You will need to pull a fresh image from Docker Hub to update tt-rss source code. Working copy
will be synchronized on startup.
will be synchronized on startup.
If database needs to be updated, tt-rss will prompt you to do so on next page refresh.
[Ouroboros]( or [Watchtower]( easily automates this process.
If database needs to be updated, tt-rss will prompt you to do so on next page refresh. Normally this happens
automatically on container startup.
#### Updating container scripts
Latest tt-rss sourc code expects latest container scripts and vice versa. Updating both is a good idea. Docker Hub image is less dependent on container scripts because most of startup logic is baked into the image so you don't need to worry too much about it.
1. Stop the containers: ``docker-compose down && docker-compose rm``
2. Update scripts from git: ``git pull origin static-dockerhub`` and apply any necessary modifications to ``.env``, etc.
3. Pull fresh images and start the containers: ``docker-compose pull && docker-compose up``