@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import logging
import unicodedata
import pytest
from uniseg . graphemecluster import grapheme_clusters
from collections import namedtuple
import pytest
from lxml import etree as ET
from uniseg . graphemecluster import grapheme_clusters
from . . import seq_align , ExtractedText
@ -45,12 +47,17 @@ def test_align():
test2 = ExtractedText ( None , [
ExtractedText ( ' x0 ' , None , None , ' foo ' ) ,
ExtractedText ( ' x1 ' , None , None , ' bar ' ) ,
ExtractedText ( ' x2 ' , None , None , ' . ' ) , # extra .
ExtractedText ( ' x3 ' , None , None , ' bazim̃ga ' ) , # deletion + different grapheme cluster, m̃ also is two Python characters
# extra .
ExtractedText ( ' x2 ' , None , None , ' . ' ) ,
# deletion + different grapheme cluster, m̃ also is two Python characters
ExtractedText ( ' x3 ' , None , None , ' bazim̃ga ' ) ,
] , ' ' , None )
left_pos = 0 ; right_pos = 0 ; alignment = [ ]
for left , right in seq_align ( grapheme_clusters ( test1 . text ) , grapheme_clusters ( test2 . text ) ) :
left_pos = 0
right_pos = 0
alignment = [ ]
for left , right in seq_align ( grapheme_clusters ( test1 . text ) ,
grapheme_clusters ( test2 . text ) ) :
left_id = test1 . segment_id_for_pos ( left_pos ) if left is not None else None
right_id = test2 . segment_id_for_pos ( right_pos ) if right is not None else None
el = AlignmentElement ( left , right , left_id , right_id )
@ -69,50 +76,42 @@ def test_align():
assert alignment [ 15 ] == ( ' n ' , ' m̃ ' , ' s2 ' , ' x3 ' )
def test_textequiv_index ( ) :
Test that extracting text from a PAGE TextEquiv honors the " index " .
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( " attributes,expected_index,expected_log " , [
( [ ] , None , None ) ,
( [ ' index= " 0 " ' ] , 0 , None ) ,
( [ ' ' ] , 0 , None ) ,
( [ ' conf= " 0.5 " ' ] , 0 , None ) ,
( [ ' index= " 1 " ' , ' index= " 0 " ' ] , 1 , None ) ,
( [ ' index= " 0 " conf= " 0.4 " ' , ' conf= " 0.5 " ' ] , 0 , " TextEquiv without index " ) ,
( [ ' conf= " 0.4 " ' , ' conf= " 0.5 " ' , ' conf= " 0.9 " ' ] , 2 ,
" No index attributes, use ' conf ' attribute to sort TextEquiv " ) ,
( [ ' index= " 0 " ' , ' ' ] , 0 , " TextEquiv without index " ) ,
( [ ' ' , ' conf= " 0.4 " ' ] , 1 ,
" No index attributes, use ' conf ' attribute to sort TextEquiv " ) ,
( [ ' ' , ' ' ] , 0 , " No index attributes, use first TextEquiv " ) ,
] )
def test_textequiv ( attributes , expected_index , expected_log , caplog ) :
""" Test that extracting text from a PAGE TextEquiv is working without index attr. """
caplog . set_level ( logging . INFO )
xml = " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" ?> "
ns = " http://schema.primaresearch.org/PAGE/gts/pagecontent/2018-07-15 "
text = [ f " Text { i } " for i in range ( len ( attributes ) + 1 ) ]
equiv = [ f " <TextEquiv { attr } ><Unicode> { text [ i ] } </Unicode></TextEquiv> "
for i , attr in enumerate ( attributes ) ]
textline = f " { xml } <TextLine id= \" l3 \" xmlns= \" { ns } \" > { ' ' . join ( equiv ) } </TextLine> "
# This example textline has two TextEquivs, the one with the lowest index
# should be used. The XML order of the TextEquivs is deliberately not
# in index order.
textline = """ <?xml version= " 1.0 " ?>
< TextLine id = " l3 " xmlns = " http://schema.primaresearch.org/PAGE/gts/pagecontent/2018-07-15 " >
< TextEquiv index = " 1 " >
< Unicode > gefahren zu haben , einzelne Bemorkungen und Beobäch - < / Unicode >
< / TextEquiv >
< TextEquiv index = " 0 " >
< Unicode > gefahren zu haben , einzelne Bemerkungen und Beobach - < / Unicode >
< / TextEquiv >
< / TextLine >
root = ET . fromstring ( textline )
nsmap = { ' page ' : " http://schema.primaresearch.org/PAGE/gts/pagecontent/2018-07-15 " }
result = ExtractedText . from_text_segment ( root , nsmap , textequiv_level = ' line ' ) . text
expected = " gefahren zu haben, einzelne Bemerkungen und Beobach- "
assert expected == result
def test_textequiv_no_index ( ) :
Test that extracting text from a PAGE TextEquiv ignores missing indices .
textline = """ <?xml version= " 1.0 " ?>
< TextLine id = " l3 " xmlns = " http://schema.primaresearch.org/PAGE/gts/pagecontent/2018-07-15 " >
< TextEquiv >
< Unicode > gefahren zu haben , einzelne Bemorkungen und Beobäch - < / Unicode >
< / TextEquiv >
< TextEquiv index = " 1 " >
< Unicode > gefahren zu haben , einzelne Bemerkungen und Beobach - < / Unicode >
< / TextEquiv >
< / TextLine >
root = ET . fromstring ( textline )
nsmap = { ' page ' : " http://schema.primaresearch.org/PAGE/gts/pagecontent/2018-07-15 " }
result = ExtractedText . from_text_segment ( root , nsmap , textequiv_level = ' line ' ) . text
expected = " gefahren zu haben, einzelne Bemerkungen und Beobach- "
assert expected == result
result = ExtractedText . from_text_segment ( root ,
{ ' page ' : ns } ,
textequiv_level = ' line ' ) . text
if expected_index is None :
assert not result
else :
assert result == text [ expected_index ]
if expected_log is None :
assert " no_index " not in caplog . text
else :
assert expected_log in caplog . text