@ -10,25 +10,30 @@ from .. import seq_align, ExtractedText
def test_text():
test1 = ExtractedText(None, [
ExtractedText('s0', None, None, 'foo'),
ExtractedText('s1', None, None, 'bar'),
ExtractedText('s2', None, None, 'bazinga')
], ' ', None)
assert test1.text == 'foo bar bazinga'
assert test1.segment_id_for_pos(0) == 's0'
test1 = ExtractedText(
ExtractedText("s0", None, None, "foo"),
ExtractedText("s1", None, None, "bar"),
ExtractedText("s2", None, None, "bazinga"),
" ",
assert test1.text == "foo bar bazinga"
assert test1.segment_id_for_pos(0) == "s0"
assert test1.segment_id_for_pos(3) is None
assert test1.segment_id_for_pos(10) == 's2'
assert test1.segment_id_for_pos(10) == "s2"
def test_normalization_check():
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'.*is not in NFC.*'):
ExtractedText('foo', None, None, unicodedata.normalize('NFD', 'Schlyñ'))
assert ExtractedText('foo', None, None, unicodedata.normalize('NFC', 'Schlyñ'))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*is not in NFC.*"):
ExtractedText("foo", None, None, unicodedata.normalize("NFD", "Schlyñ"))
assert ExtractedText("foo", None, None, unicodedata.normalize("NFC", "Schlyñ"))
AlignmentElement = namedtuple('AlignmentElement', 'left right left_id right_id')
AlignmentElement = namedtuple("AlignmentElement", "left right left_id right_id")
def test_align():
@ -39,25 +44,36 @@ def test_align():
not Python characters.
test1 = ExtractedText(None, [
ExtractedText('s0', None, None, 'foo'),
ExtractedText('s1', None, None, 'bar'),
ExtractedText('s2', None, None, 'batzinga')
], ' ', None)
test2 = ExtractedText(None, [
ExtractedText('x0', None, None, 'foo'),
ExtractedText('x1', None, None, 'bar'),
# extra .
ExtractedText('x2', None, None, '.'),
# deletion + different grapheme cluster, m̃ also is two Python characters
ExtractedText('x3', None, None, 'bazim̃ga'),
], ' ', None)
test1 = ExtractedText(
ExtractedText("s0", None, None, "foo"),
ExtractedText("s1", None, None, "bar"),
ExtractedText("s2", None, None, "batzinga"),
" ",
test2 = ExtractedText(
ExtractedText("x0", None, None, "foo"),
ExtractedText("x1", None, None, "bar"),
# extra .
ExtractedText("x2", None, None, "."),
# deletion + different grapheme cluster, m̃ also is two Python characters
ExtractedText("x3", None, None, "bazim̃ga"),
" ",
left_pos = 0
right_pos = 0
alignment = []
for left, right in seq_align(grapheme_clusters(test1.text),
for left, right in seq_align(
grapheme_clusters(test1.text), grapheme_clusters(test2.text)
left_id = test1.segment_id_for_pos(left_pos) if left is not None else None
right_id = test2.segment_id_for_pos(right_pos) if right is not None else None
el = AlignmentElement(left, right, left_id, right_id)
@ -67,46 +83,57 @@ def test_align():
if right is not None:
right_pos += len(right)
print('test1: {}'.format(test1.text))
print('test2: {}'.format(test2.text))
assert alignment[0] == ('f', 'f', 's0', 'x0')
assert alignment[8] == (None, '.', None, 'x2')
assert alignment[12] == ('t', None, 's2', None)
assert alignment[15] == ('n', 'm̃', 's2', 'x3')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("attributes,expected_index,expected_log", [
([], None, None),
(['index="0"'], 0, None),
([''], 0, None),
(['conf="0.5"'], 0, None),
(['index="1"', 'index="0"'], 1, None),
(['index="0" conf="0.4"', 'conf="0.5"'], 0, "TextEquiv without index"),
(['conf="0.4"', 'conf="0.5"', 'conf="0.9"'], 2,
"No index attributes, use 'conf' attribute to sort TextEquiv"),
(['index="0"', ''], 0, "TextEquiv without index"),
(['', 'conf="0.4"'], 1,
"No index attributes, use 'conf' attribute to sort TextEquiv"),
(['', ''], 0, "No index attributes, use first TextEquiv"),
print("test1: {}".format(test1.text))
print("test2: {}".format(test2.text))
assert alignment[0] == ("f", "f", "s0", "x0")
assert alignment[8] == (None, ".", None, "x2")
assert alignment[12] == ("t", None, "s2", None)
assert alignment[15] == ("n", "m̃", "s2", "x3")
([], None, None),
(['index="0"'], 0, None),
([""], 0, None),
(['conf="0.5"'], 0, None),
(['index="1"', 'index="0"'], 1, None),
(['index="0" conf="0.4"', 'conf="0.5"'], 0, "TextEquiv without index"),
['conf="0.4"', 'conf="0.5"', 'conf="0.9"'],
"No index attributes, use 'conf' attribute to sort TextEquiv",
(['index="0"', ""], 0, "TextEquiv without index"),
["", 'conf="0.4"'],
"No index attributes, use 'conf' attribute to sort TextEquiv",
(["", ""], 0, "No index attributes, use first TextEquiv"),
def test_textequiv(attributes, expected_index, expected_log, caplog):
"""Test that extracting text from a PAGE TextEquiv is working without index attr."""
xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
ns = "http://schema.primaresearch.org/PAGE/gts/pagecontent/2018-07-15"
text = ["Text {0}".format(i) for i in range(len(attributes) + 1)]
equiv = ["<TextEquiv {0}><Unicode>{1}</Unicode></TextEquiv>".format(attr, text[i])
for i, attr in enumerate(attributes)]
equiv = [
"<TextEquiv {0}><Unicode>{1}</Unicode></TextEquiv>".format(attr, text[i])
for i, attr in enumerate(attributes)
textline = "{0}<TextLine id=\"l3\" xmlns=\"{1}\">{2}</TextLine>"
textline = textline.format(xml, ns, ''.join(equiv))
textline = '{0}<TextLine id="l3" xmlns="{1}">{2}</TextLine>'
textline = textline.format(xml, ns, "".join(equiv))
root = ET.fromstring(textline)
result = ExtractedText.from_text_segment(root,
{'page': ns},
result = ExtractedText.from_text_segment(
root, {"page": ns}, textequiv_level="line"
if expected_index is None:
assert not result