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287 lines
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15 years ago
# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# std library
from struct import unpack
# custom
from DataTypeConverters import readBew, readVar, varLen, toBytes
# uhh I don't really like this, but there are so many constants to
# import otherwise
from constants import *
class EventDispatcher:
def __init__(self, outstream):
The event dispatcher generates events on the outstream.
# internal values, don't mess with 'em directly
self.outstream = outstream
# public flags
# A note_on with a velocity of 0x00 is actually the same as a
# note_off with a velocity of 0x40. When
# "convert_zero_velocity" is set, the zero velocity note_on's
# automatically gets converted into note_off's. This is a less
# suprising behaviour for those that are not into the intimate
# details of the midi spec.
self.convert_zero_velocity = 1
# If dispatch_continuos_controllers is true, continuos
# controllers gets dispatched to their defined handlers. Else
# they just trigger the "continuous_controller" event handler.
self.dispatch_continuos_controllers = 1 # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
# If dispatch_meta_events is true, meta events get's dispatched
# to their defined events. Else they all they trigger the
# "meta_event" handler.
self.dispatch_meta_events = 1
def header(self, format, nTracks, division):
"Triggers the header event"
self.outstream.header(format, nTracks, division)
def start_of_track(self, current_track):
"Triggers the start of track event"
# I do this twice so that users can overwrite the
# start_of_track event handler without worrying whether the
# track number is updated correctly.
def sysex_event(self, data):
"Dispatcher for sysex events"
def eof(self):
"End of file!"
def update_time(self, new_time=0, relative=1):
"Updates relative/absolute time."
self.outstream.update_time(new_time, relative)
def reset_time(self):
"Updates relative/absolute time."
# Event dispatchers for similar types of events
def channel_messages(self, hi_nible, channel, data):
"Dispatches channel messages"
stream = self.outstream
data = toBytes(data)
if (NOTE_ON & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
note, velocity = data
# note_on with velocity 0x00 are same as note
# off with velocity 0x40 according to spec!
if velocity==0 and self.convert_zero_velocity:
stream.note_off(channel, note, 0x40)
stream.note_on(channel, note, velocity)
elif (NOTE_OFF & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
note, velocity = data
stream.note_off(channel, note, velocity)
elif (AFTERTOUCH & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
note, velocity = data
stream.aftertouch(channel, note, velocity)
elif (CONTINUOUS_CONTROLLER & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
controller, value = data
# A lot of the cc's are defined, so we trigger those directly
if self.dispatch_continuos_controllers:
self.continuous_controllers(channel, controller, value)
stream.continuous_controller(channel, controller, value)
elif (PATCH_CHANGE & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
program = data[0]
stream.patch_change(channel, program)
elif (CHANNEL_PRESSURE & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
pressure = data[0]
stream.channel_pressure(channel, pressure)
elif (PITCH_BEND & 0xF0) == hi_nible:
hibyte, lobyte = data
value = (hibyte<<7) + lobyte
stream.pitch_bend(channel, value)
raise ValueError, 'Illegal channel message!'
def continuous_controllers(self, channel, controller, value):
"Dispatches channel messages"
stream = self.outstream
# I am not really shure if I ought to dispatch continuous controllers
# There's so many of them that it can clutter up the OutStream
# classes.
# So I just trigger the default event handler
stream.continuous_controller(channel, controller, value)
def system_commons(self, common_type, common_data):
"Dispatches system common messages"
stream = self.outstream
# MTC Midi time code Quarter value
if common_type == MTC:
data = readBew(common_data)
msg_type = (data & 0x07) >> 4
values = (data & 0x0F)
stream.midi_time_code(msg_type, values)
elif common_type == SONG_POSITION_POINTER:
hibyte, lobyte = toBytes(common_data)
value = (hibyte<<7) + lobyte
elif common_type == SONG_SELECT:
data = readBew(common_data)
elif common_type == TUNING_REQUEST:
# no data then
def meta_event(self, meta_type, data):
"Dispatches meta events"
stream = self.outstream
# SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0x00 (00 02 ss ss (seq-number))
if meta_type == SEQUENCE_NUMBER:
number = readBew(data)
# TEXT = 0x01 (01 len text...)
elif meta_type == TEXT:
# COPYRIGHT = 0x02 (02 len text...)
elif meta_type == COPYRIGHT:
# SEQUENCE_NAME = 0x03 (03 len text...)
elif meta_type == SEQUENCE_NAME:
# INSTRUMENT_NAME = 0x04 (04 len text...)
elif meta_type == INSTRUMENT_NAME:
# LYRIC = 0x05 (05 len text...)
elif meta_type == LYRIC:
# MARKER = 0x06 (06 len text...)
elif meta_type == MARKER:
# CUEPOINT = 0x07 (07 len text...)
elif meta_type == CUEPOINT:
# PROGRAM_NAME = 0x08 (05 len text...)
elif meta_type == PROGRAM_NAME:
# DEVICE_NAME = 0x09 (09 len text...)
elif meta_type == DEVICE_NAME:
# MIDI_CH_PREFIX = 0x20 (20 01 channel)
elif meta_type == MIDI_CH_PREFIX:
channel = readBew(data)
# MIDI_PORT = 0x21 (21 01 port (legacy stuff))
elif meta_type == MIDI_PORT:
port = readBew(data)
# END_OFF_TRACK = 0x2F (2F 00)
elif meta_type == END_OF_TRACK:
# TEMPO = 0x51 (51 03 tt tt tt (tempo in us/quarternote))
elif meta_type == TEMPO:
b1, b2, b3 = toBytes(data)
# uses 3 bytes to represent time between quarter
# notes in microseconds
stream.tempo((b1<<16) + (b2<<8) + b3)
# SMTP_OFFSET = 0x54 (54 05 hh mm ss ff xx)
elif meta_type == SMTP_OFFSET:
hour, minute, second, frame, framePart = toBytes(data)
hour, minute, second, frame, framePart)
# TIME_SIGNATURE = 0x58 (58 04 nn dd cc bb)
elif meta_type == TIME_SIGNATURE:
nn, dd, cc, bb = toBytes(data)
stream.time_signature(nn, dd, cc, bb)
# KEY_SIGNATURE = 0x59 (59 02 sf mi)
elif meta_type == KEY_SIGNATURE:
sf, mi = toBytes(data)
stream.key_signature(sf, mi)
# SPECIFIC = 0x7F (Sequencer specific event)
elif meta_type == SPECIFIC:
meta_data = toBytes(data)
# Handles any undefined meta events
else: # undefined meta type
meta_data = toBytes(data)
stream.meta_event(meta_type, meta_data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from MidiToText import MidiToText
outstream = MidiToText()
dispatcher = EventDispatcher(outstream)
dispatcher.channel_messages(NOTE_ON, 0x00, '\x40\x40')