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15 years ago
#require 4.5702
#usage "en: <b>Export DXF data</b>\n"
"Converts a board or schematic into a DXF file."
"Usage: RUN dxf [ -s <i>suffix</i> ] [ -u mm|inch ] [ -a ] [ -w ] [ -f ]"
"<tr><td>-s <i>suffix</i></td><td>define a suffix that will be appended to the file name</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-u mm|inch</td> <td>select the unit for coordinates and dimensions</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-a</td> <td>set the 'Always vector font' option</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-w</td> <td>set the 'Use wire width' option</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-f</td> <td>set the 'Fill areas' option</td></tr>"
"RUN dxf -s _s1 -u mm -w"
"This will create a DXF file named <i>filename</i>_s1.dxf, with units in millimeters and "
"wires drawn with their real widths."
"DXF syntax generated according to the specifications given in the book<br>"
"<i>Der DXF-Standard</i><br>"
"By Dietmar Rudolph<br>"
"Publisher: Dr. L. Rossipaul Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.<br>"
"M&uuml;nchen, 1993<br>"
"ISBN 3-87686-246-9"
"de: <b>DXF Daten exportieren</b>\n"
"Konvertiert ein Board oder einen Schaltplan in eine DXF-Datei."
"Aufruf: RUN dxf [ -s <i>suffix</i> ] [ -u mm|inch ] [ -a ] [ -w ] [ -f ]"
"<tr><td>-s <i>suffix</i></td><td>definiert einen Suffix, der an den Dateinamen angehängt wird</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-u mm|inch</td> <td>bestimmt die Einheit für Koordinaten und Abmessungen</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-a</td> <td>schaltet die Option 'Immer Vektor-Font' ein</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-w</td> <td>schaltet die Option 'Linienbreite benutzen' ein</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>-f</td> <td>schaltet die Option 'Flächen füllen' ein</td></tr>"
"RUN dxf -s _s1 -u mm -w"
"Erzeugt eine DXF-Datei namens <i>dateiname</i>_s1.dxf, mit der Einheit Millimeter und "
"Linien die in ihrer wirklichen Breite dargestellt werden."
"Die generierte DXF-Syntax folgt der Spezification im Buch<br>"
"<i>Der DXF-Standard</i><br>"
"Von Dietmar Rudolph<br>"
"Herausgeber: Dr. L. Rossipaul Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.<br>"
"München, 1993<br>"
"ISBN 3-87686-246-9"
string I18N[] = {
"Can't fill polygon with Width = 0\v"
"Polygon mit Width = 0 kann nicht gefüllt werden\v"
"<hr><b>ERROR: unknown unit: \v"
"<hr><b>FEHLER: unbekannte Einheit: \v"
"<hr><b>ERROR: missing <i>unit</i></b>\v"
"<hr><b>FEHLER: fehlende <i>Einheit</i></b>\v"
"<hr><b>ERROR: unknown option: \v"
"<hr><b>FEHLER: unbekannte Option: \v"
"<hr><b>ERROR: No board or schematic!</b><p>\nThis program can only work in the board or schematic editor.\v"
"<hr><b>FEHLER: Kein Board oder Schaltplan!</b><p>\nDieses Programm kann nur im Board- oder Schaltplan-Editor verwendet werden.\v"
"DXF Converter\v"
"&Output file\v"
"Save DXF file\v"
"DXF-Datei speichern\v"
"DXF files (*.dxf)\v"
"DXF-Dateien (*.dxf)\v"
"&Always vector font\v"
"Immer &Vektor-Font\v"
"<small>If checked, texts will always be drawn with the builtin vector font.</small>\v"
"<small>Falls ausgewählt, werden Texte immer mit dem eingebauten Vektor-Font dargestelt.</small>\v"
"&Use wire widths\v"
"&Linienbreite verwenden\v"
"<small>If checked, wires, arcs and circles will be generated as polygons showing their real widths. This, however, can cause the DXF file to become very large! Uncheck this if you do not need the real widths.</small>\v"
"<small>Falls ausgewählt, werden Linien, Kreisbögen und Kreise als Polygone mit ihrer tatsächlichen Breite dargestellt. Dies kann jedoch dazu führen, daß die DXF-Datei sehr groß wird! Deselektieren Sie diese Option wenn Sie die wahren Breiten nicht benötigen.</small>\v"
"&Fill areas\v"
"&Flächen füllen\v"
"<small>If checked, wires, arcs etc. will be filled (implies 'Use wire widths'!).</small>\v"
"<small>Falls ausgewählt, werden Linien, Kreisbögen usw. gefüllt (impliziert 'Linienbreite verwenden'!).</small>\v"
"Thermal Emulation\v"
"Thermal Emulation\v"
"Relative inner diameter\v"
"Relativer Innendurchmesser\v"
"Relative gap size\v"
"Relative Spaltgröße\v"
"<small>Only the outer diameter of Thermals is available. The inner diameter and gap size are calculated based on the outer diameters according to these factors.</small>\v"
"<small>Für Thermals steht nur der Außendurchmesser zur Verfügung. Der Innendurchmesser und die Spaltgröße werden mittels dieser Faktoren aus dem Außendurchmesser errechnet.</small>\v"
"<small>Defines the unit used for coordinates and values in the DXF file</small>\v"
"<small>Legt die Einheit fest mit der Koordinaten und Werte in der DXF-Datei angegeben werden</small>\v"
"File exists: \v"
"Datei existiert: \v"
int Language = strstr(I18N[0], language()) / 3;
string tr(string s)
string t = lookup(I18N, s, Language, '\v');
return t ? t : s;
// The following switches allow us to customize the generated DXF file:
enum { NO, YES };
int AlwaysVectorFont= YES; // YES always draws texts in vector font, no
// matter what the actual font settings are
int UseWireWidths = YES; // YES will generate wires, arcs and circles
// as polygons showing their real widths.
// This, however, can cause the DXF file to
// become very large!
// Set this to NO if you do not need the real
// widths.
int FillAreas = YES; // YES will fill wires, arcs etc. You must also
// set UseWireWidths to YES for this to work
real AnnulusRelInnerDiameter = 0.8;
real AnnulusRelGap = 0.2;
int VisibleSupplyLayer = NO;
int IsSupplyLayer[];
enum { MM, INCH };
int Unit = MM;
int SafetyOverlap = 1.0 / u2mil(1); // 1.0 mil overlap
int PadColor = 0, ViaColor = 0;
// Some tools we need later:
real DxfUnit(int n)
return (Unit == MM) ? u2mm(n) : u2inch(n);
real DxfAngle(real a)
return a >= 360 ? a - 360 : a; // 0 <= DXF-Angle < 360
int LayerActive[] = {1};
int DxfColors[] = { // AutoCAD Color Index (ACI)
0x00000000, // 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0x00FF0000, // 1 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0x00FFFF00, // 2 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
0x0000FF00, // 3 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
0x0000FFFF, // 4 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0x000000FF, // 5 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
0x00FF00FF, // 6 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
0x00FFFFFF, // 7 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0x00FFFFFF, // 8 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0x00FFFFFF, // 9 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0x00FF0000, // 10 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0x00FF7F7F, // 11 1.00000 0.50000 0.50000
0x00A50000, // 12 0.65000 0.00000 0.00000
0x00A55252, // 13 0.65000 0.32500 0.32500
0x007F0000, // 14 0.50000 0.00000 0.00000
0x007F3F3F, // 15 0.50000 0.25000 0.25000
0x004C0000, // 16 0.30000 0.00000 0.00000
0x004C2626, // 17 0.30000 0.15000 0.15000
0x00260000, // 18 0.15000 0.00000 0.00000
0x00261313, // 19 0.15000 0.07500 0.07500
0x00FF3F00, // 20 1.00000 0.25000 0.00000
0x00FF9F7F, // 21 1.00000 0.62500 0.50000
0x00A52900, // 22 0.65000 0.16250 0.00000
0x00A56752, // 23 0.65000 0.40625 0.32500
0x007F1F00, // 24 0.50000 0.12500 0.00000
0x007F4F3F, // 25 0.50000 0.31250 0.25000
0x004C1300, // 26 0.30000 0.07500 0.00000
0x004C2F26, // 27 0.30000 0.18750 0.15000
0x00260900, // 28 0.15000 0.03750 0.00000
0x00261713, // 29 0.15000 0.09375 0.07500
0x00FF7F00, // 30 1.00000 0.50000 0.00000
0x00FFBF7F, // 31 1.00000 0.75000 0.50000
0x00A55200, // 32 0.65000 0.32500 0.00000
0x00A57C52, // 33 0.65000 0.48750 0.32500
0x007F3F00, // 34 0.50000 0.25000 0.00000
0x007F5F3F, // 35 0.50000 0.37500 0.25000
0x004C2600, // 36 0.30000 0.15000 0.00000
0x004C3926, // 37 0.30000 0.22500 0.15000
0x00261300, // 38 0.15000 0.07500 0.00000
0x00261C13, // 39 0.15000 0.11250 0.07500
0x00FFBF00, // 40 1.00000 0.75000 0.00000
0x00FFDF7F, // 41 1.00000 0.87500 0.50000
0x00A57C00, // 42 0.65000 0.48750 0.00000
0x00A59152, // 43 0.65000 0.56875 0.32500
0x007F5F00, // 44 0.50000 0.37500 0.00000
0x007F6F3F, // 45 0.50000 0.43750 0.25000
0x004C3900, // 46 0.30000 0.22500 0.00000
0x004C4226, // 47 0.30000 0.26250 0.15000
0x00261C00, // 48 0.15000 0.11250 0.00000
0x00262113, // 49 0.15000 0.13125 0.07500
0x00FFFF00, // 50 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
0x00FFFF7F, // 51 1.00000 1.00000 0.50000
0x00A5A500, // 52 0.65000 0.65000 0.00000
0x00A5A552, // 53 0.65000 0.65000 0.32500
0x007F7F00, // 54 0.50000 0.50000 0.00000
0x007F7F3F, // 55 0.50000 0.50000 0.25000
0x004C4C00, // 56 0.30000 0.30000 0.00000
0x004C4C26, // 57 0.30000 0.30000 0.15000
0x00262600, // 58 0.15000 0.15000 0.00000
0x00262613, // 59 0.15000 0.15000 0.07500
0x00BFFF00, // 60 0.75000 1.00000 0.00000
0x00DFFF7F, // 61 0.87500 1.00000 0.50000
0x007CA500, // 62 0.48750 0.65000 0.00000
0x0091A552, // 63 0.56875 0.65000 0.32500
0x005F7F00, // 64 0.37500 0.50000 0.00000
0x006F7F3F, // 65 0.43750 0.50000 0.25000
0x00394C00, // 66 0.22500 0.30000 0.00000
0x00424C26, // 67 0.26250 0.30000 0.15000
0x001C2600, // 68 0.11250 0.15000 0.00000
0x00212613, // 69 0.13125 0.15000 0.07500
0x007FFF00, // 70 0.50000 1.00000 0.00000
0x00BFFF7F, // 71 0.75000 1.00000 0.50000
0x0052A500, // 72 0.32500 0.65000 0.00000
0x007CA552, // 73 0.48750 0.65000 0.32500
0x003F7F00, // 74 0.25000 0.50000 0.00000
0x005F7F3F, // 75 0.37500 0.50000 0.25000
0x00264C00, // 76 0.15000 0.30000 0.00000
0x00394C26, // 77 0.22500 0.30000 0.15000
0x00132600, // 78 0.07500 0.15000 0.00000
0x001C2613, // 79 0.11250 0.15000 0.07500
0x003FFF00, // 80 0.25000 1.00000 0.00000
0x009FFF7F, // 81 0.62500 1.00000 0.50000
0x0029A500, // 82 0.16250 0.65000 0.00000
0x0067A552, // 83 0.40625 0.65000 0.32500
0x001F7F00, // 84 0.12500 0.50000 0.00000
0x004F7F3F, // 85 0.31250 0.50000 0.25000
0x00134C00, // 86 0.07500 0.30000 0.00000
0x002F4C26, // 87 0.18750 0.30000 0.15000
0x00092600, // 88 0.03750 0.15000 0.00000
0x00172613, // 89 0.09375 0.15000 0.07500
0x0000FF00, // 90 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
0x007FFF7F, // 91 0.50000 1.00000 0.50000
0x0000A500, // 92 0.00000 0.65000 0.00000
0x0052A552, // 93 0.32500 0.65000 0.32500
0x00007F00, // 94 0.00000 0.50000 0.00000
0x003F7F3F, // 95 0.25000 0.50000 0.25000
0x00004C00, // 96 0.00000 0.30000 0.00000
0x00264C26, // 97 0.15000 0.30000 0.15000
0x00002600, // 98 0.00000 0.15000 0.00000
0x00132613, // 99 0.07500 0.15000 0.07500
0x0000FF3F, // 100 0.00000 1.00000 0.25000
0x007FFF9F, // 101 0.50000 1.00000 0.62500
0x0000A529, // 102 0.00000 0.65000 0.16250
0x0052A567, // 103 0.32500 0.65000 0.40625
0x00007F1F, // 104 0.00000 0.50000 0.12500
0x003F7F4F, // 105 0.25000 0.50000 0.31250
0x00004C13, // 106 0.00000 0.30000 0.07500
0x00264C2F, // 107 0.15000 0.30000 0.18750
0x00002609, // 108 0.00000 0.15000 0.03750
0x00132617, // 109 0.07500 0.15000 0.09375
0x0000FF7F, // 110 0.00000 1.00000 0.50000
0x007FFFBF, // 111 0.50000 1.00000 0.75000
0x0000A552, // 112 0.00000 0.65000 0.32500
0x0052A57C, // 113 0.32500 0.65000 0.48750
0x00007F3F, // 114 0.00000 0.50000 0.25000
0x003F7F5F, // 115 0.25000 0.50000 0.37500
0x00004C26, // 116 0.00000 0.30000 0.15000
0x00264C39, // 117 0.15000 0.30000 0.22500
0x00002613, // 118 0.00000 0.15000 0.07500
0x0013261C, // 119 0.07500 0.15000 0.11250
0x0000FFBF, // 120 0.00000 1.00000 0.75000
0x007FFFDF, // 121 0.50000 1.00000 0.87500
0x0000A57C, // 122 0.00000 0.65000 0.48750
0x0052A591, // 123 0.32500 0.65000 0.56875
0x00007F5F, // 124 0.00000 0.50000 0.37500
0x003F7F6F, // 125 0.25000 0.50000 0.43750
0x00004C39, // 126 0.00000 0.30000 0.22500
0x00264C42, // 127 0.15000 0.30000 0.26250
0x0000261C, // 128 0.00000 0.15000 0.11250
0x00132621, // 129 0.07500 0.15000 0.13125
0x0000FFFF, // 130 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0x007FFFFF, // 131 0.50000 1.00000 1.00000
0x0000A5A5, // 132 0.00000 0.65000 0.65000
0x0052A5A5, // 133 0.32500 0.65000 0.65000
0x00007F7F, // 134 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000
0x003F7F7F, // 135 0.25000 0.50000 0.50000
0x00004C4C, // 136 0.00000 0.30000 0.30000
0x00264C4C, // 137 0.15000 0.30000 0.30000
0x00002626, // 138 0.00000 0.15000 0.15000
0x00132626, // 139 0.07500 0.15000 0.15000
0x0000BFFF, // 140 0.00000 0.75000 1.00000
0x007FDFFF, // 141 0.50000 0.87500 1.00000
0x00007CA5, // 142 0.00000 0.48750 0.65000
0x005291A5, // 143 0.32500 0.56875 0.65000
0x00005F7F, // 144 0.00000 0.37500 0.50000
0x003F6F7F, // 145 0.25000 0.43750 0.50000
0x0000394C, // 146 0.00000 0.22500 0.30000
0x0026424C, // 147 0.15000 0.26250 0.30000
0x00001C26, // 148 0.00000 0.11250 0.15000
0x00132126, // 149 0.07500 0.13125 0.15000
0x00007FFF, // 150 0.00000 0.50000 1.00000
0x007FBFFF, // 151 0.50000 0.75000 1.00000
0x000052A5, // 152 0.00000 0.32500 0.65000
0x00527CA5, // 153 0.32500 0.48750 0.65000
0x00003F7F, // 154 0.00000 0.25000 0.50000
0x003F5F7F, // 155 0.25000 0.37500 0.50000
0x0000264C, // 156 0.00000 0.15000 0.30000
0x0026394C, // 157 0.15000 0.22500 0.30000
0x00001326, // 158 0.00000 0.07500 0.15000
0x00131C26, // 159 0.07500 0.11250 0.15000
0x00003FFF, // 160 0.00000 0.25000 1.00000
0x007F9FFF, // 161 0.50000 0.62500 1.00000
0x000029A5, // 162 0.00000 0.16250 0.65000
0x005267A5, // 163 0.32500 0.40625 0.65000
0x00001F7F, // 164 0.00000 0.12500 0.50000
0x003F4F7F, // 165 0.25000 0.31250 0.50000
0x0000134C, // 166 0.00000 0.07500 0.30000
0x00262F4C, // 167 0.15000 0.18750 0.30000
0x00000926, // 168 0.00000 0.03750 0.15000
0x00131726, // 169 0.07500 0.09375 0.15000
0x000000FF, // 170 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
0x007F7FFF, // 171 0.50000 0.50000 1.00000
0x000000A5, // 172 0.00000 0.00000 0.65000
0x005252A5, // 173 0.32500 0.32500 0.65000
0x0000007F, // 174 0.00000 0.00000 0.50000
0x003F3F7F, // 175 0.25000 0.25000 0.50000
0x0000004C, // 176 0.00000 0.00000 0.30000
0x0026264C, // 177 0.15000 0.15000 0.30000
0x00000026, // 178 0.00000 0.00000 0.15000
0x00131326, // 179 0.07500 0.07500 0.15000
0x003F00FF, // 180 0.25000 0.00000 1.00000
0x009F7FFF, // 181 0.62500 0.50000 1.00000
0x002900A5, // 182 0.16250 0.00000 0.65000
0x006752A5, // 183 0.40625 0.32500 0.65000
0x001F007F, // 184 0.12500 0.00000 0.50000
0x004F3F7F, // 185 0.31250 0.25000 0.50000
0x0013004C, // 186 0.07500 0.00000 0.30000
0x002F264C, // 187 0.18750 0.15000 0.30000
0x00090026, // 188 0.03750 0.00000 0.15000
0x00171326, // 189 0.09375 0.07500 0.15000
0x007F00FF, // 190 0.50000 0.00000 1.00000
0x00BF7FFF, // 191 0.75000 0.50000 1.00000
0x005200A5, // 192 0.32500 0.00000 0.65000
0x007C52A5, // 193 0.48750 0.32500 0.65000
0x003F007F, // 194 0.25000 0.00000 0.50000
0x005F3F7F, // 195 0.37500 0.25000 0.50000
0x0026004C, // 196 0.15000 0.00000 0.30000
0x0039264C, // 197 0.22500 0.15000 0.30000
0x00130026, // 198 0.07500 0.00000 0.15000
0x001C1326, // 199 0.11250 0.07500 0.15000
0x00BF00FF, // 200 0.75000 0.00000 1.00000
0x00DF7FFF, // 201 0.87500 0.50000 1.00000
0x007C00A5, // 202 0.48750 0.00000 0.65000
0x009152A5, // 203 0.56875 0.32500 0.65000
0x005F007F, // 204 0.37500 0.00000 0.50000
0x006F3F7F, // 205 0.43750 0.25000 0.50000
0x0039004C, // 206 0.22500 0.00000 0.30000
0x0042264C, // 207 0.26250 0.15000 0.30000
0x001C0026, // 208 0.11250 0.00000 0.15000
0x00211326, // 209 0.13125 0.07500 0.15000
0x00FF00FF, // 210 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
0x00FF7FFF, // 211 1.00000 0.50000 1.00000
0x00A500A5, // 212 0.65000 0.00000 0.65000
0x00A552A5, // 213 0.65000 0.32500 0.65000
0x007F007F, // 214 0.50000 0.00000 0.50000
0x007F3F7F, // 215 0.50000 0.25000 0.50000
0x004C004C, // 216 0.30000 0.00000 0.30000
0x004C264C, // 217 0.30000 0.15000 0.30000
0x00260026, // 218 0.15000 0.00000 0.15000
0x00261326, // 219 0.15000 0.07500 0.15000
0x00FF00BF, // 220 1.00000 0.00000 0.75000
0x00FF7FDF, // 221 1.00000 0.50000 0.87500
0x00A5007C, // 222 0.65000 0.00000 0.48750
0x00A55291, // 223 0.65000 0.32500 0.56875
0x007F005F, // 224 0.50000 0.00000 0.37500
0x007F3F6F, // 225 0.50000 0.25000 0.43750
0x004C0039, // 226 0.30000 0.00000 0.22500
0x004C2642, // 227 0.30000 0.15000 0.26250
0x0026001C, // 228 0.15000 0.00000 0.11250
0x00261321, // 229 0.15000 0.07500 0.13125
0x00FF007F, // 230 1.00000 0.00000 0.50000
0x00FF7FBF, // 231 1.00000 0.50000 0.75000
0x00A50052, // 232 0.65000 0.00000 0.32500
0x00A5527C, // 233 0.65000 0.32500 0.48750
0x007F003F, // 234 0.50000 0.00000 0.25000
0x007F3F5F, // 235 0.50000 0.25000 0.37500
0x004C0026, // 236 0.30000 0.00000 0.15000
0x004C2639, // 237 0.30000 0.15000 0.22500
0x00260013, // 238 0.15000 0.00000 0.07500
0x0026131C, // 239 0.15000 0.07500 0.11250
0x00FF003F, // 240 1.00000 0.00000 0.25000
0x00FF7F9F, // 241 1.00000 0.50000 0.62500
0x00A50029, // 242 0.65000 0.00000 0.16250
0x00A55267, // 243 0.65000 0.32500 0.40625
0x007F001F, // 244 0.50000 0.00000 0.12500
0x007F3F4F, // 245 0.50000 0.25000 0.31250
0x004C0013, // 246 0.30000 0.00000 0.07500
0x004C262F, // 247 0.30000 0.15000 0.18750
0x00260009, // 248 0.15000 0.00000 0.03750
0x00261317, // 249 0.15000 0.07500 0.09375
0x00545454, // 250 0.33000 0.33000 0.33000
0x00767676, // 251 0.46400 0.46400 0.46400
0x00989898, // 252 0.59800 0.59800 0.59800
0x00BABABA, // 253 0.73200 0.73200 0.73200
0x00DCDCDC, // 254 0.86600 0.86600 0.86600
0x00FFFFFF // 255 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
int DxfColor(int Rgb)
int r = (Rgb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int g = (Rgb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int b = (Rgb & 0x000000FF);
int n = 1; // = 0; if the DXF tool is able to handle color 0
int Min = INT_MAX;
for (int i = n; i < 256; i++) {
int c = DxfColors[i];
int dr = r - ((c & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
int dg = g - ((c & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
int db = b - (c & 0x000000FF);
int d = dr * dr * 77 + dg * dg * 150 + db * db * 29;
if (d < Min) {
n = i;
Min = d;
return n;
// Level 0: DXF code generating functions:
void DxfString(int code, string value)
printf("%3d\n%s\n", code, value);
void DxfInt(int code, int value)
printf("%3d\n%d\n", code, value);
void DxfReal(int code, real value)
printf("%3d\n%1.*f\n", code, (Unit == MM) ? 4 : 6, value);
// Level 1: DXF group functions:
void DxfCoordinate(int n, real x, real y)
DxfReal(10 + n, x);
DxfReal(20 + n, y);
DxfReal(30 + n, 0.0);
void DxfSection(string name)
DxfString(0, "SECTION");
DxfString(2, name);
void DxfEndSection(void)
DxfString(0, "ENDSEC");
void DxfTable(string name, int number)
DxfString(0, "TABLE");
DxfString(2, name);
DxfInt(70, number);
void DxfEndTable(void)
DxfString(0, "ENDTAB");
void DxfBlock(string name)
DxfString(0, "BLOCK");
DxfInt(8, 0);
DxfString(2, name);
DxfInt(70, 64);
DxfCoordinate(0, 0.0, 0.0);
DxfString(3, name);
void DxfEndBlock(void)
DxfString(0, "ENDBLK");
DxfInt(8, 0);
void DxfVariable(string name)
DxfString(9, "$" + name);
void DxfTrailer(void)
DxfString(0, "EOF");
void DxfPolyline(int layer, real width)
int Mode = width > 0 ? 0 // polyline is NOT closed
: 1; // polyline is closed
if (width < 0)
width = -width;
DxfString(0, "POLYLINE");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfInt(66, 1);
DxfCoordinate(0, 0.0, 0.0);
DxfReal(40, width);
DxfReal(41, width);
DxfInt(70, Mode);
void DxfVertex(int layer, real x, real y)
DxfString(0, "VERTEX");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
void DxfVertexRound(int layer, real x, real y, real r)
DxfString(0, "VERTEX");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
DxfReal(42, r);
void DxfSeqEnd(void)
DxfString(0, "SEQEND");
DxfInt(8, 0);
void DxfInsert(int layer, string name, real x, real y, real dx, real dy, real a)
if (LayerActive[layer]) {
DxfString(0, "INSERT");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfString(2, name);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
DxfReal(41, dx);
DxfReal(42, dy);
DxfReal(43, 1.0);
DxfReal(50, a);
void DxfPoint(int layer, real x, real y)
if (LayerActive[layer]) {
DxfString(0, "POINT");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
void DxfLine(int layer, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2)
if (LayerActive[layer]) {
DxfString(0, "LINE");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x1, y1);
DxfCoordinate(1, x2, y2);
void DxfCircle(int layer, real x, real y, real r)
if (layer == 0 || LayerActive[layer]) {
DxfString(0, "CIRCLE");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
DxfReal(40, r);
void DxfArc(int layer, real x, real y, real r, real a1, real a2)
if (LayerActive[layer]) {
DxfString(0, "ARC");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
DxfReal(40, r);
DxfReal(50, a1);
DxfReal(51, a2);
void DxfSolid(int layer, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4)
if (layer == 0 || LayerActive[layer]) {
DxfString(0, "SOLID");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x1, y1);
DxfCoordinate(1, x2, y2);
DxfCoordinate(2, x3, y3);
DxfCoordinate(3, x4, y4);
void DxfText(int layer, int font, real x, real y, real size, string value, real angle, int mirror, int spin)
if (LayerActive[layer]) {
int Adjust = !spin;
int Reference = 0; // 3 2
// Text
// 0 1
if (!board)
Adjust = 1;
if (!board && mirror) {
mirror = 0;
Adjust = 0;
if (angle == 0) { Reference = 1; }
else if (angle == 90) { Reference = 3; }
else if (angle == 180) { Reference = 3; angle = 0; }
else if (angle == 270) { Reference = 1; angle = 90; }
DxfString(0, "TEXT");
DxfString(7, font == FONT_PROPORTIONAL ? "ISOCP" : "ISOCT");
DxfInt(8, layer);
DxfCoordinate(0, x, y);
Adjust = Adjust && 90 < angle && angle <= 270;
if (mirror) {
angle = -angle;
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360;
if (Adjust) {
angle -= 180;
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360;
Reference = 2;
DxfReal(40, size);
DxfString(1, value);
if (angle)
DxfReal(50, angle);
if (mirror)
DxfInt(71, 2);
if (Reference) {
DxfInt(72, Reference == 1 || Reference == 2 ? 2 : 0);
DxfInt(73, Reference >= 2 ? 3 : 0);
DxfCoordinate(1, x, y);
void DxfLayer(int number, int color)
DxfString(0, "LAYER");
DxfInt(2, number);
DxfInt(70, 64);
DxfInt(62, DxfColor(palette(color)));
DxfString(6, "CONTINUOUS");
void DxfLineTypes(void)
DxfString(0, "LTYPE");
DxfString(2, "CONTINUOUS");
DxfInt(70, 64);
DxfString(3, "Solid line");
DxfInt(72, 65);
DxfInt(73, 0);
DxfInt(40, 0);
void DxfVersion(void)
DxfString(1, "AC1009");
DxfInt(70, FillAreas ? 1 : 0);
void DxfWireRaw(int layer, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real width)
real dx = x2 - x1;
real dy = y2 - y1;
real l = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (l > 0) {
if (FillAreas)
l *= 2;
real w2 = width / 2;
real dxl = dx / l * w2;
real dyl = dy / l * w2;
if (FillAreas) {
DxfPolyline(layer, width);
DxfVertex(layer, x1, y1);
DxfVertex(layer, x2, y2);
DxfPolyline(layer, w2);
DxfVertexRound(layer, x2 + dyl, y2 - dxl, 1);
DxfVertex (layer, x2 - dyl, y2 + dxl);
DxfPolyline(layer, w2);
DxfVertexRound(layer, x1 - dyl, y1 + dxl, 1);
DxfVertex (layer, x1 + dyl, y1 - dxl);
else {
DxfPolyline(layer, 0);
DxfVertex(layer, x1 + dyl, y1 - dxl);
DxfVertexRound(layer, x2 + dyl, y2 - dxl, 1);
DxfVertex (layer, x2 - dyl, y2 + dxl);
DxfVertexRound(layer, x1 - dyl, y1 + dxl, 1);
void DxfWire(int layer, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real width)
if (UseWireWidths && width > 0)
DxfWireRaw(layer, x1, y1, x2, y2, width);
DxfLine(layer, x1, y1, x2, y2);
void DxfPie(int layer, real x, real y, real radius)
if (FillAreas) {
DxfPolyline(layer, radius);
DxfVertexRound(layer, x, y - 0.5 * radius, 1);
DxfVertexRound(layer, x, y + 0.5 * radius, 1);
DxfVertex (layer, x, y - 0.5 * radius);
DxfCircle(layer, x, y, radius);
// Level 1: Block definitions for EAGLE primitives:
void DxfOctagonBlock(string name, real e1, real e2)
int layer = 0;
real r = 0.5;
real w = 0;
if (e1 || e2) {
e1 *= r;
e2 *= r;
DxfWireRaw(layer, -e1, 0, e2, 0, 1);
else {
real a_2 = r * (sqrt(2) - 1); // a = 2 * r * tan(22.5)
if (FillAreas) {
w = 0.5;
r *= 0.5;
a_2 *= 0.5;
DxfPolyline(layer, w);
DxfVertex(layer, -r , -a_2);
DxfVertex(layer, -r , a_2);
DxfVertex(layer, -a_2, r);
DxfVertex(layer, a_2, r);
DxfVertex(layer, r , a_2);
DxfVertex(layer, r , -a_2);
DxfVertex(layer, a_2, -r);
DxfVertex(layer, -a_2, -r);
if (FillAreas) {
DxfVertex(layer, -r, -a_2);
DxfVertex(layer, -r, a_2);
void DxfPadAndSmdBlocks(void) // LONG/OFFSET pad and any smd shapes
string CollectedPads,
string s;
if (board) board(B) {
E.package.contacts(C) {
if (C.pad) {
int Elongation = C.pad.elongation;
if (Elongation) {
int sc = C.pad.shape[LAYER_PADS];
sprintf(s, "%sP%d", sc == PAD_SHAPE_OFFSET ? "OFFSET" : "LONG", Elongation);
if (strstr(CollectedPads, s + '#') < 0) {
CollectedPads += s + '#';
real e = Elongation / 100.0;
DxfOctagonBlock(s, 0, 2 * e);
DxfOctagonBlock(s, e, e);
else if (C.smd) {
int Roundness = C.smd.roundness;
if (Roundness) {
for (int l = C.smd.layer; l; ) {
if (LayerActive[l]) {
int dx2 = C.smd.dx[l] / 2,
dy2 = C.smd.dy[l] / 2;
sprintf(s, "RECT%dX%dR%d", dx2, dy2, Roundness);
if (strstr(CollectedSmds, s + '#') < 0) {
CollectedSmds += s + '#';
real rr = sqrt(2) - 1;
int rf = min(dx2, dy2) * Roundness / 100;
if (FillAreas) {
rf /= 2;
dx2 -= rf;
dy2 -= rf;
real r = DxfUnit(rf);
real x1 = DxfUnit(-dx2),
y1 = DxfUnit(-dy2),
x2 = DxfUnit(dx2),
y2 = DxfUnit(dy2);
DxfPolyline(0, FillAreas ? -2 * r : 0);
DxfVertex (0, x2 , y1 + r);
DxfVertexRound(0, x2 , y2 - r, rr);
DxfVertex (0, x2 - r, y2 );
DxfVertexRound(0, x1 + r, y2 , rr);
DxfVertex (0, x1 , y2 - r);
DxfVertexRound(0, x1 , y1 + r, rr);
DxfVertex (0, x1 + r, y1 );
DxfVertexRound(0, x2 - r, y1 , rr);
if (FillAreas) {
int o = min(SafetyOverlap, rf / 2);
dx2 -= rf - o;
dy2 -= rf - o;
x2 = DxfUnit(dx2);
y2 = DxfUnit(dy2);
DxfSolid(0, -x2, -y2, x2, -y2, -x2, y2, x2, y2);
switch (l) {
case LAYER_TOP: l = LAYER_TSTOP; break;
case LAYER_TSTOP: l = LAYER_TCREAM; break;
case LAYER_BOTTOM: l = LAYER_BSTOP; break;
case LAYER_BSTOP: l = LAYER_BCREAM; break;
default: l = 0;
void DxfBlocks(void)
DxfSolid(0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
DxfPie(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
if (board) {
string pv[] = { "P", "V" };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
DxfOctagonBlock("OCTAGON" + pv[i], 0, 0);
DxfBlock("SQUARE" + pv[i]);
DxfSolid(0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
DxfBlock("ROUND" + pv[i]);
DxfPie(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
DxfBlock("ANNULUS" + pv[i]);
DxfPie(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
DxfBlock("THERMAL" + pv[i]);
real dr = (1.0 + AnnulusRelInnerDiameter) / 4,
dw = (1.0 - AnnulusRelInnerDiameter) / 2,
ds = dr - (AnnulusRelGap + dw) / sqrt(2.0);
if (ds < 0.01)
ds = 0.01;
DxfWire(0, -ds, +dr, +ds, +dr, dw);
DxfWire(0, +dr, +ds, +dr, -ds, dw);
DxfWire(0, +ds, -dr, -ds, -dr, dw);
DxfWire(0, -dr, -ds, -dr, +ds, dw);
// Level 2: Low level EAGLE to DXF conversion functions:
void Layer(UL_LAYER L)
if (L.visible)
DxfLayer(L.number, L.color);
LayerActive[L.number] = L.visible;
switch (L.number) {
case LAYER_PADS: PadColor = L.color; break;
case LAYER_VIAS: ViaColor = L.color; break;
void Area(UL_AREA A)
DxfCoordinate(0, DxfUnit(A.x1), DxfUnit(A.y1));
DxfCoordinate(0, DxfUnit(A.x2), DxfUnit(A.y2));
void Arc(UL_ARC A)
if (LayerActive[A.layer]) {
if (UseWireWidths && A.width > 0) {
real a1 = A.angle1 / 180 * PI;
real a2 = A.angle2 / 180 * PI;
real vr = tan((a2 - a1) / 4); // vertex roundness: vr = tan(delta_phi/4) = 2*H/R (H: segment height, R: segment radius)
real x1 = DxfUnit(A.x1), y1 = DxfUnit(A.y1),
x2 = DxfUnit(A.x2), y2 = DxfUnit(A.y2);
real w2 = DxfUnit(A.width / 2);
real x1r = w2 * cos(a1), y1r = w2 * sin(a1), // a vector with angle1 and a length of width/2
x2r = w2 * cos(a2), y2r = w2 * sin(a2);
if (FillAreas) {
DxfPolyline(A.layer, DxfUnit(A.width));
DxfVertexRound(A.layer, x1, y1, vr);
DxfVertex(A.layer, x2, y2);
if (A.cap == CAP_ROUND) {
DxfPolyline(A.layer, w2);
DxfVertexRound(A.layer, x1 - x1r/2, y1 - y1r/2, 1);
DxfVertex (A.layer, x1 + x1r/2, y1 + y1r/2);
DxfPolyline(A.layer, w2);
DxfVertexRound(A.layer, x2 + x2r/2, y2 + y2r/2, 1);
DxfVertex (A.layer, x2 - x2r/2, y2 - y2r/2);
else {
DxfPolyline(A.layer, 0);
if (A.cap == CAP_ROUND)
DxfVertexRound(A.layer, x1 - x1r, y1 - y1r, 1);
DxfVertex (A.layer, x1 - x1r, y1 - y1r);
DxfVertexRound (A.layer, x1 + x1r, y1 + y1r, vr);
if (A.cap == CAP_ROUND)
DxfVertexRound(A.layer, x2 + x2r, y2 + y2r, 1);
DxfVertex (A.layer, x2 + x2r, y2 + y2r);
DxfVertexRound (A.layer, x2 - x2r, y2 - y2r, -vr);
DxfUnit(A.xc), DxfUnit(A.yc),
DxfAngle(A.angle1), DxfAngle(A.angle2));
void WireSegment(UL_WIRE W)
if (W.arc)
DxfWire(W.layer, DxfUnit(W.x1), DxfUnit(W.y1), DxfUnit(W.x2), DxfUnit(W.y2), DxfUnit(W.width));
void Wire(UL_WIRE W)
if (LayerActive[W.layer]) {
W.pieces(P) WireSegment(P);
void Circle(UL_CIRCLE C)
if (LayerActive[C.layer]) {
if (UseWireWidths) {
if (C.width > 0) {
if (FillAreas) {
DxfPolyline(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.width));
DxfVertexRound(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y - C.radius), 1);
DxfVertexRound(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y + C.radius), 1);
DxfVertex(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y - C.radius));
else {
int r1 = C.radius - C.width / 2,
r2 = C.radius + C.width / 2;
if (r1 > 0)
DxfCircle(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y), DxfUnit(r1));
DxfCircle(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y), DxfUnit(r2));
else if (FillAreas) {
DxfPolyline(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.radius));
DxfVertexRound(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y - C.radius / 2), 1);
DxfVertexRound(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y + C.radius / 2), 1);
DxfVertex(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y - C.radius / 2));
DxfCircle(C.layer, DxfUnit(C.x), DxfUnit(C.y), DxfUnit(C.radius));
void Rectangle(UL_RECTANGLE R)
DxfInsert(R.layer, "RECT", DxfUnit((R.x1 + R.x2) / 2), DxfUnit((R.y1 + R.y2) / 2), DxfUnit(R.x2 - R.x1), DxfUnit(R.y2 - R.y1), R.angle);
void Hole(UL_HOLE H)
DxfCircle(LAYER_DIMENSION, DxfUnit(H.x), DxfUnit(H.y), DxfUnit(H.drill / 2));
if (LayerActive[LAYER_TSTOP]) DxfPie(LAYER_TSTOP, DxfUnit(H.x), DxfUnit(H.y), DxfUnit(H.diameter[LAYER_TSTOP] / 2));
if (LayerActive[LAYER_BSTOP]) DxfPie(LAYER_BSTOP, DxfUnit(H.x), DxfUnit(H.y), DxfUnit(H.diameter[LAYER_BSTOP] / 2));
void Via(UL_VIA V)
int Count = 0;
int Extended = 0;
for (int l = LAYER_TOP; l; ) {
real d = DxfUnit(V.diameter[l]);
if (d && (LayerActive[l] || l == Extended)) {
DxfInsert(ViaColor && !IsSupplyLayer[l] && l <= LAYER_BOTTOM ? LAYER_VIAS : l, Shape[V.shape[l]], DxfUnit(V.x), DxfUnit(V.y), d, d, 0);
if (l < LAYER_BOTTOM) {
if (Extended)
l = Extended = LAYER_BOTTOM;
switch (l) {
case LAYER_BOTTOM: if (!Extended && !Count && ViaColor && LayerActive[LAYER_VIAS])
l = Extended = LAYER_BOTTOM;
case LAYER_TSTOP: l = LAYER_BSTOP; break;
default: l = 0;
if (Count)
DxfCircle(LAYER_DRILLS, DxfUnit(V.x), DxfUnit(V.y), DxfUnit(V.drill / 2));
void Pad(UL_PAD P)
int Count = 0;
int Extended = 0;
for (int l = LAYER_TOP; l; ) {
real d = DxfUnit(P.diameter[l]);
if (d && (LayerActive[l] || l == Extended)) {
int sc = P.shape[l];
string s;
switch (sc) {
int e = P.elongation;
if (e)
sprintf(s, "%d", e);
DxfInsert(PadColor && !IsSupplyLayer[l] && l <= LAYER_BOTTOM ? LAYER_PADS : l, Shape[sc] + s, DxfUnit(P.x), DxfUnit(P.y), d, d, P.angle);
if (l < LAYER_BOTTOM) {
if (Extended)
l = Extended = LAYER_BOTTOM;
switch (l) {
case LAYER_BOTTOM: if (!Extended && !Count && PadColor && LayerActive[LAYER_PADS])
l = Extended = LAYER_TOP;
case LAYER_TSTOP: l = LAYER_BSTOP; break;
default: l = 0;
if (Count)
DxfCircle(LAYER_DRILLS, DxfUnit(P.x), DxfUnit(P.y), DxfUnit(P.drill / 2));
void Smd(UL_SMD S)
for (int l = S.layer; ; ) {
if (LayerActive[l]) {
int dx2 = S.dx[l] / 2, dy2 = S.dy[l] / 2;
if (dx2 == 0 || dy2 == 0)
; // nothing to do
else if (S.roundness == 100 && dx2 == dy2)
DxfInsert(l, "PIE", DxfUnit(S.x), DxfUnit(S.y), DxfUnit(2 * dx2), DxfUnit(2 * dy2), 0);
else if (S.roundness) {
string Name;
sprintf(Name, "RECT%dX%dR%d", dx2, dy2, S.roundness);
DxfInsert(l, Name, DxfUnit(S.x), DxfUnit(S.y), 1.0, 1.0, S.angle);
DxfInsert(l, "RECT", DxfUnit(S.x), DxfUnit(S.y), DxfUnit(2 * dx2), DxfUnit(2 * dy2), S.angle);
switch (l) {
case LAYER_TOP: l = LAYER_TSTOP; break;
case LAYER_TSTOP: l = LAYER_TCREAM; break;
case LAYER_BOTTOM: l = LAYER_BSTOP; break;
case LAYER_BSTOP: l = LAYER_BCREAM; break;
default: return;
void Junction(UL_JUNCTION J)
DxfPie(LAYER_NETS, DxfUnit(J.x), DxfUnit(J.y), DxfUnit(J.diameter / 2));
void Polygon(UL_POLYGON P)
P.contours(W) Wire(W);
if (P.width > 0)
P.fillings(W) Wire(W);
else if (dlgMessageBox(tr("Can't fill polygon with Width = 0"), tr("+OK"), tr("-Cancel")) != 0)
void Text(UL_TEXT T)
if (LayerActive[T.layer]) {
if (T.font == FONT_VECTOR || AlwaysVectorFont) {
T.wires(W) WireSegment(W);
else {
DxfText(T.layer, T.font,
DxfUnit(T.x), DxfUnit(T.y), DxfUnit(T.size),
T.value, T.angle, T.mirror, T.spin);
void Label(UL_LABEL L)
if (LayerActive[L.layer]) {
L.wires(W) Wire(W);
void Frame(UL_FRAME F)
F.wires(W) Wire(W);
F.texts(T) Text(T);
// Level 3: High level EAGLE decomposing functions:
void Package(UL_PACKAGE P)
P.polygons(P) Polygon(P);
P.wires(W) Wire(W);
P.texts(T) Text(T);
P.circles(C) Circle(C);
P.rectangles(R) Rectangle(R);
P.frames(F) Frame(F);
P.holes(H) Hole(H);
P.contacts(C) {
if (C.pad) Pad(C.pad);
else Smd(C.smd);
void Element(UL_ELEMENT E)
int layer;
switch (E.mirror) {
case 0: layer = LAYER_TORIGINS; break; // not mirrored
case 1: layer = LAYER_BORIGINS; break; // mirrored
DxfPoint(layer, DxfUnit(E.x), DxfUnit(E.y));
E.texts(T) Text(T);
void Signal(UL_SIGNAL S)
S.polygons(P) Polygon(P);
S.wires(W) Wire(W);
S.vias(V) Via(V);
void Board(UL_BOARD B)
B.polygons(P) Polygon(P);
B.wires(W) Wire(W);
B.texts(T) Text(T);
B.circles(C) Circle(C);
B.rectangles(R) Rectangle(R);
B.frames(F) Frame(F);
B.holes(H) Hole(H);
B.elements(E) Element(E);
B.signals(S) Signal(S);
void Pin(UL_PIN P)
P.wires(W) Wire(W);
P.circles(C) Circle(C);
P.texts(T) Text(T);
void Symbol(UL_SYMBOL S)
S.polygons(P) Polygon(P);
S.wires(W) Wire(W);
S.texts(T) Text(T);
S.pins(P) Pin(P);
S.circles(C) Circle(C);
S.rectangles(R) Rectangle(R);
S.frames(F) Frame(F);
void Instance(UL_INSTANCE I)
I.texts(T) Text(T);
I.xrefs(X) Symbol(X.symbol);
void Part(UL_PART P)
P.instances(I) Instance(I);
void Segment(UL_SEGMENT S)
S.wires(W) Wire(W);
S.junctions(J) Junction(J);
S.labels(L) Label(L);
void Bus(UL_BUS B)
B.segments(S) Segment(S);
void Net(UL_NET N)
N.segments(S) Segment(S);
void Sheet(UL_SHEET S)
S.polygons(P) Polygon(P);
S.wires(W) Wire(W);
S.texts(T) Text(T);
S.circles(C) Circle(C);
S.rectangles(R) Rectangle(R);
S.frames(F) Frame(F); Part(P);
S.busses(B) Bus(B);
S.nets(N) Net(N);
// Main program:
string OutputFileName;
int DoDialog = argc == 1;
string FileNameSuffix;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i] == "-s") FileNameSuffix = argv[++i];
else if (argv[i] == "-u") {
string u = strupr(argv[++i]);
if (u) {
if (u == "MM")
Unit = MM;
else if (u == "INCH")
Unit = INCH;
else {
dlgMessageBox(usage + tr("<hr><b>ERROR: unknown unit: ") + argv[i] + "</b>");
else {
dlgMessageBox(usage + tr("<hr><b>ERROR: missing <i>unit</i></b>"));
else if (argv[i] == "-a") AlwaysVectorFont = YES;
else if (argv[i] == "-w") UseWireWidths = YES;
else if (argv[i] == "-f") FillAreas = YES;
else {
dlgMessageBox(usage + tr("<hr><b>ERROR: unknown option: ") + argv[i] + "</b>");
if (board)
board(B) {
OutputFileName =;
B.layers(L) {
string s =;
if (L.visible && s[0] == '$') {
VisibleSupplyLayer = YES;
IsSupplyLayer[L.number] = YES;
else if (schematic)
schematic(SCH) OutputFileName =;
else {
dlgMessageBox(usage + tr("<hr><b>ERROR: No board or schematic!</b><p>\nThis program can only work in the board or schematic editor."));
OutputFileName = filesetext(OutputFileName, FileNameSuffix + ".dxf");
if (DoDialog) {
dlgDialog(tr("DXF Converter")) {
dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(400); // let's have some space for the file name
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgLabel(tr("&Output file"));
dlgPushButton(tr("&Browse")) {
string FileName = dlgFileSave(tr("Save DXF file"), OutputFileName, tr("DXF files (*.dxf)"));
if (FileName)
OutputFileName = FileName;
dlgCheckBox(tr("&Always vector font"), AlwaysVectorFont);
dlgLabel(tr("<small>If checked, texts will always be drawn with the builtin vector font.</small>"));
dlgCheckBox(tr("&Use wire widths"), UseWireWidths) { UseWireWidths |= FillAreas; };
dlgLabel(tr("<small>If checked, wires, arcs and circles will be generated as polygons showing their real widths. This, however, can cause the DXF file to become very large! Uncheck this if you do not need the real widths.</small>"));
dlgCheckBox(tr("&Fill areas"), FillAreas) { UseWireWidths |= FillAreas; }
dlgLabel(tr("<small>If checked, wires, arcs etc. will be filled (implies 'Use wire widths'!).</small>"));
if (VisibleSupplyLayer) {
dlgGroup(tr("Thermal Emulation")) {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgLabel(tr("Relative inner diameter"));
dlgRealEdit(AnnulusRelInnerDiameter, 0.5, 0.99);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgLabel(tr("Relative gap size"));
dlgRealEdit(AnnulusRelGap, 0.1, 0.5);
dlgLabel(tr("<small>Only the outer diameter of Thermals is available. The inner diameter and gap size are calculated based on the outer diameters according to these factors.</small>"));
dlgGroup(tr("Unit")) {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgRadioButton("&mm", Unit);
dlgRadioButton("&inch", Unit);
dlgLabel(tr("<small>Defines the unit used for coordinates and values in the DXF file</small>"));
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton(tr("+OK")) {
string a[];
if (!fileglob(a, OutputFileName) || dlgMessageBox(tr("File exists: ") + OutputFileName + tr("\n\nOverwrite?"), tr("+&Yes"), tr("-&No")) == 0)
dlgPushButton(tr("-Cancel")) { dlgReject(); exit(1); }
dlgPushButton(tr("About")) dlgMessageBox(usage);
output(OutputFileName) {
if (board) board(B) Area(B.area);
else sheet(S) Area(S.area);
DxfTable("LTYPE", 1);
DxfTable("LAYER", 255);
if (board) board(B) B.layers(L) Layer(L);
else schematic(SCH) SCH.layers(L) Layer(L);
if (board) board(B) Board(B);
else sheet(S) Sheet(S);