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This file documents the GNU Assembler "as".

Copyright (C) 1991, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no
Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the
section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''.

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<h3 class="section">1.1 Structure of this Manual</h3>

<p><a name="index-manual_002c-structure-and-purpose-21"></a>This manual is intended to describe what you need to know to use
<span class="sc">gnu</span> <span class="command">as</span>.  We cover the syntax expected in source files, including
notation for symbols, constants, and expressions; the directives that
<span class="command">as</span> understands; and of course how to invoke <span class="command">as</span>.

   <p>This manual also describes some of the machine-dependent features of
various flavors of the assembler.

   <p><a name="index-machine-instructions-_0028not-covered_0029-22"></a>On the other hand, this manual is <em>not</em> intended as an introduction
to programming in assembly language&mdash;let alone programming in general! 
In a similar vein, we make no attempt to introduce the machine
architecture; we do <em>not</em> describe the instruction set, standard
mnemonics, registers or addressing modes that are standard to a
particular architecture. 
You may want to consult the manufacturer's
machine architecture manual for this information.

<!-- I think this is premature-doc@cygnus.com, 17jan1991 -->
<!-- There used to be a section "Terminology" here, which defined -->
<!-- "contents", "byte", "word", and "long".  Defining "word" to any -->
<!-- particular size is confusing when the .word directive may generate 16 -->
<!-- bits on one machine and 32 bits on another; in general, for the user -->
<!-- version of this manual, none of these terms seem essential to define. -->
<!-- They were used very little even in the former draft of the manual; -->
<!-- this draft makes an effort to avoid them (except in names of -->
<!-- directives). -->