//example use of LCD4Bit library #include //create object to control an LCD. //number of lines in display=1 LCD4Bit lcd = LCD4Bit(1); //some messages to display on the LCD char msgs[6][15] = {"apple", "banana", "pineapple", "mango", "watermelon", "pear"}; int NUM_MSGS = 6; void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //we'll use the debug LED to output a heartbeat lcd.init(); //optionally, now set up our application-specific display settings, overriding whatever the lcd did in lcd.init() //lcd.commandWrite(0x0F);//cursor on, display on, blink on. (nasty!) } void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //light the debug LED //pick a random message from the array int pick = random(NUM_MSGS); char* msg = msgs[pick]; lcd.clear(); lcd.printIn(msg); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13, LOW); //print some dots individually for (int i=0; i<3; i++){ lcd.print('.'); delay(100); } //print something on the display's second line. //uncomment this if your display HAS two lines! /* lcd.cursorTo(2, 0); //line=2, x=0. lcd.printIn("Score: 6/7"); delay(1000); */ //scroll entire display 20 chars to left, delaying 50ms each inc lcd.leftScroll(20, 50); }