function stem = porterStemmer(inString) % Applies the Porter Stemming algorithm as presented in the following % paper: % Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14, % no. 3, pp 130-137 % Original code modeled after the C version provided at: % % The main part of the stemming algorithm starts here. b is an array of % characters, holding the word to be stemmed. The letters are in b[k0], % b[k0+1] ending at b[k]. In fact k0 = 1 in this demo program (since % matlab begins indexing by 1 instead of 0). k is readjusted downwards as % the stemming progresses. Zero termination is not in fact used in the % algorithm. % To call this function, use the string to be stemmed as the input % argument. This function returns the stemmed word as a string. % Lower-case string inString = lower(inString); global j; b = inString; k = length(b); k0 = 1; j = k; % With this if statement, strings of length 1 or 2 don't go through the % stemming process. Remove this conditional to match the published % algorithm. stem = b; if k > 2 % Output displays per step are commented out. %disp(sprintf('Word to stem: %s', b)); x = step1ab(b, k, k0); %disp(sprintf('Steps 1A and B yield: %s', x{1})); x = step1c(x{1}, x{2}, k0); %disp(sprintf('Step 1C yields: %s', x{1})); x = step2(x{1}, x{2}, k0); %disp(sprintf('Step 2 yields: %s', x{1})); x = step3(x{1}, x{2}, k0); %disp(sprintf('Step 3 yields: %s', x{1})); x = step4(x{1}, x{2}, k0); %disp(sprintf('Step 4 yields: %s', x{1})); x = step5(x{1}, x{2}, k0); %disp(sprintf('Step 5 yields: %s', x{1})); stem = x{1}; end % cons(j) is TRUE <=> b[j] is a consonant. function c = cons(i, b, k0) c = true; switch(b(i)) case {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'} c = false; case 'y' if i == k0 c = true; else c = ~cons(i - 1, b, k0); end end % mseq() measures the number of consonant sequences between k0 and j. If % c is a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and <..> indicates % arbitrary presence, % gives 0 % vc gives 1 % vcvc gives 2 % vcvcvc gives 3 % .... function n = measure(b, k0) global j; n = 0; i = k0; while true if i > j return end if ~cons(i, b, k0) break; end i = i + 1; end i = i + 1; while true while true if i > j return end if cons(i, b, k0) break; end i = i + 1; end i = i + 1; n = n + 1; while true if i > j return end if ~cons(i, b, k0) break; end i = i + 1; end i = i + 1; end % vowelinstem() is TRUE <=> k0,...j contains a vowel function vis = vowelinstem(b, k0) global j; for i = k0:j, if ~cons(i, b, k0) vis = true; return end end vis = false; %doublec(i) is TRUE <=> i,(i-1) contain a double consonant. function dc = doublec(i, b, k0) if i < k0+1 dc = false; return end if b(i) ~= b(i-1) dc = false; return end dc = cons(i, b, k0); % cvc(j) is TRUE <=> j-2,j-1,j has the form consonant - vowel - consonant % and also if the second c is not w,x or y. this is used when trying to % restore an e at the end of a short word. e.g. % % cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but % snow, box, tray. function c1 = cvc(i, b, k0) if ((i < (k0+2)) || ~cons(i, b, k0) || cons(i-1, b, k0) || ~cons(i-2, b, k0)) c1 = false; else if (b(i) == 'w' || b(i) == 'x' || b(i) == 'y') c1 = false; return end c1 = true; end % ends(s) is TRUE <=> k0,...k ends with the string s. function s = ends(str, b, k) global j; if (str(length(str)) ~= b(k)) s = false; return end % tiny speed-up if (length(str) > k) s = false; return end if strcmp(b(k-length(str)+1:k), str) s = true; j = k - length(str); return else s = false; end % setto(s) sets (j+1),...k to the characters in the string s, readjusting % k accordingly. function so = setto(s, b, k) global j; for i = j+1:(j+length(s)) b(i) = s(i-j); end if k > j+length(s) b((j+length(s)+1):k) = ''; end k = length(b); so = {b, k}; % rs(s) is used further down. % [Note: possible null/value for r if rs is called] function r = rs(str, b, k, k0) r = {b, k}; if measure(b, k0) > 0 r = setto(str, b, k); end % step1ab() gets rid of plurals and -ed or -ing. e.g. % caresses -> caress % ponies -> poni % ties -> ti % caress -> caress % cats -> cat % feed -> feed % agreed -> agree % disabled -> disable % matting -> mat % mating -> mate % meeting -> meet % milling -> mill % messing -> mess % meetings -> meet function s1ab = step1ab(b, k, k0) global j; if b(k) == 's' if ends('sses', b, k) k = k-2; elseif ends('ies', b, k) retVal = setto('i', b, k); b = retVal{1}; k = retVal{2}; elseif (b(k-1) ~= 's') k = k-1; end end if ends('eed', b, k) if measure(b, k0) > 0; k = k-1; end elseif (ends('ed', b, k) || ends('ing', b, k)) && vowelinstem(b, k0) k = j; retVal = {b, k}; if ends('at', b, k) retVal = setto('ate', b(k0:k), k); elseif ends('bl', b, k) retVal = setto('ble', b(k0:k), k); elseif ends('iz', b, k) retVal = setto('ize', b(k0:k), k); elseif doublec(k, b, k0) retVal = {b, k-1}; if b(retVal{2}) == 'l' || b(retVal{2}) == 's' || ... b(retVal{2}) == 'z' retVal = {retVal{1}, retVal{2}+1}; end elseif measure(b, k0) == 1 && cvc(k, b, k0) retVal = setto('e', b(k0:k), k); end k = retVal{2}; b = retVal{1}(k0:k); end j = k; s1ab = {b(k0:k), k}; % step1c() turns terminal y to i when there is another vowel in the stem. function s1c = step1c(b, k, k0) global j; if ends('y', b, k) && vowelinstem(b, k0) b(k) = 'i'; end j = k; s1c = {b, k}; % step2() maps double suffices to single ones. so -ization ( = -ize plus % -ation) maps to -ize etc. note that the string before the suffix must give % m() > 0. function s2 = step2(b, k, k0) global j; s2 = {b, k}; switch b(k-1) case {'a'} if ends('ational', b, k) s2 = rs('ate', b, k, k0); elseif ends('tional', b, k) s2 = rs('tion', b, k, k0); end; case {'c'} if ends('enci', b, k) s2 = rs('ence', b, k, k0); elseif ends('anci', b, k) s2 = rs('ance', b, k, k0); end; case {'e'} if ends('izer', b, k) s2 = rs('ize', b, k, k0); end; case {'l'} if ends('bli', b, k) s2 = rs('ble', b, k, k0); elseif ends('alli', b, k) s2 = rs('al', b, k, k0); elseif ends('entli', b, k) s2 = rs('ent', b, k, k0); elseif ends('eli', b, k) s2 = rs('e', b, k, k0); elseif ends('ousli', b, k) s2 = rs('ous', b, k, k0); end; case {'o'} if ends('ization', b, k) s2 = rs('ize', b, k, k0); elseif ends('ation', b, k) s2 = rs('ate', b, k, k0); elseif ends('ator', b, k) s2 = rs('ate', b, k, k0); end; case {'s'} if ends('alism', b, k) s2 = rs('al', b, k, k0); elseif ends('iveness', b, k) s2 = rs('ive', b, k, k0); elseif ends('fulness', b, k) s2 = rs('ful', b, k, k0); elseif ends('ousness', b, k) s2 = rs('ous', b, k, k0); end; case {'t'} if ends('aliti', b, k) s2 = rs('al', b, k, k0); elseif ends('iviti', b, k) s2 = rs('ive', b, k, k0); elseif ends('biliti', b, k) s2 = rs('ble', b, k, k0); end; case {'g'} if ends('logi', b, k) s2 = rs('log', b, k, k0); end; end j = s2{2}; % step3() deals with -ic-, -full, -ness etc. similar strategy to step2. function s3 = step3(b, k, k0) global j; s3 = {b, k}; switch b(k) case {'e'} if ends('icate', b, k) s3 = rs('ic', b, k, k0); elseif ends('ative', b, k) s3 = rs('', b, k, k0); elseif ends('alize', b, k) s3 = rs('al', b, k, k0); end; case {'i'} if ends('iciti', b, k) s3 = rs('ic', b, k, k0); end; case {'l'} if ends('ical', b, k) s3 = rs('ic', b, k, k0); elseif ends('ful', b, k) s3 = rs('', b, k, k0); end; case {'s'} if ends('ness', b, k) s3 = rs('', b, k, k0); end; end j = s3{2}; % step4() takes off -ant, -ence etc., in context vcvc. function s4 = step4(b, k, k0) global j; switch b(k-1) case {'a'} if ends('al', b, k) end; case {'c'} if ends('ance', b, k) elseif ends('ence', b, k) end; case {'e'} if ends('er', b, k) end; case {'i'} if ends('ic', b, k) end; case {'l'} if ends('able', b, k) elseif ends('ible', b, k) end; case {'n'} if ends('ant', b, k) elseif ends('ement', b, k) elseif ends('ment', b, k) elseif ends('ent', b, k) end; case {'o'} if ends('ion', b, k) if j == 0 elseif ~(strcmp(b(j),'s') || strcmp(b(j),'t')) j = k; end elseif ends('ou', b, k) end; case {'s'} if ends('ism', b, k) end; case {'t'} if ends('ate', b, k) elseif ends('iti', b, k) end; case {'u'} if ends('ous', b, k) end; case {'v'} if ends('ive', b, k) end; case {'z'} if ends('ize', b, k) end; end if measure(b, k0) > 1 s4 = {b(k0:j), j}; else s4 = {b(k0:k), k}; end % step5() removes a final -e if m() > 1, and changes -ll to -l if m() > 1. function s5 = step5(b, k, k0) global j; j = k; if b(k) == 'e' a = measure(b, k0); if (a > 1) || ((a == 1) && ~cvc(k-1, b, k0)) k = k-1; end end if (b(k) == 'l') && doublec(k, b, k0) && (measure(b, k0) > 1) k = k-1; end s5 = {b(k0:k), k};