import os import click from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from markupsafe import escape from qurator.dinglehopper import * def gen_diff_report(gt_things, ocr_things, css_prefix, joiner, none, align): gtx = '' ocrx = '' def format_thing(t, css_classes=None): if t is None: html_t = none css_classes += ' ellipsis' elif t == '\n': html_t = '
' else: html_t = escape(t) if css_classes: return '{html_t}'.format(css_classes=css_classes, html_t=html_t) else: return '{html_t}'.format(html_t=html_t) for k, (g, o) in enumerate(align(gt_things, ocr_things)): if g == o: css_classes = None else: css_classes = '{css_prefix}diff{k} diff'.format(css_prefix=css_prefix, k=k) gtx += joiner + format_thing(g, css_classes) ocrx += joiner + format_thing(o, css_classes) return \ '''
'''.format(gtx, ocrx) def process(gt, ocr, report_prefix): """Check OCR result against GT. The @click decorators change the signature of the decorated functions, so we keep this undecorated version and use Click on a wrapper. """ gt_text = text(gt) ocr_text = text(ocr) gt_text = substitute_equivalences(gt_text) ocr_text = substitute_equivalences(ocr_text) cer = character_error_rate(gt_text, ocr_text) wer = word_error_rate(gt_text, ocr_text) char_diff_report = gen_diff_report(gt_text, ocr_text, css_prefix='c', joiner='', none='·', align=align) gt_words = words_normalized(gt_text) ocr_words = words_normalized(ocr_text) word_diff_report = gen_diff_report(gt_words, ocr_words, css_prefix='w', joiner=' ', none='⋯', align=seq_align) def json_float(value): """Convert a float value to an JSON float. This is here so that float('inf') yields "Infinity", not "inf". """ if value == float('inf'): return 'Infinity' elif value == float('-inf'): return '-Infinity' else: return str(value) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'templates'))) env.filters['json_float'] = json_float for report_suffix in ('.html', '.json'): template_fn = 'report' + report_suffix + '.j2' out_fn = report_prefix + report_suffix template = env.get_template(template_fn) gt=gt, ocr=ocr, cer=cer, wer=wer, char_diff_report=char_diff_report, word_diff_report=word_diff_report ).dump(out_fn) @click.command() @click.argument('gt', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('ocr', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('report_prefix', type=click.Path(), default='report') def main(gt, ocr, report_prefix): process(gt, ocr, report_prefix) if __name__ == '__main__': main()