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# Utilities for Insight.
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2004 Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc routines
# keep_raised - keep a window raised
# sleep - wait a certain number of seconds and return
# toggle_debug_mode - turn debugging on and off
# freeze - make a window modal
# bp_exists - does a breakpoint exist on linespec?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# A helper procedure to keep a window on top.
proc keep_raised {top} {
if {[winfo exists $top]} {
raise $top
wm deiconify $top
after 1000 [info level 0]
# sleep - wait a certain number of seconds then return
proc sleep {sec} {
global __sleep_timer
set __sleep_timer 0
after [expr {1000 * $sec}] set __sleep_timer 1
vwait __sleep_timer
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: auto_step - automatically step through a program
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc auto_step {} {
global auto_step_id
set auto_step_id [after 2000 auto_step]
gdb_cmd next
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: auto_step_cancel - cancel auto-stepping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc auto_step_cancel {} {
global auto_step_id
if {[info exists auto_step_id]} {
after cancel $auto_step_id
unset auto_step_id
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: tfind_cmd -- to execute a tfind command on the target
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc tfind_cmd {command} {
# need to call gdb_cmd because we want to ignore the output
set err [catch {gdb_cmd $command} msg]
if {$err || [regexp "Target failed to find requested trace frame" $msg]} {
tk_messageBox -icon error -title "GDB" -type ok \
-message $msg
} else {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: save_trace_command -- Saves the current trace settings to a file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc save_trace_commands {} {
set out_file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Enter output file for trace commands"]
debug "Got outfile: $out_file"
if {$out_file != ""} {
gdb_cmd "save-tracepoints $out_file"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: do_test - invoke the test passed in
# This proc is provided for convenience. For any test
# that uses the console window (like the console window
# tests), the file cannot be sourced directly using the
# 'tk' command because it will block the console window
# until the file is done executing. This proc assures
# that the console window is free for input by wrapping
# the source call in an after callback.
# Users may also pass in the verbose and tests globals
# used by the testsuite.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc do_test {{file {}} {verbose {}} {tests {}}} {
global _test
if {$file == {}} {
error "wrong \# args: should be: do_test file ?verbose? ?tests ...?"
if {$verbose != {}} {
set _test(verbose) $verbose
} elseif {![info exists _test(verbose)]} {
set _test(verbose) 0
if {$tests != {}} {
set _test(tests) $tests
set _test(interactive) 1
after 500 [list source $file]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROCEDURE: gdbtk_read_defs
# Reads in the defs file for the testsuite. This is usually
# the first procedure called by a test file. It returns
# 1 if it was successful and 0 if not (if run interactively
# from the console window) or exits (if running via dejagnu).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc gdbtk_read_defs {} {
global _test env
if {[info exists env(DEFS)]} {
set err [catch {source $env(DEFS)} errTxt]
} else {
set err [catch {source defs} errTxt]
if {$err} {
if {$_test(interactive)} {
tk_messageBox -icon error -message "Cannot load defs file:\n$errTxt" -type ok
return 0
} else {
puts stderr "cannot load defs files: $errTxt\ntry setting DEFS"
exit 1
return 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROCEDURE: bp_exists
# Returns BPNUM if a breakpoint exists at LINESPEC or
# -1 if no breakpoint exists there
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc bp_exists {linespec} {
lassign $linespec foo function filename line_number addr pc_addr
set bps [gdb_get_breakpoint_list]
foreach bpnum $bps {
set bpinfo [gdb_get_breakpoint_info $bpnum]
lassign $bpinfo file func line pc type enabled disposition \
ignore_count commands cond thread hit_count user_specification
if {$filename == $file && $function == $func && $addr == $pc} {
return $bpnum
return -1
# gridCGet - This provides the missing grid cget
# command.
proc gridCGet {slave option} {
set config_list [grid info $slave]
return [lindex $config_list [expr [lsearch $config_list $option] + 1]]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: get_disassembly_flavor - gets the current disassembly flavor.
# The set disassembly-flavor command is assumed to exist. This
# will error out if it does not.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc get_disassembly_flavor {} {
if {[catch {gdb_cmd "show disassembly-flavor"} ret]} {
return ""
} else {
regexp {\"([^\"]*)\"\.} $ret dummy gdb_val
return $gdb_val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: list_disassembly_flavors - Lists the current disassembly flavors.
# Returns an empty list if the set disassembly-flavor is not supported.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc list_disassembly_flavors {} {
catch {gdb_cmd "set disassembly-flavor"} ret_val
if {[regexp {Requires an argument\. Valid arguments are (.*)\.} \
$ret_val dummy list]} {
foreach elem [split $list ","] {
lappend vals [string trim $elem]
return [lsort $vals]
} else {
return {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: init_disassembly_flavor - Synchs up gdb's internal disassembly
# flavor with the value in the preferences file.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init_disassembly_flavor {} {
set gdb_val [get_disassembly_flavor]
if {$gdb_val != ""} {
set def_val [pref get gdb/src/disassembly-flavor]
if {[string compare $def_val ""] != 0} {
if {[catch "gdb_cmd \"set disassembly-flavor $def_val\""]} {
pref set gdb/src/disassembly-flavor $gdb_val
} else {
pref set gdb/src/disassembly-flavor $gdb_val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: list_element_strcmp - to be used in lsort -command when the
# elements are themselves lists, and you always want to look at
# a particular item.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc list_element_strcmp {index first second} {
set theFirst [lindex $first $index]
set theSecond [lindex $second $index]
return [string compare $theFirst $theSecond]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: gdbtk_endian - returns BIG or LITTLE depending on target
# endianess
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc gdbtk_endian {} {
if {[catch {gdb_cmd "show endian"} result]} {
return "UNKNOWN"
if {[regexp {.*big endian} $result]} {
set result "BIG"
} elseif {[regexp {.*little endian} $result]} {
set result "LITTLE"
} else {
set result "UNKNOWN"
return $result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: set_bg_colors - set background and text background for
# all windows.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc set_bg_colors {{num ""}} {
debug $num
if {$num != ""} {
set ::gdb_bg_num $num
set ::Colors(textbg) [pref get gdb/bg/$::gdb_bg_num]
# calculate background as 80% of textbg
set ::Colors(bg) [recolor $::Colors(textbg) 80]
# calculate trough and activebackground as 90% of background
set dbg [recolor $::Colors(bg) 90]
r_setcolors . -background $::Colors(bg)
r_setcolors . -highlightbackground $::Colors(bg)
r_setcolors . -textbackground $::Colors(textbg)
r_setcolors . -troughcolor $dbg
r_setcolors . -activebackground $dbg
pref_set_option_db 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: r_setcolors - recursively set background and text background for
# all windows.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc r_setcolors {w option color} {
debug "$w $option $color"
# exception(s)
if {![catch {$w isa Balloon} result] && $result == "1"} {
catch {$w config $option $color}
foreach child [winfo children $w] {
r_setcolors $child $option $color
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: recolor - returns a darker or lighter color
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc recolor {color percent} {
set c [winfo rgb . $color]
return [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr {($percent * [lindex $c 0]) / 25600}] \
[expr {($percent * [lindex $c 1]) / 25600}] [expr {($percent * [lindex $c 2]) / 25600}]]