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<h4 class="subsection">9.8.1 D10V Options</h4>
<p><a name="index-options_002c-D10V-723"></a><a name="index-D10V-options-724"></a>The Mitsubishi D10V version of <code>as</code> has a few machine
dependent options.
<dt><span class="samp">-O</span><dd>The D10V can often execute two sub-instructions in parallel. When this option
is used, <code>as</code> will attempt to optimize its output by detecting when
instructions can be executed in parallel.
<br><dt><span class="samp">--nowarnswap</span><dd>To optimize execution performance, <code>as</code> will sometimes swap the
order of instructions. Normally this generates a warning. When this option
is used, no warning will be generated when instructions are swapped.
<br><dt><span class="samp">--gstabs-packing</span><br><dt><span class="samp">--no-gstabs-packing</span><dd><code>as</code> packs adjacent short instructions into a single packed
instruction. <span class="samp">--no-gstabs-packing</span> turns instruction packing off if
<span class="samp">--gstabs</span> is specified as well; <span class="samp">--gstabs-packing</span> (the
default) turns instruction packing on even when <span class="samp">--gstabs</span> is