# docker-mod-openssh-server-tweaks A Docker mod for linuxserver.io's openssh-server Docker image This mod allows: - Tweaking the umask in `/etc/profile` (`TWEAK_PROFILE_UMASK`) - Tweaking the home directory of the user (`TWEAK_USER_HOME`) (Note: You need to set up SSH keys etc. yourself if you use this.) - Tweaking the gid of the users group (`TWEAK_USERS_GID`) I use these tweaks to align my NAS defaults + my expectations with the settings inside an LSIO openssh-server container. ## How to use For example, in a `docker-compose.yml` file: ``` # [...] services: sshd-halde: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/openssh-server:latest # [...] environment: - DOCKER_MODS=ghcr.io/neingeist/docker-mod-openssh-server-tweaks - TWEAK_PROFILE_UMASK=0002 - TWEAK_USER_HOME=/home/myuser - TWEAK_USERS_GID=100 # [...] ```