@ -28,3 +28,13 @@ set_target_properties(future PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-pthread")
add_executable(return-type-deduction return-type-deduction.cpp)
add_executable(return-type-deduction return-type-deduction.cpp)
#XXX a bit ugly, as the -std=c++1y gets appended to the other flags, which say -std=c++11
#XXX a bit ugly, as the -std=c++1y gets appended to the other flags, which say -std=c++11
set_source_files_properties(return-type-deduction.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=c++1y")
set_source_files_properties(return-type-deduction.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=c++1y")
# checks
add_custom_command(OUTPUT check-cpplint
COMMAND find . -path ./ext -prune -or -path ./*CMakeFiles -prune -or \( -name *.cc -or -name *.cpp \) -print0 | xargs -0 cpplint
COMMENT "Running cpplint" VERBATIM
DEPENDS check-cpplint