Fork 0

initial commit

neingeist 11 years ago
commit 0046fa3020

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# For taskwarrior users:
# Delete all overdue & duplicate tasks and keep only the first of a kind.
# Needs the taskw Python bindings to run.
__requires__ = ["taskw >= 0.8.3"]
import pkg_resources
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from uuid import UUID
import collections
import datetime
import os
import pytz
import taskw
def task_delete(uuid):
"""Delete the given task."""
assert isinstance(uuid, UUID)
# This is somewhat a hack, but as TaskWwarrior 2.4.0 does NOT disable
# the 'Do you want to delete all pending recurrences ...' confirmation
# on rc.confirmation=off, so this is necessary.
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
p = Popen(['task', 'rc.confirmation=off', str(uuid), 'delete'],
stdin=PIPE, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=STDOUT)
p.communicate(input=bytes('no', 'UTF-8'))
w = taskw.TaskWarrior(marshal=True)
tasks = w.load_tasks()
# Only (over-)due and recurring tasks are considered for deletion:
due_before = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
due_before = due_before.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
recurring_tasks_due = [task for task in tasks['pending']
if 'recur' in task
and 'parent' in task
and 'due' in task and task['due'] < due_before]
# Delete all but the first of all (over-)due and duplicate tasks:
parents = collections.Counter([task['parent']
for task in recurring_tasks_due])
for parent in parents:
count = parents[parent]
if count > 1:
dupe_tasks = [task for task in recurring_tasks_due
if task['parent'] == parent]
dupe_tasks = sorted(dupe_tasks, key=lambda t: t['due'])
dupe_tasks_to_keep = dupe_tasks[0:1]
dupe_tasks_to_trash = dupe_tasks[1:]
print('Deleting {} duplicate due tasks: "{}"'.format(
len(dupe_tasks_to_trash), dupe_tasks_to_trash[0]['description']))
for task in dupe_tasks_to_trash: