 254000 ; this gives us editor coordinates!
ResY = 254000
Width = 100.00 ; virtually infinite
Height = 100.00
ArcCxCyRWSaEaC = "%d %d %d %d %1.2f %1.2f %d a\n" ; (CenterX, CenterY, Radius, Width, StartAngle, EndAngle, LineCap)
Bar = "%d %d %d %d %.1f b\n" ; (x1, y1, x2, y2, Angle)
Circle = "%d %d %d %d c\n" ; (x, y, Radius, Width)
Line = "%d %d %d %d %d l\n" ; (x1, y1, x2, y2, Width)
Octagon = "%d %d %d %d %.1f o\n" ; (x, y, dx, dy, Angle)
Pie = "%d %d %d p\n" ; (x, y, d)
Hole = "%d %d %d h\n" ; (x, y, d)
Header1 = "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" \
"%%%%Title: EAGLE Drawing %s\n" \
"%%%%Creator: EAGLE\n" \
"%%%%Pages: %d\n" \
"%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n" \
"%%%%EndComments\n" \
"%% Coordinate transfer:\n"\
"/EU { 254 div 0.072 mul } def\n"\
"/inch { 72 mul } def\n"\
"%% Linestyle:\n"\
"1 setlinecap\n"\
"1 setlinejoin\n"\
"%% Drawing functions:\n"\
"/l { %% draw a line\n"\
" /lw exch def\n"\
" /y2 exch def\n"\
" /x2 exch def\n"\
" /y1 exch def\n"\
" /x1 exch def\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" x1 EU y1 EU moveto\n"\
" x2 EU y2 EU lineto\n"\
" lw EU setlinewidth\n"\
" stroke\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/h { %% draw a hole\n"\
" /d exch def\n"\
" /y exch def\n"\
" /x exch def\n"\
" d 0 gt {\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" x EU y EU d 2 div EU 0 360 arc\n"\
" currentgray dup\n"\
" 1 exch sub setgray\n"\
" fill\n"\
" setgray\n"\
" } if\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/b { %% draw a bar\n"\
" /an exch def\n"\
" /y2 exch def\n"\
" /x2 exch def\n"\
" /y1 exch def\n"\
" /x1 exch def\n"\
" /w2 x2 x1 sub 2 div EU def\n"\
" /h2 y2 y1 sub 2 div EU def\n"\
" gsave\n"\
" x1 x2 add 2 div EU y1 y2 add 2 div EU translate\n"\
" an rotate\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" w2 h2 moveto\n"\
" w2 neg h2 lineto\n"\
" w2 neg h2 neg lineto\n"\
" w2 h2 neg lineto\n"\
" closepath\n"\
" fill\n"\
" grestore\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/c { %% draw a circle\n"\
" /lw exch def\n"\
" /rd exch def\n"\
" /y exch def\n"\
" /x exch def\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" lw EU setlinewidth\n"\
" x EU y EU rd EU 0 360 arc\n"\
" stroke\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/a { %% draw an arc\n"\
" /lc exch def\n"\
" /ae exch def\n"\
" /as exch def\n"\
" /lw exch def\n"\
" /rd exch def\n"\
" /y exch def\n"\
" /x exch def\n"\
" lw rd 2 mul gt {\n"\
" /rd rd lw 2 div add 2 div def\n"\
" /lw rd 2 mul def\n"\
" } if\n"\
" currentlinecap currentlinejoin\n"\
" lc setlinecap 0 setlinejoin\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" lw EU setlinewidth\n"\
" x EU y EU rd EU as ae arc\n"\
" stroke\n"\
" setlinejoin setlinecap\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/p { %% draw a pie\n"\
" /d exch def\n"\
" /y exch def\n"\
" /x exch def\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" x EU y EU d 2 div EU 0 360 arc\n"\
" fill\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/edge { 0.20710678119 mul } def\n"\
"/o { %% draw an octagon\n"\
" /an exch def\n"\
" /dy exch def\n"\
" /dx exch def\n"\
" /y exch def\n"\
" /x exch def\n"\
" gsave\n"\
" x EU y EU translate\n"\
" an dx dy lt { 90 add /dx dy /dy dx def def } if rotate\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" 0 dx 2 div sub EU 0 dy edge add EU moveto\n"\
" 0 dx dy sub 2 div sub dy edge sub EU 0 dy 2 div add EU lineto\n"\
" 0 dx dy sub 2 div add dy edge add EU 0 dy 2 div add EU lineto\n"\
" 0 dx 2 div add EU 0 dy edge add EU lineto\n"\
" 0 dx 2 div add EU 0 dy edge sub EU lineto\n"\
" 0 dx dy sub 2 div add dy edge add EU 0 dy 2 div sub EU lineto\n"\
" 0 dx dy sub 2 div sub dy edge sub EU 0 dy 2 div sub EU lineto\n"\
" 0 dx 2 div sub EU 0 dy edge sub EU lineto\n"\
" closepath\n"\
" fill\n"\
" grestore\n"\
" } def\n"\
;(Name, NrPages, (x2 - x1) * 0.072 * ScaleFactor, (y2 - y1) * 0.072 * ScaleFactor)
Long = "PostScript (printable)"
Width = 7.75
Height = 11.00
Header2 = "%% the real drawing size:\n"\
"/MinDrawX %6d EU def\n"\
"/MinDrawY %6d EU def\n"\
"/MaxDrawX %6d EU def\n"\
"/MaxDrawY %6d EU def\n"\
"%% the usable page size:\n"\
"/LeftMargin 0.25 inch def %% change these if drawing gets clipped!\n"\
"/BotMargin 0.25 inch def\n"\
"/PageWidth %7.4f inch def\n"\
"/PageHeight %7.4f inch def\n"\
"%% are we going to rotate?:\n"\
"/RotateDrawing %d 0 ne def\n"\
;(x1, y1, x2, y2, Width, Height, DoRotate)
Header3 = "%% Media size functions:\n"\
"/AbortMessage { %% Show a message in a box and stop printing\n"\
" /h 100 def\n"\
" /Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont\n"\
" mediawidth pagemargin sub h 1 setpage\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" 0 0 moveto\n"\
" 0 h rlineto\n"\
" mediawidth pagemargin sub 0 rlineto\n"\
" 0 h neg rlineto\n"\
" closepath\n"\
" 5 setlinewidth\n"\
" stroke\n"\
" newpath 50 60 moveto (ERROR: Jobsize exceeds physical printing area!) show\n"\
" newpath 50 40 moveto ( Job has been aborted!) show\n"\
" showpage\n"\
" stop\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/SelectPage { %% Select the page identified by Row and Column\n"\
" /Column exch def\n"\
" /Row exch def\n"\
" %% the actually exposed area (if the machine knows these parameters!):\n"\
" /DrawX MaxDrawX MinDrawX sub def\n"\
" /DrawY MaxDrawY MinDrawY sub def\n"\
" statusdict /setpage known\n"\
" statusdict /mediawidth known and\n"\
" statusdict /medialength known and\n"\
" statusdict /pagemargin known and {\n"\
" %% this is for machines that can tell the media size:\n"\
" statusdict begin\n"\
" /MediaW mediawidth pagemargin sub def\n"\
" DrawX DrawY ge {\n"\
" DrawX MediaW le DrawY medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawY 1 setpage\n"\
" MediaW DrawX sub 2 div 0 translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" DrawY MediaW le DrawX medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawX 0 setpage\n"\
" 0 MediaW DrawY sub 2 div translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" AbortMessage\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" }{\n"\
" DrawY MediaW le DrawX medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawX 0 setpage\n"\
" 0 MediaW DrawY sub 2 div translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" DrawX MediaW le DrawY medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawY 1 setpage\n"\
" MediaW DrawX sub 2 div 0 translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" AbortMessage\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" end\n"\
" }{\n"\
" %% this is for machines that can NOT tell the media size:\n"\
" %% (Ghostscript doesn't like this!)\n"\
" /Product product length string def\n"\
" /i 0 def\n"\
" product { dup 97 lt { 32 add } if Product exch i exch put /i i 1 add def } forall \n"\
" Product (ghostscript) search dup /IsGhostscript exch def\n"\
" { pop pop } if\n"\
" pop\n"\
" IsGhostscript not {\n"\
" statusdict /setpage known {\n"\
" statusdict begin\n"\
" RotateDrawing {\n"\
" LeftMargin PageHeight add BotMargin DrawY add\n"\
" }{\n"\
" BotMargin DrawY add LeftMargin DrawX add \n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" 0 setpage\n"\
" end\n"\
" } if\n"\
" } if\n"\
" %% set clipping boundary:\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" LeftMargin BotMargin moveto\n"\
" 0 PageHeight rlineto\n"\
" PageWidth 0 rlineto\n"\
" 0 PageHeight neg rlineto\n"\
" closepath\n"\
" clip\n"\
" %% set the origin:\n"\
" LeftMargin BotMargin translate\n"\
" RotateDrawing {\n"\
" 0 PageHeight translate\n"\
" -90 rotate\n"\
" PageHeight Column mul neg PageWidth Row mul neg translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" PageWidth Column mul neg PageHeight Row mul neg translate\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" %% move the lower left corner of the drawing to the origin:\n"\
" MinDrawX neg MinDrawY neg translate\n"\
" \n"\
" %% Linestyle:\n"\
" \n"\
" 1 setlinecap\n"\
" 1 setlinejoin\n"\
" \n"\
" } def\n"\
"%% TheDrawing\n"
StartPage= "\ngsave %d %d SelectPage\n" ;(Row, Column)
EndPage = "showpage grestore\n"
Long = "PostScript (printable, inverted)"
Header3 = "%% Media size functions:\n"\
"/AbortMessage { %% Show a message in a box and stop printing\n"\
" /h 100 def\n"\
" /Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont\n"\
" mediawidth pagemargin sub h 1 setpage\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" 0 0 moveto\n"\
" 0 h rlineto\n"\
" mediawidth pagemargin sub 0 rlineto\n"\
" 0 h neg rlineto\n"\
" closepath\n"\
" 5 setlinewidth\n"\
" stroke\n"\
" newpath 50 60 moveto (ERROR: Jobsize exceeds physical printing area!) show\n"\
" newpath 50 40 moveto ( Job has been aborted!) show\n"\
" showpage\n"\
" stop\n"\
" } def\n"\
"/SelectPage { %% Select the page identified by Row and Column\n"\
" /Column exch def\n"\
" /Row exch def\n"\
" %% the actually exposed area (if the machine knows these parameters!):\n"\
" /DrawX MaxDrawX MinDrawX sub def\n"\
" /DrawY MaxDrawY MinDrawY sub def\n"\
" statusdict /setpage known\n"\
" statusdict /mediawidth known and\n"\
" statusdict /medialength known and\n"\
" statusdict /pagemargin known and {\n"\
" %% this is for machines that can tell the media size:\n"\
" statusdict begin\n"\
" /MediaW mediawidth pagemargin sub def\n"\
" DrawX DrawY ge {\n"\
" DrawX MediaW le DrawY medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawY 1 setpage\n"\
" MediaW DrawX sub 2 div 0 translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" DrawY MediaW le DrawX medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawX 0 setpage\n"\
" 0 MediaW DrawY sub 2 div translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" AbortMessage\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" }{\n"\
" DrawY MediaW le DrawX medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawX 0 setpage\n"\
" 0 MediaW DrawY sub 2 div translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" DrawX MediaW le DrawY medialength le and {\n"\
" MediaW DrawY 1 setpage\n"\
" MediaW DrawX sub 2 div 0 translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" AbortMessage\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" end\n"\
" }{\n"\
" %% this is for machines that can NOT tell the media size:\n"\
" %% (Ghostscript doesn't like this!)\n"\
" /Product product length string def\n"\
" /i 0 def\n"\
" product { dup 97 lt { 32 add } if Product exch i exch put /i i 1 add def } forall \n"\
" Product (ghostscript) search dup /IsGhostscript exch def\n"\
" { pop pop } if\n"\
" pop\n"\
" IsGhostscript not {\n"\
" statusdict /setpage known {\n"\
" statusdict begin\n"\
" RotateDrawing {\n"\
" LeftMargin PageHeight add BotMargin DrawY add\n"\
" }{\n"\
" BotMargin DrawY add LeftMargin DrawX add \n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" 0 setpage\n"\
" end\n"\
" } if\n"\
" } if\n"\
" %% set clipping boundary:\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" LeftMargin BotMargin moveto\n"\
" 0 PageHeight rlineto\n"\
" PageWidth 0 rlineto\n"\
" 0 PageHeight neg rlineto\n"\
" closepath\n"\
" clip\n"\
" %% set the origin:\n"\
" LeftMargin BotMargin translate\n"\
" RotateDrawing {\n"\
" 0 PageHeight translate\n"\
" -90 rotate\n"\
" PageHeight Column mul neg PageWidth Row mul neg translate\n"\
" }{\n"\
" PageWidth Column mul neg PageHeight Row mul neg translate\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" } ifelse\n"\
" %% move the lower left corner of the drawing to the origin:\n"\
" MinDrawX neg MinDrawY neg translate\n"\
" \n"\
" %% Linestyle:\n"\
" \n"\
" 1 setlinecap\n"\
" 1 setlinejoin\n"\
" \n"\
" %% invert drawing:\n"\
" newpath\n"\
" MinDrawX MinDrawY moveto\n"\
" MaxDrawX MinDrawY lineto\n"\
" MaxDrawX MaxDrawY lineto\n"\
" MinDrawX MaxDrawY lineto\n"\
" 0 setgray\n"\
" closepath fill\n"\
" 1 setgray\n"\
" \n"\
" } def\n"\
"%% TheDrawing\n"
Long = "Postscript (printable) DIN A3"
Width = 11.36
Height = 16.00
Type = Generic
Long = "HP-GL/2 printer"
Init = "\x1B%%1BIN;IP0,0,100,100SC0,100,0,100"\
;Use the following as first line of the Init string for A3 sized paper:
;Init = "\x1B&l27A\x1B%%-1BIN;IP0,0,100,100SC0,100,0,100"\
Reset = "\x1B%%0A\f"
ResX = 1016
ResY = 1016
HwArcX1Y1CxCyA = "PU%d,%dPDAA%d,%d,%d\n" ; (x1, y1, xc, yc, ArcAngle)
HwColor = "SP%u" ; (Pen-Number)
HwLine = "PU%d,%dPD%d,%d\n"
HwPoly1 = "PU%d,%dPM0PA%d,%d" ; first edge
HwPoly2 = ",%d,%d" ; other points
HwPoly3 = "PM2FP;\n" ; end of polygon
HwWidth = "PW%u" ; (Pen-Width)
MaxHwWidth = 5
Type = PhotoPlotter
Long = "Gerber photoplotter"
Init = "G01*\nX000000Y000000D02*\n"
Reset = "X000000Y000000D02*\nM02*\n"
ResX = 10000
ResY = 10000
;Wheel = ""
Move = "X%0.6dY%0.6dD02*\n" ; (x, y)
Draw = "X%0.6dY%0.6dD01*\n" ; (x, y)
Flash = "X%0.6dY%0.6dD03*\n" ; (x, y)
Aperture = "%s*\n" ; (Aperture code)
Units = Inch
Info = "Plotfile Info:\n"\
" Coordinate Format : 2.4\n"\
" Coordinate Units : Inch\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Zero Suppression : None\n"\
" End Of Block : *\n"\
Long = "Gerber photoplotter with automatic aperture wheel generation"
Wheel = "" ; avoids message!
AutoAperture = "D%d" ; (Aperture number)
FirstAperture = 10
Units = Inch
;MaxApertureSize = 0.2 ; Inch
Long = "Gerber RS-274-X photoplotter, coordinate format 2.4 inch"
Units = Inch
Init = "G75*\n" \ allow positive and negative coordinates
"G70*\n" \ units are Inch (G71 for metric)
"%%OFA0B0*%%\n" \ horizonal and vertical OFfset is 0
"%%FSLAX24Y24*%%\n"\ Format Statement is Absolute (I for incremental) 2.4
"%%IPPOS*%%\n" \ Image Polarity is POSitive (NEG for negative)
"%%LPD*%%\n" \ Layer Polarity Dark (C for clear on negative planes)
"%%AMOC8*\n5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5*\n"\ Octagons are emulated with a circle (using 8 vertices)
"%%\n" ; and therefore the diameter must be enlarged with '1 / cos(pi / 8)'
Reset = "M02*\n"
Circle = "%%AD%sC,%6.4f*%%\n" ; (code, diameter)
Rectangle = "%%AD%sR,%6.4fX%6.4f*%%\n" ; (code, dx, dy)
Oval = "%%AD%sO,%6.4fX%6.4f*%%\n" ; (code, dx, dy)
; According to the RS-274-X specs there is an aperture macro
; primitive that allows us to specify an octagon (i.e. a polygon with
; 8 vertices). As some Gerber viewers seem to have problems with that,
; we would have to use a round shape for that.
; If your Gerber processor cannot handle the polygon primitive you may
; uncomment the following line and comment out the line after it:
;Octagon = "%%AD%sC,%6.4f*%%\n" ; (code, diameter) (looks like there is no octagon, so we take a circle)
Octagon = "%%AD%sOC8,%6.4f*%%\n" ; (code, diameter)
Annulus = "%%AMAN%s*\n1,1,%6.4f,0,0*\n1,0,%6.4f,0,0*\n"\
"%%AD%sAN%s*%%\n" ; (code, diameter, inner diameter, code, code)
Thermal = "%%AMTH%sX*\n1,1,%6.4f,0,0*\n1,0,%6.4f,0,0*\n"\
"%%AD%sTH%sX*%%\n"; (code, diameter, inner diameter, diameter + 2mil, gap, diameter + 2mil, gap, code, code)
AreaBegin = "G36*\n"
AreaEnd = "G37*\n"
Long = "Gerber RS-274-X photoplotter, coordinate format 2.5 inch"
Units = Inch
Info = "Plotfile Info:\n"\
" Coordinate Format : 2.5\n"\
" Coordinate Units : Inch\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Zero Suppression : None\n"\
" End Of Block : *\n"\
Init = "G75*\n" \ allow positive and negative coordinates
"G70*\n" \ units are Inch (G71 for metric)
"%%OFA0B0*%%\n" \ horizonal and vertical OFfset is 0
"%%FSLAX25Y25*%%\n"\ Format Statement is Absolute (I for incremental) 2.5
"%%IPPOS*%%\n" \ Image Polarity is POSitive (NEG for negative)
"%%LPD*%%\n" \ Layer Polarity Dark (C for clear on negative planes)
"%%AMOC8*\n5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5*\n"\ Octagons are emulated with a circle (using 8 vertices)
"%%\n" ; and therefore the diameter must be enlarged with '1 / cos(pi / 8)'
Reset = "M02*\n"
ResX = 100000
ResY = 100000
Move = "X%0.7dY%0.7dD02*\n" ; (x, y)
Draw = "X%0.7dY%0.7dD01*\n" ; (x, y)
Flash = "X%0.7dY%0.7dD03*\n" ; (x, y)
Circle = "%%AD%sC,%7.5f*%%\n" ; (code, diameter)
Rectangle = "%%AD%sR,%7.5fX%7.5f*%%\n" ; (code, dx, dy)
Oval = "%%AD%sO,%7.5fX%7.5f*%%\n" ; (code, dx, dy)
; According to the RS-274-X specs there is an aperture macro
; primitive that allows us to specify an octagon (i.e. a polygon with
; 8 vertices). As some Gerber viewers seem to have problems with that,
; we would have to use a round shape for that.
; If your Gerber processor cannot handle the polygon primitive you may
; uncomment the following line and comment out the line after it:
;Octagon = "%%AD%sC,%7.5f*%%\n" ; (code, diameter) (looks like there is no octagon, so we take a circle)
Octagon = "%%AD%sOC8,%7.5f*%%\n" ; (code, diameter)
Annulus = "%%AMAN%s*\n1,1,%7.5f,0,0*\n1,0,%7.5f,0,0*\n"\
"%%AD%sAN%s*%%\n" ; (code, diameter, inner diameter, code, code)
Thermal = "%%AMTH%sX*\n1,1,%7.5f,0,0*\n1,0,%7.5f,0,0*\n"\
"%%AD%sTH%sX*%%\n"; (code, diameter, inner diameter, diameter + 2mil, gap, diameter + 2mil, gap, code, code)
AreaBegin = "G36*\n"
AreaEnd = "G37*\n"
Type = PhotoPlotter
Long = "Gerber photoplotter, coordinate format 2.3 inch"
Init = "G01*\nX00000Y00000D02*\n"
Reset = "X00000Y00000D02*\nM02*\n"
ResX = 1000
ResY = 1000
;Wheel = ""
Move = "X%0.5dY%0.5dD02*\n" ; (x, y)
Draw = "X%0.5dY%0.5dD01*\n" ; (x, y)
Flash = "X%0.5dY%0.5dD03*\n" ; (x, y)
Aperture = "%s*\n" ; (Aperture code)
Units = Inch
Info = "Plotfile Info:\n"\
" Coordinate Format : 2.3\n"\
" Coordinate Units : Inch\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Zero Suppression : None\n"\
" End Of Block : *\n"\
Long = "Gerber photoplotter with automatic aperture wheel generation"
Wheel = "" ; avoids message!
AutoAperture = "D%d" ; (Aperture number)
FirstAperture = 10
Units = Inch
Type = PhotoPlotter
Long = "EMMA 30/80 photoplotter"
Init = "%%\nS7X000000Y000000\n"
Reset = "S7X000000Y000000\n$\n"
ResX = 20000
ResY = 20000
;Wheel = ""
Move = "S7X%0.6dY%0.6d\n" ; (x, y)
Draw = "S2X%0.6dY%0.6d\n" ; (x, y)
Flash = "S1X%0.6dY%0.6d\n" ; (x, y)
Aperture = "%s\n" ; (Aperture code)
Info = "Plotfile Info:\n"\
" Coordinate Format : 6\n"\
" Coordinate Units : 1/800 mm\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Zero Suppression : None\n"\
Type = PhotoPlotter
Long = "GLASER DP-1504 photoplotter"
Init = "IN;FC0.0254;CS1,1,0;SI1,1;\n"
Reset = "PU;PA0,0;\n"
ResX = 1000
ResY = 1000
Wheel = "glaser.whl"
Move = "PA%d,%d;\n" ; (x, y)
Draw = "PA%d,%d;\n" ; (x, y)
PenDown = "PD;\n"
PenUp = "PU;\n"
Flash = "PA%d,%d;%s\n" ; (x, y, Aperture code)
Aperture = "%s\n" ; (Aperture code)
Info = "Plotfile Info:\n"\
" Coordinate Units : 1/1000 Inch\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
Type = DrillStation
Long = "Excellon drill station"
Init = "%%\nM48\nM72\n"
Reset = "M30\n"
ResX = 10000
ResY = 10000
;Rack = ""
DrillSize = "%sC%0.4f\n" ; (Tool code, tool size)
AutoDrill = "T%02d" ; (Tool number)
FirstDrill = 1
BeginData = "%%\n"
Units = Inch
Select = "%s\n" ; (Drill code)
Drill = "X%1.0fY%1.0f\n" ; (x, y)
Info = "Drill File Info:\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Units : 1/10000 Inch\n"\
Type = DrillStation
Long = "Excellon drill station with user supplied rack file"
Init = "%%\n"
Reset = "M30\n"
ResX = 10000
ResY = 10000
;Rack = ""
Select = "%s\n" ; (Drill code)
Drill = "X%1.0fY%1.0f\n" ; (x, y)
Info = "Drill File Info:\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Units : 1/10000 Inch\n"\
Type = DrillStation
Long = "Sieb & Meyer 1000 drill station"
Init = "%%%%1000\n"
Reset = "M30\n"
ResX = 2540
ResY = 2540
;Rack = ""
Drill = "X%1.0fY%1.0f%s\n" ; (x, y, drill code)
Info = "Drill File Info:\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Units : 1/100 mm\n"\
Type = DrillStation
Long = "Sieb & Meyer 3000 drill station"
Init = "%%%%3000\n"
Reset = "M30\n"
ResX = 25400
ResY = 25400
Divide = 1000 ; makes coordinates MM
;Rack = ""
Drill = "X%1.3fY%1.3f%s\n" ; (x, y, drill code)
Info = "Drill File Info:\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Units : mm\n"\
Type = DrillStation
Long = "SMS68 drill station"
Init = ";\n"
Reset = "TO0;PA0,0;\n"
ResX = 25400
ResY = 25400
;Rack = ""
Select = "%s;\n" ; (Drill code)
Drill = "PA%1.0f,%1.0f;PD;PU;\n" ; (x, y)
Info = "Drill File Info:\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Units : 1/1000 mm\n"\
Type = DrillStation
Long = "Gerber Drill Code"
Init = "G01*\nX00000Y00000D02*\n"
Reset = "X00000Y00000D02*\nM02*\n"
ResX = 1000
ResY = 1000
;Rack = ""
Select = "%s*\n" ; (Drill code)
Drill = "X%05.0fY%05.0fD03*\n" ; (x, y)
Info = "Drill File Info:\n"\
" Coordinate Format : 2.3\n"\
" Coordinate Units : Inch\n"\
" Data Mode : Absolute\n"\
" Zero Suppression : None\n"\
" End Of Block : *\n"\
Type = Calcomp
Long = "CalComp PCI pen plotter"
Init = "\x08\x0B" \ Init
"\x09\x01" ; Scaling 1
Reset = ""
ResX = 2032
ResY = 2032
PenSelect = "\x04%c" ; Pens numbered 1..n
Sync = "\x02"
Bias = 0x20
Radix = 0x40
Buffer = 256
Checksum = YES
Type = CalcompE
Long = "CalComp PCI electrostatic plotter"
Init = "\x08\x0B" \ Init
"\x09\x01" ; Scaling 1
Reset = ""
ResX = 2032
ResY = 2032
Sync = "\x02"
Bias = 0x20
Radix = 0x40
Buffer = 256
Checksum = YES
Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Calcomp M84 Plotter"
Init = ""
Reset = "F\nH\nR0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 11
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "F%u\n"
Move = "C %d,%d HK\n"
Draw = "C %d,%d IK\n"
PenCircleCxCyRxCxCyRx = "C %d,%d HK \n O0 %d,0,360\n"
PenVelocity = "F10,%d\n"