# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*- from MidiOutStream import MidiOutStream class MidiToText(MidiOutStream): """ This class renders a midi file as text. It is mostly used for debugging """ ############################# # channel events def channel_message(self, message_type, channel, data): """The default event handler for channel messages""" print 'message_type:%X, channel:%X, data size:%X' % (message_type, channel, len(data)) def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): print 'note_on - ch:%02X, note:%02X, vel:%02X time:%s' % (channel, note, velocity, self.rel_time()) def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): print 'note_off - ch:%02X, note:%02X, vel:%02X time:%s' % (channel, note, velocity, self.rel_time()) def aftertouch(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): print 'aftertouch', channel, note, velocity def continuous_controller(self, channel, controller, value): print 'controller - ch: %02X, cont: #%02X, value: %02X' % (channel, controller, value) def patch_change(self, channel, patch): print 'patch_change - ch:%02X, patch:%02X' % (channel, patch) def channel_pressure(self, channel, pressure): print 'channel_pressure', channel, pressure def pitch_bend(self, channel, value): print 'pitch_bend ch:%s, value:%s' % (channel, value) ##################### ## Common events def system_exclusive(self, data): print 'system_exclusive - data size: %s' % len(date) def song_position_pointer(self, value): print 'song_position_pointer: %s' % value def song_select(self, songNumber): print 'song_select: %s' % songNumber def tuning_request(self): print 'tuning_request' def midi_time_code(self, msg_type, values): print 'midi_time_code - msg_type: %s, values: %s' % (msg_type, values) ######################### # header does not really belong here. But anyhoo!!! def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96): print 'format: %s, nTracks: %s, division: %s' % (format, nTracks, division) print '----------------------------------' print '' def eof(self): print 'End of file' def start_of_track(self, n_track=0): print 'Start - track #%s' % n_track def end_of_track(self): print 'End of track' print '' ############### # sysex event def sysex_event(self, data): print 'sysex_event - datasize: %X' % len(data) ##################### ## meta events def meta_event(self, meta_type, data): print 'undefined_meta_event:', meta_type, len(data) def sequence_number(self, value): print 'sequence_number', number def text(self, text): print 'text', text def copyright(self, text): print 'copyright', text def sequence_name(self, text): print 'sequence_name:', text def instrument_name(self, text): print 'instrument_name:', text def lyric(self, text): print 'lyric', text def marker(self, text): print 'marker', text def cuepoint(self, text): print 'cuepoint', text def midi_ch_prefix(self, channel): print 'midi_ch_prefix', channel def midi_port(self, value): print 'midi_port:', value def tempo(self, value): print 'tempo:', value def smtp_offset(self, hour, minute, second, frame, framePart): print 'smtp_offset', hour, minute, second, frame, framePart def time_signature(self, nn, dd, cc, bb): print 'time_signature:', nn, dd, cc, bb def key_signature(self, sf, mi): print 'key_signature', sf, mi def sequencer_specific(self, data): print 'sequencer_specific', len(data) if __name__ == '__main__': # get data test_file = 'test/midifiles/minimal.mid' f = open(test_file, 'rb') # do parsing from MidiInFile import MidiInFile midiIn = MidiInFile(MidiToText(), f) midiIn.read() f.close()