#!/bin/sh ffka_querfunk_mgmt=2a03:2260:a:b:ea94:f6ff:fea1:98f6 if ! ping6 -c1 $ffka_querfunk_mgmt &>/dev/null; then echo 'ffka-querfunk is offline' exit 1 fi # stream setup scp assets/zz_custom root@[$ffka_querfunk_mgmt]:/etc/init.d/ ssh root@$ffka_querfunk_mgmt "/etc/init.d/zz_custom enable" # http://querfunk.ffka echo FIXME scp assets/index.html root@[$ffka_querfunk_mgmt]:/lib/gluon/status-page/www/ echo "Tell ffka-querfunk to reboot" ssh root@$ffka_querfunk_mgmt "reboot" sleep 3 echo -n "Waiting for ffka-querfunk to come online after rebooting" ffka_querfunk=2a03:2260:a:b::1:66 while ! ping6 -c1 $ffka_querfunk &>/dev/null; do echo -n "." sleep 1 done echo ok