🐛 dinglehopper: Fix sorting the reading order

Regions were sorted wrongly when there are more than 9 regions in an
OrderedGroup because the index was sorted alphabetically, not
numerically. Fix this by converting the index to integers.
Gerber, Mike 6 years ago
parent 10f010eaa8
commit 534958be1d

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def page_text(tree):
for group in reading_order.iterfind('./*', namespaces=nsmap):
if ET.QName(group.tag).localname == 'OrderedGroup':
region_ref_indexeds = group.findall('./page:RegionRefIndexed', namespaces=nsmap)
for region_ref_indexed in sorted(region_ref_indexeds, key=lambda r: r.attrib['index']):
for region_ref_indexed in sorted(region_ref_indexeds, key=lambda r: int(r.attrib['index'])):
region_id = region_ref_indexed.attrib['regionRef']
region = tree.find('.//page:TextRegion[@id="%s"]' % region_id, namespaces=nsmap)
if region is not None:
