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# Local preferences functions for Insight.
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008 Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# 1. Options database (.Xdefaults on Unix or ? on Windows) is read
# 2. GDB prefs file is read ("gdbtk.ini" on Windows; ".gdbtkinit" on Unix)
# 3. GDB init script is read
# Normally all preferences will be set in the prefs file, which is
# a generated file. Hand-editing, if necessary, should be done to the
# GDB init script.
# when "save options" is selected, the contents of the
# preferences array is written out to the GDB prefs file.
# Usage:
# pref_save
# pref_read
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pref_read {} {
global prefs_init_filename env gdb_ImageDir GDBTK_LIBRARY GDBStartup
global gdbtk_platform
if {[info exists env(HOME)]} {
if {$gdbtk_platform(os) == "cygwin"} {
set home [ide_cygwin_path to_win32 $env(HOME)]
} else {
set home $env(HOME)
} else {
set home ""
if {$gdbtk_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
set prefs_init_filename "gdbtk.ini"
} else {
set prefs_init_filename ".gdbtkinit"
if {!$GDBStartup(inhibit_prefs) \
|| [info exists env(INSIGHT_FORCE_READ_PREFERENCES)]} {
set file_opened 0
if {[file exists $prefs_init_filename]} {
if {[catch {open $prefs_init_filename r} fd]} {
dbug E "$fd"
set file_opened 1
} elseif {$home != ""} {
set name [file join $home $prefs_init_filename]
if {[file exists $name]} {
if {[catch {open $name r} fd]} {
dbug E "$fd"
set prefs_init_filename $name
set file_opened 1
if {$file_opened == "1"} {
set section gdb
set version 0
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
switch -regexp -- $line {
{^[ \t\n]*#.*} {
# Comment. We recognize one magic comment that includes
# the version number.
if {[regexp -- "^# GDBtkInitVersion: (\[0-9\]+)\$" $line \
dummy v]} {
set version $v
{^[ \t\n]*$} {
;# empty line; ignore it
{^[ \t\n]*\[.*\]} {
regexp {\[(.*)\]} $line match section
{^[ \t\n]*option.*} {
set line [string trimleft $line]
eval $line
default {
set a ""
set name ""
set val ""
regexp "\[ \t\n\]*\(.+\)=\(.+\)" $line a name val
if {$a == "" || $name == ""} {
dbug W "Cannot parse line: $line"
} else {
# Must unescape equal signs in val
set val [unescape_value $val $version]
if {$section == "gdb"} {
pref setd gdb/$name $val
} elseif {$section == "global" && [regexp "^font/" $name]} {
set name [split $name /]
set f global/
append f [join [lrange $name 1 end] /]
if {[lsearch [font names] $f] == -1} {
# new font
eval define_font $f $val
} else {
# existing font
pref set global/font/[join [lrange $name 1 end] /] $val
} elseif {$section == "global"} {
pref setd $section/$name $val
} else {
# backwards compatibility. recognize old src-font name
if {$val == "src-font"} {set val "global/fixed"}
pref setd gdb/$section/$name $val
close $fd
} elseif {$home != ""} {
set prefs_init_filename [file join $home $prefs_init_filename]
# now set global options
set gdb_ImageDir [file join $GDBTK_LIBRARY [pref get gdb/ImageDir]]
# finally set colors, from system if possible
if {[pref get gdb/use_color_schemes] != "1"} {
pref_set_colors $home
} else {
global Colors
# These colors are the same for all schemes
set Colors(textfg) black
set Colors(fg) black
set Colors(sbg) \#4c59a5
set Colors(sfg) white
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: pref_save - save preferences to a file and delete window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pref_save {{win {}}} {
global prefs_init_filename GDBStartup env
if {!$GDBStartup(inhibit_prefs)
|| [info exists env(INSIGHT_FORCE_READ_PREFERENCES)]} {
debug "pref_save $prefs_init_filename"
if {[catch {open $prefs_init_filename w} fd]} {
debug "ERROR: $fd"
puts $fd "\# GDBtk Init file"
puts $fd {# GDBtkInitVersion: 1}
set plist [pref list]
# write out global options
puts $fd "\[global\]"
foreach var $plist {
set t [split $var /]
if {[lindex $t 0] == "global"} {
set x [join [lrange $t 1 end] /]
set v [escape_value [pref get $var]]
if {$x != "" && $v != ""} {
puts $fd "\t$x=$v"
# write out gdb-global options
puts $fd "\[gdb\]"
foreach var $plist {
set t [split $var /]
# We use the funny join/lreplace code because the session code
# can generate a key where [lindex $t 2] is empty but there is
# still stuff after that. This happens because the session code
# uses filenames, which can start with `/'.
if {[lindex $t 0] == "gdb"
&& [string compare [join [lreplace $t 0 1] /] ""] == 0} {
set x [lindex $t 1]
set v [escape_value [pref get $var]]
if {$x != "" && $v != ""} {
puts $fd "\t$x=$v"
# now loop through all sections writing out values
# FIXME: this is broken. We should discover the list
# dynamically.
lappend secs load console src reg stack locals watch bp search \
process geometry help browser kod window session mem bg ipc
foreach section $secs {
puts $fd "\[$section\]"
foreach var $plist {
set t [split $var /]
if {[lindex $t 0] == "gdb" && [lindex $t 1] == $section} {
set x [join [lrange $t 2 end] /]
set v [escape_value [pref get $var]]
if {$x != "" && $v != ""} {
puts $fd "\t$x=$v"
close $fd
if {$win != ""} {
$win delete
# -------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: escape_value - escape all equal signs for saving
# prefs to a file
# -------------------------------------------------------
proc escape_value {val} {
# We use a URL-style quoting. We encode `=', `%', the `[]'
# characters and newlines. We use a cute trick here: we regsub in
# command expressions which we then expand using subst.
if {[info tclversion] >= 8.1} {
set expr {([\[\]=%\n])}
} else {
set expr "(\[\]\[=%\n\])"
regsub -all -- $expr $val \
{[format "%%%02x" [scan {\1} %c x; set x]]} newval
return [subst -nobackslashes -novariables $newval]
# -------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: unescape_value - unescape all equal signs for
# reading prefs from a file. VERSION is the version
# number of the encoding.
# version 0 only encoded `='.
# version 1 correctly encoded more values
# -------------------------------------------------------
proc unescape_value {val version} {
switch -exact -- $version {
0 {
# Old-style encoding.
if {[regsub -all -- {!%} $val = newval]} {
return $newval
1 {
# Version 1 uses URL encoding.
regsub -all -- "%(..)" $val \
{[format %c 0x\1]} newval
return [subst -nobackslashes -novariables $newval]
default {
error "Unknown encoding version $version"
return $val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: pref_set_defaults - set up default values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pref_set_defaults {} {
global GDBTK_LIBRARY gdbtk_platform gdb_ImageDir
# Gdb global defaults
pref define gdb/ImageDir images2
set gdb_ImageDir [file join $GDBTK_LIBRARY [pref get gdb/ImageDir]]
pref define gdb/font_cache ""
pref define gdb/mode 0; # 0 no tracing, 1 tracing enabled
pref define gdb/control_target 1; # 0 can't control target (EMC), 1 can
pref define gdb/B1_behavior 1; # 0 means set/clear breakpoints,
# 1 means set/clear tracepoints.
pref define gdb/use_icons 1; # For Unix, use gdbtk_icon.gif as an icon
# some window managers can't deal with it.
# OS compatibility. Valid values are "Windows", "GNOME", "KDE", and "default"
if {$gdbtk_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
pref define gdb/compat "Windows"
} elseif {$gdbtk_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
pref define gdb/compat "GNOME"
} else {
pref define gdb/compat "default"
# set download and execution options
pref define gdb/load/verbose 0
pref define gdb/load/main 1
pref define gdb/load/exit 1
pref define gdb/load/check 0
pref define gdb/load/bp_at_func 0
pref define gdb/load/bp_func ""
pref define gdb/load/baud 38400
if {$gdbtk_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
pref define gdb/load/port com1
} else {
pref define gdb/load/port "/dev/ttyS0"
# The list of active windows:
pref define gdb/window/active {}
# Console defaults
pref define gdb/console/prompt "(gdb) "
pref define gdb/console/deleteLeft 1
pref define gdb/console/wrap 0
pref define gdb/console/prompt_fg DarkGreen
pref define gdb/console/error_fg red
pref define gdb/console/log_fg green
pref define gdb/console/target_fg blue
pref define gdb/console/font global/fixed
# Source window defaults
pref define gdb/src/PC_TAG green
pref define gdb/src/STACK_TAG gold
pref define gdb/src/BROWSE_TAG \#9595e2
pref define gdb/src/handlebg red
pref define gdb/src/bp_fg red
pref define gdb/src/temp_bp_fg orange
pref define gdb/src/disabled_fg black
pref define gdb/src/font global/fixed
pref define gdb/src/break_fg black
pref define gdb/src/source2_fg navy
pref define gdb/src/variableBalloons 1
pref define gdb/src/trace_fg magenta
pref define gdb/src/tab_size 8
pref define gdb/src/linenums 1
pref define gdb/src/thread_fg pink
pref define gdb/src/top_control 1; # 1 srctextwin controls on top, 0 bottom
# Define the run button's functions. These are defined here in case
# we do a "run" with an exec target (which never causes target.tcl to
# source)...
pref define gdb/src/run_attach 0
pref define gdb/src/run_load 0
pref define gdb/src/run_run 1
pref define gdb/src/run_cont 0
# This is the disassembly flavor. For now this is only supported on x86
# machines.
pref define gdb/src/disassembly-flavor ""
# Variable Window defaults
pref define gdb/variable/font global/fixed
pref define gdb/variable/disabled_fg gray
# Stack Window
pref define gdb/stack/font global/fixed
# Register Window
pref define gdb/reg/rows 16
# Global Prefs Dialogs
pref define gdb/global_prefs/save_fg red
pref define gdb/global_prefs/message_fg white
pref define gdb/global_prefs/message_bg red
# Browser Window Search
pref define gdb/search/last_symbol ""
pref define gdb/search/filter_mode "starts with"
pref define gdb/browser/hide_h 0
pref define gdb/browser/layout 2
# BP (breakpoint)
pref define gdb/bp/show_threads 0
# Help
pref define gdb/help/browsername ""
# Kernel Objects (kod)
pref define gdb/kod/show_icon 0
# Various possible "main" functions. What's for Java?
pref define gdb/main_names [list main MAIN___ MAIN__ cyg_user_start cyg_start ]
# These are the classes of warning dialogs, and whether the user plans
# to ignore them.
pref define gdb/warnings/signal 0
# Memory window.
pref define gdb/mem/size 4
pref define gdb/mem/numbytes 0
pref define gdb/mem/format x
pref define gdb/mem/ascii 1
pref define gdb/mem/ascii_char .
pref define gdb/mem/bytes_per_row 16
pref define gdb/mem/color green
# External editor.
pref define gdb/editor ""
# background colors
set ::gdb_bg_num 0
pref define gdb/use_color_schemes 1
pref define gdb/bg/0 \#ffffff
pref define gdb/bg/1 \#ffffd0
pref define gdb/bg/2 \#ffd0ff
pref define gdb/bg/3 \#ffd0d0
pref define gdb/bg/4 \#d0ffff
pref define gdb/bg/5 \#d0ffd0
pref define gdb/bg/6 \#d0d0ff
pref define gdb/bg/7 \#d0d0d0
pref define gdb/bg/8 \#ffffb0
pref define gdb/bg/9 \#ffb0ff
pref define gdb/bg/10 \#ffb0b0
pref define gdb/bg/11 \#b0ffff
pref define gdb/bg/12 \#b0ffb0
pref define gdb/bg/13 \#b0b0ff
pref define gdb/bg/14 \#b0b0b0
pref define gdb/bg/15 \#d0b0d0
# IPC prefs
# set prefs based on GDB version?
#set vers [lindex [split [lindex [split [gdb_cmd "show version"]] end-1 ] \"] 1]
pref define gdb/ipc/enabled 0
pref define gdb/ipc/port 9909
pref define gdb/ipc/stop_button 1
pref define gdb/ipc/step_button 1
pref define gdb/ipc/cont_button 1
pref define gdb/ipc/run_button 1
pref define gdb/ipc/exit 1
# Everything below this point is code to try to determine the current OS
# color scheme and use that. It mostly works, but is not very compatible
# with the use of multiple color schemes for different instances of Insight.
proc pref_set_colors {home} {
# set color palette
# In the past, tk widgets got their color information from Windows or
# the X resource database. Unfortunately Insight is a mixture of widgets
# from all over and was coded first in tcl and later in itcl. So lots of
# color inheritance is broken or wrong. And Insight has some special color
# requirements. We also have to deal with new Unix desktops that don't use the Xrdb.
# To enable us to fix that without hardcoding colors, we create a color
# array here and use it as needed to force widgets to the correct colors.
global Colors
# UNIX colors
# For KDE3 (and probably earlier versions) when the user sets
# a color scheme from the KDE control center, the appropriate color
# information is set in the X resource database. Well, most of it
# is there but it is missing some settings, so we will carefully
# adjust things.
# For GNOME, we read .gtkrc or .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 and parse it
# for the color information. We cannot really get this right,
# but with luck we can read enough to get the colors to mostly match.
# If there is no information, we provide reasonable defaults.
# If some theme sets the text foreground and background to something unusual
# then Insight won't be able to display sources and highlight things properly.
# Therefore we will not change the textfg and textbg.
switch [pref get gdb/compat] {
"Windows" {
debug "loading OS colors for Windows"
set Colors(fg) SystemButtonText
set Colors(bg) SystemButtonFace
#set Colors(textfg) SystemWindowText
#set Colors(textbg) SystemWindow
set Colors(textfg) black
set Colors(textbg) white
set Colors(sfg) SystemHighlightText
set Colors(sbg) SystemHighlight
pref_set_option_db 0
"KDE" {
debug "loading OS colors for KDE"
# try loading "~/.gtkrc-kde"
if {[pref_load_gnome $home [list .gtkrc-kde]]} {
debug "loaded gnome file"
pref_set_option_db 0
debug "loaded option file"
} else {
# no .gtkrc-kde so assume X defaults have been set
# create an empty entry widget so we can query its colors
entry .e
# text background
# set Colors(textbg) [option get .e background {}]
set Colors(textbg) white
# text foreground
#set Colors(textfg) [option get .e foreground {}]
set Colors(textfg) black
# background
set Colors(bg) [option get . background {}]
if {$Colors(bg) == ""} {set Colors(bg) lightgray}
# foreground
set Colors(fg) [option get . foreground {}]
if {$Colors(fg) == ""} {set Colors(fg) black}
# selectBackground
set Colors(sbg) [option get .e selectBackground {}]
if {$Colors(sbg) == ""} {set Colors(sbg) blue}
# selectForeground
set Colors(sfg) [option get .e selectForeground {}]
if {$Colors(sfg) == ""} {set Colors(sfg) white}
destroy .e
pref_set_option_db 1
pref_load_gnome $home
pref_set_option_db 0
"default" {
pref_set_option_db 1
proc pref_load_default {} {
global Colors
debug "loading default colors"
set Colors(textbg) white
set Colors(textfg) black
set Colors(bg) lightgray
set Colors(fg) black
# selectBackground
set Colors(sbg) blue
# selectForeground
set Colors(sfg) white
# load GNOME colors and fonts, if possible.
proc pref_load_gnome {home {possible_names {}}} {
debug "loading OS colors for GNOME"
if {$possible_names == ""} {
set possible_names {.gtkrc .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2}
set found 0
foreach name $possible_names {
debug "home=$home name=$name"
set fname [file join $home $name]
debug "fname=$fname"
if {[file exists $fname]} {
if {[catch {open $fname r} fd]} {
dbug W "cannot open $fname: $fd"
return 0
set found 1
if {$found} {
set found [load_gnome_file $fd]
close $fd
return $found
proc load_gnome_file {fd} {
global Colors
set found 0
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {include \"([^\"]*)} $line foo incname]} {
debug "include $incname $found"
if {$found == 0 && [file exists $incname]} {
if {[catch {open $incname r} fd2]} {
dbug W "cannot open $incname: $fd2"
} else {
set found [load_gnome_file $fd2]
close $fd2
if {$found} {
return $found
} elseif {[regexp "\[ \t\n\]*\(.+\) = \(.+\)" $line a name val] == 0} {
if {[regexp "\"#......\"" $val a] == 1} {
set val [lindex $a 0]
} else {
set res [scan $val "\{ %f, %f, %f \}" r g b]
if {$res != 3} {
set r [expr int($r*255)]
set g [expr int($g*255)]
set b [expr int($b*255)]
set val [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b]
debug "name=\"$name\" val=\"$val\""
# This is a bit of a hack and probably only
# works for trivial cases. Scan for colors and
# use the first one found.
switch [string trimright $name] {
{bg[NORMAL]} {
set found 1
if {![info exists new(bg)]} {
debug "setting bg to $val"
set new(bg) $val
{base[NORMAL]} {
#if {![info exists new(textbg)]} {
# set new(textbg) $val
{text[NORMAL]} {
#if {![info exists new(textfg)]} {
# set new(textfg) $val
{fg[NORMAL]} {
if {![info exists new(fg)]} {
set new(fg) $val
{fg[ACTIVE]} {
if {![info exists new(afg)]} {
set new(afg) $val
{bg[SELECTED]} {
if {![info exists new(sbg)]} {
set new(sbg) $val
{base[SELECTED]} {
if {![info exists new(sbg)]} {
set new(sbg) $val
{fg[SELECTED]} {
if {![info exists new(sfg)]} {
set new(sfg) $val
if {![info exists new(dfg)]} {
set new(dfg) $val
{bg[PRELIGHT]} {
set Colors(prelight) $val
{base[PRELIGHT]} {
set Colors(prelight) $val
foreach c {fg bg sfg sbg dfg} {
if {[info exists new($c)]} {
set Colors($c) $new($c)
return 1
# load the colors into the tcl option database
proc pref_set_option_db {makebg} {
global Colors
# The color of text that indicates changed items
# We standardize on one color here so that changed
# items don't blend into any OS color scheme
set Colors(change) "green"
option add *background $Colors(bg)
option add *buttonBackground $Colors(bg)
option add *Text*background $Colors(textbg)
option add *Entry*background $Colors(textbg)
option add *foreground $Colors(fg)
option add *Text*foreground $Colors(textfg)
option add *Entry*foreground $Colors(textfg)
option add *highlightBackground $Colors(bg)
option add *selectBackground $Colors(sbg)
if {$::gdbtk_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
option add *activeBackground $Colors(sbg)
option add *selectForeground $Colors(sfg)
option add *Menu*activeForeground $Colors(sfg)
if {[info exists Colors(prelight)]} {
option add *Button*activeBackground $Colors(prelight)
if {[info exists Colors(dfg)]} {
option add *disabledForeground $Colors(dfg)
if {$makebg} {
# calculate trough and activebackground as 90% of background
set dbg [recolor $::Colors(bg) 90]
option add *activeBackground $dbg
option add *troughColor $dbg
# Change the default select color for checkbuttons, etc to match
# selectBackground.
if {$::gdbtk_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
option add *selectColor $Colors(sbg)