@ -123,7 +123,11 @@ def seq_editops(seq1, seq2):
def editops(word1, word2):
def editops(word1, word2):
# XXX Note that this returns indices to the _grapheme clusters_, not characters!
Return sequence of edit operations transforming one string to another.
Note that this returns indices to the _grapheme clusters_, not characters!
word1 = list(grapheme_clusters(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', word1)))
word1 = list(grapheme_clusters(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', word1)))
word2 = list(grapheme_clusters(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', word2)))
word2 = list(grapheme_clusters(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', word2)))
return seq_editops(word1, word2)
return seq_editops(word1, word2)