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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Integers</h5>
<p><a name="index-integers-169"></a><a name="index-constants_002c-integer-170"></a>
<a name="index-binary-integers-171"></a><a name="index-integers_002c-binary-172"></a>A binary integer is <span class="samp">0b</span> or <span class="samp">0B</span> followed by zero or more of
the binary digits <span class="samp">01</span>.
<p><a name="index-octal-integers-173"></a><a name="index-integers_002c-octal-174"></a>An octal integer is <span class="samp">0</span> followed by zero or more of the octal
digits (<span class="samp">01234567</span>).
<p><a name="index-decimal-integers-175"></a><a name="index-integers_002c-decimal-176"></a>A decimal integer starts with a non-zero digit followed by zero or
more digits (<span class="samp">0123456789</span>).
<p><a name="index-hexadecimal-integers-177"></a><a name="index-integers_002c-hexadecimal-178"></a>A hexadecimal integer is <span class="samp">0x</span> or <span class="samp">0X</span> followed by one or
more hexadecimal digits chosen from <span class="samp">0123456789abcdefABCDEF</span>.
<p>Integers have the usual values. To denote a negative integer, use
the prefix operator <span class="samp">-</span> discussed under expressions
(see <a href="Prefix-Ops.html#Prefix-Ops">Prefix Operators</a>).