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<TITLE>shell - Create and manipulate a shell widget</TITLE>
<H1>shell - Create and manipulate a shell widget</H1>
<B>shell<I> <I>pathName </I>?<I>options</I>?
itk::Toplevel &lt;- shell
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See the <A HREF=""> "options" </A> manual entry for details on the standard options.
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See the "Toplevel" manual entry for details on the above inherited options.
Name: <B>height</B>
Class: <B>Height</B>
Command-Line Switch: <B>-height</B>
Specifies the height of the shell. The value may be specified in
any of the forms acceptable to <B>Tk_GetPixels</B>. A value of zero
causes the height to be adjusted to the required value based on
the size requests of the components placed in the childsite.
Otherwise, the height is fixed. The default is zero. NOTE: This
may cause some amount of flickering on slower machines. To prevent it
simply set the width and height to a appropriate value.
Name: <B>master</B>
Class: <B>Window</B>
Command-Line Switch: <B>-master</B>
Defines the shell as being a transient window with the master window
given by the master option. The master window should be either another
existing toplevel window or {} for no master. The default is {} for
shells and "." for dialogs.
Name: <B>modality</B>
Class: <B>Modality</B>
Command-Line Switch: <B>-modality</B>
Allows the shell to grab control of the screen in one of three different ways:
<B>application</B>, <B>system</B>, or <B>none</B>.
Application modal prevents any other toplevel windows within the application
which are direct children of '.' from gaining focus. System modal locks
the screen and prevents all windows from gaining focus regardless of
application. A modality of none performs no grabs at all. The default
is none.
Name: <B>padX</B>
Class: <B>Pad</B>
Command-Line Switch: <B>-padx</B>
Specifies a padding distance for the childsite in the X-direction in
any of the forms acceptable to <B>Tk_GetPixels</B>. The default is 10.
Name: <B>padY</B>
Class: <B>Pad</B>
Command-Line Switch: <B>-pady</B>
Specifies a padding distance for the childsite in the Y-direction in
any of the forms acceptable to <B>Tk_GetPixels</B>. The default is 10.
Name: <B>width</B>
Class: <B>Width</B>
Command-Line Switch: <B>-width</B>
Specifies the width of the shell. The value may be specified in
any of the forms acceptable to <B>Tk_GetPixels</B>. A value of zero
causes the width to be adjusted to the required value based on
the size requests of the components placed in the childsite.
Otherwise, the width is fixed. The default is zero. NOTE: This
may cause some amount of flickering on slower machines. To prevent it
simply set the width and height to a appropriate value.
The <B>shell</B> command creates a shell which is a top
level widget which supports modal operation.
The <B>shell</B> command create a new Tcl command whose
name is <I>pathName</I>. This command may be used to invoke various
operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
<I>pathName option </I>?<I>arg arg ...</I>?
<I>Option</I> and the <I>arg</I>s
determine the exact behavior of the command. The following
commands are possible for shell widgets:
<DT> <I>pathName <B>activate</B>
<DD> Display the shell and wait based on the modality. For application
and system modal activations, perform a grab operation, and wait
for the result. The result may be returned via an argument to the
<B>deactivate</B> method.
<DT> <I>pathName <B>center</B> <I>?widget?</I>
<DD> Centers the shell with respect to another widget. The widget argument
is optional. If provided, it should be the path of another widget with
to center upon. If absent, then the shell will be centered on the screen
as a whole.
<DT> <I>pathName <B>cget</B> <I>option</I>
<DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given
by <I>option</I>.
<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>shell</B>
<DT> <I>pathName <B>childsite</B>
<DD> Returns the pathname of the child site widget.
<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>configure</B> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value option value ...</I>?
<DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.
If no <I>option</I> is specified, returns a list describing all of
the available options for <I>pathName</I> (see <B>Tk_ConfigureInfo</B> for
information on the format of this list). If <I>option</I> is specified
with no <I>value</I>, then the command returns a list describing the
one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding
sublist of the value returned if no <I>option</I> is specified). If
one or more <I>option-value</I> pairs are specified, then the command
modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in
this case the command returns an empty string.
<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>shell</B>
<DT> <I>pathName <B>deactivate</B> ?<I>arg</I>?
<DD> Deactivate the display of the shell. The method takes an optional
argument to be passed to the <B>activate</B> method which returns the value.
The optional argument is only effective for application and system
modal dialogs.
Name: <B>shellchildsite</B>
Class: <B>frame</B>
The shellchildsite component is the user child site for the shell. See
the "frame" widget manual entry for details on the shellchildsite
component item.
shell .sh -modality application -padx 20 -pady 20 -title Shell
pack [label [.sh childsite].l -text SHELL]
.sh center
.sh activate
Mark L. Ulferts
Kris Raney
shell, widget