@ -52,18 +52,19 @@ docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
See ``docker-compose`` documentation for more information and available options.
#### Default login credentials
#### Login credentials
Username: `admin`, password: `password`
You can set both internal 'admin' user password or, alternatively, create a separate user with necessary permissions
on first launch through the environment, see `.env-dist` for more information.
### Updating
You will need to pull a fresh image from Docker Hub to update tt-rss source code. Working copy
will be synchronized on startup.
will be synchronized on startup.
[Ouroboros](https://hub.docker.com/r/pyouroboros/ouroboros) or [Watchtower](https://hub.docker.com/r/containrrr/watchtower) easily automates this process.
If database needs to be updated, tt-rss will prompt you to do so on next page refresh. Normally this happens
If database needs to be updated, tt-rss will prompt you to do so on next page refresh. Normally this happens