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+ ABBYY FineReader Engine 9.0
+ 2010-12-06T05:01:38
+ 2011-06-23T10:50:31
+ Morning Chronicle Office, Seven o’clock.
+ There is not much of importance in the papers we
+have received, but we annex the report of the Mo‐
+ney Market: —
+ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9, SIX P.M. — The Great Western
+sailed to‑day at one o’clock, with a full freight—$ 102,000
+in specie—70 passengers—a letter bag yielding $ 1,100 at
+the Exchange, and probably $ 1,400 at the agent’s office.
+She could not wait longer for the President’s Message.
+It will be seen, therefore, that the movement in specie
+still goes forward, in the face of resumption
+here. By the steamer and the other packets this
+week, nearly $ 400,000 specie has gone to Europe.
+This fact, at the beginning of the winter season, when
+steam navigation will be nearly closed for three months,
+begins to alarm bankers in connection with the sub‐
+ject of specie payments at Philadelphia. In summer a
+ready supply could be imported from Europe, but this is
+not so easily effected in mid winter.
+ The resumption of the Philadelphia banks, on the 15th
+of January, if not sooner, which is now generally an‐
+nounced and believed, does not seem to give any anima‐
+tion to the markets generally—indeed the reverse is felt.
+In the stock market a general fall has taken place, vary‐
+ing from ¼ to 2 per cent. Money is also scarce and
+ The order and instructions for the new elections have
+been issued to‑day by the Minister of the Interior. On
+the first of the new year the provincial deputations are to
+proceed to the division of their respective provinces into
+electoral districts, consulting exclusively in this act the
+convenience of the electors, and advertising them of the
+divisions adopted on the 6th of the same month in
+the official bulletin. On the 8th the lists of
+the voters are to be posted up for the term of
+fifteen days in the usual public places. All reclama‐
+tions with respect to the right of voting are to be decided
+by the 26th of the month, and communicated to the cor‐
+porations before the 30th, in order that the lists may be
+rectified. On the 1st of February the elections are to
+commence, and to be conducted in the manner prescribed
+by the Electoral Law. On the 12th of said month the
+general scrutiny is to take place in the capital of each
+province; and the result immediately communicated to
+the Minister of the Interior. The number of new sena‐
+tors to be elected at the same time is 45, and 241 depu‐
+ties, with 100 suplentes or substitutes. Nothing could be
+fairer than the instructions of the minister to the autho‐
+rities for conducting those elections. In a separate pa‐
+ragraph, addressed to the political chiefs, he states as fol‐
+lows: —
+ ☞ The publication of The Morning Chroniele finished
+yesterday morning at Eight o’clock.
+ The Finance Minister, M. HUMANN, presented on
+Wednesday the budget of 1842.
+ The ordinary and extraordinary expenses are esti‐
+mated at 1,316 millions of francs.
+ The ordinary revenue is estimated at 1,162 mil‐
+lions, which leaves deficit of 154 millions of francs
+(six millions sterling).
+ The Minister demanded permission of the Chamber
+to create rentes, if necessary, for a capital of 450 mil‐
+lions of francs. But as the treasury has still a reserve
+of 120 millions, the creation of these rentes is not ur‐
+gent. The Minister will wait for favourable cir‐
+cumstances, and demands the power of fixing the
+time and rate of issuing a loan.
+ The Minister declared that, believing in the con‐
+tinuance of peace, he did not intend to suspend the
+public works of peace, but would demand a credit
+for them.
+ The Earl of WESTMORELAND has been slightly in‐
+disposed since Thursday last, but is now nearly recovered.
+His lordship has, in consequence, discontinued his dinner
+parties, but will resume them to‑morrow, on which day
+the noble lord will enter his 82d year, having been born
+on the 1st of January, 1759.—Brighton Gazette.
+ Both the Courrier Français and Constitutionnel
+of Wednesday reject the advances, or supposed ad‐
+vances, of Russia, contained in the reported note of
+Count NESSELRODE. To do justice to these Liberal
+organs, if their hurt pride directs their animosity
+against England, an older and more deeply‑rooted
+sentiment dictates resentment against, and mistrust
+of, Russia. Yet, if Russia display no more ambi‐
+tion than she has done in the late events, we do not
+see why she is to be depicted as the fee, fau, fum of
+the West. The great, the dangerous, cause of quar‐
+rel, enmity, and mutual distrust hitherto, between
+the nations of Europe, has been the doubt and dark‐
+ness which rested upon so many questions. But,
+one by one, these are clearing up. Ten years back
+Russia might have hoped to be able to swallow up Con‐
+stantinople, without exciting the jealousies, or, at least,
+the opposition of the rest of Europe. France, till
+very lately, conceived the possibility of converting
+Egypt, Syria, and Arabia into a new empire, “to
+be governed in the sphere of French ideas.” Neither
+of these schemes is feasible, simply because the
+world is too much awake. The Levant was a terra
+incognita twenty years ago, where any Power almost
+might plant its standard. Now, any accession of
+territory or influence there would excite almost as
+much difficulty and danger as similar ambition on
+the Elbe or the Rhine. Had England any ambi‐
+tion or selfish views, or did any English statesman
+entertain such for her, these are checked and cut
+short by the late events quite as much as the am‐
+bition of other Powers. Exclusive advantages in
+the Levant are now not to be sought or obtained by
+the Powers of Europe. What an immense gua‐
+rantee of peace is there in this addition to the public
+law and right of Europe! We feel that any plot or
+alliance for the purpose of setting aside this public
+right, and breaking through the laws of Europe,
+is first of all not to be dreaded as possible, nor, were
+it possible, could it be successful. The French jour‐
+nalists, who idly talk (and none but journalist do
+talk of it) of an alliance between France and Russia,
+mean an alliance the result of which would be
+France taking the frontier of the Rhine, and Russia
+taking Constantinople. Now, we do not believe
+that any French and Russian statesmen would sign
+ We this day lay before our readers important
+additional information respecting the case of Mr.
+HILL, in the Ecclesiastical Court of Exeter, and the
+resolution, agreed on at a meeting on Monday last
+in Monmouth, with regard to the case of SARAH
+ Mr. MILLETT has supplied us with the opinion
+given by Dr. ADDAMS in the case of Mr. HILL,
+from which it will be seen that the omnipotence of
+Parliament, to use the well‑known expression, is
+impotence in regard to the Ecclesiastical Courts.
+Parliament may pass an act, prohibiting courts from
+entertaining suits for tithes for sums under £10, but
+if they choose to entertain suits for a smaller sum
+than £10, a party can only have the benefit of the
+prohibition by appearing to the citation, and then
+the iniquitous court refuses to allow him his costs,
+which are always high.
+ In bringing before the House of Commons, in
+1839, his motion respecting Ecclesiastical Courts,
+Mr. HAWES observed, that it was often extremely
+difficult to ascertain over what description of causes
+any particular (Ecclesiastical) court operated, and
+much inconvenience resulted from this uncertainty.
+In the majority of the peculiar courts, and perhaps
+in all, there neither were nor could be efficient and
+experienced judges, officers, advocates, or prac‐
+titioners, the emoluments being too small, and the
+number of causes too few, to ensure those requisites
+for the due administration of justice. The
+consequence was, that no confidence was re‐
+posed in these tribunals; and delay arose,
+and expense was incurred in applying for letters of
+request, and in resorting to other means of escaping
+the jurisdiction.” As a proof of ignorance, Dr.
+LUSHINGTON stated that the practitioners of one of
+these ecclesiastical courts did not know that an ap‐
+peal lay from its jurisdiction. But all this ignorance
+is displayed at the expense of the unfortunate persons
+subject to the jurisdiction. The Court may, through
+its ignorance, put a party to great trouble and ex‐
+pense; but the Court itself is vested with impunity.
+The Court itself may be composed of a knot of
+clergymen having the same interests as the suitor,
+and suits may be entertained, in the very
+teeth of an act of Parliament prohibit‐
+ing them; but though it may be obvi‐
+ous that the suits are entertained for the purpose
+of obtaining incomes to the members of the court
+and the practitioners, through enormous costs, yet
+corrupt motives cannot be brought home to any one.
+If the members of these tribunals avoid doing what
+no man not a downright idiot would think of doing,
+they may perpetrate all sorts of iniquity with im‐
+punity. We remember, in the case of an ac‐
+tion brought against an inferior tribunal, hearing
+Lord TENTERDEN observe, that errors of
+judges ought to be viewed with indulgence—that
+it was more important that they should act with
+confidence on the opinion they entertained, than that
+Justice should be paralyzed from hesitation and
+anxiety respecting the consequences of their deci‐
+sions. In the case of judges, like those of our su‐
+perior courts, under the eye of an intelligent Bar
+and public, a charitable construction of conduct can
+be productive of little injury; but in such dens
+of iniquity as the Ecclesiastical Courts of the coun‐
+try confessedly are, the doctrine of Lord TENTERDEN
+(of which they would be allowed to avail themselves),
+must give impunity to the most revolting injustice.
+ Mr. HAWES’S resolution, that the inferior eccle‐
+siastical courts should be abolished without delay,
+was carried, but they still exist, to the great oppres‐
+sion of the community. They may know that they
+are flying in the face of an Act of Parliament; but
+they know that the oppressed party can only secure
+himself by an outlay which renders submission to
+his wrong the more prudent course. They feel that
+they are vested with impunity. Parliament
+cannot protect the people from courts de‐
+termined to set it at defiance, trusting
+to the difficulty of distinguishing between venial and
+criminal fallibility. The only remedy worth any‐
+thing is to abolish such court, root and branch.
+ In the resolutions agreed on at the Monmouth
+meeting, it is stated “that the Ecclesiastical Court
+of Llandaff, which has been in the habit of issuing
+citations for small amounts of tithe, has displayed a
+want of respect for the laws of our country, and ex‐
+ercised a power dangerous to the liberty of the sub‐
+ject, which ought not to pass with impunity.” But
+we suspect this and every other Ecclesiastical Court
+acting with the same barefaced disregard of the law,
+may count on impunity. This opinion we deliver with
+due hesitation; but, as the conduct of the Court of
+Llandaff has excited much indignant feeling in
+Monmouth and the parts of the county adjacent,
+and a subscription has been set on foot to enable the
+Widow YOUNG to obtain redress, if redress is to be
+had, it is not impossible that the point will be de‐
+cided respecting which we are in doubt. If any
+degree of iniquitous practice, short of barefaced cor‐
+ruption brought home to a judge, can serve as a
+ground for punishment, it is to be found in the prac‐
+tice of the Ecclesiastical courts.
+ In the “Plympton Papers,” published some time
+ago by the Camden Society, a curious light is
+thrown on the conduct of EMPSON and DUDLEY,
+who, it appears, played very different parts from
+what might be inferred from the statements re‐
+specting them in our common histories. These
+gentlemen, like the practitioner, in our Ecclesiasti‐
+cal Courts, proceeded according to law. They had
+the same objects in view, the acquisition of
+plunder, but yet they set law less at defiance than
+the Ecclesiastical Courts have done. To be sure,
+they flew at higher game than Widow YOUNG, and
+the other unfortunate cottagers caged by the
+Bishops’ Court of Llandaff, and hence their death‐
+less renown. No man in England can long hope to
+oppress the rich with impunity. Excessive fines
+and excessive bail figure conspicuously in the Bill
+of Rights, though, in comparison to the incomes of
+the parties, heavier fines and heavier bails than
+those which led to the clause in the Bill of Rights
+are of every day occurrence in our police courts.
+But nothing can be too heavy for a poor man, and
+nothing too light for a grandee.
+ of the metropolis, and of obtaining a legal prohibi‐
+tion of the most unwholesome custom of burying in
+crowded localities. The administrators of the new
+Poor‑law have made a beginning of those measures
+of sanatory police which have long been so much
+needed. We fear they will achieve no very material
+improvement without an amended Building Act,
+more comprehensive in its provisions, and more
+stringent in its penalties. It will be contended that
+the “rights of property” forbid any interference
+with those sinks of filth and sources of dis‐
+ease which disgrace the metropolis, and per‐
+petually endanger the health of its inhabitants.
+Nor can any change be efficient which allows
+the continued accumulation of dead and decaying
+bodies in vaults under the churches where congrega‐
+tions assemble for worship, or in churchyards
+which are surrounded by dwelling‑houses, and keep
+the smell of the dead for ever in the nostrils of the
+living. These masses of corruption are centres
+from which disease and death radiate. They are
+batteries against human existence, and sometimes
+their cross fire leaves little chance of escape. There
+is a neighbourhood, for instance, between Clare
+Market and the Strand, hemmed in by no less than
+four of these malignant receptacles. It is, as might
+be expected, frequently visited by aggravated forms
+of typhus fever. The permanence of disease amongst
+the poor of St. Giles’s and Whitechapel, in part
+occasioned by the wretched condition of the living
+is also in part owing to the loathsome accu‐
+mulation of the dead in the churches and
+churchyards of these parishes. Similar‐
+stances might be multiplied. The practice of
+burying under churches, and in grave yards it
+populous neighbourhoods is a pestilential nuisance
+Conveyed to cemetery grounds, such a, have been
+recently established, the abodes of the dead would
+minister both to bodily and mental health, instead of
+diffusing contagion.
+ The great obstacle to the provision of further ac‐
+commodation of this description is in the inordinate
+claims and intolerable assumptions of a portion of
+the clergy. The Kensal Green Cemetery has to pay
+five shillings to the incumbent of every parish from
+which a corpse is brought for interment in a brick
+grave, and 1s. 6d. if it be put in a common grave in
+the open ground. If the body be brought from
+Marylebone, there is an additional tax for the well‐
+known rector of 2s. 6d., which is called the “SPRY
+tax.” From this ground alone, the clergy have re‐
+ceived upwards of £2,000, for no duty done,
+and with no reason whatever, except that people die
+in their parishes. The Highgate Cemetery is sub‐
+jected to the same extortion, with this difference—
+that Kensal‑green is only taxed on behalf of incum‐
+bents of parishes situate both within the bills of mor‐
+tality and the diocese of London; while Highgate
+pays toll to all within five miles of the cemetery.
+The Westminster Cemetery, at Kensington, is com‐
+pelled to pay, for every corpse, ten shillings to the
+clergyman of the parish of the deceased, and one
+shilling to the clerk; and the extortion extends to a
+circle of twenty miles in diameter. We have men‐
+tioned these grounds in the order in which the acts
+of Parliament were obtained. In that order has
+the imposition been augmented. Every new bill
+has been obstructed by a demand of more
+money. The Abney Park Company has
+resisted, and not before it was high time. They
+have found other means for obtaining “sanctity
+and security” than by submission to such growing
+rapacity. The result shows they were right; and we
+rejoice to see, by Mr. COLLISON’S interesting book
+on “Cemetery Interment,” that the episcopalian
+funerals, in this beautiful ground, are more than
+two to one as compared with those of dissenters.
+ merous wrecks in the Black Sea. We have already re-
+ceived accounts of the loss of eighteen Greek vessels,
+three English, and a much greater number of Austrians,
+Sardinians, and Neapolitans. Even in the channel seven
+were cast away. Lieutenant‑Colonel de Philippovich and
+Captain Count Szechvyni were on board the Seri Pervas
+during the storm.”
+ “The budget for 1842,” says the Débats, “will com-
+prise a complete plan of finances, and an exact exposé in
+detail of all our resources. It will coutain a particular
+chapter for extraordinary expenses, in which the minis-
+ter will demand, in order to cover them, the faculty of
+creating Rentes. There will, therefore, be no special
+bill for a loan, as has been announced.”
+ The Débats states that the explanations of Marshal
+Soult to the committee on the Fortifications Bill, are un-
+derstood to have been perfectly satisfactory; that he is
+again to be heard by that body, and that M. Thiers will
+present his report to the Chamer next week.
+ The Constitutionnel mentions a rumour of Count de
+Flahault being sent to St. Petersburg to replace M. de
+Barante, who is to go to Vienna as ambassador, instead of
+M. de St. Aulaire; while this latter diplomatist will take
+the post lately occupied by M. Guizot at London.
+ “We understand,” says the Presse, “that the French
+government has selected Baron Billing as a fifth com-
+missioner, to act, in case of a disagreement, as arbiter be-
+tween the two British and the two Neapolitan commis-
+sioners, who are to discuss the settlements of the sulphur
+question. Baron Billing is the senior of French Secreta-
+ries of Legation, and by a fortunate coincidence has filled
+that office both at London and Naples. The British and
+Sicilian governments have hastened to notify that no
+choice could be made which could be more agreeable
+to them, nor one which could inspire them with greater
+confidence. Baron Billing, to all the guarantees which
+his character and fortune give him, joins the advantage
+of being well‑informed in matters of litigation, having to
+occupy himself with them every day as a member of
+the commission of indemnity for the colonists of Saint
+Domingo. A better choice could not have been made.”
+ Several of our contemporaries state that M. Cochelet,
+French Consul‑General at Alexandria, has solicited his
+ must say the property of the bondholders is inviolably
+recognised to the full extent of principal end interest;
+and, in addition to the original securities, we now have a
+hold on the best sources of revenue—the customs of Lis-
+bon and Oporto; and such was the moral obligation held
+by the Chambers, that, without discussion, the govern-
+ment was authorised to negotiate as they best could,
+without delay, and without making special provision, to
+order the half dividend now in course of discharge.
+Three years and a half have passed without receiving any
+sensible relief, and, the moment a disposition is shown to
+repair the injuries sustained, the government is assailed
+by language the most intemperate, and conduct very un-
+ I hope very few will be found to recognise the proceed-
+ings likely to emanate from such announcement, but rather
+assume the gentlemanly bearing and quiet perseverance
+of Mr. Thornton, whose exertions have been really in-
+valuable to the service, and by whom alone we are placed
+in our comparatively bettered condition.
+ Our market has been dull this day, with very little
+inquiry for any description of stock. A few of the follow-
+ing Shares were disposed of, and previous rates were
+realised:—Grand Junction, 211; ditto quarters, 52;
+London and Brighton, 43¼; Manchester and Leeds, 76;
+Chester and Birkenhead halves, 16 5/8, Eastern Counties
+Debentures, 4l. 18s. 6d.; and Great Western fifths, 10�.
+ We have judged it but fair to give this exposition of
+the source from which our correspondent derived
+his data, that he may be enabled to condense his
+reply to the “Author of Reflections on the Currency.”
+ The weekly tables, published in the Appendix to
+the report of the committee, are carried no farther
+than June, 1840, for the present, but when Par-
+liament re‑assembles they will no doubt be con-
+tinued. In the mean time our correspondent had
+recourse afterwards to the Gazette returns, to sup-
+ply the means of carrying on his calculations. He,
+therefore, took the average from the Gazette for the
+period from the 28th of April to the 21st of July,
+1840, thus:—
+ It is a strange claim, this assumption of clerical
+property in corpses. The connection is not obvious
+between a cure of souls and a poll‑tax on carcases.
+The Romish priest, granting his doctrine, is properly
+paid for praying a spirit out of purgatory, but the
+Protestant priest is paid when he does not even pray
+the body of his parishioner into the grave. He sits
+at ease in his parsonage, over his wine, and becomes
+entitled, by the mere fact of his existence, to his
+five shillings, if he is within five miles of a funeral
+in Highgate Cemetery; or if he be a Dr. SPRY, in
+Marylebone, to his seven shillings and sixpence;
+or to his ten shillings if within ten miles of Kensing‐
+ton. The involuntary relation of having been his
+fleeced parishioner is extended beyond the boundary
+of mortality; and this one species of grave plunder
+flourishes as if Mr. WARBURTON’S Anatomy Bill
+had never passed. The body snatcher is quelled,
+but the fee snatcher flourishes.
+ There is said to be no canon or other law in
+England for the consecration of burial grounds;
+and there is certainly no law of Christianity for the
+mischiefs of which that ceremony (however becom‐
+ing in itself) is made the pretext. Hedges have to
+be run up to part the graves of Dissenters from
+those of Churchmen. Member, of the same family,
+who have lived in harmony, and would repose
+together notwithstanding their theological dif‐
+ferences, must be taken to separate chapels
+and consigned to remote graves, unless they purchase
+the unconscious neighbourhood by a sort of post‐
+humous apostacy. The sectarian spirit of clerical
+domination kindles the torch of discord with the
+last spark of vitality, and shakes it over the grave.
+There are but two of the new cemeteries (Norwood
+and Abney Park), and one of them unconsecrated,
+in which Death makes no distinction, and the graves
+intermingle of those who intermingled in living
+society. How the consecration of the Norwood
+ground escaped being also, like the rest, a desecra‐
+tion, does not appear. But the fact has aided the
+popularity of the cemetery.
+ A general measure of legislation is desirable, re‐
+pressing these clerical exactions, prohibiting funeral,
+within the limits of the metropolis, giving public
+pledge of the perpetuity of the sepulchral character
+of grounds set apart for that purpose, and providing
+against offensive demonstrations of the anti‑national
+bigotry which (whether in the Church or out of it),
+carries its paltry sectarian animosities and distine‐
+tions into what should be the peaceful region, of
+the dead.
+ The Havre Journal quotes advices from Buenos Ayres,
+of 21st October, and from Montevideo, of 29th. At the
+former place a considerable quantity of merchandize had
+been introduced, notwithstanding the blockade. Most of
+the French residents, who had been protected by the
+British consul, were preparing to depart. Admiral
+Mackau’s division had arrived at Montevideo, on the 25th,
+in thirty‑one days from Goree. Preparations were making
+first for a landing at Martin Garcia, and then for going up
+to Buenos Ayres. It was said that a lieutenant of the
+French navy had been put to death by Rosas, but no par-
+ticulars were known. The total number of French vessels
+of war, gun‑boats, &c., in the Plata, were forty‑four.
+ Our latest Madrid letters are of the 22d ult., with
+little news.
+ From Guipuscoa we learn that on the 14th a
+commission reached Aspeitia in order to make an
+inventory of the effects of the Convent of Loyola.
+The order was resisted; and it is supposed that the
+convent must be evacuated by force.
+ From the discussion of the loan in the Dutch
+Chambers, it appears that out of a revenue of 52
+millions of florins, 40 millions are required for the
+interest of the debt.
+ The Duke of BORDEAUX has gone to study
+naval science and affairs in the Arsenal of Venice! This
+is no joke. The Augsburg Gazette says so. The last of
+a dying race taking lessons in an extinct arsenal! The
+Prince de JOINVILLE and the crew of the Belle Poule
+ought to shudder at the prospect of seeing the Duke of
+BORDEAUX sail out in the Bucentaur, to espouse the
+ PORTSMOUTH.—The steam‑vessel Avon, Lieut.
+PRITCHARD, has passed on to Sheerness from Plymouth
+with men for the Monarch, 84, and Vernon, 50, at Sheer-
+ness. The Inconstant, 36, Captain PRING, has arrived at
+Plymouth, from Cork, with volunteer seamen for general
+service. Tne Vindictive, a fine frigate, to mount upwards
+of 50 guns, is preparing here with every despatch for
+commission; and at Plymouth also are two more of the
+same class bringing forward, namely, the Portland, 50,
+and America, 50. The greatest despatch is used
+here in the equipment of the St. Vincent, 120.
+a three‑decker of the largest class; she is getting rigged,
+and otherwise fitting for sea. The pendant will be
+hoisted in about a month. The Vengeance, 84, is in the
+basin, rigged and masted, and only waiting orders for
+commission. The Driver, a new steam‑ship, recently
+launched here, is in dock preparing for immediate com-
+mission. She is intended for the Mediterranean.
+The Impregnable, 104, Captain THOMAS FORREST, C. B.,
+and Belleisle, 78, Captain TOUP NICOLAS, are in Ply-
+mouth Sound, where they will complete their crews and
+sea stores. They will not proceed to the Mediterranean,
+however, for some time. The Indus, 84, Captain Sir
+JAMES STIRLING, and Tweed, 29, Commander DOUGLAS,
+are alougside their respective hulks, fitting out. Both
+ships will be ready for sea about the 25th of January.
+The above are the only ships equipping here, but orders
+are daily looked for to commission several more. The
+steam frigate Phœnix is rapidly refitting in the harbour,
+to return to the Mediterranean. There is no commander
+yet appointed to her. It is expected that she will pro-
+ceed about the 5th of January. The Apollo and Athol,
+troop ships, are nearly ready for sea. They will go to
+Cork to transfer troops, the 42d Regiment, thence to the
+Ionian Islands. The Neptune, 120, is to be overhauled
+at this port for commission, if necessary.—Brighton paper.
+ The late attack by the Times on the Abney Ceme‐
+tery, although it thinly veiled the most sordid and
+intolerant purposes by an affected zeal for “sanctity
+nd security,” will render good service should it
+occasion the direction of public attention to the ne‐
+cessity of multiplying cemeteries beyond the bounds
+ The Paris papers of Wednesday have reached us
+by our ordinary Express. We have already ad‐
+verted to the only topics of interest discussed in
+these papers. We subjoin some extracts.
+ The law, regulating the labour of children in ma‐
+nufactories, passed by a large majority on Tuesday.
+ We have received a file of Malta papers to the 17th ult.,
+but their intelligence from the Levant is anterior to what
+we have already given by several days. It was expected
+at Alexandria that most of the European residents who
+had left Egypt would now return thither.
+ Extract of a letter dated from on board the Prin-
+cess Charlotte, Marmorice Bay, Dec. 13. 1840:—“I am
+sorry to inform you that the Zebra was driven on shore
+and totally wrecked, with the loss of three of her crew.
+The Bellerophon was nearly lost, and the Pique lost her
+masts. Dreadſul weather on the coast. We, thank God,
+have escaped, but most miraculously; four anchors ahead.
+I never saw worse weather. We have 12 sail of the line
+here, and a host of small craft.”
+arrived in this city on Monday, and is no doubt now
+among his constituents. Of his success there is no doubt,
+and the Tory gentleman who has been reconnoitring the
+ground is now satisfied, we presame, that he might have
+spared himself the trouble.—Scotsman.
+committee and the magistrates have taken into their
+consideration the application of Colonel MOLYNEUX, of
+the 8th Hussars, as to the police of the city having a ge-
+neral order to salute him when they meet him in the street,
+and though it is the wish of the mayor and magistrates,
+and also of the watch committee, that a proper courtesy
+should be shown to the gallant colonel and to the officers
+of the regiment by the police force (and they think that,
+as the colonel wishes it, the courtesy of lifting their hats
+might be extended), yet they feel that no “order” can
+be made to that effect; such as would go to exclude a
+man from the force who should not comply with the de-
+mand of the colonel. There can be no doubt but the
+extraordinary manner in which the complaint was made,
+has subjected the gentleman who could make it to the
+sport of the citizens during the merry‑makings at Christ-
+mas, for they seem in a universal titter about it; but
+the individual desire of the magistrates is unquestiona-
+bly that the deference should be shown. No doubt they
+feel that to make an order in the business would subject
+them also to no small share of public ridicule. The
+policemen who have been branded by the gallant Colonel
+as “a set of d—d bl—kg—s,” determine net to move
+their hats.—Bury Post.
+ The “Author of Reflections on the Currency” says
+that our correspondent treats the averages as if pub-
+lished for twelve weeks “when they really are for
+thirteen.” As this is a matter of fact easily ascer-
+tained, it is but right we should notice that the
+period embraced by the Gazette returns is 84 days,
+or precisely twelve weeks. From 28 April to 21
+July, 1840, for instance, is exactly that period of
+time. Therefore the “Author of Reflections on the
+Currency” is wrong in asserting that the tables were
+obtained “by multiplying the averege of thirteen
+weeks by three.” The preceding calculations sent
+us by our correspondent show that the multiplication
+was the average of twelve weeks by three; and that
+besides the Gazette returns are not the basis of the
+calculation, but only employed as an adjunct until
+the weekly statements are again made public. If,
+however, the committee on banks of issue should
+not call for the continuance of those weekly returns,
+or should they be discontinued after they have fulfil-
+led the object of their appointment, the Gazette re-
+turns would be again necessary to carry on the cal-
+culations, and it rests with our correspondent in
+Coventry to say how far they could be relied on.
+ The “Author of Reflections on the Currency”
+says his “own opinions” on the currency are, that
+“it ought to be regulated by operating upon the rate
+of interest, and not upon the amount of circulation.”
+Without attempting to follow his reasonings, we
+would briefly remark that they contain nothing new
+upon the point, and that Mr. Tooke was unable to
+support the same theory before the committee. The
+questions and answers at pp. 356 and 357 of the Re-
+port show that it would be impossible to arrest the
+drain of bullion by means of any rational operation
+on the rate of interest. Mr. Tooke, in attempting
+to show that it could he done by such means without
+diminishing the amount of notes in circulation, was
+involved in a labyrinth of contradiction, from which
+he could not escape, and the “Author of Reflections
+on the Currency” does not make the theory, which
+really belongs to Mr. Tooke, and not to him, one
+iota stronger. It is in accordance with common
+sense that in proportion as the bullion leaves the
+Bank the directors ought to diminish the amount of
+paper which they have in issue convertible into gold.
+ There was not much business doing in the Eng-
+lish Funds to‑day, but prices continue to improve.
+Consols for the opening were quoted at 88 5/8 to ¾ in
+the early part of the day, but towards the close of
+business the price advanced to 88 ¾ to 7/8. Exchequer
+Bills were 1s. higher, being 3s. to 5s. prem.
+ The Share Market was firm, and South Westerns
+experienced a further improvement of 10s. per
+ This was settling day in the Foreign House,
+where money was in demand, the rates for which
+varied from 6 to 8 per cent., according to the secu-
+rity offered. Since the last settlement the fluctua-
+tions have been somewhat extensive, particularly in
+Peninsular securities. Spanish Actives, which were
+then at 23 5/8 to ¾, advanced to 24 ½, when, on the
+matters in dispute between Spain and Portugal
+being made known, a rapid decline took
+place to 22½, since which, however, a marked
+improvement has taken place in the Active
+Stock, which at one period of the day had advanced
+to 25¼ for money. In Portuguese, the extreme
+fluctuation was also considerable, amounting to up-
+wards of 2 per cent., and in South American from
+1½ to 2 per cent. Dutch Two‑and‑a‑Half per
+Cents. have given way 1 per cent. within the same
+period. At the opening of the market this morning,
+Spanish Actives were quoted at 24¾ to 7/8, but on
+some influential parties appearing as buyers, prices
+gradually improved to 25 3/8 to ½, at which they
+closed firm. In South American Securities, a fur-
+ther improvement took place of nearly ½ per cent.
+ Consols for the opening closed at 88¾ to 7/8;
+Three per Cents. Reduced, 88 7/8 to 9; Three-
+and‑a‑Half per Cent. Reduced, 97 3/8 to ½; Bank
+Stock, 156½ to 7; Exchequer Bills, 3s. to 5s. prem.
+ Spanish Actives, 25 3/8 to ½; Deferred, 13 to ¼;
+Passive, 6 3/8 to ½; Portuguese Five per Cents., 32¼
+to ¾; ditto Three per Cents., 21 to ½; Dutch Five per
+Cents., 97¼ to 3/4; ditto Two‑and‑a‑Half per Cents.,
+51 1/8 to 1/8; Belgian, 97 to 8; Colombian, 24
+to ½; Mexican, 29 to ½; Peruvian, 15 to 16;
+Brazilian, 70½ to 1½.
+ Birmingham (old), 81 to 83 prem.; ditto (¼ shares),
+22 to 4; South Western, 56 to 7 per share;
+Great Western, 25½ to 6½ prem.; Manchester and
+Leeds, 6 to 8 prem.; Manchester and Birmingham,
+15 to 13 dis.; Birmingham and Derby, 28 to 6 dis.;
+Gosport Junction, 5 to 6 prem.; Brighton, 6 to
+5½ dis.; Blackwall, 4½ to 4 dis.; London and
+Greenwich, 8 to ½ per share.
+ The following were the official quotations in the
+different markets during the day:—
+ Bank Stock for Acc., 158
+Consols for op., 88¾ 5/8 ¾ 7/8
+Exc�e�uer Billis. £1,000, 2 5 3 pm.
+Ditto £500, 4 2 5 3 pm.
+Ditto Small, 4 6 pm.
+ THURSDAY EVENING.—The demand for all kinds of
+produce is still almost suspended; and, in consequence,
+we have little scope for remark.
+ The COFFEE market also remains in a very tranquil
+state; the merchants refuse to offer their stock at pre-
+sent, while the trade appear disposed to hold back until
+they can ascertain what quantity of Coffee is yet to come
+from the Cape of Good Hope; and the few operations
+have not produced the least change in prices.
+ TEA meets with a steady demand from the dealers, and
+full prices are paid. Company’s Congou is now held
+for 2s 1½d to 2s 1¾d per 1b cash. The tendency of the
+market is upward.
+ “The united governments are agreed upon carrying
+into effect uniform measures with respect to such handi-
+craftsmen as by participation in illicit unions of journey-
+men, jurisdictions of journeymen, strike, and the like
+malpractices, have offended against the laws of the coun-
+try. Wherefore,
+ “1. From such handicraftsmen as may be guilty of any
+of the said offences in one of the confederate states to
+which they do not belong by domicile shall be taken, after
+trial and punishment, their wanderbücher* or travelling
+passes, in which the committed violation of the law cor-
+rectly described shall be noted, with the allotted pubish-
+ment, and the said wanderbücher and travelling passes
+shall be sent to the authorities of the domiciles of the
+respective journeymen.
+ “2. Such handicraftsmen shall, after undergoing their
+punishment, be transferred, by prescribed routes, to the
+states wherein they have their domiciles, and shall there
+be detained under strict inspection, in order that they
+may not be permitted to obtain employment in any other
+state of the confederacy. Exceptions from this decision
+shall only take place when the government of the domi-
+cile. in consequence of the continued good conduct of a
+returned handicraftsman, shall be induced to give him a
+new wanderbücher or travelling pass for other states.
+ “3. The governments are to provide themselves with
+descriptions of the handicraftsmen who, on account
+of the aforesaid offence, have been sent home, as well as
+to make reciprocal communications respecting those
+who, by way of exception, are permitted to resume
+their travels.
+ “4. The preceding regulations shall be expressly com-
+municated to every handicraftsman on the commencement
+of his travelling period, before his wanderbücher, or tra-
+velling pass, be delivered to him; and that this has been
+done, must be officially recorded in the register of travel-
+ling workmen.
+ “5. The promulgation of the present decree shall be
+made in each state of the confederacy, according to its
+constitutional forms, and, certification of the same being
+done, shall be returned to the Diet within tow months
+from the date hereof.”
+ * A journeyman is obliged to travel for a certain num-
+ber of years, and find work in different states, before he can
+set up at home as a master of his own trade. On the termi-
+nation of his apprenticeship his wander�ahrs (travelling
+years) commence, and the a wanderbücher (travelling
+book), in which his same and other particulars are entered
+is given him.
+ Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, attended by
+Lady Fanny Howard, took her accustomed exercise.
+ Her Majesty rode out this afternoon in an open pony
+phaeton, which was driven by his Royal Highness Prince
+Albert. Colonel Wemyss, Mr. Rich, and Captain Sey-
+mour were in attendance.
+ His Royal Highness Prince Albert honoured Mr. Fowler
+with an interview this morning, and inspected a finished
+picture and sketch of her Majesty the Queen.
+ Lord and Lady Holland and Sir George Grey are ex
+pected to arrive this evening on a visit.
+ His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge ar-
+rived at Cambridge‑house, Piccadilly at a quarter before
+four o’clock yesterday afternoon, from the continent.
+His Royal Highness after his arrival paid a vis�� to the
+Duchess of Gloucester, and in the evening dined at
+ The Right Hon. T. B. Macaulay has arrived at Broad-
+lands, Hants, on a visit to Viscount and Viscountess
+ The Earl of Minto has left town for his seat near
+ Despatches for the Governor of Ceylon were sent off
+yesterday, from the Colonial‑office.
+ Bank Stock, 157½
+3 per Cent. Red., 88 3/8 7/8 9
+3½ per Ct. Red., 97 3/8 ½
+3½ per Cent. New, 97 1/8 ¼ ex.
+div. for opening
+Long Anns., exp. Jan. 5, 1860, 12 15 16 13
+ Belgian 5 per Cent., 97½
+Colombian 6 per Ct. 1824, Acc., 24
+Mexican 1837 Acc., 29
+Portuguese 5 per Cent. New, 32¼
+Ditto Acc., 32½ 5/8
+Ditto 3 per Cent., 21¼
+Ditto Acc., 21 2/8
+Spanish, 24¾ 5 4 7/8 5¼ 1/8 3/8 ¼
+ Spanish Acc., 24 7/8 5 1/8 5 3/8 ¼ ¾ ½ 3/8
+Ditto Passive. 6¼ ¾
+Fr. Rentes, 4½ per Cts., 101f. 50c., ex. 25f. 40c.
+Dutch 2½ per Cent., 51¾ 1/8
+Ditto Acc., 51¼
+Ditto 5 per Cent., 97 1/8
+ SIR—I have read with much satisfaction your remarks
+of Tuesday on the subject of the meeting to be held on
+the 6th of January, and being an interested party, I can-
+not but repudiate the language in which the same is sum-
+moned as much more likely to defeat than benefit the
+welfare of the stockholders. It is confessedly notorious
+that Portugal is poor, labouring under the usual disad-
+vantage of a restoration, and it is rather too hasty to tax
+her with dishonour or dishonesty because she finds herself
+temporarily compelled to forego her payments, without
+dispassionately looking to the circumstances of her posi-
+tion. Just immerged out of revolution, with a disquieted
+people, and charter ill‑defined—checked in progress of
+improvement by repeated outrages of popular violence,
+and her finances expended by necessary measures for
+consolidating the public peace and security—threatened
+on one side for a settlement of British claims, and menaced
+by Spain on the other upon the Douro question, she
+claims our forbearance rather than censure, at the present
+time more especially. I have carefully perused the de-
+cree for resumption of payment of the foreign debt, and I
+ The Marquess of NORMANBY has returned from
+town to his residence in Eastern‑terrace. — Brighton
+ By the recent demise of Lord BRUCE, the eldest
+son of Lord ELGIN, his sister, Lady MARY CHRISTOPHER,
+the lady of the member for North Linco�shire, has become
+the next in succession to an immens� fortune, approach-
+ing to thirty thousand a year.
+ The LORD CHAMBERLAIN has extended the li-
+cence of the Haymarket Theatre, by which act of justice
+the spirited and able manager of this favourite place of
+amusement will be enabled �� continue his present suc-
+cessful season beyond the 15th proximo, at which period
+he must have otherwise closed his doors.
+ The wind to‑day having veered round to the
+north west, several vessels which had been
+detained in the channel made their way into
+port, and amongst them the Independence,
+the New York packet ship of the 10th
+instant. She has brought a New York paper of
+a day later than those received by the Great
+Western, namely, to the evening of the 10th, but it
+does not contain the expected message from the
+President; in consequence of the great snow
+storm, a sufficient number of members hat not
+assembled to form a quorum on the usual
+day of meeting, the (7th), but as the roads
+were expected to be more passable in a few
+days, it may be expected by the next arrival; the
+houses would continue to adjourn from day to day,
+until a majority of the whole enabled them to pro‐
+ceed to business.
+ “On the first of the new year, as soon as the provincial
+deputations are installed in office, the proceedings prepa‐
+ratory to the election of senators and deputies are to be
+commenced. The accompanying order of the Provisional
+Regency of the kingdom will inform you of the measures
+which they have adopted for carrying the electoral law
+into effect; and if the nation was never con‐
+sulted in more critical circumstances than the present,
+it is the more necessary that the people should have the
+most complete freedom in exercising their electoral rights.
+It is but right and necessary that a Cortes called to de‐
+cide upon questions of vital importance to the country
+should fairly represent it; for without this the govern‐
+ment can neither acquire strength, proceed in a firm
+course of policy, or effect the good of the people, as their
+present situation and the errors of their former rulers re‐
+quire. Without the most complete freedom of election it
+would be in vain to seek these advantages.”
+ I need not proceed with the remainder of these in‐
+structions, which are totally free from those objections so
+often witnessed and complained of in former documents
+of this description. If we are to judge from the elections
+of corporations and provincial deputations which have
+just terminated, the contest cannot be very great, or
+doubtful; I mean, of course, as to the majority
+being of the liberal party. While alluding to elec‐
+tions, I may observe that you will see in the
+opposition papers of Madrid much noise made
+about the paucity of electors in the municipal and depu‐
+tational elections. Some of them, indeed, go so far as to
+infer from this fact, that the persons elected cannot re‐
+present the opinions of the people, because the whole
+population did not turn out and put themselves to the
+very absurd trouble of voting where there was no
+contest. If I have not been too long out of England to
+forget its usages in these matters, no one there, I
+believe, would say that a member of Parliament
+did not represent his constituents because there was no
+contest to induce the whole or a majority to go through
+the form of giving their votes. On the contrary, the ab‐
+sence of a contest, or of actual voting, would be taken as
+a proof of the unanimity of popular suffrage, and the com‐
+pleteness of popular representation. Yet you will find
+that the Absolutist statistical gentlemen of the Madrid
+and Paris opposition press will assume exactly the con‐
+trary, and declare that the new deputies will not represent
+the people, should there be no contests. At all events it
+vests with writers of this school to show good reason why
+their political friends or party do not take part in these
+elections. I have given the true reasons of this in former
+letters, and need not repeat them.
+ Our intelligence from Portugal, with respect to the
+Douro question, continues to be sufficiently warlike and
+ridiculous. The noise about levies and mounting old
+cannon is truly appalling and absurd. But these good
+people would appear to have gained in national pride and
+soreness what they have lost of ancient and solid
+greatness. It would be hard to say, indeed, whether
+the absurdity of the imprudent threats of
+Spain, or of the idle preparations of defence
+of Portugal, be the greatest. From Badajos
+we have news that the Portuguese hat actually ceased to
+visit that place, and that forts were being repaired at
+Elvas and along the frontier. I presume there is much
+village alarm and misrepresentation in all we hear about
+the matter; just as there is about a few regiments being
+cantoned in Toledo and Talavera—a measure which I
+believe has no connection whatever with any intention of
+sending troops into Portugal.
+ The Five per Cents. have again declined to‑day, the
+selling price being 28½ cash. Some operations were
+even effected lower after the regular business had closed.
+ W
+ WHEN I had the honour of first addressing you,
+offering myself a CANDIDATE to represent this Borough
+in the Commons House of Parliament, I calculated with confidence
+on the undivided and zealous support of every class of the Liberal
+party. I have now completed a personal canvass of the electors, and
+I regret to say, that in many instances where I had every reason to
+expect prompt and cordial support, I have met with either lukewarm
+neutrality, or decided opposition. In addition to those discouraging
+circumstances. I have had to encounter the avowed hostility of the
+agents from the Anti‑Corn law League deputed to oppose me, and
+whose opposition has destroyed my chance of being returned as your
+Representative, by dividing the Liberal interest. Nothing but a firm
+conviction of the hopelessness of success, founded upon these ob‐
+stacles, would have induced me to relinquish my prospects of repre‐
+senting your Borough, but I am now persuaded, that any continuance
+of this struggle in the present state of parties, would only injure the
+cause to which I am pledged. In retiring from the present contest I
+beg to return my most sincere and heartfelt thanks to those honest
+and consistent Liberals who have rendered me eir able assistance
+and support. I have the honour to be, gent men,
+ROOMS, 209. REGENT‑STREET, under the immediate Patronage
+of her MAJESTY.—The Nobility, Gentry, and Public are most
+respectfully informed, the highly‑gifted child, LOUISA VINNING.
+four years of age, will have the honour of giving TWO EVENING
+CONCERTS, viz. THIS EVENING, Jan. 1, and Monday, Jan. 4, at
+the above rooms. Admittance 1s. Reserved seats, 2s. each, to be had
+at Mesrs. Cramer and Co.’s, 201, Regent‑street.
+the Christmas holidays, are adapted for the younger class. The ad‐
+ditional Theatre, Apartments, and Galleries extend to the number
+of TWENTY‑SEVEN, in which are deposited SIXTEEN HUNDRED
+WORKS, displaying the most eminent art, science, and ingenuity,
+one‑third of which are new to the visitors; the Lecture, the varied
+and beautiful experiments, and the Microscope. Open from Half‑past
+Ten to Five o’clock; Evening: from Seven to Half‑past Ten o’clock.
+—Admission 1s. A Band of Music. Annual Subscriptions are from the
+1st January. The extensive laboratory is open to pupils. The Chemist
+conducts assays and analyses. A Prospectus of the School for the
+Practical Education of Engine Drivers can be had of the Secretary.
+A new edition of the Catalogue, 1s.
+West Strand.—During the week the PYR‑EIDOTROPE, the BI‐
+SCENASCOPE, the Scenic Metamorphoses, the Microscope, and
+other novelties; Electrical Experiments, Glass‑blowing, Combustion
+of Steel, Steam Gun, will be repeated as frequently as possible during
+the day for the accommodation of the visitors; the Polariscope will
+be shown by E. M. Clarke, and a double Fire Cloud will be exhibited
+at four o’clock in the Long Room; the Electrical Eel, Walton’s
+Card‑making Machine, Stevens’ Gas‑making Apparatus, Braithwaite’s
+new Cooking Stove, Ackermann’s Gallery of Prints, Pictures, Statu‐
+ary, Music, Models, &c. &c.—Admission, 1s. Catalogues, 6d. Open
+from Half‑past Ten till Four daily.
+perform a SELECTION of MUSIC on the APOLLONICON, in which
+will be introduced‑Overtures, “Agnese” and “Seige of Rochelle;”
+Cavatina, “Di Placer;” Duet, “Ah, Perdona;” Glee, “The Chough
+and Crow;” Polacca, “I Puritani;” Song, “Auld Robin Gray;” Ballad,
+“The Hunter of Tyrol;” a Selection of German Waltzes, and “God
+save the Queen.” The mechanical powers of the Instrument will
+commence the performace with Mozart’s Overture to “Figaro,” and
+conclude with Weber’s Overture to “Der Freyschutz.—At the Rooms
+of Robson and Son, Organ‑builders, 101, St. Martin’s‑lane. Com‐
+mencing at Two o’clock. Admittance, 1s.—N.B. The Performances
+will be continued every Saturday.
+and Evening.—On THIS EVENING Jan 1, and To‑morrow Evening,
+CATLIN is compelled to announce that, although these exhibitions
+of the Groups and Tableaux are nightly crowding his rooms with
+visitors, they must cease after a few evenings more, on account of
+the injury which is nightly done to his Indian wardrobe, which con‐
+stitutes so important a part of his collection.—Admission, 1s. Stoves
+are in use in both rooms.
+a splendid VIEW of DAMASCUS, one of the most ancient cities of
+the East. It embraces every object of importance in the city; also
+the Plain; the Scene of the Conversion of St. Paul; the Street called
+Straight, where the Apostle remained during his blindness; with an
+extensive view of the surrounding country. Also open the VIEW of
+MACAO, in China, with the Bay of the Ty‑pa, her Majesty’s ships
+Volage and Hyacinth, Chinese Junks, &c.—Admittance to each View,
+1s. Books 6d. each.—N.B. The circles are warmed for the season.
+only Subterraneous Exhibition in London, in which may be seen
+SIXTEEN beautiful COSMORAMIC VIEWS, by eminent artists,
+which are so well arranged that they give the spectator a better idea
+of the scenes before him than anything short of nature can possibly
+produce.—Open from Eleven in the morning until Ten at night, at
+the Lowther Bazaar, 35, Strand. Admission 6d.
+CERTS D’HIVER.—Conductor, Mr. Eliason.—Programme for THIS
+EVENING.—PART I. Overture to Goethe’s celebrated Tragedy of
+“Faust;” Lindpaintner. “Aurora,” Valses; Labitzky. Quadrille.
+“Le Gothique;” Musard. Medley Scotch Overture, “Guy Manner‐
+ing;” Bishop. Second Grand Fantasia from the Opera “Les Hugue‐
+nots,” Meyerbeer. Lecke’s celebrated Music to “Macbeth.”—PART II.
+Overture, “Der Freyschutz;” C.M. Von Weber. The Telegraph, or
+Musical Gleanings; being a Grand Pot‑pourri, by Strauss. Swiss Air,
+with variations, Concertina, Mr. Case. Overture, “Le Cheval de
+Bronze;” Auber. Vaises, “Brussler Spitzen;” Strauss. Quadrille,
+“I Puritani; ” Musard. Gallop, “Camille, ” Trumpet Solo, Herr
+Muller; Musard.—Prices of admission: to the Promenade, 1s.;
+Dress Circle, 2s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 1s. 6d.; Lower Gallery 1s. Visit‐
+ers to the Boxes have the privilege of passing to and from the Prome‐
+nade.—Doors open at Half‑past Seven, performance to commence at
+Eight precisely.
+WINDSOR. Sir John Falstaff, Mr. Bartley; Justice Shallow, Mr.
+F. Matthews; Master Slender, Mr. C. Mathews; Mr. Ford, Mr.
+Cooper; Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Nisbett; Mrs. Page, Madame Vestris; Ann
+Page, Miss Rainforth; Mrs. Quickly, Mrs. C. Jones.
+ To conclude with the Grand Christmas Pantomime, entitled THE
+CASTLE OF OTRANTO; or Harlequin and the Giant Helmet. Har‐
+lequin, Mr. C. J. Smith; Pantaloon, Mr. Morelli; Clown, Mr. Ridg‐
+way; Columbine, Miss Farebrother.
+ To‑morrow. Midsummer Night’s Dream, and the Pantomime.
+EVENING will be performed the new and original Comedy
+called MONEY. Lord Glossmore, Mr. F. Vining; Sir John Vesey,
+Bart., Mr. Strickland; Sir Frederick Blount, Mr. W. Lacy: Mr.
+Benjamin Stout, M. P., Mr. D. Rees; Evelyn, Mr. Macready; Graves,
+Mr. We�ster; Captain Dudley Smooth, Mr. Wrench; Sharpe, Mr.
+Waldron; Toke, Mr. Oxberry; Lady Franklin, Mrs. Glover; Miss
+Georgina Vesey, Miss P. Horton; Clara Douglas, Miss H. Faucit.
+ After which THE LADIES’ CLUB. Mrs. Fitzsmyth (the Chair‐
+woman), Mrs. Glover; Captain Fitzsmyth, Mr. Oxberry.
+ To conclude with TOM THUMB. Tom Thumb, Master G. Webster.
+ To‑morrow, Money, with The Ladies’ Club, and Tom Thumb.
+“Masaniello;” Chorus, “Semiramide;” Duet, “Whence this soft
+and pleasing flame” (Miss Nunn and Mr. Frazer); Ballad, “The one
+we love” (Mr. Frazer); Aria, “Il Postiglione” (Sig. Paltoni); Chorus,
+“Viva Henrico;” Overture, “Gazza Ladra;” Aria, “Non piu
+Andrai” (Signor Giubilei and Chorus); Duo, “Dunque‑io‑sen” (Miss
+Nunn and Signor Paltoni); Song “Young Soldiers” (Mr. Frazer);
+Romance on the Cornet à Pistons, Laurent, jun.; Ballad, “The Old
+Oak Tree” (Miss Nunn); Trio, “Papataci” (Frazer, Paltoni, and
+Giubelei); Quadrilles, “La Victoria” and “Gais Loisirs;” Galop.
+Solo on the Oboe by Mr. Keating. Eighty Vocal and Instrumental
+Performers, under the direction of Signor Negri.—Admission to the
+Parterre, 1s.; to the Balcony, 2s.; Private Boxes, £11s. Commences
+at Eight.
+Comic Christmas Pantomime, Tower of London, and Burlesque
+Boggar’s Opera.—THIS EVENING will be performed the Drama of
+THE TOWER OF LONDON; or, Og, Gog, and Magog. Queen Mary.
+Mrs. Yates.—After which, The Burlesque of THE BEGGAR’S
+OPERA.—To conclude with the Grand Comic Christmas Pantomime,
+of the Branzen Bottle. Clown, Mr. Wieland; Harlequin, Mr. Ellar;
+Pantaloon, Mr. King; Columbine. Miss Bullin.
+ such a convention, or if they did, that they could
+execute it. The day has gone by when provinces
+and population on the Rhine can be bargained away
+or sold. The Rhenish provinces are at this moment
+strongly German and Prussian, and under the pro‐
+tection of the united patriotism of the German race,
+which will not see its patrimony or its importance
+in Europe diminished. The French, we will be
+bound to say, are not able to wrest a rood of land
+from the Germans, now that the Germans
+have got, like the French, popular senti‐
+ment, and a national feeling. Therefore Russia
+has not the power to give away the Rhine.
+Neither has France the power, any more than the
+will, to give away Constantinople. Alliances of the
+kind, therefore (alliances of conquest and partition),
+are out of date, and out of possibility; and so are
+coalition, except in defence of rights, and in opposi‐
+tion to absurd and arrogant pretensions. When
+Count MOLE’S small coterie, and smaller organs,
+then, menace us with Franco‑Russian alliance, we
+know full well it is merely words they utter. When
+the opposition papers of France tell us that the
+Court and King of the FRENCH are leaning to
+Russia, and that England had better take care of
+itself, we laugh at the shallow manœuvre. We wish
+sincerely to see a better understanding between
+France and Russia, as between France and Europe;
+but we cannot be in the least either jealous or
+alarmed even at a whole volume of benevolent notes
+addressed by Count NESSELRODE to the Tuile ries.
+ The Austrian Observer, in its intelligence from Con‐
+stantinople of the 8th ult., states that the Porte, as well as
+Admiral Stopford, had refused to ratify the convention of
+Commodore Napier, who was considered to have gone
+too far. At that date, however, the despatch from Lord
+Palmerston, which was forwarded by Admiral Stopford to
+Alexandria, was not known in the Turkish capital.
+ Another letter says—“The storm of the 1st caused nu‐
+ “We had a dreadful gale here on the 1st inst. Among
+the known losses are the barque Emma, Captain Hudson,
+loaded at Odessa with linseed and tallow, captain and all
+hands perished; the schooner Robert Symms, of Ply‐
+mouth, loaded at Odessa with tallow, captain and three
+men saved, four lost; the Russian commercial steamer
+Neva or Emperor Nicholas, Captain Rogers, from Odessa,
+with passengers and cargo, 13 of the crew and six pas‐
+sengers lost, the captain, first engineer, and four or the
+crew, with four male and two female passengers
+saved—these went on shore to the west and last of
+the Boghaz. The Seri Pervas, Austrian commercial
+steamer, left Constantinople just before the gale set in,
+with 525 Turkish soldiers, for Beyrout. She drifted out
+of her course, and was wrecked near the entrance of the
+Gulf of Moudania: two soldiers washed off the deck, six
+or eight frozen to death, and all the rest, including several
+Austrian officers going to join the army in Syria, with the
+crew, saved. Several ships are lost in the Bosphorus.
+The Tahiri Bahiri is just put in from Syria, but there is
+no time to learn what she brings before the departure of
+the present. The Turks are displeased with the officious
+interference of Commodore Napier. The Crescent
+steamer, on her passage from Trebisond, was struck by a
+sea, which carried twelve deck passengers overboard.
+The Turkish steamer Zibaishi Zidgeiret, also from Tre‐
+bisond, had three passengers carried overboard and seven
+frozen to death.”
+ Extract of a letter from Constantinople, 8th ult:—
+ After the King had reviewed the crews of the Belle
+Poule and Favourite at the Tuileries, on Saturday, his
+Majesty gave to the commander of the Favourite 3,000f.
+to be distributed amongst the men of the two ships.
+Each sailor will have 7f. 50c. for his share. The Prince
+de Joinville, after the reception, informed the men, that
+each of them, without distinction, would receive a gold
+medal to be struck in commemoration of the transfer of
+the remains of the Emperor from Saint Helena.
+ HALF PAST THREE.—The market has been very brisk,
+and much business done. Public opinion seems to strengthen
+towards expectations of continuance of peace. For the Ac-
+count, the Three per Cents. opened at 76f. 60c., at which
+they close, after having been 76f. 90c.; a rise of 10c. The
+Five per Cents. opened at 110f. 70c., advanced to 110f. 90c.,
+dropped to 110f. 60c., and close at 110f. 70c.; a rise of
+20c. For Money, the Three per Cents. and Five per Cents.
+are 35c. higher. Bank of France, and Belgian Bank Shares,
+and Belgian Five per Cents. are as yesterday. Belgian New
+Loan † lower. Belgian Three per Cents. for the Account,
+69f. 35c., and 69f. 15c. Spanish Active, from 25f. declined
+to 24�f., with little business done; a fall of 1/8. Passive as
+yesterday. Neapolitan Bonds are 30c. higher. Roman
+have not altered. Railway Shares unaltered.
+ Our correspondent in Coventry will no doubt
+reply to the letter we have published to‑day, on the
+subject of the Bank averages and exchanges, from
+the “Author of Reflections on the Currency.” We
+suspect, however, that the latter will discover that
+he has mistaken the principles on which he supposes
+that our Coventry correspondent founded his calcu-
+lations. Had the “Author of Reflections on the
+Currency” paid proper attention to the short ex-
+planation which we gave of the matter, he must
+have seen that in the first instance our correspondent’s
+results were not deduced from the averages pub-
+lished in the Gazette, but that they were derived
+from the “Weekly Statements,” published in the
+Appendix to the report of the committee on banks
+of issue. These very important tables are given
+under two separate forms, the first entitled “Amount
+of Notes, from 6 March, 1832, to 31 March, 1840.”
+afterwards carried down “to 30 June, 1840,” and
+the other as “weekly statement of the liabilities
+and assets” from March, 1832, ending at March,
+1840. It is only after the period when these tables
+terminate, that the aid of the Gazette returns seems
+to have been required. Thus the averages for the
+months of May and June were obtained from the
+weekly returns for these two months as follows:—
+ Eastern Counties Debentures, 4 7/8
+Great Western, 9231
+Ditto New, 52
+Ditto Fihs, 10 7/8 ¾ 11
+Hull and Solby, 42½ 3
+Lond. and Brighton, 44 3¾ 4½ ¼
+London and Blackwall, 18¼ ½
+London and Birmingham, 171
+ London Joint stock Bank, 13
+ Union Bank of London, 10
+ Lond. and Birm. ¼ Shares, 27
+Ditto New Shares, 49½
+London and Greenwich New, 16¾
+Ditto Scrip, 3¾
+Lond. & South Western, 56¼ ½
+South‑Eastern and Dover. 12¼
+York and North Midland, 68
+ Preston, Dec. 30, 1840.
+ I am, sir, most obediently yours.
+ In the SUGAR market not a single transaction has
+taken place since Thursday last, and prices remain quite
+nominal; but, with so small a stock on hand, it cannot
+be supposed a further decline will take place. We anti-
+cipate some improvement in the course of a few weeks.
+ TALLOW has become flat, with rather lower prices.
+P. Y. C. 47s 3d on the spot.
+ The following decree of the Supreme German Fe-
+deral Diet of the 3d of December, 1840, is, on the autho-
+rity of the hon. Senate, hereby brought under general
+ City Chancery, Frankkort‑on‑the‑Maine,
+Dec. 22, 1840.
+ Her Majesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert
+walked for some time this morning on the terrace of the
+ The QUEEN has been pleased to appoint Sir NI-
+CHOLAS HARRIS NICOLAS, Chancellor and Senior Knight
+Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Mi-
+chael and St. George, to be a Knight Grand Cross of the
+said order.
+ A CHANGELING.—On Tuesday last, an occurrence
+of an extraordinary nature came to the knowledge of the
+inhabitants of Whiddon, near Rainhill. In the course of
+the day a plain‑looking woman, with a child in her arms,
+walked into the Hanging Birch, a small beer‑shop at
+Whiddon, and called for a glass of ale. This request was
+addressed to the female who kept the house, who, at the
+time, was busily employed preparing a batch of bread for
+the oven. She immediately abandoned her then occupa-
+tion to wait upon her customer, and went down stairs to
+draw the beer, leaving her own infant in the cradle fast
+asleep. On her return from the cellar, the landlady’s
+surprise may be conceived at finding her customer had
+vanished, without waiting for the liquor she had been
+put to the trouble of drawing. The abrupt departure
+of her guest caused no suspicion at the moment of
+anything being wrong, as everything, on her re-
+turn from below stairs, appeared just as she had left
+it. In a little while, however, a discovery took place
+which nearly deprived the poor woman of her reason,
+and might have led to consequences not easily for�seen.
+The child in the cradle having become restless, and
+notifying by loud screams that the attention of a parent
+would be desirable, the mother stooped to take it in
+her arms, when—who can describe the state of her
+feelings—she found the infant quite black in the face.
+Thinking it was labouring under strong convulsions, she
+posted off for medical assistance in a state of mind
+bordering on distraction. The medical man, on being
+consulted, declared that nothing on earth was the
+matter with the child, it being as healthy a
+babe as had lately come under his inspection; and
+as for the darkness of its face, it was produced
+by natural causes, the fact being that the child was
+born black, for no other reason than because its pro-
+genitor must have been of the same colour. The truth
+of the matter instantly flashed across the mind of the
+unhappy woman, and the conclusion was, that her own
+“sweet babe” had been carried off by the stranger wo-
+man, who had substituted this precious pie caniny of
+ebony huc—a black child, on the principle chat “ex-
+change is no robbery.” The hue and cry was instantly
+raised, but without leading to the discovery of the per-
+petrator of this wanton and cruel outrage. It is thought
+that a sense of shame induced by an illicit commu-
+nion of the female with a man of co�our must have been
+the cause of her practising th�s “ingenious device.”
+The young “darky,” who was �� the genuine “double
+smut,” and would rival in ustre Morison’s famous
+Japan, was immediately packed off to the workhouse,
+where, we believe, the “nigger” still remains, with but
+slender hopes of paternity.—Liverpool Times.
+ The Malta Times of the 17th ult. supplies us with the
+following naval intelligence:
+ “The ships of the line, Thunderer, Implacable, and
+Edinburgh, and Dido corvette, were lying in Marmorice
+Bay on the 24th ult., where were expected the Princess
+Charlotte from Beyrout, and the Calcutta, Britannia, and
+Howe, from Malta. The Britannia, 120, Capt. Drake,
+with the flag of Rear‑Admiral Sir J. A. Ommaney, and
+Howe, 120, Captain Sir W. O. Pell, arrived in port last
+night from England. Sir Woodbine Parish arrived here
+on the 11th in the Great Liverpool steam‑ship, accom-
+panied by his two daughters and son, and by Majer
+Charters, R. A., appointed secretary to the commission.
+They will proceed to Naples to‑morrow in the French
+steam‑packet Scamandre.”
+ Your most faithful, obedient, and humble servant,
+ Wallsall, Tuesday Evening.
+ MADRID, DEC. 22.
diff --git a/qurator/dinglehopper/tests/test_integ_bigger_texts.py b/qurator/dinglehopper/tests/test_integ_bigger_texts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e069485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qurator/dinglehopper/tests/test_integ_bigger_texts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from __future__ import division, print_function
+import os
+import pytest
+from lxml import etree as ET
+from uniseg.graphemecluster import grapheme_clusters
+from .. import character_error_rate, page_text, alto_text
+data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "data")
+def test_bigger_texts():
+ gt = page_text(
+ ET.parse(os.path.join(data_dir, "bigger-texts", "00008228", "00008228.gt.xml"))
+ )
+ ocr = alto_text(
+ ET.parse(
+ os.path.join(
+ data_dir, "bigger-texts", "00008228", "00008228-00236534.gt4hist.xml"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # Only interested in a result here: In earlier versions this would have used
+ # tens of GB of RAM and should now not break a sweat.
+ assert character_error_rate(gt, ocr) >= 0.0