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# Block and frame class implementations for GDBtk.
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Cygnus Solutions
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Block
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body Block::constructor {start end args} {
# Record runtime info about this block
set _start $start
set _end $end
set _variables [_findVariables]
eval configure $args
# Destroy ourself.
itcl::body Block::destructor {} {
# Each block is responsible for destroying its
# variables and removing them from the list of
# of all variables for this frame
foreach var $_variables {
$var delete
# Return a list of variables defined in this block
# This list is determined when we are created.
itcl::body Block::variables {} {
return $_variables
# Find the new variables for this block.
itcl::body Block::_findVariables {} {
# Find the new variables for this block.
set variables [gdb_block_variables $_start $_end]
# Create variables.
set vars {}
foreach variable $variables {
# Be paranoid: catch errors constructing variable.
set err [catch {gdb_variable create -expr $variable} obj]
if {!$err} {
lappend vars $obj
return $vars
itcl::body Block::update {} {
set changed {}
foreach var $_variables {
set changed [concat $changed [$var update]]
return $changed
itcl::body Block::info {} {
return [list $_start $_end]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Frame
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::body Frame::constructor {addr} {
set _addr $addr
# Create all blocks in the selected frame
set _blocks {}
_createBlocks [gdb_get_blocks]
itcl::body Frame::destructor {} {
# destroy our own blocks
foreach block $_blocks {
_removeBlock $block
itcl::body Frame::_removeBlock {blockObj} {
set i [lsearch $_blocks $blockObj]
if {$i != -1} {
set _blocks [lreplace $_blocks $i $i]
delete object $blockObj
itcl::body Frame::_addBlock {block} {
set start [lindex $block 0]
set end [lindex $block 1]
set b [Block \#auto $start $end]
lappend _blocks $b
return $b
itcl::body Frame::_createBlocks {blocks} {
foreach block $blocks {
set b [_addBlock $block]
itcl::body Frame::update {} {
set vars {}
foreach block $_blocks {
set vars [concat $vars [$block update]]
return $vars
itcl::body Frame::variables {} {
set vars {}
foreach block $_blocks {
set vars [concat $vars [$block variables]]
return $vars
itcl::body Frame::new {} {
# find any new variables. So get a list of all blocks,
# eliminate duplicates, and get those variables.
set blocks [gdb_get_blocks]
set new {}
foreach block $blocks {
set b [_findBlock $block]
if {$b == ""} {
# Found a new block. Create it get its variables
set b [_addBlock $block]
set new [concat $new [$b variables]]
return $new
itcl::body Frame::deleteOld {} {
foreach block [_oldBlocks] {
_removeBlock $block
itcl::body Frame::_oldBlocks {} {
set blocks [gdb_get_blocks]
set oldObjs $_blocks
foreach block $blocks {
set obj [_findBlock $block]
if {$obj != ""} {
# Found it.. Remove it from old
set i [lsearch $oldObjs $obj]
set oldObjs [lreplace $oldObjs $i $i]
return $oldObjs
itcl::body Frame::old {} {
# All the variables in the blocks in old are now gone...
# We don't remove blocks here, since the frontend viewer
# might want to keep these variables around for a little while
# longer.
set vars {}
set old [_oldBlocks]
foreach block $old {
set vars [concat $vars [$block variables]]
return $vars
itcl::body Frame::_findBlock {block} {
foreach b $_blocks {
set info [$b info]
if {$info == $block} {
return $b
return ""
itcl::body Frame::_findBlockIndex {block} {
set i 0
foreach b $_blocks {
set info [$b info]
if {$info == $block} {
return $i
incr i
return -1