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# balloon.tcl - Balloon help.
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000 Cygnus Solutions.
# Written by Tom Tromey <>.
# * On Windows, various delays should be determined from system;
# presently they are hard-coded.
# * Likewise, balloon positioning on Windows is a hack.
itcl_class Balloon {
# Name of associated global variable which should be set whenever
# the help is shown.
public variable {}
# Name of associated toplevel. Private variable.
protected _top {}
# This is non-empty if there is an after script pending. Private
# method.
protected _after_id {}
# This is an array mapping window name to help text.
protected _help_text
# This is an array mapping window name to notification proc.
protected _notifiers
# This is set to the name of the parent widget whenever the mouse is
# in a widget with balloon help.
protected _active {}
# This is true when we're already calling a notification proc.
# Private variable.
protected _in_notifier 0
# This holds the parent of the most recently entered widget. It is
# used to determine when the user is moving through a toolbar.
# Private variable.
protected _recent_parent {}
constructor {top} {
global tcl_platform
set _top $top
set class [$this info class]
# The standard widget-making trick.
set hull [namespace tail $this]
set old_name $this
::rename $this $this-tmp-
::toplevel $hull -class $class -borderwidth 1 -background black
::rename $hull $old_name-win-
::rename $this $old_name
# By default we are invisible. When we are visible, we are
# borderless.
wm withdraw [namespace tail $this]
wm overrideredirect [namespace tail $this] 1
# Put some bindings on the toplevel. We don't use
# bind_for_toplevel_only because *do* want these bindings to be
# run when the event happens on some child.
bind $_top <Enter> [list $this _enter %W]
bind $_top <Leave> [list $this _leave]
# Only run this one if we aren't already destroyed.
bind $_top <Destroy> [format {
if {[info commands %s] != ""} then {
%s _subdestroy %%W
} $this $this]
bind $_top <Unmap> [list $this _unmap %W]
# Add more here as required.
bind $_top <1> [format {
%s _cancel
%s _unshowballoon
} $this $this]
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} then {
set bg SystemInfoBackground
set fg SystemInfoText
} else {
# This color is called `LemonChiffon' by my X installation.
set bg \#ffffffffcccc
set fg black
# Where we display stuff.
label [namespace tail $this].label -background $bg -foreground $fg -font global/status \
-anchor w -justify left
pack [namespace tail $this].label -expand 1 -fill both
# Clean up when the label is destroyed. This has the hidden
# assumption that the balloon widget is a child of the toplevel to
# which it is connected.
bind [namespace tail $this].label <Destroy> [list $this delete]
destructor {
catch {_cancel}
catch {after cancel [list $this _unshowballoon]}
catch {destroy $this}
method configure {config} {}
# Register a notifier for a window.
method notify {command window {tag {}}} {
if {$tag == ""} then {
set item $window
} else {
set item $window,$tag
if {$command == ""} then {
unset _notifiers($item)
} else {
set _notifiers($item) $command
# Register help for a window.
method register {window text {tag {}}} {
if {$tag == ""} then {
set item $window
} else {
# Switching on the window class is bad. Do something better.
set class [winfo class $window]
# Switching on window class is bad. Do something better.
switch -- $class {
Menu {
# Menus require bindings that other items do not require.
# So here we make sure the menu has the binding. We could
# speed this up by keeping a special entry in the _help_text
# array if we wanted. Note that we pass in the name of the
# window as we know it. That lets us work even when we're
# actually getting events for a clone window. This is less
# than ideal, because it means we have to hijack the
# MenuSelect binding, but we live with it. (The other
# choice is to make a new bindtag per menu -- yuck.)
# This is relatively nasty: we have to encode the window
# name as passed to the _motion method; otherwise the
# cloning munges it. Sigh.
regsub -all -- \\. $window ! munge
bind $window <<MenuSelect>> [list $this _motion %W $munge]
Canvas {
# If we need to add a binding for this tag, do so.
if {! [info exists _help_text($window,$tag)]} then {
$window bind $tag <Enter> +[list $this _enter $window $tag]
$window bind $tag <Leave> +[list $this _leave]
$window bind $tag <1> +[format {
%s _cancel
%s _unshowballoon
} $this $this]
Text {
# If we need to add a binding for this tag, do so.
if {! [info exists _help_text($window,$tag)]} then {
$window tag bind $tag <Enter> +[list $this _enter $window $tag]
$window tag bind $tag <Leave> +[list $this _leave]
$window tag bind $tag <1> +[format {
%s _cancel
%s _unshowballoon
} $this $this]
set item $window,$tag
set _help_text($item) $text
if {$_active == $item} then {
_set_variable $item
# If the label is already showing, then we re-show it. Why not
# just set the -text on the label? Because if the label changes
# size it might be offscreen, and we need to handle that.
if {[wm state [namespace tail $this]] == "normal"} then {
showballoon $window $tag
# Cancel any pending after handler. Private method.
method _cancel {} {
if {$_after_id != ""} then {
after cancel $_after_id
set _after_id {}
# This is run when the toplevel, or any child, is entered. Private
# method.
method _enter {W {tag {}}} {
# Don't bother for menus, since we know we use a different
# mechanism for them.
if {[winfo class $W] == "Menu"} then {
# If we just moved into the parent of the last child, then do
# nothing. We want to keep the parent the same so the right thing
# can happen if we move into a child of this same parent.
set delay 1000
if {$W != $_recent_parent} then {
if {[winfo parent $W] == $_recent_parent} then {
# As soon as possible.
set delay idle
} else {
set _recent_parent ""
if {$tag == ""} then {
set index $W
} else {
set index $W,$tag
set _active $index
if {[info exists _help_text($index)]} then {
# There is some help text. So arrange to display it when the
# time is up. We arbitrarily set this to 1 second.
set _after_id [after $delay [list $this showballoon $W $tag]]
# Set variable here; that way simply entering a window will
# cause the text to appear.
_set_variable $index
# This is run when the toplevel, or any child, is left. Private
# method.
method _leave {} {
_set_variable {}
set _active {}
# This is run to undisplay the balloon. Note that it does not
# change the text stored in the variable. That is handled
# elsewhere. Private method.
method _unshowballoon {} {
wm withdraw [namespace tail $this]
# Set the variable, if it exists. Private method.
method _set_variable {index} {
# Run the notifier.
if {$index == ""} then {
set value ""
} elseif {[info exists _notifiers($index)] && ! $_in_notifier} then {
if {$variable != ""} {
upvar $variable var
set var $_help_text($index)
set _in_notifier 1
uplevel \#0 $_notifiers($index)
set _in_notifier 0
# Get value afterwards to give notifier a chance to change it.
if {$variable != ""} {
upvar $variable var
set _help_text($index) $var
set value $_help_text($index)
} else {
set value $_help_text($index)
if {$variable != ""} then {
upvar $variable var
set var $value
# This is run to show the balloon. Private method.
method showballoon {W tag {keep 0}} {
global tcl_platform
if {$tag == ""} then {
# An ordinary window. Position below the window, and right of
# center.
set _active $W
set left [expr {[winfo rootx $W] + round ([winfo width $W] * .75)}]
set ypos [expr {[winfo rooty $W] + [winfo height $W]}]
set alt_ypos [winfo rooty $W]
# Balloon shown, so set parent info.
set _recent_parent [winfo parent $W]
} else {
set _active $W,$tag
# Switching on class name is bad. Do something better. Can't
# just use the widget's bbox method, because the results differ
# for Text and Canvas widgets. Bummer.
switch -- [winfo class $W] {
Menu {
# Recognize but do nothing.
Text {
lassign [$W bbox $tag.first] x y width height
set left [expr {[winfo rootx $W] + $x + round ($width * .75)}]
set ypos [expr {[winfo rooty $W] + $y + $height}]
set alt_ypos [expr {[winfo rooty $W] - $y}]
Canvas {
lassign [$W bbox $tag] x1 y1 x2 y2
# Must subtract out coordinates of top-left corner of canvas
# window; otherwise this will get the wrong position when
# the canvas has been scrolled.
set tlx [$W canvasx 0]
set tly [$W canvasy 0]
# Must round results because canvas coordinates are floats.
set left [expr {round ([winfo rootx $W] + $x1 - $tlx
+ ($x2 - $x1) * .75)}]
set ypos [expr {round ([winfo rooty $W] + $y2 - $tly)}]
set alt_ypos [expr {round ([winfo rooty $W] + $y1 - $tly)}]
default {
error "unrecognized window class for window \"$W\""
set help $_help_text($_active)
# On Windows, the popup location is always determined by the
# cursor. Actually, the rule seems to be somewhat more complex.
# Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be written down anywhere.
# Experiments show that the location is determined by the cursor
# if the text is wider than the widget; and otherwise it is
# centered under the widget. FIXME: we don't deal with those
# cases.
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} then {
# FIXME: for now this is turned off. It isn't enough to get the
# cursor size; we actually have to find the bottommost "on"
# pixel in the cursor and use that for the height. I don't know
# how to do that.
# lassign [ide_cursor size] dummy height
# lassign [ide_cursor position] left ypos
# incr ypos $height
if {[info exists left] && $help != ""} then {
[namespace tail $this].label configure -text $help
set lw [winfo reqwidth [namespace tail $this].label]
set sw [winfo screenwidth [namespace tail $this]]
set bw [$this-win- cget -borderwidth]
if {$left + $lw + 2 * $bw >= $sw} then {
set left [expr {$sw - 2 * $bw - $lw}]
set lh [winfo reqheight [namespace tail $this].label]
if {$ypos + $lh >= [winfo screenheight [namespace tail $this]]} then {
set ypos [expr {$alt_ypos - $lh}]
wm positionfrom [namespace tail $this] user
wm geometry [namespace tail $this] +${left}+${ypos}
wm deiconify [namespace tail $this]
raise [namespace tail $this]
if {!$keep} {
# After 6 seconds, close the window. The timer is reset every
# time the window is shown.
after cancel [list $this _unshowballoon]
after 6000 [list $this _unshowballoon]
# This is run when a window or tag is destroyed. Private method.
method _subdestroy {W {tag {}}} {
if {$tag == ""} then {
# A window. Remove the window and any associated tags. Note
# that this is called for all Destroy events on descendents,
# even for windows which were never registered. Hence the use
# of catch.
catch {unset _help_text($W)}
foreach thing [array names _help_text($W,*)] {
unset _help_text($thing)
} else {
# Just a tag. This one can't be called by mistake, so this
# shouldn't need to be caught.
unset _help_text($W,$tag)
# This is run in response to a MenuSelect event on a menu.
method _motion {window name} {
# Decode window name.
regsub -all -- ! $name . name
if {$variable == ""} then {
# There's no point to doing anything.
set n [$window index active]
if {$n == "none"} then {
set index ""
set _active {}
} elseif {[info exists _help_text($name,$n)]} then {
# Tag specified by index number.
set index $name,$n
set _active $name,$n
} elseif {! [catch {$window entrycget $n -label} label]
&& [info exists _help_text($name,$label)]} then {
# Tag specified by index name.
set index $name,$label
set _active $name,$label
} else {
# No help for this item.
set index ""
set _active {}
_set_variable $index
# This is run when some widget unmaps. If the widget is the current
# widget, then unmap the balloon help. Private method.
method _unmap w {
if {$w == $_active} then {
_set_variable {}
set _active {}
# Find (and possibly create) balloon widget associated with window.
proc BALLOON_find_balloon {window} {
# Find our associated toplevel. If it is a menu, then keep going.
set top [winfo toplevel $window]
while {[winfo class $top] == "Menu"} {
set top [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $top]]
if {$top == "."} {
set bname .__balloon
} else {
set bname $top.__balloon
# If the balloon help for this toplevel doesn't exist, then create
# it. Yes, this relies on a magic name for the balloon help widget.
if {! [winfo exists $bname]} then {
Balloon $bname $top
return $bname
# This implements "balloon register".
proc BALLOON_command_register {window text {tag {}}} {
set b [BALLOON_find_balloon $window]
$b register $window $text $tag
# This implements "balloon notify".
proc BALLOON_command_notify {command window {tag {}}} {
set b [BALLOON_find_balloon $window]
$b notify $command $window $tag
# This implements "balloon show".
proc BALLOON_command_show {window {tag {}} {keep 0}} {
set b [BALLOON_find_balloon $window]
$b showballoon $window $tag $keep
proc BALLOON_command_withdraw {window} {
set b [BALLOON_find_balloon $window]
$b _unmap $window
# This implements "balloon variable".
proc BALLOON_command_variable {window args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} then {
# Fetch.
set b [BALLOON_find_balloon $window]
return [$b cget -variable]
} else {
# FIXME: no arg checking here.
# Set.
set b [BALLOON_find_balloon $window]
$b configure -variable [lindex $args 0]
# The primary interface to balloon help.
# Usage:
# balloon notify COMMAND WINDOW ?TAG?
# Run COMMAND just before the help text for WINDOW (and TAG, if
# given) is displayed. If COMMAND is the empty string, then
# notification is disabled for this window.
# balloon register WINDOW TEXT ?TAG?
# Associate TEXT as the balloon help for WINDOW.
# If TAG is given, the use the appropriate tag for association.
# For menu widgets, TAG is a menu index.
# For canvas widgets, TAG is a tagOrId.
# For text widgets, TAG is a text index. If you want to use
# the text tag FOO, use `FOO.last'.
# balloon show WINDOW ?TAG?
# Immediately pop up the balloon for the given window and tag.
# This should be used sparingly. For instance, you might need to
# use it if the tag you're interested in does not track the mouse,
# but instead is added just before show-time.
# balloon variable WINDOW ?NAME?
# If NAME specified, set balloon help variable associated
# with window. This variable is set to the text whenever the
# balloon help is on. If NAME is specified but empty,
# no variable is set. If NAME not specified, then the
# current variable name is returned.
# balloon withdraw WINDOW
# Withdraw the balloon window associated with WINDOW. This should
# be used sparingly.
proc balloon {key args} {
if {[info commands BALLOON_command_$key] == "" } then {
error "unrecognized key \"$key\""
eval BALLOON_command_$key $args