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11 years ago
#include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
Sharpen (const Mat & myImage, Mat & Result)
CV_Assert (myImage.depth () == CV_8U); // accept only uchar images
Result.create (myImage.size (), myImage.type ());
const int nChannels = myImage.channels ();
for (int j = 1; j < myImage.rows - 1; ++j)
const uchar *previous = myImage.ptr < uchar > (j - 1);
const uchar *current = myImage.ptr < uchar > (j);
const uchar *next = myImage.ptr < uchar > (j + 1);
uchar *output = Result.ptr < uchar > (j);
for (int i = nChannels; i < nChannels * (myImage.cols - 1); ++i)
*output++ = saturate_cast < uchar > (5 * current[i]
- current[i - nChannels] -
current[i + nChannels] -
previous[i] - next[i]);
Result.row (0).setTo (Scalar (0));
Result.row (Result.rows - 1).setTo (Scalar (0));
Result.col (0).setTo (Scalar (0));
Result.col (Result.cols - 1).setTo (Scalar (0));
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2)
printf ("Usage: SharpenImage image.jpg\n");
return -1;
Mat image;
image = imread (argv[1], 1);
if (argc != 2 || !
printf ("No image data\n");
return -1;
Mat result;
Sharpen (image, result);
namedWindow ("Sharpen Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// imshow("Sharpen Image", image);
imshow ("Sharpen Image", result);
waitKey (0);
return 0;