#usage "Snap objects in a board\n" "

" "Snaps components, wires and vias of the current " "board to a given grid. " "If 'Show script' is checked, you can edit the MOVE commands " "before they are executed. So you are able to exclude certain " "elements from the snap procedure." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string Version = "Version 1.1"; // 2009-01-28 move step by step // 1. Packages // 2. Vias // 3. Wires alf@cadsoft.de real GridDist = 25.0; enum { unitINCH, unitMIL, unitMM, unitMIC }; string h, cmd = ""; int unit = unitMIL; // predefined unit, can be changed to unitMM, unitINCH, unitMIC int Result; string Status = ""; string script_name; int cntm = 0; // count unsnaped int n = 0, x[], y[], l[], UsedLayers[]; real u2unit(int u) { if (unit == unitMIL) return u2mil(u); if (unit == unitMM) return u2mm(u); if (unit == unitINCH) return u2inch(u); if (unit == unitMIC) return u2mic(u); } real snap(int n) { // returns next grid point return round(u2unit(n) / GridDist) * GridDist; } int isNew(int X, int Y, int L) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (x[i] == X && y[i] == Y && (l[i] == L || l[i] == LAYER_VIAS )) return 0; } return 1; } void Move(int Layer) { if (UsedLayers[Layer]) { sprintf(h, "DISPLAY NONE %d;\n", Layer); cmd += h; // Snap the signal wires and vias: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (l[i] == Layer && (u2unit(x[i]) != snap(x[i]) || u2unit(y[i]) != snap(y[i]))) { sprintf(h, "MOVE (%f %f) (%f %f);\n", u2unit(x[i]), u2unit(y[i]), snap(x[i]), snap(y[i])); cmd += h; cntm++; } } } return; } real check_coord(int x, int y) { real v1, v2; v1 = snap(x) - u2unit(x); v2 = snap(y) - u2unit(y); if (v1) return v1; else if(v2) return v2; else return 0; } void snap_to_grid(void) { board(B) { script_name = filesetext(B.name, "~snap.scr"); // Remember the active layers: int ActiveLayers[]; B.layers(L) { ActiveLayers[L.number] = L.visible; } if (unit == unitMIL) { sprintf(h, "GRID MIL FINEST;\n"); cmd += h; } if (unit == unitMM) { sprintf(h, "GRID MM FINEST;\n"); cmd += h; } if (unit == unitINCH) { sprintf(h, "GRID INCH FINEST;\n"); cmd += h; } if (unit == unitMIC) { sprintf(h, "GRID MIC FINEST;\n"); cmd += h; } sprintf(h, "SET OPTIMIZING OFF;\n"); // 2009-01-28 cmd += h; if (!argv[1]) { // 1. snap elements // Snap the elements: B.elements(E) { status("Element: "+E.name); if (u2unit(E.x) != snap(E.x) || u2unit(E.y) != snap(E.y)) { sprintf(h, "MOVE %s (%f %f);\n", E.name, snap(E.x), snap(E.y)); cmd += h; cntm++; } } } // snap check vias if (argv[1] == "V") { // 2. snap vias // Collect all (unique!) signal via coordinates: B.signals(S) { status("Signal: "+S.name); S.vias(V) { UsedLayers[LAYER_VIAS] = 1; x[n] = V.x; y[n] = V.y; l[n] = LAYER_VIAS; if(check_coord(V.x, V.y)) n++; } } } if (argv[1] == "E" && n) { cmd = ""; for (int vn = 0; vn < n; vn++) { sprintf(h, "(%.4f %.4f);\n", u2unit(x[vn]), u2unit(y[vn]) ); } cmd+=h; sprintf(h, "Kann %d VIAs nicht snapen\n", n); dlgMessageBox(h+cmd, "OK"); exit(-1); } // snap check wires if (argv[1] == "W") { // 3. snap wires // Collect all (unique!) signal wire coordinates: B.signals(S) { status("Signal: "+S.name); S.wires(W) { UsedLayers[W.layer] = 1; if (isNew(W.x1, W.y1, W.layer)) { x[n] = W.x1; y[n] = W.y1; l[n] = W.layer; if (check_coord(W.x1, W.y1)) n++; } if (isNew(W.x2, W.y2, W.layer)) { x[n] = W.x2; y[n] = W.y2; l[n] = W.layer; if (check_coord(W.x2, W.y2)) n++; } } } } // Go through the used layers (this avoids problems with wires on different // layers that are selected at the same coordinates): for (int u = LAYER_TOP; u <= LAYER_BOTTOM; u++) { Move(u); } Move(LAYER_VIAS); // Reactivate the active layers: sprintf(h, "DISPLAY"); cmd += h; for (int j = 1; j < 256; j++) { if (ActiveLayers[j]) { sprintf(h, " %d", j); cmd += h; } } sprintf(h, ";\n"); cmd += h; if (!argv[1]) { sprintf(h, "RUN '%s' 'V' %d %.4f;\n", argv[0], unit, GridDist); } else if (argv[1] == "V") { sprintf(h, "RUN '%s' 'W' %d %.4f;\n", argv[0], unit, GridDist); } else if (argv[1] == "W") { sprintf(h, "RUN '%s' 'E' %d %.4f;\n", argv[0], unit, GridDist); } else if (argv[1] == "E") { exit(0); } } return; } //---- main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!board) { dlgMessageBox(usage + "

ERROR: No board!

\nThis program can only work in the board editor."); exit(1); } if (argc == 4) { unit = strtol(argv[2]); GridDist = strtod(argv[3]); snap_to_grid(); } else { dlgDialog("Snap Packages/Wires/Vias") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Unit") { dlgRadioButton("&inch", unit); dlgRadioButton("&mil", unit); dlgRadioButton("&mm", unit); dlgRadioButton("&mic", unit); dlgSpacing(20); dlgLabel("Snap grid "); dlgRealEdit(GridDist, 0.0001, 1000); } } dlgSpacing(10); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(10); dlgLabel(Status, 1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&Snap") { Status = "Busy..."; dlgRedisplay(); snap_to_grid(); dlgAccept(); } dlgPushButton("-&Cancel") exit(0); } dlgSpacing(7); } } }; } output(script_name, "wtD") printf(cmd); string s; sprintf(s, "SCRIPT '%s'\n;GRID LAST;\n%s;\n", script_name, h); exit(s);