#!/usr/bin/python3 import click import subprocess from pathlib import Path @click.command @click.option("--top", default=0) @click.option("--bottom", default=0) @click.option("--left", default=0) @click.option("--right", default=0) @click.argument("image", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, path_type=Path), required=True) def chop(top, bottom, left, right, image): """ Chop edges of the given image. Meant to be used with an auto-reloading image viewer on the output image. """ image_out = image.stem + ".out" + image.suffix print(image_out) subprocess.run([ "convert", image, "-gravity", "North", "-chop", f"0x{top}", "-gravity", "South", "-chop", f"0x{bottom}", "-gravity", "West", "-chop", f"{left}x0", "-gravity", "East", "-chop", f"{right}x0", image_out], check=True) if __name__ == "__main__": chop()