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# Source preferences dialog for Insight.
# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003 Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# CONSTRUCTOR - create new source preferences window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::constructor {args} {
window_name "Source Preferences"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: init_var - initialize preference variables
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_init_var {} {
set vlist {gdb/src/PC_TAG gdb/src/STACK_TAG gdb/src/BROWSE_TAG
gdb/src/run_attach gdb/src/run_load gdb/src/run_run
gdb/src/run_cont gdb/src/bp_fg gdb/src/temp_bp_fg
gdb/src/trace_fg gdb/src/thread_fg gdb/src/variableBalloons
gdb/src/source2_fg gdb/src/tab_size gdb/mode gdb/editor
foreach var $vlist {
set _saved($var) [pref get $var]
set _new($var) $_saved($var)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: build_win - build the dialog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_build_win {} {
frame $itk_interior.f
frame $itk_interior.f.a
frame $itk_interior.f.b
set f $itk_interior.f.a
# Colors frame
Labelledframe $f.colors -anchor nw -text {Colors}
set w [$f.colors get_frame]
set color [pref get gdb/src/PC_TAG]
label $w.pcl -text {PC}
button $w.pcb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color \
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.pcb PC_TAG]
set color [pref get gdb/src/STACK_TAG]
label $w.stl -text {Stack}
button $w.stb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color \
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.stb STACK_TAG]
set color [pref get gdb/src/BROWSE_TAG]
label $w.brl -text {Browse}
button $w.brb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color\
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.brb BROWSE_TAG]
set color [pref get gdb/src/source2_fg]
label $w.s2l -text {Mixed Source}
button $w.s2b -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color \
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.s2b source2_fg]
set color [pref get gdb/src/bp_fg]
label $w.nbpl -text {Normal Breakpoint}
button $w.nbpb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color\
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.nbpb bp_fg]
set color [pref get gdb/src/temp_bp_fg]
label $w.tbpl -text {Temporary Breakpoint}
button $w.tbpb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color \
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.tbpb temp_bp_fg]
set color [pref get gdb/src/thread_fg]
label $w.dbpl -text {Thread Breakpoint}
button $w.dbpb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color \
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.dbpb thread_fg]
set color [pref get gdb/src/trace_fg]
label $w.tpl -text {Tracepoint}
button $w.tpb -text { } -activebackground $color -bg $color \
-command [code $this _pick $color $w.tpb trace_fg]
grid $w.pcl $w.pcb $w.nbpl $w.nbpb -padx 10 -pady 2 -sticky w
grid $w.stl $w.stb $w.tbpl $w.tbpb -padx 10 -pady 2 -sticky w
grid $w.brl $w.brb $w.dbpl $w.dbpb -padx 10 -pady 2 -sticky w
grid $w.s2l $w.s2b $w.tpl $w.tpb -padx 10 -pady 2 -sticky w
frame $f.rmv
# Debug Mode frame
Labelledframe $f.rmv.mode -anchor nw -text "Mouse Button-1 Behavior"
set w [$f.rmv.mode get_frame]
if {[pref get gdb/mode]} {
set state normal
} else {
pref set gdb/B1_behavior 1
set state disabled
radiobutton $w.async -text "Set/Clear Tracepoints" \
-variable [scope _new(gdb/B1_behavior)] -value 0 -state $state
radiobutton $w.sync -text "Set/Clear Breakpoints" \
-variable [scope _new(gdb/B1_behavior)] -value 1 -state $state
pack $w.async $w.sync -side top
# Variable Balloons
Labelledframe $f.rmv.var -anchor nw -text "Variable Balloons"
set w [$f.rmv.var get_frame]
set var _new(gdb/src/variableBalloons)
radiobutton $w.var_on -text "On " -variable [scope $var] -value 1
radiobutton $w.var_off -text "Off" -variable [scope $var] -value 0
pack $w.var_on $w.var_off -side top
grid $f.rmv.mode -sticky nsew -pady 5 -row 0 -column 0
grid $f.rmv.var -sticky nsew -pady 5 -row 0 -column 2
grid columnconfigure $f.rmv 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $f.rmv 1 -minsize 4
grid columnconfigure $f.rmv 2 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $f.rmv 0 -weight 1
frame $f.x
# Tab size
itk_component add size {
iwidgets::spinint $f.x.size -labeltext "Tab Size" -range {1 16} \
-step 1 -fixed 2 -width 2 -textvariable [scope _new(gdb/src/tab_size)] \
-wrap 0 -textbackground $::Colors(textbg)
$f.x.size delete 0 end
$f.x.size insert end $_saved(gdb/src/tab_size)
# Linenumbers
# commented out because this option isn't really useful
# checkbutton $f.x.linenum -text "Line Numbers" \
# -variable [pref varname gdb/src/linenums]
# pack $f.x.size $f.x.linenum -side left -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $f.x.size -side left -padx 5 -pady 5
# Disassembly flavor - We tell whether this architecture supports
# the flag by checking whether the flag exists.
set have_disassembly_flavor 0
set vals [list_disassembly_flavors]
if {[llength $vals] != 0} {
set have_disassembly_flavor 1
frame $f.dis
label $f.dis.l -text "Disassembly Flavor: "
combobox::combobox $f.dis.combo -maxheight 15 -width 15 \
-font global/fixed -editable 0 -command [code $this _set_flavor] \
-bg $::Colors(textbg)
foreach elem $vals {
$f.dis.combo list insert end $elem
set _saved_disassembly_flavor [get_disassembly_flavor]
$f.dis.combo entryset $_saved_disassembly_flavor
pack $f.dis.l -side left
pack $f.dis.combo -side left -padx 4
} else {
set _saved_disassembly_flavor ""
# External editor.
frame $f.exted
label $f.exted.l -text "External Editor: "
entry $f.exted.e -width 40 -textvariable [scope _new(gdb/editor)]
pack $f.exted.l -side left
pack $f.exted.e -side left -padx 4
pack $f.colors -fill both -expand 1
pack $f.rmv -fill both -expand yes
pack $f.x -fill x -expand yes
if {$have_disassembly_flavor} {
pack $f.dis -side top -fill x -padx 4
pack $f.exted -side top -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4
button $itk_interior.f.b.ok -text OK -width 7 -underline 0 -command [code $this _save]
button $itk_interior.f.b.apply -text Apply -width 7 -underline 0 -command [code $this _apply]
button $itk_interior.f.b.quit -text Cancel -width 7 -underline 0 -command [code $this _cancel]
standard_button_box $itk_interior.f.b
pack $itk_interior.f.a $itk_interior.f.b $itk_interior.f -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: apply - apply changes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_apply {} {
foreach var [array names _new] {
if {$_new($var) != [pref get $var]} {
#debug "$var = $_new($var)"
pref set $var $_new($var)
if {$_new_disassembly_flavor != ""} {
gdb_cmd "set disassembly-flavor $_new_disassembly_flavor"
pref set gdb/src/disassembly-flavor $_new_disassembly_flavor
itcl::body SrcPref::cancel {} {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: _cancel
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_cancel {} {
set any_changed 0
foreach elem [array names _saved] {
set cur_val [pref get $elem]
if {[string compare $cur_val $_saved($elem)] != 0} {
set any_changed 1
pref set $elem $_saved($elem)
if {$_new_disassembly_flavor != ""} {
set any_changed 1
gdb_cmd "set disassembly-flavor $_saved_disassembly_flavor"
pref set gdb/src/disassembly-flavor $_saved_disassembly_flavor
if {$any_changed} {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: save - apply changes and quit
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_save {} {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: _set_flavor - sets the disassembly flavor. The set disassembly-flavor
# gdb command is already known to exist, so I don't have to check...
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_set_flavor {w new_mode} {
$w entryset $new_mode
set _new_disassembly_flavor $new_mode
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: pick - pick colors
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body SrcPref::_pick {color win tag} {
set new_color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $color -title "Choose color"]
if {$new_color != $color && $new_color != {}} {
set _new(gdb/src/$tag) $new_color
$win configure -activebackground $new_color -bg $new_color