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This file documents the GNU Assembler "as".

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<h3 class="section">7.77 <code>.altmacro</code></h3>

<p>Enable alternate macro mode, enabling:

<dt><code>LOCAL </code><var>name</var><code> [ , ... ]</code><a name="index-LOCAL-_0040var_007bname_007d-_005b-_002c-_0040dots_007b_007d-_005d-399"></a><dd>One additional directive, <code>LOCAL</code>, is available.  It is used to
generate a string replacement for each of the <var>name</var> arguments, and
replace any instances of <var>name</var> in each macro expansion.  The
replacement string is unique in the assembly, and different for each
separate macro expansion.  <code>LOCAL</code> allows you to write macros that
define symbols, without fear of conflict between separate macro expansions.

     <br><dt><code>String delimiters</code><a name="index-String-delimiters-400"></a><dd>You can write strings delimited in these other ways besides

<dt><code>'</code><var>string</var><code>'</code><dd>You can delimit strings with single-quote characters.

          <br><dt><code>&lt;</code><var>string</var><code>&gt;</code><dd>You can delimit strings with matching angle brackets. 

     <br><dt><code>single-character string escape</code><a name="index-single_002dcharacter-string-escape-401"></a><dd>To include any single character literally in a string (even if the
character would otherwise have some special meaning), you can prefix the
character with <span class="samp">!</span> (an exclamation mark).  For example, you can
write <span class="samp">&lt;4.3 !&gt; 5.4!!&gt;</span> to get the literal text <span class="samp">4.3 &gt; 5.4!</span>.

     <br><dt><code>Expression results as strings</code><a name="index-Expression-results-as-strings-402"></a><dd>You can write <span class="samp">%</span><var>expr</var> to evaluate the expression <var>expr</var>
and use the result as a string. 
