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# GDBToolBar
# Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implements a toolbar.
# configure ....... used to change public attributes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::class GDBToolBar {
inherit itk::Widget
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# CONSTRUCTOR - create widget
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
constructor {args} {
# Make a subframe so that the menu can't accidentally conflict
# with a name created by some subclass.
set ButtonFrame [frame $itk_interior.t]
pack $ButtonFrame $itk_interior -fill both -expand true
eval itk_initialize $args
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# DESTRUCTOR - destroy window containing widget
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
destructor {
#destroy $this
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: show - show the toolbar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
public method show {} {
if {[llength $button_list]} {
eval standard_toolbar $ButtonFrame $button_list
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: set_class_state - standard method to control state by class
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
public method set_class_state {enable_list} {
debug "Enable list is: $enable_list"
foreach {type state} $enable_list {
# debug $type
if {[info exists button_classes($type)]} {
set class_list $button_classes($type)
if {[llength $class_list]} {
# debug "$type $state \{$class_list\}"
foreach button $class_list {
# debug "$type $button $state"
itemconfigure $button -state $state
# Methods that deal with buttons.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: add - Add something.
# It can be a button a separator or a label.
# type - what we want to add
# args - arguments appropriate to what is being added
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method add {type args} {
switch $type {
button {
eval toolbar_add_button $args
label {
eval toolbar_add_label $args
separator {
custom {
eval toolbar_add_custom $args
default {
error "Invalid item type: $type"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: toolbar_add_button - Creates a button, and inserts
# it at the end of the button list. Call this when
# the toolbar is being set up, but has not yet been
# made.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method toolbar_add_button {name class command balloon args} {
lappend button_list \
[eval _register_button 1 \$name \$class \$command \$balloon $args]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: toolbar_add_label - Create a label to be inserted
# in the toolbar.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method toolbar_add_label {name text balloon args} {
set lname $ButtonFrame.$name
set Buttons($name) $lname
set Buttons($lname,align) $button_align
eval label $lname -text \$text $args
balloon register $lname $balloon
lappend button_list $lname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: toolbar_add_custom - Create a user defined widget
# to be inserted in the toolbar.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method toolbar_add_custom {name createCmd balloon args} {
set wname $ButtonFrame.$name
set Buttons($name) $wname
set Buttons($wname,align) $button_align
eval $createCmd $wname $args
balloon register $wname $balloon
lappend button_list $wname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: toolbar_add_button_separator -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method toolbar_add_button_separator {} {
lappend button_list -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: _register_button - Creates all the bookkeeping
# for a button, without actually inserting it in the toolbar.
# If the button will not be immediately inserted (INS == 0),
# sets its bindings and appearences to the same of a
# standard_toolbar button.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method _register_button {ins name class command balloon args} {
set bname $ButtonFrame.$name
set Buttons($name) $bname
set Buttons($bname,align) $button_align
eval button $bname -command \$command $args
balloon register $bname $balloon
foreach elem $class {
switch $elem {
None {}
default {
lappend button_classes($elem) $name
# If the button is not going to be inserted now...
if {! $ins} {
# This is a bit of a hack, but I need to bind the standard_toolbar bindings
# and appearances to these externally, since I am not inserting them in
# the original toolbar...
# FIXME: Have to add a method to the libgui toolbar to do this.
# Make sure the button acts the way we want, not the default Tk way.
$bname configure -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
-relief flat -borderwidth 1
set index [lsearch -exact [bindtags $bname] Button]
bindtags $bname [lreplace [bindtags $bname] $index $index ToolbarButton]
return $bname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: create - Creates all the bookkeeping for a button,
# without actually inserting it in the toolbar.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method create {name class command balloon args} {
return [eval _register_button 0 \$name \$class \$command \$balloon $args]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: itemconfigure -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method itemconfigure {button args} {
eval $Buttons($button) configure $args
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: itembind -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method itembind {button key cmd} {
eval [list bind $Buttons($button) $key $cmd]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: itemballoon -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method itemballoon {button text} {
eval [list balloon register $Buttons($button) $text]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: toolbar_insert_button - Inserts button "name" before
# button "before".
# The toolbar must be made, and the buttons must have been
# created before you run this.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method toolbar_insert_button {name before} {
if {[string first "-" $name] == 0} {
set name [string range $name 1 end]
set add_sep 1
} else {
set add_sep 0
if {![info exists Buttons($name)] || ![info exists Buttons($before)]} {
error "toolbar_insert_buttons called with non-existant button"
set before_col [gridCGet $Buttons($before) -column]
set before_row [gridCGet $Buttons($before) -row]
set slaves [grid slaves $ButtonFrame]
set incr [expr 1 + $add_sep]
foreach slave $slaves {
set slave_col [gridCGet $slave -column]
if {$slave_col >= $before_col} {
grid configure $slave -column [expr $slave_col + $incr]
if {$add_sep} {
grid $Buttons(-$name) -column $before_col -row $before_row
# Now grid our button. Have to put in the pady since this button
# may not have been originally inserted by the libgui toolbar
# proc.
grid $Buttons($name) -column [expr $before_col + $add_sep] \
-row $before_row -pady 2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: toolbar_remove_button -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
private method toolbar_remove_button {name} {
if {[string first "-" $name] == 0} {
set name [string range $name 1 end]
set remove_sep 1
} else {
set remove_sep 0
if {![info exists Buttons($name)] } {
error "toolbar_remove_buttons called with non-existant button $name"
set name_col [gridCGet $Buttons($name) -column]
set name_row [gridCGet $Buttons($name) -row]
grid remove $Buttons($name)
if {$remove_sep} {
set Buttons(-$name) [grid slaves $ButtonFrame \
-column [expr $name_col - 1] \
-row $name_row]
grid remove $Buttons(-$name)
set slaves [grid slaves $ButtonFrame -row $name_row]
foreach slave $slaves {
set slave_col [gridCGet $slave -column]
if {($slave_col > $name_col)
&& ! ([info exists Buttons($slave,align)]
&& $Buttons($slave,align) == "right")} {
grid configure $slave -column [expr $slave_col - 1 - $remove_sep]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: toolbar_button_right_justify -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method toolbar_button_right_justify {} {
lappend button_list --
set button_align "right"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: toolbar_swap_button_lists -
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method toolbar_swap_button_lists {in_list out_list} {
# Now swap out the buttons...
set first_out [lindex $out_list 0]
if {[info exists Buttons($first_out)] && [grid info $Buttons($first_out)] != ""} {
foreach button $in_list {
toolbar_insert_button $button $first_out
foreach button $out_list {
toolbar_remove_button $button
} elseif {[info exists Buttons($first_out)]} {
debug "Error in swap_button_list - $first_out not gridded..."
} else {
debug "Button $first_out is not in button list"
# This is the list of buttons that are being built up
private variable button_list {}
# This is an array of buttons names -> Tk Window names
# and also of Tk Window names -> column position in grid
private variable Buttons
# This array holds the button classes. The key is the class name,
# and the value is the list of buttons belonging to this class.
private variable button_classes
# Tell if we are inserting buttons left or right justified
private variable button_align "left"
#The frame to contain the buttons:
private variable ButtonFrame
# None.
# None.