#usage "Statistic Table of Parts in the Schematic

\n" "To change the units in the table, please use the variable uval,\n" "which can be found in the ulp file.


\n" "Author: alf@cadsoft.de" #require 4.1106 string Version = "1.0.1"; int uval = 1; string unit[] = { "Micron", "mm", "Mil", "Inch" }; int unitPrec[] = { 0, 1, 1, 3 }, RoundFactor = pow(10, unitPrec[uval]); int maxX = INT_MIN; int minX = INT_MAX; int maxY = INT_MIN; int minY = INT_MAX; string wireWidthInternal = " * Wire width are saved in 0.2 micron!\n"; // ****************************************************************** // *** WIRE WIDTH wird nur geradzahlig gespeichert, wegen Teilung *** az // ****************************************************************** int cntLayer = 0; string usedLayer; int cntalllay; string allLayers[]; string layerError; string displayLayerError; string NetClassName[]; int NetClassWidth[]; int NetClassClear[]; int NetClassDrill[]; int NetClassNr[]; int cNetClass[]; int minClearance = 0; int sumNets = 0; string NetName[]; int NetClass[]; string NetClassList[]; int NetClassSelect = 0; int NetCnt = 0; string falseNetList[]; string falseNetSheet[]; int falseNetCnt; numeric string statisticWirew[]; numeric string statisticCLASS[]; numeric string statisticFalseNets[]; numeric string statisticLBR[]; numeric string statisticPAC[]; numeric string statisticDevice[]; numeric string statisticVariant[]; string onlyNetList[]; // only signal if connected to pad or smd is a true signal 2005.12.08 alf@cadsoft.de int onlyNetCnt = 0; int cnt_Pin_on_net = 0; string Lbr[]; int cLbr[]; int cntLbr = 0; string PacName[]; int cPacName[]; int cntPacName = 0; string Device[]; int cDevice[]; int cntDevice = 0; string VDevice[]; string Value[]; string Variant[]; string VPart[]; // Partname of same Value int cVariant[]; int cntVariant = 0; int cntNewLine[]; numeric string nPart[] = { "PART" }; int cntnPart; numeric string InstanceGate[]; int cntGate; numeric string nGate[]; int cntnGate; string Symbol[]; int cSymbol[]; int cntSymbol = 0; // --- same Value and Package and Layer --- 2005.12.01 alf@cadsoft.de int cntEVPL = 0; string EVALpac[]; string EvalPAC[]; int cEVPL[]; int emptyValue = 0; string empty = "~/-empty-/~"; int cntPart = 0; string Ename[]; int art_selected = 0; int LBRselected; int PACselected; int DEVselected; int VARselected; int VALselected; int NPselect; string Part_info = " \n \n \n"; string linfo = " Double click in listings for detailed info."; string Val_info = " Double click in listings for detailed info."; string sum; int sumSignals = 0; string used_pac[], used_pac_lbr[]; int cntusedpac = 0; string unused_pac[], unused_pac_lbr[]; int cntunusedpac = 0; string Text; string ulp_path = filedir(argv[0]); string schfile; // Functions real u2u(int v) { switch (uval) { case GRID_UNIT_MIC : return u2mic(v); break; case GRID_UNIT_MM : return u2mm(v); break; case GRID_UNIT_MIL : return u2mil(v); break; case GRID_UNIT_INCH : return u2inch(v); break; } } string value(int v, string is) { if (v == INT_MAX) return "not used " + is; string sv; switch (uval) { case GRID_UNIT_INCH : sprintf(sv, "%.6f %s", u2inch(v), is); break; case GRID_UNIT_MIL : sprintf(sv, "%.3f %s", u2mil(v), is); break; case GRID_UNIT_MM : sprintf(sv, "%.4f %s", u2mm(v), is); break; case GRID_UNIT_MIC : sprintf(sv, "%.1f %s", u2mic(v), is); break; } return sv; } string saveReport(void) { int t = time(); int n; string report = "Data Expoted from: "; report += schfile + "\n"; report += "with: " + argv[0] + "\n"; report += "at: " + t2string(t) + "\n"; report += EAGLE_SIGNATURE + "\n\n"; report += usedLayer + "_________________________\n\n"; report += layerError; report += "\n"; report += sum + "\n"; report += "\n============================\n"; n=0; report += "\n----------------------------\nLAYER\n"; n=0; sort(cntalllay, allLayers); report += "Nb.\tName\tUsed\n"; for (n = 0; n < cntalllay; n++) { report+= allLayers[n] + "\n"; } report += "\n----------------------------\nCLASS\n"; n=0; while (statisticCLASS[n]) { report += statisticCLASS[n] + "\n"; n++; } report += "\n"; n=0; report += "\n----------------------------\n"; n=0; while (statisticLBR[n]) { report += statisticLBR[n] + "\n"; n++; } report += "\n"; n=0; while (statisticPAC[n]) { report += statisticPAC[n] + "\n"; n++; } report += "\n"; n=0; while (statisticDevice[n]) { report += statisticDevice[n] + "\n"; n++; } report += "\n"; n=0; report += "\n----------------------------\n"; n=0; report += "\n"; report += "End report"; return report; } string NetClassLabel(string ClassName , int cnt) { string s; sprintf(s, "CLASS %s : %d Netze", ClassName , cnt); return s; } string isempty(string s) { if (!s) s = empty; return s; } void infoLBR( string lbr) { linfo = " Part : Device : Value : Package "; string s, M; schematic(S) { S.parts(P) { if (P.device.library == lbr) { if (P.device.package) { sprintf(s, "%s \t: %s\t: %s\t: %s\n", P.name, P.device.name, isempty(P.value), P.device.package.name); Part_info += s; } else { Part_info += P.name + "\t - \tDevice has no Package\n"; } } } } return; } void infoPAC( string pac) { linfo = " Part : Device : Value : Library "; string s, M; int getdrill = 0; schematic(S) S.parts(P) { if (P.device.package) { if (P.device.package.name == pac) { sprintf(s, "%s \t: %s\t: %s\t:%s\n", P.name, P.device.name, isempty(P.value), P.device.package.library); Part_info += s; } } } return; } void infoDEV( string dev) { string s; linfo = " Part : Value : Package : Library "; schematic(S) S.parts(P) if (P.device.name == dev) { if (P.device.package) { sprintf(s, "%s\t: %s\t: %s\t: %s\n", P.name, isempty(P.value), P.device.package.name, P.device.package.library); Part_info += s; } } return; } void get_Info(int art, string val) { Part_info = ""; int pos = strchr(val, '\t', 0); val = strsub(val, 0, pos); switch(art) { case 1 : infoLBR(val); break; case 2 : infoPAC(val); break; case 3 : infoDEV(val); break; default : break; } return; } string checkNet(string Net) { string Sheetn = ""; string separator = ""; schematic(SCH) { SCH.sheets(SH) { SH.nets(N) { if (Net == N.name) { string s; sprintf(s, "%d,", SH.number); Sheetn += s; separator = ","; break; } } } } if (!Sheetn) Sheetn = "Layer 0 ?"; return Sheetn; } // main if (schematic) { int n; schematic(SCH) { schfile = SCH.name; string usedLayers; status(" Layers"); SCH.layers(L) { string sl; sprintf(sl, "%3d\t%s\t%d", L.number, L.name, L.used); allLayers[cntalllay] = sl; cntalllay++; if (L.used && L.number >=90 && L.number <= 99) { cntLayer++; sprintf(sl, "%2d %s\n", L.number, L.name); usedLayers += sl; } } sprintf(usedLayer, "used layers %d\n\n%s", cntLayer, usedLayers); SCH.classes(CL) { // Net classes ******************** NetClassNr[CL.number] = CL.number; NetClassName[CL.number] = CL.name; NetClassWidth[CL.number] = CL.width; NetClassClear[CL.number] = CL.clearance; NetClassDrill[CL.number] = CL.drill; cNetClass[CL.number] = 0; } SCH.nets(N) { status(" Nets "+N.name); int true = 0; // only signal if connected to pad or smd is a true signal 2005.12.08 alf@cadsoft.de N.pinrefs(PR) { true = 1; break; } if (true) { cNetClass[N.class.number]++; sumNets++; NetName[NetCnt] = N.name; NetClass[NetCnt] = N.class.number; NetCnt++; NetClassList[N.class.number] += N.name + "\n"; } else { falseNetList[falseNetCnt] = N.name; // only signal if connected to pad or smd is a true signal falseNetSheet[falseNetCnt] = checkNet(N.name); falseNetCnt++; } } SCH.parts(P) { P.instances(I) { status(" Instance "+I.name); if (!I.sheet) { sprintf(nGate[cntnGate], "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", P.name, I.gate.name, P.value, P.device.library); cntnGate++; } else { sprintf(InstanceGate[cntGate], "%s\t%s\t%d\t%s", P.name, I.gate.name, I.sheet, P.device.library); cntGate++; } } // Part Libraries ********* for (n = 0; n <= cntLbr; n++) { if (Lbr[n] == P.device.library) { cLbr[n]++; break; } } if (n > cntLbr) { cntLbr++; Lbr[cntLbr] = P.device.library; cLbr[cntLbr]++; } // Part Package ********* if (P.device.package) { // nur Parts mit Package sonst Symbol wie Frame/Supply etc. status(" Package "+P.name); for (n = 0; n <= cntPacName; n++) { if (PacName[n] == P.device.package.name) { cPacName[n]++; break; } } if (n > cntPacName) { cntPacName++; PacName[cntPacName] = P.device.package.name; cPacName[cntPacName]++; } for (n = 0; n <= cntDevice; n++ ) { if (Device[n] == P.device.name) { cDevice[n]++; break; }; } if (n > cntDevice) { cntDevice++; Device[n] = P.device.name; cDevice[cntDevice]++; } // Value & Variant 2006.03.16 alf string Pval = P.value; if (!Pval) Pval = empty; cntnPart++; nPart[cntnPart] = P.name; for (n = 0; n <= cntVariant; n++) { if (VDevice[n] == P.device.package.name && Value[n] == Pval && Variant[n] == P.device.name) { VPart[n] += ";"; cVariant[n]++; cntNewLine[n]++; if (cntNewLine[n] == 29) { cntNewLine[n] = 0; VPart[n] += "\n"; } VPart[n] += P.name; break; } } if (n > cntVariant) { cntVariant++; VDevice[cntVariant] = P.device.package.name; Value[cntVariant] = Pval; Variant[cntVariant] = P.device.name; VPart[n] += P.name; cVariant[cntVariant]++; } } else { for (n = 0; n <= cntSymbol; n++ ) { if (Symbol[n] == P.device.name) { cSymbol[n]++; break; }; } if (n > cntSymbol) { cntSymbol++; Symbol[n] = P.device.name; cSymbol[cntSymbol]++; } } // Part Value ********* 2005.12.01 alf@cadsoft.de // ----- List by Value/Package/Layer ----------- string Pv = P.value; if (Pv == "") { Pv = empty + P.name; emptyValue++; } for (n = 0; n <= cntEVPL; n++) { if (P.device.package) { if (EVALpac[n] == Pv && EvalPAC[n] == P.device.package.name ) { cEVPL[n]++; break; } } } if (n > cntEVPL) { cntEVPL++; EVALpac[cntEVPL] = Pv; if (P.device.package) { EvalPAC[cntEVPL] = P.device.package.name; } else { EvalPAC[cntEVPL] = "-- only Symbol --"; } cEVPL[cntEVPL]++; } } SCH.libraries(L) { // 2006.05.09 check unused packages L.devicesets(DS) { status(" Devicesets "+DS.name); DS.devices(D) { if (D.package) { int n; for (n = 0; n <= cntPacName; n++) { if (D.package.name == PacName[n]) { used_pac[cntusedpac] = D.package.name + "\t" + DS.name + L.name; cntusedpac++; break; } } if (n > cntPacName) { unused_pac[cntunusedpac] = D.package.name + "\t" + DS.name + L.name; cntunusedpac++; } } else { ; // only Symbol (Supply) } } } } } status(" Generate listings"); int x = 0; // Statistic tabels // Net Class ******************** statisticCLASS[x] = "# - Name\tmin. Width\tClearance\tmin. Drill\tUsed"; for (n = 0; n <= 7; n++) { if (NetClassName[n]) { if(minClearance > NetClassClear[n]) minClearance = NetClassClear[n]; x++; sprintf(statisticCLASS[x], "%1d - %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%-4d", NetClassNr[n], NetClassName[n], value(NetClassWidth[n], ""), value(NetClassClear[n], ""), value(NetClassDrill[n], ""), cNetClass[n] ); } } x = 0; // flase Signals ******************** 2005.12.08 alf@cadsoft.de statisticFalseNets[x] = "Net-Name\tSheet"; for (n = 0; n < falseNetCnt; n++) { x++; sprintf( statisticFalseNets[x], "%s\t%s", falseNetList[n], // only net if connected to pin is a true Net falseNetSheet[n] ); } x = 0; statisticLBR[x] = "LIBRARY\tQuant."; for ( n = 0; n <= cntLbr; n++) { if (cLbr[n]) { x++; sprintf(statisticLBR[x], "%s\t%-4d", Lbr[n], cLbr[n] ); } } x = 0; statisticPAC[x] = "PACKAGE\tQuant."; for ( n = 0; n <= cntPacName; n++) { if (cPacName[n]) { x++; sprintf(statisticPAC[x], "%s\t%-4d", PacName[n], cPacName[n] ); } } x = 0; statisticDevice[x] = "DEVICE\tQuant."; for ( n = 0; n <= cntDevice; n++) { if (cDevice[n]) { x++; sprintf(statisticDevice[x], "%s\t%-4d", Device[n], cDevice[n] ); } } x = 0; statisticVariant[0] = "VALUE\tDEVICE\tVARIANT\tQuant."; for ( n = 0; n <= cntVariant; n++) { if (cDevice[n]) { x++; sprintf(statisticVariant[x], "%s\t%s\t%s\t%-4d", Value[n], VDevice[n], Variant[n], cVariant[n] ); } } int Selected = 0; // ********************************************************************* dlgDialog("Statistic of " + schfile) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgTabWidget { // *** schematic *** dlgTabPage("&SCHEMATIC") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(10); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(10); dlgLabel("

"); dlgLabel(usedLayer); dlgLabel(displayLayerError); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(1); } dlgTabPage("&LAYER") { // *** all Layer are defined *** int layselect = 0; dlgHBoxLayout { dlgListView("Nb.:\tName\tUsed", allLayers, layselect ); // 2005.11.17 alf@cadsoft.de dlgStretch(1); } } dlgTabPage("&CLASS (Signal)") { // *** Class clearance/isolate *** string classlabel = "Class : " + NetClassName[0]; string ClassNameL = NetClassLabel(NetClassName[NetClassSelect] , cNetClass[NetClassSelect]); string NetList = NetClassList[NetClassSelect]; dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgListView("", statisticCLASS, NetClassSelect) { NetList = NetClassList[NetClassSelect-1]; classlabel = "Class : " + NetClassName[NetClassSelect-1]; } dlgSpacing(12); dlgLabel("False Nets (not connected on a PIN)"); dlgListView("", statisticFalseNets, NetClassSelect); } dlgSpacing(12); dlgGroup("Netlist") { dlgLabel(classlabel, 1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(4); dlgTextView(NetList); } } dlgStretch(1); } } dlgTabPage("&Device") { // *** Device *** dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgListView("", statisticLBR, LBRselected) { art_selected = 1; get_Info(art_selected, statisticLBR[LBRselected]); dlgRedisplay(); } dlgListView("", statisticPAC, PACselected) { art_selected = 2; get_Info(art_selected, statisticPAC[PACselected]); dlgRedisplay(); } dlgListView("", statisticDevice, DEVselected) { art_selected = 3; get_Info(art_selected, statisticDevice[DEVselected]); dlgRedisplay(); } } } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(linfo ,1); dlgSpacing(200); } dlgSpacing(10); dlgTextView(Part_info); } } } dlgTabPage("&Part") { // *** Part *** int Gselect; dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel(" "); dlgListView(" Part\tGate\tSheet\tLibrary", InstanceGate, Gselect); } dlgSpacing(19); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel(" No placed Gates "); dlgListView(" Part\tGate\tValue\tLibrary", nGate, Gselect); } dlgStretch(1); } } dlgTabPage("&Value") { // *** Value *** dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgListView("", statisticVariant, VALselected) { art_selected = 3; Val_info = VPart[VALselected]; dlgRedisplay(); } dlgStretch(1); } } } dlgSpacing(8); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(8); dlgLabel(Val_info, 1); } dlgSpacing(8); } dlgTabPage("P&ackage") { // *** Unused Packages *** int unusedselected, usedselected; int lsort = 0; dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgListView("Used Package-Variant\tLibrary", used_pac, usedselected, lsort); dlgListView("Unused Package-Variant\tLibrary", unused_pac, unusedselected, lsort); dlgStretch(1); } } } } } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("-&Quit") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("&Save report") { string fileName = dlgFileSave("Select a file", filesetext(schfile,".rep"), "*.rep"); if (fileName) { output(fileName, "wt") { printf("%s", saveReport()); } } } dlgSpacing(50); dlgLabel("All Units = " + unit[uval]); dlgSpacing(50); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Database:"); dlgLabel(schfile, 1); dlgStretch(1); } }; exit (0); } else dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP from a Schematic", "OK");