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# Watch window for Insight.
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2006 Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implements watch windows for gdb.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
itcl::class WatchWin {
inherit EmbeddedWin GDBWin
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# CONSTRUCTOR - create new watch window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
constructor {args} {
build_win $itk_interior
add_hook gdb_no_inferior_hook "$this no_inferior"
add_hook gdb_clear_file_hook [code $this clear_file]
add_hook file_changed_hook [code $this clear_file]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PUBLIC METHOD: busy - BusyEvent handler
# Disable all ui elements that could affect gdb's state
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method busy {event} {
set Running 1
cursor watch
# Re-enable the UI
method idle {event} {
set Running 0
cursor {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: no_inferior
# Reset this object.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method no_inferior {} {
cursor {}
set Running 0
foreach var $Watched {
$var delete
$tree remove all
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: cursor - change the toplevel's cursor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method cursor {what} {
[winfo toplevel [namespace tail $this]] configure -cursor $what
::update idletasks
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: build_win - build window for watch.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method build_win {f} {
#debug "$f"
set f [::frame $f.f]
set treeFrame [frame $]
set entryFrame [frame $f.expr]
set tree [VarTree $treeFrame.tree]
pack $tree -expand yes -fill both
set Entry [entry $entryFrame.ent -font global/fixed]
button $entryFrame.but -text "Add Watch" -command [code $this validateEntry]
pack $f -fill both -expand yes
grid $entryFrame.ent -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -padx 2
grid $entryFrame.but -row 0 -column 1 -padx 2
grid columnconfigure $entryFrame 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $entryFrame 1
grid $treeFrame -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news
grid $entryFrame -row 1 -column 0 -padx 5 -pady 5 -sticky news
grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
window_name "Watch"
::update idletasks
# Binding for the entry
bind $entryFrame.ent <Return> "$entryFrame.but flash; $entryFrame.but invoke"
method validateEntry {} {
if {!$Running} {
debug "Getting entry value...."
set variable [$Entry get]
debug "Got $variable, going to add"
set ok [add $variable]
debug "Added... with ok: $ok"
$Entry delete 0 end
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: clear_file - Clear out state so that a new executable
# can be loaded. For WatchWins, this means doing
# everything that no_inferior does.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method clear_file {} {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# DESTRUCTOR - delete watch window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
destructor {
set tree {}
# Remove this window and all hooks
remove_hook gdb_no_inferior_hook "$this no_inferior"
remove_hook gdb_clear_file_hook [code $this clear_file]
remove_hook file_changed_hook [code $this clear_file]
foreach var $Watched {
$var delete
method remove {entry} {
debug $entry
# Remove this entry from the list of watched variables
set Watched [lremove $Watched $entry]
$entry remove
$entry delete
method update {event} {
$tree update
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: add - add a variable to the watch window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
method add {name} {
debug "Trying to add \"$name\" to watch"
# Strip all the junk after the first \n
set var [split $name \n]
set var [lindex $var 0]
set var [split $var =]
set var [lindex $var 0]
# Strip out leading/trailing +, -, ;, spaces, commas
set var [string trim $var +-\;\ \r\n,]
# Make sure that we have a valid variable
set err [catch {gdb_cmd "set variable $var"} errTxt]
if {$err} {
dbug W "ERROR adding variable: $errTxt"
ManagedWin::open WarningDlg -transient \
-over $this -message [list $errTxt] -ignorable "watchvar"
} else {
if {[string index $var 0] == "\$"} {
# We must make a special attempt at verifying convenience
# variables.. Specifically, these are printed as "void"
# when they are not defined. So if a user type "$_I_made_tbis_up",
# gdb responds with the value "void" instead of an error
catch {gdb_cmd "p $var"} msg
set msg [split $msg =]
set msg [string trim [lindex $msg 1] \ \r\n]
if {$msg == "void"} {
return 0
debug "In add, going to add $name"
# make one last attempt to get errors
set err [catch {set foo($name) 1}]
debug "err1=$err"
set err [expr {$err + [catch {expr {$foo($name) + 1}}]}]
debug "err2=$err"
if {!$err} {
set var [gdb_variable create -expr $name]
debug "var=$var"
$tree add $var
lappend Watched $var
return 1
return 0
protected variable Entry
protected variable Watched {}
protected variable tree
protected variable Running