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# toolbar.tcl - Handle layout for a toolbar.
# Copyright (C) 1997 Cygnus Solutions.
# Written by Tom Tromey <>.
# This holds global state for this module.
defarray TOOLBAR_state {
initialized 0
button ""
window ""
relief flat
last ""
proc TOOLBAR_button_enter {w} {
global TOOLBAR_state
#save older relief (it covers buttons that
#interacte like checkbuttons)
set TOOLBAR_state(relief) [$w cget -relief]
if {[$w cget -state] != "disabled"} then {
if {$TOOLBAR_state(button) == $w} then {
set relief sunken
} else {
set relief raised
$w configure \
-state active \
-relief $relief
#store last action to synchronize operations
set TOOLBAR_state(last) enter
set TOOLBAR_state(window) $w
proc TOOLBAR_button_leave {w} {
global TOOLBAR_state
if {[$w cget -state] != "disabled"} then {
$w configure -state normal
#restore original relief
if {
$TOOLBAR_state(window) == $w
&& $TOOLBAR_state(last) == "enter"
} then {
$w configure -relief $TOOLBAR_state(relief)
} else {
$w configure -relief flat
set TOOLBAR_state(window) ""
#store last action to synch operations (enter->leave)
set TOOLBAR_state(last) leave
proc TOOLBAR_button_down {w} {
global TOOLBAR_state
if {[$w cget -state] != "disabled"} then {
set TOOLBAR_state(button) $w
$w configure -relief sunken
proc TOOLBAR_button_up {w} {
global TOOLBAR_state
if {$w == $TOOLBAR_state(button)} then {
set TOOLBAR_state(button) ""
#restore original relief
$w configure -relief $TOOLBAR_state(relief)
if {$TOOLBAR_state(window) == $w
&& [$w cget -state] != "disabled"} then {
#SN does the toolbar bindings using "+" so that older
#bindings don't disapear. So no need to invoke the command.
#other applications should do the same so that we can delete
#this hack
global sn_options
if {! [array exists sn_options]} {
#invoke the binding
uplevel \#0 [list $w invoke]
if {[winfo exists $w]} then {
if {[$w cget -state] != "disabled"} then {
$w configure -state normal
# HOWEVER, if the pointer is still over the button, and it
# is enabled, then raise it again.
if {[string compare [winfo containing \
[winfo pointerx $w] \
[winfo pointery $w]] $w] == 0} {
$w configure -relief raised
# Set up toolbar bindings.
proc TOOLBAR_maybe_init {} {
global TOOLBAR_state
if {! $TOOLBAR_state(initialized)} then {
set TOOLBAR_state(initialized) 1
# We can't put our bindings onto the widget (and then use "break"
# to avoid the class bindings) because that interacts poorly with
# balloon help.
bind ToolbarButton <Enter> [list TOOLBAR_button_enter %W]
bind ToolbarButton <Leave> [list TOOLBAR_button_leave %W]
bind ToolbarButton <1> [list TOOLBAR_button_down %W]
bind ToolbarButton <ButtonRelease-1> [list TOOLBAR_button_up %W]
#Allows changing options of a toolbar button from the application
#especially the relief value
proc TOOLBAR_command {w args} {
global TOOLBAR_state
set len [llength $args]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
set cmd [lindex $args $i]
switch -- $cmd {
"relief" -
"-relief" {
incr i
set TOOLBAR_state(relief) [lindex $args $i]
$w configure $cmd [lindex $args $i]
"window" -
"-window" {
incr i
set TOOLBAR_state(window) [lindex $args $i]
default {
#normal widget options
incr i
$w configure $cmd [lindex $args $i]
# Pass this proc a frame and some children of the frame. It will put
# the children into the frame so that they look like a toolbar.
# Children are added in the order they are listed. If a child's name
# is "-", then the appropriate type of separator is entered instead.
# If a child's name is "--" then all remaining children will be placed
# on the right side of the window.
# For non-flat mode, each button must display an image, and this image
# must have a twin. The primary (raised) image's name must end in
# "u", and the depressed image's name must end in "d". Eg the edit
# images should be called "editu" and "editd". There's no doubt that
# this is a hack.
# If you want to add a button that doesn't have an image (or whose
# image doesn't have a twin), you must wrap it in a frame.
# FIXME: someday, write a `toolbar button' widget that handles the
# image mess invisibly.
proc standard_toolbar {frame args} {
global tcl_platform
# For now, there are two different layouts, depending on which kind
# of icons we're using. This is just a test feature and will be
# eliminated once we decide on an icon style.
# We reserve column 0 for some padding.
set column 1
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} then {
# See below to understand this.
set row 1
} else {
set row 0
# This is set if we see "--" and thus the filling happens in the
# center.
set center_fill 0
set sticky w
foreach button $args {
grid columnconfigure $frame $column -weight 0
if {$button == "-"} then {
# A separator.
set f [frame $frame.[gensym] -borderwidth 1 -width 2 -relief sunken]
grid $f -row $row -column $column -sticky ns${sticky} -padx 4
} elseif {$button == "--"} then {
# Everything after this is put on the right. We do this by
# adding a column that sucks up all the space.
set center_fill 1
set sticky e
grid columnconfigure $frame $column -weight 1 -minsize 7
} elseif {[winfo class $button] != "Button"} then {
# Something other than a button. Just put it into the frame.
grid $button -row $row -column $column -sticky $sticky -pady 2
} else {
# A button.
# FIXME: does Windows allow focus traversal? For now we're
# just turning it off.
$button configure -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
-relief flat -borderwidth 1
grid $button -row $row -column $column -sticky $sticky -pady 2
# Make sure the button acts the way we want, not the default Tk
# way.
set index [lsearch -exact [bindtags $button] Button]
bindtags $button [lreplace [bindtags $button] $index $index \
incr column
# On Unix, it looks a little more natural to have a raised toolbar.
# On Windows the toolbar is flat, but there is a horizontal
# separator between the toolbar and the menubar. On both platforms
# we provide some space to the left of the leftmost widget.
grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -minsize 7 -weight 0
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} then {
$frame configure -borderwidth 0 -relief flat
set name $frame.[gensym]
frame $name -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
grid $name -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan $column -pady 1 -sticky ew
} else {
$frame configure -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
if {! $center_fill} then {
# The rightmost column sucks up the extra space.
incr column -1
grid columnconfigure $frame $column -weight 1