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<h4 class="subsection">9.29.3 SH64 Machine Directives</h4>
<p>In addition to the SH directives, the SH64 provides the following
<p><a name="index-SH64-machine-directives-1486"></a><a name="index-machine-directives_002c-SH64-1487"></a>
<dt><code>.mode [shmedia|shcompact]</code><dt><code>.isa [shmedia|shcompact]</code><dd>Specify the ISA for the following instructions (the two directives are
equivalent). Note that programs such as <code>objdump</code> rely on symbolic
labels to determine when such mode switches occur (by checking the least
significant bit of the label's address), so such mode/isa changes should
always be followed by a label (in practice, this is true anyway). Note
that you cannot use these directives if you didn't specify an ISA on the
command line.
<br><dt><code>.abi [32|64]</code><dd>Specify the ABI for the following instructions. Note that you cannot use
this directive unless you specified an ABI on the command line, and the
ABIs specified must match.
<br><dt><code>.uaquad</code><dd>Like .uaword and .ualong, this allows you to specify an intentionally
unaligned quadword (64 bit word).