Certain pseudo opcodes are permitted for branch instructions. They expand to the shortest branch instruction that reach the target. Generally these mnemonics are made by prepending j to the start of Motorola mnemonic. These pseudo opcodes are not affected by the --short-branches or --force-long-branches options.
The following table summarizes the pseudo-operations.
Displacement Width +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Options | | --short-branches --force-long-branches | +--------------------------+----------------------------------+ Op |BYTE WORD | BYTE WORD | +--------------------------+----------------------------------+ bsr | bsr <pc-rel> <error> | jsr <abs> | bra | bra <pc-rel> <error> | jmp <abs> | jbsr | bsr <pc-rel> jsr <abs> | bsr <pc-rel> jsr <abs> | jbra | bra <pc-rel> jmp <abs> | bra <pc-rel> jmp <abs> | bXX | bXX <pc-rel> <error> | bNX +3; jmp <abs> | jbXX | bXX <pc-rel> bNX +3; | bXX <pc-rel> bNX +3; jmp <abs> | | jmp <abs> | | +--------------------------+----------------------------------+ XX: condition NX: negative of condition XX
XXjbcc jbeq jbge jbgt jbhi jbvs jbpl jblo jbcs jbne jblt jble jbls jbvc jbmi
For the cases of non-PC relative displacements and long displacements,
issues a longer code fragment in terms of
NX, the opposite condition to XX. For example, for the
non-PC relative case:
jbXX foo
bNXs oof jmp foo oof: