#usage "Import ULTIBOARD PCB Design Data File format (DDF)\n" "

" "Imports ULTIBOARD PCB Design Data File format (DDF) Version 4.80 & 5.50." "

" "Based on : Ultiboard User Manual, Appendix A, FILE FORMATS." "

" "ULTIBOARD is a registered trademark of Electronics Workbench." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string InfoUS = "Confirm the message:

\n" + "connect Signals

\n" + " S$nn

\n" + " S$nn

\n" + " with OK.

" + "

" + "This message will be prompted if a net segment (track) is connected to another " + "net segment. " + "The reason for this is the way ULTIBOARD exports the tracks, first the " + "horizontal ones, then the vertical ones and at least tracks that run diagonal." + "If ULTIBOARD has not named a segment of a track, EAGLE generates a name of" + "its own and uses the $ sign at second position in it." + "Please notice that the text height (and length) differs in EAGLE and " + "ULTIBOARD. The position of the text will be calculated dependent on " + "the the height and length of each character of the EAGLE vector font.

" + " - ULTIBOARD uses the text center as origin point

" + " - EAGLE uses the left lower corner of the text as origin point.

" + "The DDF format does not provide information about the lenght of characters.

"; string ULTIBoardinfo = "ULTIBOARD Version 4, Revision 80

" + " The x_coord and y_coord are expressed in database units (1/1200th of an inch)

" + " The rotation is given in degrees, specified as a floating point number between 0.0 and 360.0 degrees.

" + " Internally, Ultiboard works with a precision of 1/64th degree

" + "

" + "ULTIBOARD Version 5, Revision 50

" + " The x_coord and y_coord are expressed in database units (1 nanometer)

" + " The rotation is given in degrees, specified as a floating point number between 0.0 and 360.0 degrees.

" + " Internally, Ultiboard works with a precision of 1/64th degree

" + "

" + "ULTIBOARD is a registered trademark of Electronics Workbench"; string InfoDE = "Bestätigen sie die Meldung:

\n" + "connect Signals

\n" + " S$nn

\n" + " S$nn

\n" + " mit OK.

" + "Diese Meldung wird dadurch erzeugt, daß ein Netzsegment (Leiterzug) mit " + "einem anderen Netzsegment verbunden wird. " + "Die Ursache ist die Reihenfolge der Ausgabe der Leiterbahn-Segmente aus ULTIBOARD, " + "da ULTIBOARD zuerst waagrechte dann senkrechte und am Schluß diagonale " + "Leiterbahnsegmente ausgibt.

" + "Wird von ULTIBOARD diesen Leitersegmenten kein Netzname zugewiesen, " + "so erzeugt EAGLE einen Namen mit dem Zeichen $ an zweiter Position.

" + "

" + "Beachten Sie, daß die Buchstabengrößen (Zeichenlänge) " + "von ULTIBOARD und EAGLE nicht identisch sind. Die Position der Texte wird " + "berechnet durch die Texthöhe und dem Wert der Zeichenlänge jedes " + "Buchstaben des EAGLE-Vector-Font.

\n" + " - ULTIBOARD plaziert Texte am Mittelpunkt des Textes.

" + " - EAGLE plaziert Texte mit der linken unteren Ecke des 1. Buchstaben.

" + "Das ULP berechnet die Position anhand der Stringlänge und Texthöhe. " + "Im DDF-Format gibt es keine Information bezüglich der Buchstabenlänge, " + "dadurch kann es vorkommen, daß längere Texte nicht exakt an der gleichen " + "Position wie im ULTIBOARD Layout positioniert werden.

" + "

" + "Die Warnung: No forward-/backannotation will be performed!

" + "wird erzeugt, falls ein Schaltplan zur Laufzeit des ULP geladen ist, und muß " + "mit OK bestätigt werden.

"; string Version = "1.1.0"; string costomer; string versionnumb; string revisionnum; string tmpchtxtfile = ".ch$"; string tmpextfile = "$.scr"; string changetextfile; string scriptfile; string ULTIversion[] = { "480", "550" }; real ULTIscale[] = { 1.20, 25400.0 }; real rotatemult[] = { 64 , 64 }; int VersionCnt = 2; real xScale; real rotatemultiple; string Grid = "MIL"; real CharacterLength; real eagle_caracter_length[] = { 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.000, 00.917, 00.303, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 01.071, 00.917, 00.610, 00.764, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.610, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.457, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 01.390, 01.236, 01.390, 00.150, -6.000, 00.000, 00.307, 00.618, 00.618, 00.307, 00.925, 00.618, 00.610, 00.307, 00.307, 00.917, 00.618, 00.618, 00.618, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.618, 00.925, 00.925, 00.618, 00.925, 00.925, 00.917, 00.618, 00.610, 01.071, 00.000, 00.303, 00.917, 01.224, 00.618, 00.610, 00.307, 00.764, 00.457, 00.610, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.764, 00.917, 00.610, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.457, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 01.071, 01.071, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.610, 00.917, 00.618, 00.917, 00.917, 01.531, 00.917, 00.307, 00.917, 00.618, 00.618, 00.618, 00.618, 00.925, 00.618, 00.618, 00.917, 01.071, 01.071, 00.764, 01.071, 00.917, 01.224, 01.071, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.307, 00.917, 00.917, 01.378, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.610, 00.764, 00.764, 00.618, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.764, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 00.917, 01.224, 01.071, 00.917 }; real def_grid; real refpointx; real refpointy; string ulp_path = ""; int lastLayer = 0; string filter; string ddffile; int Result = 0; string st = ""; char lf = 10; char cr = 13; char nl = 12; char polysepar = ':'; char semikolon = ';'; string cmd = ""; string brd = ""; string cmdroute = ""; string script = ""; string polygon = ""; string arcscript = ""; string cmdchname = ""; string cmdvalue = ""; real TextRatio = 8; char c[]; int nBytes = 0; int n = 0; string fileName = ""; string shapename = ""; string refLayer[] = { "49", "1", "16", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "116", "117", "118", "119", "120", "121", "122", "123", "124", "125", "126", "127", "128", "129", "130", "131" }; string TMrefLayer[] = { "", "", "M", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; real boardoutline[]; string layerDirection[]; real tracewidth[]; real traceclearance[]; real drilltolerance; real drilltolerancevalue; int drillcode[]; real pad0innerX1[]; real pad0innerX2[]; real pad0innerY[]; real pad0innerRadius[]; real pad0innerClear[]; real pad0innerHorizont[]; real pad0innerVertical[]; real pad0innerThermH[]; real pad0innerThermV[]; real pad1topX1[]; real pad1topX2[]; real pad1topY[]; real pad1topRadius[]; real pad1topClear[]; real pad1topHorizont[]; real pad1topVertical[]; real pad1topThermH[]; real pad1topThermV[]; real pad2bottomX1[]; real pad2bottomX2[]; real pad2bottomY[]; real pad2bottomRadius[]; real pad2bottomClear[]; real pad2bottomHorizont[]; real pad2bottomVertical[]; real pad2bottomThermH[]; real pad2bottomThermV[]; int net = -1; string netname[]; int nettracecode[]; real netxlo[]; real netxhi[]; real netylo[]; real netyhi[]; real netxsum[]; real netysum[]; int netpincount[]; netname[65535] = ""; int cntrefPin = 0; string refPinNr[]; string refPackname[]; int pointPackPin[]; int cntShape = 0; string signal[]; string brdvia; int comp = 0; real stringLength(string s, real hight) { real len = 0; for (int l = 0; l < strlen(s); l++) { len += (eagle_caracter_length[s[l]] * hight); } return len; } void importpass2(void) { string changetextfile = argv[2]; string scriptfile = filesetext(changetextfile, "$" + tmpextfile); string s[]; int nString = fileread(s, changetextfile); if (board) board(B) { output(scriptfile, "wt") { printf("DISPLAY NONE 25;\n"); printf("GRID %s FINEST;\n", Grid); B.elements(E) { for (int n = 0; n < nString; n+= 7) { if (E.name == s[n]) { E.texts(T) { if (T.layer == 25 && T.value == s[n]) { real size = strtod(s[n+5]); if (size != 0) { printf("# %s\n", s[n]); real r = T.angle; int pacnametextrotate = abs(r); real slen = strtod(s[n+1]); int trotate = strtod(s[n+2]); real relx = strtod(s[n+3]); real rely = strtod(s[n+4]); real ratio = strtod(s[n+6]); if(ratio <= 1) ratio = 1; printf("CHANGE SIZE %.2f (%.2f %.2f);\n", size, u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("CHANGE RATIO %.0f (%.2f %.2f);\n", ratio, u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); int pacrotate = E.angle; if (pacrotate == pacnametextrotate) { switch (pacrotate) { case 0 : switch(trotate) { case 0 : printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (relx) - slen, u2mil(E.y) + (rely) - (size/2) ); break; case 90 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (relx) + (size/2), u2mil(E.y) + (rely) - slen ); break; case 180 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (relx) + slen, u2mil(E.y) + (rely) + (size/2)); break; case 270 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (relx) + (size/2), u2mil(E.y) + (rely) - slen ); break; } break; case 90 : switch(trotate) { case 0 : printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - (rely) + (size/2), u2mil(E.y) + relx - slen); break; case 90 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - (rely) - slen, u2mil(E.y) + (relx) - (size/2) ); break; case 180 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (relx) + slen, u2mil(E.y) + (rely) + (size/2)); break; case 270 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - rely + slen, u2mil(E.y) + relx + (size/2) ); break; } break; case 180 : switch(trotate) { case 0 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - (relx) - slen, u2mil(E.y) - (rely) - (size/2) ); break; case 90 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - (relx) + (size/2), u2mil(E.y) - (rely) - slen ); break; case 180 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - (relx) - slen, u2mil(E.y) - (rely) - (size/2) ); break; case 270 : printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (relx) - slen, u2mil(E.y) + (rely) - (size/2) ); break; } break; case 270 : switch(trotate) { case 0 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (rely) + (size/2), u2mil(E.y) - (relx) - slen ); break; case 90 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + (rely) - slen, u2mil(E.y) - relx - (size/2) ); break; case 180 : printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) - (relx) + (size/2), u2mil(E.y) + (rely) - slen); break; case 270 : printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("ROTATE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); printf("MOVE (%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), u2mil(E.x) + rely + slen, u2mil(E.y) - relx + (size/2) ); break; } break; default : if(dlgMessageBox("Rotation only in 0, 90, 180, 270 drgree", "OK", "ESC") != 0) exit (0); } } else dlgMessageBox( s[n+0] + "\nPackage und Textplatzhalter ungleiche Rotation", "OK"); } else printf("DELETE (%.2f %.2f);\n", u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y) ); } } } } } printf("DISPLAY 1 16 17 18 20 21 -23 49;\n"); printf("GRID LAST;\n"); printf("# WRITE;\n"); } } exit ("SCRIPT '" + scriptfile + "';\n"); } void test(char cc) { sprintf(st, "Caracter=>%c<\n", cc); if (dlgMessageBox("Character =" + st, "&Yes", "&No") != 0) { exit (0); } return ; } real val2mil(string val) { return strtod(val) * xScale; } real v2mil(real val) { return val * xScale; } string format(real rval) { string fmt; sprintf(fmt, "%.3f", rval); return fmt; } void rwire( int netnr, int layer, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) { string w; if (netnr < 0) { string h; sprintf(h, "Netz#=%d\n", netnr); dlgMessageBox(h, "OK"); } cmdroute += "CHANGE LAYER " + refLayer[layer] + ";\n"; if(netname[netnr] != "") { sprintf(w, "WIRE '%s' (%s %s) (%s %s);\n", netname[netnr], format(v2mil(x1)), format(v2mil(y1)), format(v2mil(x2)), format(v2mil(y2)) ); } else { sprintf(w, "WIRE (%s %s) (%s %s);\n", format(v2mil(x1)), format(v2mil(y1)), format(v2mil(x2)), format(v2mil(y2)) ); } cmdroute += w; return ; } void route(int layer, real coord1, real coord2, real coord3, int Netnr, int Code, int Type, int Orient) { cmdroute += "CHANGE Layer " + refLayer[layer] + ";\n"; cmdroute += "CHANGE WIDTH " + format(v2mil(tracewidth[Code])) + ";\n" ; switch (Orient) { case 1 : rwire(Netnr, layer, coord2, coord1, coord3, coord1); break; case 2 : rwire(Netnr, layer, coord1, coord2, coord1, coord3); break; case 4 : rwire(Netnr, layer, coord2 + ((coord1 - coord2) / 2 ) , (coord1 - coord2) / -2, coord3 + ((coord1 - coord3) / 2 ) , (coord1 - coord3) / -2); break; case 8 : rwire(Netnr, layer, coord2 - ((coord2 - coord1) / 2 ) , (coord2 - coord1) / -2, coord3 - ((coord3 - coord1) / 2 ) , (coord3 - coord1) / -2); break; default: { string o; sprintf(o, "Route error:\nLayer=%d\n%.2f\n%.2f\n%.2f\nN#%d\nC=%d\nT=%d\nO=%d\n", layer, coord1, coord2, coord3, Netnr, Code, Type,Orient); if (dlgMessageBox(o, "&Yes", "&No") != 0) exit (0); } } return ; } void arcDraw( int Layer, real X, real Y, real Radius, real arcs, real arce, int Netnr, int TraceCode, string TraceType) { string as; sprintf (as, " Change Layer %s;\n", refLayer[Layer]); if (arce == 360) { sprintf (as, " Circle (%.3f %.3f) (%.3f %.3f);\n",X, Y, X + Radius, Y); arcscript += as; } else { real arcStart = 360 + (arcs); if (arcStart > 360) arcStart -= 360; real arcEnd = arcStart + (arce); if (arcEnd > 360) arcEnd -= 360; real xArcStart = Radius * cos(PI / 180 * arcStart); real yArcStart = Radius * sin(PI / 180 * arcStart); real xArcEnd = Radius * cos(PI / 180 * arcEnd); real yArcEnd = Radius * sin(PI / 180 * arcEnd); sprintf (as, " ARC CCW (%.3f %.3f) (%.3f %.3f) (%.3f %.3f);\n", X + xArcStart, Y + yArcStart, X - xArcStart, Y - yArcStart, X + xArcEnd, Y + yArcEnd); arcscript += as; } return; } string scriptheader(void) { string scrh = "Grid " + Grid + " FINEST;\n"; scrh += "Grid ON;\nSET UNDO_LOG OFF;\nSET WIRE_BEND 2;\n"; scrh += "LAYER 125 Alias;\n"; return scrh ; } string readTstring(void) { string s = ""; do { if (c[n] == cr) { n++; return s; } else { s += c[n]; n++; } } while (c[n]); } string read(char srch, int rdlf) { string s = ""; do { if (c[n] != ' ') { break; } else n++; } while (c[n]); do { if (c[n] != cr) { break; } else n++; } while (c[n]); do { if (c[n] != lf) { break; } else { n++; if (rdlf) { return s; } } } while (c[n]); do { if (c[n] == ';' || c[n] == ':') { if (s == "") { string cc; sprintf(cc, "%c", c[n]); return cc; } else return s; } if (c[n] == srch || c[n] == cr) { n++; return s; } else { s += c[n]; n++; } } while (c[n]); return s; } string readstring(char separ, char eol, char sepline) { string sline = ""; do { string wx = read(separ, 0); if (wx[0] ==eol || wx[0] == sepline) { if ( sline == "") { return wx; } else return sline; } string wy = read(separ, 1); sprintf(st, "(%s %s) ", format(val2mil(wx)), format(val2mil(wy))); sline += st; } while (c[n]); sprintf(st, "%d", n); if(dlgMessageBox( "Progr. end by counter " + st , "&Yes", "&No") != 0) exit (0); exit (0); } void Headerfield(void) { n++; costomer = read(lf, 0); versionnumb = read(' ', 0); revisionnum = read(' ', 0); for (int v = 0; v < VersionCnt; v++) { if (versionnumb + revisionnum == ULTIversion[v]) { xScale = 1 / ULTIscale[v]; rotatemultiple = rotatemult[v]; break; } } printf("%s", scriptheader()); boardoutline[1] = strtol(read(',', 0)); boardoutline[2] = strtol(read(',', 0)); boardoutline[3] = strtol(read(',', 0)); boardoutline[4] = strtol(read(',', 0)); def_grid = strtol(read(',', 0)); int grid_step = strtol(read(',', 0)); string swaplevel = read(',', 0); int max_layers = strtod(read(';', 0)); n++; string layerlaminat = read(' ', 0); refpointx = strtol(read(',', 0)); refpointy = strtol(read(cr, 0)); string routeroptions[]; int x = 0; routeroptions[0] = read(' ', 0); st = routeroptions[0] ; do { x++; routeroptions[x] = read(' ', 1); st += " " + routeroptions[x]; } while (routeroptions[x] != ""); x = 1; layerDirection[x] = read(' ', 0); do { st += "\nLayer " + refLayer[x] + "=" + layerDirection[x]; x++; layerDirection[x] = read(' ', 1); } while (layerDirection[x] != ""); string powerplanes[]; for (int p = 1; p <= 32; p++) { powerplanes[p] = read(' ', 0); } return ; } void padset(void) { n++; string padsetword = read(cr, 1); return ; } void TraceCode(void) { n++; string nb = read(',', 0); int number = strtol(nb); tracewidth[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); traceclearance[number] = strtol(read(cr, 1)); return ; } void Drilltolerance(void) { n++; drilltolerance = strtol(read(' ', 0)); drilltolerancevalue = strtol(read(cr, 0)); return ; } void DrillCode(void) { n++; string nb = read(',', 0); int number = strtol(nb); drillcode[number] = strtod(read(cr, 1)); return ; } void PadDefinitionInner(void) { n++; string nb = read(',', 0); int number = strtol(nb); pad0innerX1[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerX2[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerY[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerRadius[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerClear[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerHorizont[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerVertical[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerThermH[number] = strtol(read(',',0)); pad0innerThermV[number] = strtol(read(cr, 1)); return ; } void PadDefinitionTop(void) { n++; string nb = read(',', 0); int number = strtol(nb); pad1topX1[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topX2[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topY[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topRadius[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topClear[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topHorizont[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topVertical[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topThermH[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad1topThermV[number] = strtol(read(cr, 1)); return ; } void PadDefiniBottom(void) { n++; string nb = read(',', 0); int number = strtol(nb); pad2bottomX1[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomX2[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomY[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomRadius[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomClear[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomHorizont[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomVertical[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomThermH[number] = strtol(read(',', 0)); pad2bottomThermV[number] = strtol(read(cr, 1)); return ; } void WaveSolderDir(void) { n++; string WaveSolder = read(' ', 0); string WaveSolderDir = read(' ', 0); string WaveSolderClear = read(cr, 1); return ; } void testxy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4, int ox, int oy) { sprintf(st, "s(%s %s)\n2(%s %s)\n3(%s %s)\n4(%s %s)\no(%s %s)" , format(v2mil(x1)), format(v2mil(y1)), format(v2mil(x2)), format(v2mil(y2)), format(v2mil(x3)), format(v2mil(y3)), format(v2mil(x4)), format(v2mil(y4)), format(v2mil(ox)), format(v2mil(oy)) ); dlgDialog("Koordinaten?") { dlgTextEdit(st); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+Yes") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } }; return ; } void outlinedescript(void) { int x, y; int wcnt = 0; string w = ""; string wire = ""; string h; int n; sprintf(h, "CHANGE LAYER 21;\n"); wire += h; do { w = read(',', 0); if (w == ";") { break; } x = strtod(w); y = strtod(read(',', 0)); if ( (x & 1) == 1) { wire += ";wire\n"; sprintf (h, "(%s %s)\n", format(v2mil(x - 1)), format(v2mil(y)) ); } else { sprintf (h, "(%s %s)\n", format(v2mil(x)), format(v2mil(y)) ); } wire += h; wcnt++; } while (c[n]); wire += ";\n"; printf("%s", wire); return ; } void pindescript(void) { do { string padcode = read(',', 0); if (strrchr(padcode, ';') == 0) { n++; return ; } int pcodnumber = strtol(padcode); real padcodeRotation = strtod(read(',', 0)) / rotatemultiple; int padcodelayerset = strtol(read(',', 0)); real padcoderelx = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real padcoderely = val2mil(read(',', 0)); string padcodepinname = read(',', 1); refPinNr[cntrefPin] = padcodepinname; cntrefPin++; real px1 = v2mil(pad2bottomX1[pcodnumber]); real px2 = v2mil(pad2bottomX2[pcodnumber]); real py = v2mil(pad2bottomY[pcodnumber]); real prad = v2mil(pad2bottomRadius[pcodnumber]); real pc = v2mil(pad2bottomClear[pcodnumber]); real ph = v2mil(pad2bottomHorizont[pcodnumber]); real pv = v2mil(pad2bottomVertical[pcodnumber]); real pth = v2mil(pad2bottomThermH[pcodnumber]); real ptv = v2mil(pad2bottomThermV[pcodnumber]); real centeroffset = (px1 - px2); real px = px1 + px2; int pdril = drillcode[pcodnumber]; if(pdril != 0) { printf("CHANGE DRIll %s;\n", format(v2mil(drillcode[pcodnumber])) ); } printf("CHANGE LAYER 48;\n"); printf("CHANGE SIZE 32;\n"); if (py == 0) { dlgDialog("Warning") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgLabel(""); dlgStretch(1); } dlgLabel( "Package: "+ shapename + ";\nPad : " + padcodepinname + " / PadCode = " + padcode + "\n\nY-Value is zerro = 0; changed to 1 Mil\n", 1); dlgPushButton("+&Accept") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-&Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(-1); } py = 1; px = 1; }; } printf("CHANGE LAYER 21;\n"); if(pdril == 0) { int roundness = prad / (py / 200) ; printf("CHANGE LAYER %s;\n", refLayer[padcodelayerset]); if (centeroffset == 0) { if (padcodeRotation == 90 || padcodeRotation == 270) { printf("SMD %.3f %.3f -%d '%s' (%s %s);\n", py, px, roundness, padcodepinname, format(padcoderelx), format(padcoderely) ); } else { printf("SMD %.3f %.3f -%d '%s' (%s %s);\n", px, py, roundness, padcodepinname, format(padcoderelx), format(padcoderely) ); } } else { printf("SMD %.3f %.3f -%d '%s' (%s %s);\n", px, py, roundness, padcodepinname, format(padcoderelx), format(padcoderely) ); } } else { if (centeroffset == 0 && px == py) { if (prad < px / 2) { printf("CHANGE SHAPE SQUARE;\n"); } else { printf("CHANGE SHAPE ROUND;\n"); } printf("CHANGE DIAMETER %s;\n", format(px) ); } else { if (centeroffset == 0) { if (padcodeRotation == 90 || padcodeRotation == 270) { printf("CHANGE SHAPE YLongOct;\n"); printf("CHANGE DIAMETER %s;\n", format(py) ); } else { printf("CHANGE SHAPE XLongOct;\n"); printf("CHANGE DIAMETER %s;\n", format(py) ); } } else { printf("CHANGE SHAPE OCTAGON;\n"); if (py > px1 || py > px2) { printf("CHANGE DIAMETER %s;\n", format(py) ); } else { printf("CHANGE DIAMETER %s;\n", format(px2) ); } } } printf("PAD '%s' (%s %s);\n", padcodepinname, format(padcoderelx), format(padcoderely) ); } } while (c[n]); return ; } void arcdescript(void) { do { string arcxs = read(',', 0); if (strrchr(arcxs, ';') == 0) { n++; return ; } real arcx = val2mil(arcxs); real arcy = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real arcradius = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real ang1 = strtod(read(',', 0)) / rotatemultiple ; real ang2 = strtod(read(',', 1)) / rotatemultiple ; printf("CHANGE LAYER 21;\n"); if(ang1 == 0 && ang2 == 360) { printf("CIRCLE (%s %s) (%s %s);\n", format(arcx), format(arcy), format(arcx - arcradius), format(arcy) ); } else { real endangle = ang1 + ang2; if (endangle >= 360) { endangle -= 360; } real startXarc = arcradius * cos(PI / 180 * ang1); real startYarc = arcradius * sin(PI / 180 * ang1); real endXarc = arcradius * cos(PI / 180 * endangle); real endYarc = arcradius * sin(PI / 180 * endangle); printf("ARC CCW (%s %s) (%s %s) (%s %s);\n", format(arcx + startXarc), format(arcy + startYarc), format(arcx - startXarc), format(arcy - startYarc), format(arcx + endXarc), format(arcy + endYarc) ); } } while (c[n]); return ; } void ShapeDef(void) { n++; shapename = read(cr, 1); printf("EDIT '" + shapename + ".PAC';\n"); printf("CHANGE FONT VECTOR;\n"); real ShapeNameRelx = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real ShapeNameRely = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real ShapeNameHeight = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real ShapeNameRotate = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real ShapeNameWidth = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real ShapeNameThickness = strtod(read(' ', 1)); real AliasNameRelx = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real AliasNameRely = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real AliasNameHeight = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real AliasNameRotate = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real AliasNameWidth = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real AliasNameThickness = strtod(read(' ', 1)); if (ShapeNameHeight == 0) { ShapeNameHeight = 1; } real strglen2 = stringLength(shapename, ShapeNameHeight) / 2; printf ("CHANGE SIZE %s;\n", format(ShapeNameHeight ) ); printf ("CHANGE LAYER 25;\n"); printf ("TEXT '>NAME' (%s %s);\n", format(ShapeNameRelx - strglen2), format(ShapeNameRely - (ShapeNameHeight / 2)) ); if (AliasNameHeight == 0) { AliasNameHeight = 1; } strglen2 = stringLength(shapename, AliasNameHeight) / 2; printf ("CHANGE SIZE %s;\n", format(AliasNameHeight) ); printf ("CHANGE LAYER 27;\n"); printf ("TEXT '>VALUE' (%s %s);\n", format(AliasNameRelx), format(AliasNameRely- (AliasNameHeight / 2)) ); n++; string RthJuncBoard = read(cr, 1); outlinedescript(); n++; cntShape++; pointPackPin[cntShape] = cntrefPin; refPackname[cntShape] = shapename; pindescript(); arcdescript(); return ; } string nnameCheck(string name, int nb) { name = strsub(name, 1); if (name == "") { sprintf(name, "SB$%d", nb); } int ch; do { ch = strchr( name, '\''); if (ch == -1) break; else name[ch] = '/'; } while (ch != -1); return name; } void NetDef(void) { n+= 2; net++; netname[net] = read(' ' ,0); if(netname[net] == "65535") { netname[net] = ""; dlgMessageBox("NEt 65535","OK"); } nettracecode[net] = strtod(read(' ' ,0)); netxlo[net] = strtol(read(' ' ,0)); netxhi[net] = strtol(read(' ' ,0)); netylo[net] = strtol(read(' ' ,0)); netyhi[net] = strtol(read(' ' ,0)); netxsum[net] = strtol(read(' ' ,0)); netysum[net] = strtol(read(' ' ,0)); netpincount[net] = strtod(read(';' ,1)); netname[net] = nnameCheck(netname[net], net); return ; } string GenNet(void) { string sign = ""; for (int s = 0; s <= net; s++) { string sig; sprintf(sig, "SIGNAL '%s'\n%s\n", netname[s], signal[s] ); sign += sig; } return sign; } void ComponentDef(void) { n += 1; comp++; string componentName = read(' ', 0); string componentAlias = read(' ', 0); string componentShapename = read(cr, 1); real componentX = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentY = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentRotate = strtod(read(',', 0)) / rotatemultiple; real componentNameX = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentNameY = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentNameRotate = strtod(read(',', 0)) / rotatemultiple; real componentNameHeight = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentNameWidth = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentNameThick = strtod(read(',', 0)); real componentAliasX = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentAliasY = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentAliasRotate = strtod(read(',', 0)) / rotatemultiple; real componentAliasHight = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentAliasWidth = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentAliasThick = val2mil(read(cr, 1)); string ca; sprintf(ca, "CHANGE LAYER 27;\n"); cmdvalue += ca; if (componentAliasHight == 0) componentAliasHight = 1; sprintf (ca, "change size %s;\n", format(componentAliasHight) ); cmdvalue += ca; if (componentAliasThick <= 0) componentAliasThick = 50; sprintf (ca, "change ratio %.0f;\n", componentAliasThick / 100 * TextRatio ); cmdvalue += ca; sprintf(ca, "TEXT '%s' R%.0f (%s %s);\n", componentAlias, componentAliasRotate, format(componentAliasX), format(componentAliasY) ); cmdvalue += ca; real stringlengh_2 = stringLength(componentName, componentNameHeight ) / 2; sprintf(ca, "%s\n%.2f\n%.0f\n%s\n%s\n", componentName, stringlengh_2, componentNameRotate, format(componentNameX), format(componentNameY) ); cmdchname += ca; sprintf (ca, "%s\n", format(componentNameHeight) ); cmdchname += ca; sprintf (ca, "%.0f\n", componentNameThick / 100 * TextRatio ); cmdchname += ca; real componentXforceVect = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentYforceVect = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentTempcase = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentTempjunc = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentPower = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real componentRTHjuncboard = val2mil(read(',', 0)); real nul = val2mil(read(cr, 0)); sprintf(st, "ADD %s '%s' R%.0f (%s %s);\n", componentShapename, componentName, componentRotate, format(componentX), format(componentY) ); brd += st; sprintf(st, "SMASH (%s %s);\n", format(componentX), format(componentY) ); brd += st; int pin = 0; int z = 0; for ( int p = 0 ; p <= cntShape ; p++ ) { if ( componentShapename == refPackname[p]) { z = pointPackPin[p]; break ; } } do { string componentNetNr = read(' ', 0); string componentPadSetting = read(' ', 1); if (componentNetNr == ";") break; int NetNr = strtod(componentNetNr); if (NetNr <= net) { string sig; sprintf(sig, "%s %s\n", componentName, refPinNr[z + pin]); signal[NetNr] += sig; pin++; } } while (c[n]); n--; return ; } void LTrace(void) { n++; int Tracelayer = strtol(read(' ', 0)); real Tracecoord1 = strtod(read(cr, 0)); n++; do { string Tracec2 = read(' ', 0); if (Tracec2 == ";") { n++; break;} real Tracecoord2 = strtod(Tracec2); real Tracecoord3 = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int TraceNetnr = strtol(read(' ', 0)); int TraceCode = strtol(read(' ', 0)); int TraceType = strtol(read(' ', 0)); int TraceOrient = strtol(read(' ', 0)); route(Tracelayer, Tracecoord1, Tracecoord2, Tracecoord3, TraceNetnr, TraceCode, TraceType, TraceOrient); } while (c[n]); return ; } void LVector() { n++; int VectLayer = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real VectX1 = strtol(read(' ', 0)); real VectY1 = strtol(read(' ', 0)); real VectX2 = strtol(read(' ', 0)); real VectY2 = strtol(read(' ', 0)); int VectNetnr = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int VectTraceCode = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string VectTraceType = read(cr, 1); rwire(VectNetnr, VectLayer, VectX1, VectY1, VectX2, VectY2); return ; } void LArc(void) { n++; int ArcLayer = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real ArcX = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real ArcY = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real ArcRadius = val2mil(read(' ', 0)); real Arc1 = strtol(read(' ', 0)) / rotatemultiple; real Arc2 = strtol(read(' ', 0)) / rotatemultiple; int ArcNetnr = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int ArcTraceCode = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string ArcTraceType = read(cr, 1); arcDraw( ArcLayer, ArcX, ArcY, ArcRadius, Arc1, Arc2, ArcNetnr, ArcTraceCode, ArcTraceType); return ; } string polygonstart(void) { string polygx1 = read(' ', 0); string polygy1 = read(' ', 0); string polystart; sprintf(polystart, "(%s %s) ", format(val2mil(polygx1)), format(val2mil(polygy1))); return polystart; } void LPolygon(void) { n++; int PolyLayer = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int PolyNetnr = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string PolyPattern = read(' ', 0); string PolyDummy = read(' ', 0); int PolyDist = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int PolyCode = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int PolyClearance = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string PolyType = read(cr, 1); string pld; sprintf(pld , "\n Layer %d\n Net %s\n Pattern %s\n Dist %d\n Code %d\n Clearance %d\n Type %s\n Dummy %s", PolyLayer, netname[PolyNetnr], PolyPattern, PolyDist, PolyCode, PolyClearance, PolyType, PolyDummy ); n++; polygon += "CHANGE LAYER " + refLayer[PolyLayer] + ";\n"; polygon += "CHANGE ORPHANS ON;\n"; polygon += "CHANGE WIDTH " + format(v2mil(nettracecode[PolyNetnr])) + ";\n"; polygon += "CHANGE ISOLATE " + format(v2mil(PolyCode)) + ";\n"; int fillpoly = 1; string polystart = polygonstart(); polygon += "POLYGON " + "'" + netname[PolyNetnr] + "' " + polystart ; string TotalPolygon = ""; do { string TotalPolygon = readstring(' ', semikolon, polysepar); if(TotalPolygon[0] == semikolon) { n++; polygon += ";\n"; return; } if(TotalPolygon[0] == polysepar) { n+= 3; fillpoly = 0; polystart = polygonstart(); if (fillpoly) { polygon += ";\nPOLYGON " + "'" + netname[PolyNetnr] + "' " + polystart ; } TotalPolygon = ""; } else { if (fillpoly) { polygon += TotalPolygon; TotalPolygon = ""; polygon += polystart; } polystart = polygonstart(); } } while (c[n]); } void ViaList(void) { n++; string via; int ViaX = strtod(read(cr, 1)); do { string VY = read(' ', 0); if (VY == ";") break; int ViaY = strtod(VY); int ViaNetnr = strtod(read(' ', 0)); int ViaPadCode = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string ViaPadSetting = read(' ', 0); real ViaPadRotation = strtol(read(' ', 0)) / 32; int ViaPadShift = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string ViaIndex = read(' ', 0); string ViaGLueFlag = read(';', 1); sprintf(via , "CHANGE SHAPE ROUND;\n"); brd += via; sprintf(via , "CHANGE DIAMETER %s;\n", format(v2mil( pad2bottomY[ViaPadCode])) ); brd += via; sprintf(via , "CHANGE DRILL %s;\n", format(v2mil( drillcode[ViaPadCode])) ); brd += via; sprintf(via , "VIA '%s' (%s %s);\n", netname[ViaNetnr], format(v2mil(ViaX)), format(v2mil(ViaY)) ); brd += via; } while (c[n]); return ; } void Text(void) { n++; string text; real TextX = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real TextY = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real TextHeight = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real TextWidth = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real TextThick = strtod(read(' ', 0)); real TextRotation = strtod(read(' ', 0)) / rotatemultiple; int TextLayer = strtod(read(' ', 0)); string TextString = readTstring(); real strgLength2 = stringLength( TextString, TextHeight) / 2; sprintf(text, "CHANGE SIZE %s\n", format(v2mil(TextHeight)) ); brd += text; sprintf( text, "CHANGE LAYER %s;\n", refLayer[TextLayer]); brd += text; int ro = TextRotation; if (TMrefLayer[TextLayer] == "M") { strgLength2 = (strgLength2 * -1); } switch (ro) { case 0 : sprintf(text , "TEXT '%s' %sR%.0f (%s %s);\n", TextString, TMrefLayer[TextLayer], TextRotation, format(v2mil(TextX - (strgLength2))), format(v2mil(TextY - (TextHeight / 2))) ); break; case 90 : sprintf(text , "TEXT '%s' %sR%.0f (%s %s);\n", TextString, TMrefLayer[TextLayer], TextRotation, format(v2mil(TextX + (TextHeight / 2))), format(v2mil(TextY - (strgLength2))) ); break; case 180 : sprintf(text , "TEXT '%s' %sR%.0f (%s %s);\n", TextString, TMrefLayer[TextLayer], TextRotation, format(v2mil(TextX + (strgLength2))), format(v2mil(TextY + (TextHeight / 2))) ); break; case 270 : sprintf(text , "TEXT '%s' %sR%.0f (%s %s);\n", TextString, TMrefLayer[TextLayer], TextRotation, format(v2mil(TextX - (TextHeight / 2))), format(v2mil(TextY + strgLength2)) ); break; } brd += text; return ; } void RecTechnology(void) { n++; switch (c[n]) { case 'P' : padset(); break; case 'T' : TraceCode(); break; case 'C' : Drilltolerance(); break; case 'D' : DrillCode(); break; case '0' : PadDefinitionInner(); break; case '1' : PadDefinitionTop(); break; case '2' : PadDefiniBottom(); break; case 'S' : WaveSolderDir(); break; } return ; } void SubRecordL(void) { n++; switch (c[n]) { case 'T' : LTrace(); break; case 'V' : LVector(); break; case 'A' : LArc(); break; case 'P' : LPolygon(); break; } return ; } void Record(void) { n++; switch (c[n]) { case 'P' : Headerfield(); break; case 'T' : RecTechnology(); break; case 'S' : ShapeDef(); break; case 'N' : NetDef(); break; case 'C' : ComponentDef(); break; case 'L' : SubRecordL(); break; case 'V' : ViaList(); break; case 'X' : Text(); break; } return ; } void BRDTrailer(void) { printf("CHANGE LAYER 20;\n"); printf("SET WIRE_BEND 0;\n"); printf("WIRE 0 (%s %s) (%s %s) (%s %s) ;\n", format(v2mil(boardoutline[1])), format(v2mil(boardoutline[2])), format(v2mil(boardoutline[3])), format(v2mil(boardoutline[4])), format(v2mil(boardoutline[1])), format(v2mil(boardoutline[2])) ); printf("CHANGE SIZE 50;\n"); real tx; if (boardoutline[1] < boardoutline[3]) tx = boardoutline[1]; else tx = boardoutline[3]; real ty; if (boardoutline[2] > boardoutline[4]) ty = boardoutline[2]; else ty = boardoutline[4]; int yy = 75; printf("# 'ULTIBOARD - %s Version %s Revision %s' (%s %s);\n", costomer, versionnumb, revisionnum, format(v2mil(tx)) ,format(v2mil(ty) + yy) ); yy += 75; printf("# 'with import filter : %s %s' (%s %s);\n", filter, Version, format(v2mil(tx)) ,format(v2mil(ty) + yy) ); yy += 75; printf("# 'converted from ULTIBOARD-DDF file : %s at %s' (%s %s);\n", ddffile, t2string(time()), format(v2mil(tx)) ,format(v2mil(ty) + yy) ); yy += 75; printf("# '%s' (%s %s);\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE, format(v2mil(tx)) ,format(v2mil(ty) + yy) ); yy += 75; } void sign() { printf("# %s\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE); printf("# Script converted from ULTIBOARD-DDF file : %s at %s\n", ddffile, t2string(time()) ); printf("# with %s\n\n", filter ); return; } void LBRdescript(void) { printf("Description 'Library converted from ULTIBOARD-DDF file :

\\n\\\n %s at %s

\\n\\\n with import filter : %s';\n", ddffile, t2string(time()), filter ); } void ULPhelp(void) { dlgDialog("Import ddf help") { dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(500); } dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel(usage, 1); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("-&Cancel") {dlgReject(); exit(0);} dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("&Version Info") dlgMessageBox(ULTIBoardinfo, "OK"); dlgStretch(0); // dlgPushButton("Hilf&e") dlgMessageBox(InfoDE, "OK"); // dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("&Help") dlgMessageBox(InfoUS, "OK"); dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(1); }; } void main(void) { if (board) board(B) { char bkslash = '/'; int pos = strrchr(argv[0], bkslash); if (argv[1] == "") ULPhelp(); if (argv[1] == "PASS2") importpass2(); else { if (pos >= 0) { ulp_path = strsub(argv[0], 0, pos + 1); } filter = strsub(argv[0], pos + 1); fileName = dlgFileOpen("Select a DDF-File", "", "*.ddf"); } if (!fileName) exit (0); string changetextfile = filesetext(fileName, tmpchtxtfile); string scriptfile = filesetext(fileName, tmpextfile); pos = strrchr(fileName, bkslash); ddffile = strsub(fileName, pos + 1); nBytes = fileread(c, fileName); output(scriptfile, "wt") { sign(); printf("OPEN '%s';\n", filesetext(fileName, ".lbr")); LBRdescript(); do { switch (c[n]) { case 0: break; case '*': Record(); break; case ';': break; case 10: break; case 12: break; case 13: break; case 27: cmd += "\nEscape\n"; break; default: test(c[n]); break; } n++; } while (n <= nBytes); printf("SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n"); printf("WRITE\n"); printf("CLOSE;\n"); sign(); printf("EDIT '%s'\n", filesetext(fileName, ".brd") ); printf("SET VECTOR_FONT ON;\n"); printf("%s", scriptheader()); printf("USE -*;\n"); printf("USE '%s';\n",filesetext(fileName, ".lbr") ); printf("\n%s\nWINDOW FIT;\n", brd); printf("%s\n", GenNet() ); printf("%s\n", cmdroute); printf("%s\n", arcscript); if (polygon) printf("%s\n", polygon); printf("RATSNEST;\n"); BRDTrailer(); printf("SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n"); printf("WINDOW FIT;\n"); printf("WRITE;\n"); printf("RUN '%s' 'PASS2' '%s';\n", argv[0], changetextfile); } output(changetextfile, "wt") { printf("%s\n", cmdchname); } string ecmd = "SCRIPT '" + scriptfile + "';\n"; string r; sprintf(r, "REMOVE '%s';\n", scriptfile); ecmd += r; sprintf(r, "REMOVE '%s';\n", filesetext(changetextfile, "$" + tmpextfile) ); ecmd += r; sprintf(r, "REMOVE '%s';\n", changetextfile); ecmd += r; exit (ecmd); } else { dlgMessageBox( "ERROR:\nStart this ULP from a Board", "&OK") ; } }