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For example there may be a “read only” section. <p><a name="index-linker_002c-and-assembler-187"></a><a name="index-assembler_002c-and-linker-188"></a>The linker <code>ld</code> reads many object files (partial programs) and combines their contents to form a runnable program. When <span class="command">as</span> emits an object file, the partial program is assumed to start at address 0. <code>ld</code> assigns the final addresses for the partial program, so that different partial programs do not overlap. This is actually an oversimplification, but it suffices to explain how <span class="command">as</span> uses sections. <p><code>ld</code> moves blocks of bytes of your program to their run-time addresses. These blocks slide to their run-time addresses as rigid units; their length does not change and neither does the order of bytes within them. Such a rigid unit is called a <em>section</em>. Assigning run-time addresses to sections is called <dfn>relocation</dfn>. It includes the task of adjusting mentions of object-file addresses so they refer to the proper run-time addresses. For the H8/300, and for the Renesas / SuperH SH, <span class="command">as</span> pads sections if needed to ensure they end on a word (sixteen bit) boundary. <p><a name="index-standard-assembler-sections-189"></a>An object file written by <span class="command">as</span> has at least three sections, any of which may be empty. These are named <dfn>text</dfn>, <dfn>data</dfn> and <dfn>bss</dfn> sections. <p>When it generates COFF or ELF output, <span class="command">as</span> can also generate whatever other named sections you specify using the <span class="samp">.section</span> directive (see <a href="Section.html#Section"><code>.section</code></a>). If you do not use any directives that place output in the <span class="samp">.text</span> or <span class="samp">.data</span> sections, these sections still exist, but are empty. <p>When <span class="command">as</span> generates SOM or ELF output for the HPPA, <span class="command">as</span> can also generate whatever other named sections you specify using the <span class="samp">.space</span> and <span class="samp">.subspace</span> directives. See <cite>HP9000 Series 800 Assembly Language Reference Manual</cite> (HP 92432-90001) for details on the <span class="samp">.space</span> and <span class="samp">.subspace</span> assembler directives. <p>Additionally, <span class="command">as</span> uses different names for the standard text, data, and bss sections when generating SOM output. Program text is placed into the <span class="samp">$CODE$</span> section, data into <span class="samp">$DATA$</span>, and BSS into <span class="samp">$BSS$</span>. <p>Within the object file, the text section starts at address <code>0</code>, the data section follows, and the bss section follows the data section. <p>When generating either SOM or ELF output files on the HPPA, the text section starts at address <code>0</code>, the data section at address <code>0x4000000</code>, and the bss section follows the data section. <p>To let <code>ld</code> know which data changes when the sections are relocated, and how to change that data, <span class="command">as</span> also writes to the object file details of the relocation needed. To perform relocation <code>ld</code> must know, each time an address in the object file is mentioned: <ul> <li>Where in the object file is the beginning of this reference to an address? <li>How long (in bytes) is this reference? <li>Which section does the address refer to? What is the numeric value of <pre class="display"> (<var>address</var>) − (<var>start-address of section</var>)? </pre> <li>Is the reference to an address “Program-Counter relative”? </ul> <p><a name="index-addresses_002c-format-of-190"></a><a name="index-section_002drelative-addressing-191"></a>In fact, every address <span class="command">as</span> ever uses is expressed as <pre class="display"> (<var>section</var>) + (<var>offset into section</var>) </pre> <p class="noindent">Further, most expressions <span class="command">as</span> computes have this section-relative nature. (For some object formats, such as SOM for the HPPA, some expressions are symbol-relative instead.) <p>In this manual we use the notation {<var>secname</var> <var>N</var>} to mean “offset <var>N</var> into section <var>secname</var>.” <p>Apart from text, data and bss sections you need to know about the <dfn>absolute</dfn> section. When <code>ld</code> mixes partial programs, addresses in the absolute section remain unchanged. For example, address <code>{absolute 0}</code> is “relocated” to run-time address 0 by <code>ld</code>. Although the linker never arranges two partial programs' data sections with overlapping addresses after linking, <em>by definition</em> their absolute sections must overlap. Address <code>{absolute 239}</code> in one part of a program is always the same address when the program is running as address <code>{absolute 239}</code> in any other part of the program. <p>The idea of sections is extended to the <dfn>undefined</dfn> section. Any address whose section is unknown at assembly time is by definition rendered {undefined <var>U</var>}—where <var>U</var> is filled in later. Since numbers are always defined, the only way to generate an undefined address is to mention an undefined symbol. A reference to a named common block would be such a symbol: its value is unknown at assembly time so it has section <em>undefined</em>. <p>By analogy the word <em>section</em> is used to describe groups of sections in the linked program. <code>ld</code> puts all partial programs' text sections in contiguous addresses in the linked program. It is customary to refer to the <em>text section</em> of a program, meaning all the addresses of all partial programs' text sections. Likewise for data and bss sections. <p>Some sections are manipulated by <code>ld</code>; others are invented for use of <span class="command">as</span> and have no meaning except during assembly. </body></html>