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# Panedwindow
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implements a very general panedwindow which allows for mixing resizable
# and non-resizable panes. It also allows limits to be set on individual
# pane sizes, both minimum and maximum.
# The look of this widget is much like Window, instead of the Motif-like
# iwidget panedwindow.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Portions of this code are originally from the iwidget panedwindow which
# is Copyright (c) 1995 DSC Technologies Corporation
itk::usual PanedWindow {
keep -background -cursor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::class cyg::PanedWindow {
inherit itk::Widget
constructor {args} {}
itk_option define -orient orient Orient horizontal
itk_option define -sashwidth sashWidth SashWidth 10
itk_option define -sashcolor sashColor SashColor gray
public {
method index {index}
method childsite {args}
method add {tag args}
method insert {index tag args}
method delete {index}
method hide {index}
method replace {pane1 pane2}
method show {index}
method paneconfigure {index args}
method reset {}
private {
method _eventHandler {width height}
method _startDrag {num}
method _endDrag {where num}
method _configDrag {where num}
method _handleDrag {where num}
method _moveSash {where num {dir ""}}
method _resizeArray {}
method _setActivePanes {}
method _calcPos {where num {dir ""}}
method _makeSashes {}
method _placeSash {i}
method _placePanes {{start 0} {end end} {forget 0}}
variable _initialized 0 ;# flag set when widget is first configured
variable _sashes {} ;# List of sashes.
# Pane information
variable _panes {} ;# List of panes.
variable _activePanes {} ;# List of active panes.
variable _where ;# Array of relative positions
variable _ploc ;# Array of pixel positions
variable _frac ;# Array of relative pane sizes
variable _pixels ;# Array of sizes in pixels for non-resizable panes
variable _max ;# Array of pane maximum locations
variable _min ;# Array of pane minimum locations
variable _pmin ;# Array of pane minimum size
variable _pmax ;# Array of pane maximum size
variable _dimension 0 ;# width or height of window
variable _dir "height" ;# resizable direction, "height" or "width"
variable _rPixels
variable _sashloc ;# Array of dist of sash from above/left.
variable _minsashmoved ;# Lowest sash moved during dragging.
variable _maxsashmoved ;# Highest sash moved during dragging.
variable _width 0 ;# hull's width.
variable _height 0 ;# hull's height.
variable _unique -1 ;# Unique number for pane names.
# Provide a lowercased access method for the PanedWindow class.
proc ::cyg::panedwindow {pathName args} {
uplevel ::cyg::PanedWindow $pathName $args
# Use option database to override default resources of base classes.
option add *PanedWindow.width 10 widgetDefault
option add *PanedWindow.height 10 widgetDefault
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::constructor {args} {
itk_option add hull.width hull.height
pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no
bind pw-config-$this <Configure> [code $this _eventHandler %w %h]
bindtags $itk_component(hull) \
[linsert [bindtags $itk_component(hull)] 0 pw-config-$this]
eval itk_initialize $args
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# OPTION: -orient
# Specifies the orientation of the sashes. Once the paned window
# has been mapped, set the sash bindings and place the panes.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::configbody cyg::PanedWindow::orient {
#puts "orient $_initialized"
if {$_initialized} {
set orient $itk_option(-orient)
if {$orient != "vertical" && $orient != "horizontal"} {
error "bad orientation option \"$itk_option(-orient)\":\
should be horizontal or vertical"
if {[string compare $orient "vertical"]} {
set _dimension $_height
set _dir "height"
} else {
set _dimension $_width
set _dir "width"
_placePanes 0 end 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# OPTION: -sashwidth
# Specifies the width of the sash.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::configbody cyg::PanedWindow::sashwidth {
set pixels [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-sashwidth)]
set itk_option(-sashwidth) $pixels
if {$_initialized} {
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} {
$itk_component(sash$i) configure \
-width $itk_option(-sashwidth) -height $itk_option(-sashwidth) \
-borderwidth 2
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} {
_placeSash $i
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# OPTION: -sashcolor
# Specifies the color of the sash.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::configbody cyg::PanedWindow::sashcolor {
if {$_initialized} {
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $_panes]} {incr i} {
$itk_component(sash$i) configure -background $itk_option(-sashcolor)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: index index
# Searches the panes in the paned window for the one with the
# requested tag, numerical index, or keyword "end". Returns the pane's
# numerical index if found, otherwise error.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::index {index} {
if {[llength $_panes] > 0} {
if {[regexp {(^[0-9]+$)} $index]} {
if {$index < [llength $_panes]} {
return $index
} else {
error "PanedWindow index \"$index\" is out of range"
} elseif {$index == "end"} {
return [expr [llength $_panes] - 1]
} else {
if {[set idx [lsearch $_panes $index]] != -1} {
return $idx
error "bad PanedWindow index \"$index\": must be number, end,\
or pattern"
} else {
error "PanedWindow \"$itk_component(hull)\" has no panes"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: childsite ?index?
# Given an index return the specifc childsite path name. Invoked
# without an index return a list of all the child site panes. The
# list is ordered from the near side (left/top).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::childsite {args} {
#puts "childsite $args ($_initialized)"
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
set children {}
foreach pane $_panes {
lappend children [$itk_component($pane) childSite]
return $children
} else {
set index [index [lindex $args 0]]
return [$itk_component([lindex $_panes $index]) childSite]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: add tag ?option value option value ...?
# Add a new pane to the paned window to the far (right/bottom) side.
# The method takes additional options which are passed on to the
# pane constructor. These include -margin, and -minimum. The path
# of the pane is returned.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::add {tag args} {
itk_component add $tag {
eval cyg::Pane $itk_interior.pane[incr _unique] $args
} {
keep -background -cursor
lappend _panes $tag
lappend _activePanes $tag
return $itk_component($tag)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: insert index tag ?option value option value ...?
# Insert the specified pane in the paned window just before the one
# given by index. Any additional options which are passed on to the
# pane constructor. These include -margin, -minimum. The path of
# the pane is returned.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::insert {index tag args} {
itk_component add $tag {
eval cyg::Pane $itk_interior.pane[incr _unique] $args
} {
keep -background -cursor
set index [index $index]
set _panes [linsert $_panes $index $tag]
lappend _activePanes $tag
return $itk_component($tag)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: delete index
# Delete the specified pane.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::delete {index} {
set index [index $index]
set tag [lindex $_panes $index]
# remove the itk component
destroy $itk_component($tag)
# remove it from panes list
set _panes [lreplace $_panes $index $index]
# remove its _frac value
set ind [lsearch -exact $_activePanes $tag]
if {$ind != -1 && [info exists _frac($ind)]} {
unset _frac($ind)
# this will reset _activePane and resize things
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: hide index
# Remove the specified pane from the paned window.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::hide {index} {
set index [index $index]
set tag [lindex $_panes $index]
if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $_activePanes $tag]] != -1} {
set _activePanes [lreplace $_activePanes $idx $idx]
if {[info exists _frac($idx)]} {unset _frac($idx)}
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::replace {pane1 pane2} {
set ind1 [lsearch -exact $_activePanes $pane1]
if {$ind1 == -1} {
error "$pane1 is not an active pane name."
set ind2 [lsearch -exact $_panes $pane2]
if {$ind2 == -1} {
error "Pane $pane2 does not exist."
set _activePanes [lreplace $_activePanes $ind1 $ind1 $pane2]
_placePanes 0 $ind1 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: show index
# Display the specified pane in the paned window.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::show {index} {
set index [index $index]
set tag [lindex $_panes $index]
if {[lsearch -exact $_activePanes $tag] == -1} {
lappend _activePanes $tag
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: paneconfigure index ?option? ?value option value ...?
# Configure a specified pane. This method allows configuration of
# panes from the PanedWindow level. The options may have any of the
# values accepted by the add method.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::paneconfigure {index args} {
set index [index $index]
set tag [lindex $_panes $index]
return [uplevel $itk_component($tag) configure $args]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: reset
# Redisplay the panes based on the default percentages of the panes.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::reset {} {
if {$_initialized && [llength $_panes]} {
#puts RESET
_placePanes 0 end 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _setActivePanes
# Resets the active pane list.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_setActivePanes {} {
set _prevActivePanes $_activePanes
set _activePanes {}
foreach pane $_panes {
if {[lsearch -exact $_prevActivePanes $pane] != -1} {
lappend _activePanes $pane
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROTECTED METHOD: _eventHandler
# Performs operations necessary following a configure event. This
# includes placing the panes.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_eventHandler {width height} {
#puts "Event $width $height"
set _width $width
set _height $height
if {[string compare $itk_option(-orient) "vertical"]} {
set _dimension $_height
set _dir "height"
} else {
set _dimension $_width
set _dir "width"
if {$_initialized} {
} else {
set _initialized 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _resizeArray
# Recalculates the sizes and positions of all the panes.
# This is only done at startup, when the window size changes, when
# a new pane is added, or the orientation is changed.
# _frac($i) contains:
# % of resizable space when pane$i is resizable
# _pixels($i) contains
# pixels when pane$i is not resizable
# _where($i) contains the relative position of the top of pane$i
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_resizeArray {} {
set numpanes 0
set _rPixels 0
set totalFrac 0.0
set numfreepanes 0
#puts "sresizeArray dim=$_dimension dir=$_dir"
# first pass. Count the number of resizable panes and
# the pixels reserved for non-resizable panes.
set i 0
foreach p $_activePanes {
set _resizable($i) [$itk_component($p) cget -resizable]
if {$_resizable($i)} {
# remember pane min and max
set _pmin($i) [$itk_component($p) cget -minimum]
set _pmax($i) [$itk_component($p) cget -maximum]
incr numpanes
if {[info exists _frac($i)]} {
# sum up all the percents
set totalFrac [expr $totalFrac + $_frac($i)]
} else {
# number of new windows not yet sized
incr numfreepanes
} else {
set _pixels($i) [winfo req$_dir $itk_component($p)]
set _pmin($i) $_pixels($i)
set _pmax($i) $_pixels($i)
incr _rPixels $_pixels($i)
incr i
set totalpanes $i
#puts "numpanes=$numpanes nfp=$numfreepanes _rPixels=$_rPixels totalFrac=$totalFrac"
if {$numfreepanes} {
# set size for the new window(s) to average size
if {$totalFrac > 0.0} {
set freepanesize [expr $totalFrac / ($numpanes - $numfreepanes)]
} else {
set freepanesize [expr 1.0 / $numpanes.0]
for {set i 0} {$i < $totalpanes} {incr i} {
if {$_resizable($i) && ![info exists _frac($i)]} {
set _frac($i) $freepanesize
set totalFrac [expr $totalFrac + $_frac($i)]
set done 0
while {!$done} {
# force to a reasonable value
if {$totalFrac <= 0.0} { set totalFrac 1.0 }
# scale the _frac array
if {$totalFrac > 1.01 || $totalFrac < 0.99} {
set cor [expr 1.0 / $totalFrac]
set totalFrac 0.0
for {set i 0} {$i < $totalpanes} {incr i} {
if {$_resizable($i)} {
set _frac($i) [expr $_frac($i) * $cor]
set totalFrac [expr $totalFrac + $_frac($i)]
# bounds checking; look for panes that are too small or too large
# if one is found, fix its size at the min or max and mark the
# window non-resizable. Adjust percents and try again.
set done 1
for {set i 0} {$i < $totalpanes} {incr i} {
if {$_resizable($i)} {
set _pixels($i) [expr int($_frac($i) * ($_dimension - $_rPixels.0))]
if {$_pixels($i) < $_pmin($i)} {
set _resizable($i) 0
set totalFrac [expr $totalFrac - $_frac($i)]
set _pixels($i) $_pmin($i)
incr _rPixels $_pixels($i)
set done 0
} elseif {$_pmax($i) && $_pixels($i) > $_pmax($i)} {
set _resizable($i) 0
set totalFrac [expr $totalFrac - $_frac($i)]
set _pixels($i) $_pmax($i)
incr _rPixels $_pixels($i)
set done 0
# Done adjusting. Now build pane position arrays. These are designed
# to minimize calculations while resizing.
# Note: position of sash $i = position of top of pane $i
# _where($i): relative (0.0 - 1.0) position of sash $i
# _ploc($i): position in pixels of sash $i
# _max($i): maximum position in pixels of sash $i (0 = no max)
set _where(0) 0.0
set _ploc(0) 0
set _max(0) 0
set _min(0) 0
# calculate the percentage of resizable space
set resizePerc [expr 1.0 - ($_rPixels.0 / $_dimension)]
# now set the pane positions
for {set i 1; set n 0} {$i < $totalpanes} {incr i; incr n} {
if {$_resizable($n)} {
set _where($i) [expr $_where($n) + ($_frac($n) * $resizePerc)]
} else {
set _where($i) [expr $_where($n) + [expr $_pixels($n).0 / $_dimension]]
set _ploc($i) [expr $_ploc($n) + $_pixels($n)]
set _max($i) [expr $_max($n) + $_pmax($n)]
if {($_max($n) == 0 || $_pmax($n) == 0) && $n != 0} {
set _max($i) 0
set _min($i) [expr $_min($n) + $_pmin($n)]
#puts "where($i)=$_where($i)"
#puts "ploc($i)=$_ploc($i)"
#puts "min($i)=$_min($i)"
#puts "pmin($i)=$_pmin($i)"
#puts "pmax($i)=$_pmax($i)"
#puts "pixels($i)=$_pixels($i)"
set _ploc($i) $_dimension
set _where($i) 1.0
# finally, starting at the bottom,
# check the _max and _min arrays
set _max($totalpanes) $_dimension
set _min($totalpanes) $_dimension
#puts "_max($totalpanes) = $_max($totalpanes)"
for {set i [expr $totalpanes - 1]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
set n [expr $i + 1]
set m [expr $_max($n) - $_pmin($i)]
if {$_max($i) > $m || !$_max($i)} { set _max($i) $m }
if {$_pmax($i)} {
set m [expr $_min($n) - $_pmax($i)]
if {$_min($i) < $m} {set _min($i) $m }
#puts "$i $_max($i) $_min($i)"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROTECTED METHOD: _startDrag num
# Starts the sash drag and drop operation. At the start of the drag
# operation all the information is known as for the upper and lower
# limits for sash movement. The calculation is made at this time and
# stored in protected variables for later access during the drag
# handling routines.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_startDrag {num} {
#puts "startDrag $num"
set _minsashmoved $num
set _maxsashmoved $num
grab $itk_component(sash$num)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROTECTED METHOD: _endDrag where num
# Ends the sash drag and drop operation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_endDrag {where num} {
#puts "endDrag $where $num"
grab release $itk_component(sash$num)
# set new _frac values
for {set i [expr $_minsashmoved-1]} {$i <= $_maxsashmoved} {incr i} {
set _frac($i) \
[expr ($_ploc([expr $i+1]).0 - $_ploc($i)) / ($_dimension - $_rPixels)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROTECTED METHOD: _configDrag where num
# Configure action for sash.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_configDrag {where num} {
set _sashloc($num) $where
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROTECTED METHOD: _handleDrag where num
# Motion action for sash.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_handleDrag {where num} {
#puts "handleDrag $where $num"
_moveSash [expr $where + $_sashloc($num)] $num
_placePanes [expr $_minsashmoved - 1] $_maxsashmoved
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROTECTED METHOD: _moveSash where num
# Move the sash to the absolute pixel location
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_moveSash {where num {dir ""}} {
#puts "moveSash $where $num"
set _minsashmoved [expr ($_minsashmoved<$num)?$_minsashmoved:$num]
set _maxsashmoved [expr ($_maxsashmoved>$num)?$_maxsashmoved:$num]
_calcPos $where $num $dir
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _calcPos where num
# Determines the new position for the sash. Make sure the position does
# not go past the minimum for the pane on each side of the sash.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_calcPos {where num {direction ""}} {
set dir [expr $where - $_ploc($num)]
#puts "calcPos $where $num $dir $direction"
if {$dir == 0} { return }
# simplify expressions by computing these now
set m [expr $num-1]
set p [expr $num+1]
# we have squeezed the pane below us to the limit
set lower1 [expr $_ploc($m) + $_pmin($m)]
set lower2 0
if {$_pmax($num)} {
# we have stretched the pane above us to the limit
set lower2 [expr $_ploc($p) - $_pmax($num)]
set upper1 9999 ;# just a large number
if {$_pmax($m)} {
# we have stretched the pane above us to the limit
set upper1 [expr $_ploc($m) + $_pmax($m)]
# we have squeezed the pane below us to the limit
set upper2 [expr $_ploc($p) - $_pmin($num)]
set done 0
#puts "lower1=$lower1 lower2=$lower2 _min($num)=$_min($num)"
#puts "upper1=$upper1 upper2=$upper2 _max($num)=$_max($num)"
if {$dir < 0 && $where > $_min($num)} {
if {$where < $lower2 && $direction != "down"} {
set done 1
if {$p == [llength $_activePanes]} {
set _ploc($num) $upper2
} else {
_moveSash [expr $where + $_pmax($num)] $p up
set _ploc($num) [expr $_ploc($p) - $_pmax($num)]
if {$where < $lower1 && $direction != "up"} {
set done 1
if {$num == 1} {
set _ploc($num) $lower1
} else {
_moveSash [expr $where - $_pmin($m)] $m down
set _ploc($num) [expr $_ploc($m) + $_pmin($m)]
} elseif {$dir > 0 && ($_max($num) == 0 || $where < $_max($num))} {
if {$where > $upper1 && $direction != "up"} {
set done 1
if {$num == 1} {
set _ploc($num) $upper1
} else {
_moveSash [expr $where - $_pmax($m)] $m down
set _ploc($num) [expr $_ploc($m) + $_pmax($m)]
if {$where > $upper2 && $direction != "down"} {
set done 1
if {$p == [llength $_activePanes]} {
set _ploc($num) $upper2
} else {
_moveSash [expr $where + $_pmin($num)] $p up
set _ploc($num) [expr $_ploc($p) - $_pmin($num)]
if {!$done} {
if {!($_max($num) > 0 && $where > $_max($num)) && $where >= $_min($num)} {
set _ploc($num) $where
set _where($num) [expr $_ploc($num).0 / $_dimension]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _makeSashes
# Removes any previous sashes and creates new ones.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_makeSashes {} {
# Remove any existing sashes.
foreach sash $_sashes {
destroy $itk_component($sash)
set _sashes {}
set skipped_first 0
# Create necessary number of sashes
for {set id 0} {$id < [llength $_activePanes]} {incr id} {
set p [lindex $_activePanes $id]
if {[$itk_component($p) cget -resizable]} {
if {$skipped_first == 0} {
# create the first sash when we see the 2nd resizable pane
incr skipped_first
} else {
# create sash
itk_component add sash$id {
frame $itk_interior.sash$id -relief raised \
-height $itk_option(-sashwidth) \
-width $itk_option(-sashwidth) \
-borderwidth 2
} {
keep -background
lappend _sashes sash$id
set com $itk_component(sash$id)
$com configure -background $itk_option(-sashcolor)
bind $com <Button-1> [code $this _startDrag $id]
switch $itk_option(-orient) {
vertical {
bind $com <B1-Motion> \
[code $this _handleDrag %x $id]
bind $com <B1-ButtonRelease-1> \
[code $this _endDrag %x $id]
bind $com <Configure> \
[code $this _configDrag %x $id]
# FIXME Windows should have a different cirsor
$com configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow
horizontal {
bind $com <B1-Motion> \
[code $this _handleDrag %y $id]
bind $com <B1-ButtonRelease-1> \
[code $this _endDrag %y $id]
bind $com <Configure> \
[code $this _configDrag %y $id]
# FIXME Windows should have a different cirsor
$com configure -cursor sb_v_double_arrow
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _placeSash i
# Places the position of the sash
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_placeSash {i} {
if {[string compare $itk_option(-orient) "vertical"]} {
place $itk_component(sash$i) -in $itk_component(hull) \
-x 0 -relwidth 1 -rely $_where($i) -anchor w \
-height $itk_option(-sashwidth)
} else {
place $itk_component(sash$i) -in $itk_component(hull) \
-y 0 -relheight 1 -relx $_where($i) -anchor n \
-width $itk_option(-sashwidth)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _placePanes
# Resets the panes of the window following movement of the sash.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body cyg::PanedWindow::_placePanes {{start 0} {end end} {forget 0}} {
#puts "placeplanes $start $end"
if {!$_initialized} {
if {$end=="end"} { set end [expr [llength $_activePanes] - 1] }
set _updatePanes [lrange $_activePanes $start $end]
if {$forget} {
if {$_updatePanes == $_activePanes} {
set _forgetPanes $_panes
} else {
set _forgetPanes $_updatePanes
foreach pane $_forgetPanes {
place forget $itk_component($pane)
if {[string compare $itk_option(-orient) "vertical"]} {
set i $start
foreach pane $_updatePanes {
place $itk_component($pane) -in $itk_component(hull) \
-x 0 -rely $_where($i) -relwidth 1 \
-relheight [expr $_where([expr $i + 1]) - $_where($i)]
incr i
} else {
set i $start
foreach pane $_updatePanes {
place $itk_component($pane) -in $itk_component(hull) \
-y 0 -relx $_where($i) -relheight 1 \
-relwidth [expr $_where([expr $i + 1]) - $_where($i)]
incr i
for {set i [expr $start+1]} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
if {[lsearch -exact $_sashes sash$i] != -1} {
_placeSash $i