from __future__ import division
import posixpath
import re
import subprocess
import sys
class Version(object):
"""Crude version abstraction for systems without distutils.version"""
def __init__(self, version_str):
self.version_str = version_str
def __str__(self):
return self.version_str
def __repr__(self):
return 'Version(\'%s\')' % self.version_str
def components(self):
# Split the version into components, by word boundaries, or a
# change between numbers and non-numbers and vice-versa. re.split()
# does not work on zero-length delimiters, so we have to use a
# sub+split.
return re.sub(r'\b|(?<=\d)(?=\D)|(?<=\D)(?=\d)', '\n',
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.version_str == other.version_str
def __gt__(self, other):
def num_gt(str_, str_other):
m = re.search('^\d+', str_)
m_other = re.search('^\d+', str_other)
if m and m_other:
return int(m.group(0)) > int(m_other.group(0))
return str_ > str_other
for self_c, other_c in zip(self.components(), other.components()):
if self_c == other_c:
return num_gt(self_c, other_c)
return False
# Note: not using functools.total_ordering to support Python 2.6
def __lt__(self, other):
return not (self == other) and not (self > other)
def proc_version():
"""Return the content of /proc/version"""
proc_version = None
# Not using a with statement here, to support Python 2.4
v = open('/proc/version', 'r')
proc_version = v.read()
return proc_version
def running_kernel_version():
proc_version_ = proc_version()
if re.search('Debian', proc_version_):
# Remove gcc version first
proc_version_ = re.sub('\(gcc[^(]+\(Debian [^)]+\)\s+\)', '',
# Then look for the Debian kernel version
m = re.search('(?<=Debian )(\S+)', proc_version_)
if m:
version_str = m.group(1).strip('()')
version = clean_kernel_version(version_str)
return version
m = re.search('(?<=Linux version )(\S+)', proc_version_)
if m:
version = clean_kernel_version(m.group(0))
return version
def is_debian():
return posixpath.exists('/etc/debian_version')
def is_fedora():
return posixpath.exists('/etc/fedora-release')
def is_redhat():
return posixpath.exists('/etc/redhat-release')
def installed_kernel_versions():
if is_debian():
return installed_kernel_versions_debian()
if is_fedora() or is_redhat():
return installed_kernel_versions_fedora()
return [None]
def check_output(cmd):
"""Emulate subprocess.check_output for ancient Python versions"""
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
def installed_kernel_versions_debian():
dpkg_out = check_output(
'--show', '--showformat', '${Package} ${Version}\n',
dpkg_out = dpkg_out.strip()
versions = dpkg_out.split('\n')
versions = [v for v in versions if re.search('^linux-image-\d.* \S+$', v)]
versions = [clean_kernel_version(v.split(' ')[1]) for v in versions]
return versions
def installed_kernel_versions_fedora():
rpm_out = check_output(
['rpm', '--queryformat=%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n', '-q', 'kernel'])
rpm_out = rpm_out.decode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
versions = rpm_out.split('\n')
versions = [clean_kernel_version(v) for v in versions]
return versions
def installed_kernel_version():
return sorted(installed_kernel_versions())[-1]
def clean_kernel_version(version):
# arch
version = re.sub('\.(x86_64|i[3-6]86)', '', version)
# Fedora release
version = re.sub('\.fc\d+', '', version)
return Version(version)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
print('This plugin no longer takes the expected kernel version as' +
'an argument')
running = running_kernel_version()
installed = installed_kernel_version()
if running == installed:
print('KERNEL OK - running version %s' % running)
print('KERNEL WARNING - running version %s, installed: %s' %
(running, installed))
if __name__ == '__main__':