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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Register Names</h5>
<p><a name="index-D30V-registers-765"></a><a name="index-registers_002c-D30V-766"></a>You can use the predefined symbols <span class="samp">r0</span> through <span class="samp">r63</span> to refer
to the D30V registers. You can also use <span class="samp">sp</span> as an alias for
<span class="samp">r63</span> and <span class="samp">link</span> as an alias for <span class="samp">r62</span>. The accumulators
are <span class="samp">a0</span> and <span class="samp">a1</span>.
<p>The D30V also has predefined symbols for these control registers and status bits:
<dt><code>psw</code><dd>Processor Status Word
<br><dt><code>bpsw</code><dd>Backup Processor Status Word
<br><dt><code>pc</code><dd>Program Counter
<br><dt><code>bpc</code><dd>Backup Program Counter
<br><dt><code>rpt_c</code><dd>Repeat Count
<br><dt><code>rpt_s</code><dd>Repeat Start address
<br><dt><code>rpt_e</code><dd>Repeat End address
<br><dt><code>mod_s</code><dd>Modulo Start address
<br><dt><code>mod_e</code><dd>Modulo End address
<br><dt><code>iba</code><dd>Instruction Break Address
<br><dt><code>f0</code><dd>Flag 0
<br><dt><code>f1</code><dd>Flag 1
<br><dt><code>f2</code><dd>Flag 2
<br><dt><code>f3</code><dd>Flag 3
<br><dt><code>f4</code><dd>Flag 4
<br><dt><code>f5</code><dd>Flag 5
<br><dt><code>f6</code><dd>Flag 6
<br><dt><code>f7</code><dd>Flag 7
<br><dt><code>s</code><dd>Same as flag 4 (saturation flag)
<br><dt><code>v</code><dd>Same as flag 5 (overflow flag)
<br><dt><code>va</code><dd>Same as flag 6 (sticky overflow flag)
<br><dt><code>c</code><dd>Same as flag 7 (carry/borrow flag)
<br><dt><code>b</code><dd>Same as flag 7 (carry/borrow flag)