#usage "Rename SIGNALSs in a board with Suffix

" "RUN rename-signals [suffix]
" "Author: support@cadsoft.de"; // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. string Version = "Version 1.1"; // check if schematic editor window open string fileName; string suffix = argv[1]; // ### Functions ### if (project.schematic) { dlgMessageBox(argv[0]+ "\n" + Version + "\nFirst close the schematic editor!", "OK"); exit(-1); } // ** MAIN ** if (board) { board(B) { fileName = filesetext(B.name, "rename-signal-suffix~~~.scr"); int cntsig = 0; output(fileName, "wtD") { printf("# 'This file is generated by %s, exported from;\n", Version); printf("# '%s at %s;\n", fileName, t2string(time())); printf("# '%s;\n\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE); B.signals(S) { S.contactrefs(C) { printf("SIGNAL 'S$S_0%d%s' %s %s;\n", cntsig, suffix, C.element.name, C.contact.name); cntsig++; break; } } } exit ("SCRIPT '" + fileName + "';"); } } else dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in Board!", "OK");